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4307503 No.4307503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Teacher hands out simple worksheet to put words in alphabetical order
>Spaz autist misinterprets the instructions and writes the letters of each word in alphabetical order
>2000+ comments all calling him brilliant and a special snowflake

>> No.4307512


Wtf, why is this kid getting praised? it clearly says to write the words in alphabetical order, not rewrite them. once they are rewritten they are not the original words either.

kid is a retard.

>> No.4307515


>> No.4307518

Don't you understand that everyone is a winner in today's world? What's that? Your basketball team got blown out 101-17 by another shitty team? Here, have a trophy!

>> No.4307524

It's only like that in America. As of yet. Well I fucking hope so. "PC" and militant "positive reinforcement" is the worst thing to happen to society since fucking Phillip II.

>> No.4307537

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/w6Xtk7ALaUI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

after reading this reminded me of that

>> No.4307540

fail post is fail

>> No.4307541

He failed the stupid test as it is, but how he misinterpreted it made it much harder. He was over thinking it. He did something and it was right.

>Special snowflake
>why is this kid getting praised?
>everyone is a winner in today's world
>militant "positive reinforcement" is the worst thing

Why are you jealous of this?

>> No.4307542


>> No.4307543


>> No.4307592


the fucking comment section, my fucking god

>> No.4307615
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>> No.4307660

>Autism is not being broken, it's being built to see things others don't usually see.

holy shit

>> No.4307666

>This thread.
> the kid has a more logical mind than all of you
Stay mad /lit/

>> No.4307676

>implying "the following words" are "the following words" if you rewrite them

>> No.4307677

>everyone claiming that the kid followed the teachers instructions precisely
>not realizing that rule following is a social institution and that any action can be made in accordance with a rule, without social expectation.

>> No.4307681

I agree with you that he fucked up, but that's a lame argument. It implies that an instruction like "paint these red bricks green," is somehow impossible.

>> No.4307687
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>that face when neurotyping is truly as bad as the pervading gene holocaust it will inevitably birth.

>> No.4307690

How is that the same? That tells you to alter the bricks, whereas the assignment asks you to order a specific set of words (i.e. unaltered).

>> No.4307695

But look, after you paint the bricks green, they are no longer red, so they can't be the "red bricks" in question!

After you rewrite "the following words," they are no longer "the following words" -- well okay, but that doesn't make the instruction impossible.

>> No.4307700

well, he proved that he understood the theory, what is the point of the exam?, proving that you can solve an exam or proving that you can order letters alphabetically?

>> No.4307703

hte point of the exam is to prove that he can order words alphabetically, which he didnt.

he just misinterpreted the question, i would give him a second chance.

>> No.4307708

the point of the exam is to prove that you can order letters alphabetically, ordering words in alphabetical order is ordering its first letter
if you fail to answer the question but you prove you learnt what you had to learnt there is no reason to fail you

>> No.4307715

he shouldn't be rewarded for his misconception nor punished for his misconception. it's probably a poorly-worded worksheet for his level of sophistication but creativity is a valuable part of the human mind and we shouldn't stifle it just because there are clear right and wrong answers for 7-year-olds. we should encourage the child to understand that while they were wrong, that's only because they likely don't understand that a word is not a collection of letters but an ordered sequence meant to be used to represent concepts and as a building block in sentences and that is distinguished from other words.

oh yeah, and that the internet is full of assholes that will tear them down based on personal amusement and whimsy and because they allow the abstraction of a screen to make them horrible people but they don't have to feel horrible, while others will build them up so those others can jerk off to the idea of self-esteem instead of actually helping the child with their problems because that would actually require empathy and understanding beyond a straightforward persona and an attitude of relative disengagement necessary to maintain the illusion that you can get interpersonal jollies from the internet without putting any skin in the game yourself

oh, and that the child will get shit for misunderstanding some instructions and for internalizing others because it's much easier to apply your own ideology - or youf flavor-of-the-month op-ed - to a problem than to engage and understand

that's probably what should happen just imo tbh

>> No.4307721


Both the reactions of both parties are equally patronizing.

