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File: 30 KB, 600x450, 3DPD_wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
428072 No.428072 [Reply] [Original]

This just in
People who use TV Tropes as some sort of WRITER'S resource are the absolute worst kind of HACKS
pic unrelated

>> No.428073

People who use TV tropes at all are the worst kind of people .

>> No.428092


>> No.428120

only fucking hacks think that memorizing a list of cliches will improve your writing ability
plus the majority of shit on there arent even tropes, just SHIT THAT HAPPENS
>character walks up to fork in the road
LOLOLOL BEEN DONE BEFORE http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForkInRoad
>character chooses path A
LOLOL I KNOW THIS ONE http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PathA
>character chooses path B
LOLOLOL SO PREDICTABLE http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PathB

>> No.428143


>> No.428148

Seeing two fat people together is gross, but seeing a fat person next to a normal person is just sad

>> No.428158

By "normal person" I mean a person of a normal weight. I was certainly not trying to imply that that guy looks normal

>> No.428187


What are you talking about?

>Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

>> No.428194

This just in
People who care more about where a writer gets his ideas from, than the quality of his writing deserve the worst kind of anal rape

>> No.428198


>> No.428208

heh, nice save

sure, but that's not how people really use them, is it?

>> No.428215

Original poster is also a hack.

>> No.430279

Is it not? Seems like OP is pretty butthurt to me.

>> No.430292

You could always use it to avoid clichées.

>> No.430297

OP wrote a cliche filled shit story and someone correctly pointed him to tvtropes so he might gain some tiny measure of originality.

>> No.430298

Or to interpret mass culture. Instead of straining your brain on what they were trying to say with that Neko-Skorzeny + Brezhnev affair you can safe the labour by refering to the-law-of-awesome-mixed-with-what-d'you-mean-it's-not-symbolic.

>> No.430301

tvtropes is evidently written by people involved in the culture industry. why shun the expert? the know more classic and modern plots than you ever will by heart.

>> No.430318 [DELETED] 

HerE's ThE TRUe ColOrS of YOUr GLoRioUS HErO ChRisTophER Poole:

SOuRcE: HtTP://wwW.aNONTaLk.com/duMP/MooTaRD.TXt

> mesSagE-iD: <4b6b90EP.8030701@4ChAN.ORg>
> FroM: MoOT <MooT@4CHan.ORg>
> USER-AGeNT: mOZIlLA/5.0 (MacINTosH; u; INTEL MaC os x 10.5; eN-US; RV: Gecko/20100111 ThuNDerBIRD/3.0.1
> TO: sYsop@anonTalk.cOm
> SUBJecT: eNjOYing YOuR downTiME FAGgot?
> THEy bLiNDLy BElIEVE eVeRYTHInG i fEed Them, fAke or NOt, yOUR bOard'S GOINg dOwN. DON'T BoTHER pUblISHiNG tHiS, No oNE wILL beLIEVE YoU anywAY on ANt or /b/ :)

>> No.430321 [DELETED] 

hERe'S THe TrUe ColORS OF youR gLORIous hero CHRiStOpHer pOolE:

SOUrce: HTTp://WwW.ANontALK.cOM/dUmp/mOotARd.Txt

> MeSsage-id: <4B6B90Ep.8030701@4cHAn.ORg>
> froM: mOOT <mooT@4chAN.Org>
> USER-AGEnT: MOZilla/5.0 (maCiNToSH; u; iNTeL mAc Os X 10.5; eN-US; rv: GeCkO/20100111 thUndeRBIrd/3.0.1
> tO: sySOp@aNonTALK.COm
> THEy bLiNdly BELieVE EvErYtHINg i feed tHEm, fakE OR NOt, YoUr BoARd'S GoiNg dOwN. doN'T BoTher PUBlISHing tHiS, NO one wilL bElieve yOU anywAY ON AnT or /B/ :)

>> No.430333
File: 16 KB, 283x351, AlbertWesker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TVTropes is liked by people with aspergers and OCD. Basically total retards that wouldn't be able to write a good story anyway.

And honestly, if you need a website to tell you what type of character Albert Fucking Wesker is, you're a goddamn retard.

>> No.430340


>> No.430342

When somebody tells me they spent three hours or something like that on TVTropes, I smile inside knowing they have absolutely no fucking life.

>> No.430352

...I'm sorry, I'm just amazed that anyone who frequents 4chan feels that they're anyone's social superior.

>> No.430354

tell them you despise them on 4chan in return and they'll stop.

>> No.430357

Yeah right, when they could be spending their time reading about historical events on Wikipedia, or you know, learning something.

oh boy reading factoids about a show i've never watched, i'm really learning something now!

Fucking retards.