>> No.4307725

What? How does that imply that? Yeah, if you paint the red brick green, then they aren't red anymore, but that means you completed the fucking assignment.
Write the following words in alphabetical order is straight fucking forward.
For the kid to have done the assignment correctly it would have to say: Write the letters of the following words alphabetically.

>> No.4307726

Oh and I would pull shit like this all the time in elementary school just to annoy my teachers.

>> No.4307727

it also test other things, like capability of understanding exactly what is asked and coherence with it.

last week i had 3 points lower than i expected in an exam because i didnt answer to one of the questions in a separate sheet, but the question itself was correct. and i didnt complain.

>> No.4307753

Ugh. Once I got sick of having to dumb down my english to fit into the expectations of my 2 hour a week school-level english class (in germany), so I expanded each sentence until the given word fit cohesively instead of just technically. So the whole story went from a business guy going into the city, to a business guy going into the city to meet a hooker and do crack.

I got a b.

>> No.4307757

The kid probably put emphasis on "write" which should say "order"

>> No.4307761

yeah it should have said

>order the following words alphabetically

>> No.4307785

And that works out fine, but that's a separate argument.

>> No.4307787

No, because the directions were. Rewrite "these words" in alphabetical order. Not "rewrite this list of words in alphabetical order.

>> No.4307798

They were not "rewrite these words" it was "write the following words" What the fuck, it's RIGHT THERE.

>> No.4307807

I grew up along with a cousin who is autistic. Obviously 99.9% of the people who speak of autism online don't know shit of what they are talking about. Granted, there are several types of autism, but things like this hits close to home, it is quite the example of how autistic people see things.

The problem is that they turn autistic children into circus freaks. On one hand you have people who are condescending to them, because of their difficulties. On the other, you have people praising them for their unusual way to see the world, but quite like you'd do with a very clever monkey. It's awful.

The reason people like that pic is solely for the epiphany. It's not an ordinary way to respond. You probably wouldn't think of it, but the autistic kid thinks of it without ever considering the "normal" way to respond. You know the assignment is given to prove that one knows the alphabetical order and while the kid didn't do as he was told, he certainly proved himself to know the alphabet very well, so the assignment is a success. The way he answered exposed the underlying reason the test was given, so it's insightful.

And in the same way, the autistic have trouble understanding certain conventions, certain things that order our social life. And a few things they say can really make you think, much like the questions of a child are often better than the questions raised by an adult.


>> No.4307808


My cousin was leading a normal life in highschool, with a few difficulties at school, but otherwise doing fine with people, because he was raised in a good environment, with affection and the help of a good therapist. Then, when he was around 17 he asked at lunch: "what is economy?" and we were baffled to see he went so long without knowing something like this, using money and even discussing politics, but not knowing what economy means. What was more interesting is that it raised a good discussion around the table, because we were all trying to explain what economy means in our way. Then you realize that we know these words through context, we grow accostumed to them, whereas my cousin, from time to time, required a definition for these terms, because it was hard for him to understand them if they just pop in the middle of a book. Our understanding of the "big picture" helps us get along with it, while he has all sorts of social limitations and will often come out as rude or dumb, though he is neither.

He doesn't have any superpowers, like people always try to find in autistic people. He has a great memory, he is able to tell you what happened in a particular day long ago with surprising accuracy, but because it affected him emotionally, while we don't care if it was sunday or saturday that we went to the park 5 years ago.

>> No.4307810

> It's only like that in America
What, America is like the last bastion in western world where winning is more respected than trying

>> No.4307816
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Rewriting is writing, though. And rewriting can also mean to write it again. There is no specific trouble there. Just that we assume we can't rewrite it because we understand the context of the test, that is what he doesn't see. It is no use to say he failed the assignment, he proved he knows the alphabet, that's what we wanted to know with the test, don't we? But we learned that his difficulty is somewhere else.

Non-autistic people can also surprise us with certain answers that strips the assignments from social convention, like pic related. It's a perfectly valid answer and what's the use of saying our future job, if not to think about what we want from it, like happiness?

Things like this get me mad because of the circus freak aspect to it. I feel bad for the autistic guy who is getting the praise, I wonder what sort of treatment he gets at home.

Meanwhile, I don't know why OP or others here are so mad about, it seems to be just envy of the recognition, as in "I did the assignment as I was told and got it right, why is he getting all the attention?".

>> No.4307823

I honestly think the kid's pretty cool. He probably didn't know what the fuck alphabetic order meant and did the best he could.

>> No.4307848


That picture is so stupid. Happiness is not a tangible commodity, it comes and goes in the moment. Saying you want to be happy when you grow up is about as useful as saying you want to be alive.
(And I mean alive in the sense that you're still breathing, not in the pretentious asshole sense.)

Five year old telling someone they don't understand life, what lunacy.

>> No.4307873

This guy is going to die so angry.

>> No.4307875

Yeah, but com'on, you can influence. I think he'd mean to live life in a way that he's happy.

>> No.4307883

I'd be surprised if he actually said that. Tumblr seems to churn out inspirational quotes falsely attributed to 20th century personalities; the biggest casualties being Gandhi, Einstein, and Marilyn Monroe.

>> No.4307896

>once they are rewritten they are not the original words either.
That's kind of a bold statement to make.

>> No.4307900


>> No.4307936

Happiness was invented to sell you toys.

Nigga's been dead since '08.

>> No.4307938

Most likely you're right, sorry for perpetuating the misquoting. It doesn't matter if he said it or not anyway.

>> No.4307941

who gives a shit what some overrated talentless hack said in the first place

>> No.4307943

Do you think people are sincere in their praise or just want to come off as being nice to a mainstream issue (= autism).

>> No.4307954

Wittgenstein pls go

>> No.4308304


>> No.4308324

I didn't read this thread but I gotta say that this is great because it means the teacher took the time to try to figure it out.
The kid isn't just stupid, he needs more attention or highly focused directions.

>> No.4308360

You're idiots.

People are praising him because:

1) He thought outside the box in a creative and novel way. It's cute and endearing when a child does things like that, because it shows how differently they perceive the world. This effect is amplified when the kid is autistic. Minds who think differently are interesting to us.

2) Instead of answering the very simple exercise, he completed a much more complex and difficult one. Granted it wasn't what the teacher asked, but for his age doing something like this is probably impressive.

There's nothing wrong with any of that.

>> No.4308373

The best thing about this is that the person who posted it had a pony picture as their avatar.

>> No.4308389
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1385476523356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "One doesn't usually come across something like this that is so absolutely "Awesome & Amazing"!!! It's difficult not to cry for the simple and pure innocence of it all... How Inspiring to the Human Spirit!.... This is literally one of the most precious things that I've ever seen!!
You Rock Little Buddy!! Ouy Ckor Eillt Bdduy!!"

>> No.4308395

George Carlin was an ignorant fucking piece of shit and so is every single one of his followers. I hope you all die gorily.

>> No.4308402

One doesn't usually come across something like this that is so absolutely "Awesome & Amazing"!!! It's difficult not to cry for the simple and pure innocence of it all... How Inspiring to the Human Spirit!.... This is literally one of the most precious things that I've ever seen!!
You Rock Little Buddy!! Ouy Ckor Eillt Bdduy!!

>> No.4308435

and they were asking what way that would be, cmon man, don't defend the stupid

>> No.4308444

Why are people getting so worked up about this? It's really nothing spectacular.

>> No.4308449

Even for you /lit/, getting mad at a second grader for receiving praise is a new low. Are your lives so devoid of meaning you have to begrudge a little kid from pats on the shoulder?

>> No.4308452
File: 135 KB, 701x559, NO, BEASTLY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4308467

Now who's autistic?

>> No.4308488

You got it. Encouraging misconceptions by celebrating them as 'special' behavior' is harmful to the developing process children go through.

>> No.4309084

You Rock Little Buddy!! Ouy Ckor Eillt Bdduy!!

>> No.4309094

>dat "fox"

>> No.4309264

To be fair the title is correct, but not because the autistic kid is smart

>> No.4309273
File: 1010 KB, 500x248, xypelAu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this offended

>> No.4309286 [DELETED] 
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there, there, Anon, the truth will not hurt you.

>> No.4309431

Yes, but the definition for "winning" changed dramatically in Merica.