>> No.430365 [DELETED] 

HEre'S tHE tRUE cOLOrS OF YOUr gLoRiOus hEro cHRisTOpheR PooLE:

SoUrCE: HtTP://Www.anOnTAlK.COm/DUMP/mOotaRd.txT

> mesSAgE-ID: <4b6b90eP.8030701@4CHaN.org>
> From: mOOT <MoOt@4chaN.oRg>
> uSER-Agent: MozilLa/5.0 (mAcINToSh; U; InTel maC Os X 10.5; En-Us; rV: GeCKO/20100111 thuNDErbIRd/3.0.1
> TO: SYsOp@ANontAlk.CoM
> sUBjEct: enJOying yOur doWnTiMe FaGgot?
> tHEY blINdLY BELIEvE EVeryTHIng I FEeD thEM, Fake oR NOt, YOUR bOARd'S GOiNG doWn. don't botHEr PUBLISHINg THIS, NO One WIll bElIEVE YOU ANywAY On aNT or /b/ :)

>> No.430369


Tace atque abi, plebeian! You are reading Wikipedia instead of Sallust, Plutarch and Babur! Shame on your head!!

>> No.430385

who the hell is Babur?

>> No.430390

I am off to my Vomitarium, plebeian! So much ignorance on public display is obscene!

>> No.430396
File: 5 KB, 76x133, baburnama..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babur is the only conqueror of all known world to lead a diary, dear ignoramus!

>> No.430397

No, please, do not leave! Not you, never you. Save us from our own ignorance, enlighten us, I beg of you.

>> No.430399

wait, people do that?
i thought the point of it was to gently poke fun at cliches, not to provide a list of them for unimaginative writers

>> No.430419

I can't get over this couple in OP's phot. That guy is no Don Juan; but what the fuck?

>> No.430434

everything is a cliche

if not, it will soon be

>> No.430436 [DELETED] 

hErE'S the truE ColorS Of YOur glOrioUS HERo cHrIsTOPheR PoOLe:

soUrCe: htTp://wWW.aNontalk.coM/DUmp/MOOTARD.Txt

> MESSAge-id: <4B6b90EP.8030701@4Chan.OrG>
> fROM: mOOT <moOT@4cHAN.ORg>
> uSeR-aGeNt: MoZIllA/5.0 (MaCIntosh; U; InTeL mAC Os X 10.5; EN-uS; rV: GeCKO/20100111 tHuNdeRbIRD/3.0.1
> tO: SySoP@AnonTaLK.cOm
> SUbjeCt: EnjOyIng yoUr dOwNTiME fAggoT?
> tHey bLinDLY BelIEVE eveRYthING I feED Them, fake oR nOt, YoUR BoARD'S goING dOWn. doN't bOtHER pUBLIsHing thIS, no onE wilL belIeVE You ANywaY oN ANt oR /b/ :)

>> No.430445

>This fucking thread

What is wrong with you people?

Tv Tropes is just an entertaining website, why take it so seriously?

>> No.430449

It might be lazy as hell; but it details just about every story and cliche to which we've been exposed.

Isn't much of the creative process drawing on when we first saw those stories and cliches anyway?

>> No.430450

My inner Flaubert weeps at your sight.

>> No.430453

the random button could be a fun writing prompt

>> No.430454

Since people use it in their language. OH MAN RULE OF COOL HURRRRRRRRRRRRR

Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.430461



Go live in a conformist country like Japan, your attitude fits right in there with your desire to dictate behavior.

>> No.430467

ive never seen it as a resource, it's just there to chronicle the media culture [industry]

>> No.430484 [DELETED] 

hEre'S The TRue CoLOrs of YOUr gLOrIOuS heRO CHRiStOpHer POole:

SouRcE: HTTP://wWW.ANOntALk.cOM/dumP/mOotARd.Txt

> message-iD: <4B6b90EP.8030701@4chAn.org>
> FrOm: MOoT <moOT@4CHAN.oRg>
> useR-aGEnT: MozIlLa/5.0 (MaCiNtoSh; u; INTeL mac os x 10.5; en-uS; rv: gecko/20100111 THuNdErbirD/3.0.1
> To: SYSOP@AnonTAlk.CoM
> suBjECt: EnjoYiNG yoUR DowntIMe FAgGOt?
> ThEY BlINDLy belIevE everythiNg i feeD THEm, fake Or nOt, youR bOarD's Going dOwN. don'T BOTher PUBlIsHINg THIS, NO one WiLl bELieVE You aNYWAy on ANT Or /b/ :)

>> No.430486

It's a website about cliches.

What is wrong with that?

>> No.430490

So says the man who probably doesn't want people reading Twilight.

Fuck off and go back into your ass.

>> No.430492

Yeah, you definitely sound like someone who had their work critiqued and couldn't handle it.

>> No.430493


>> No.430501

Geeze, you guys sure are projecting your problems. You should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

>> No.430507

I don't write stories, I read them.

But I imagine you write some shitty TVTropes articles with that attitude. Which is funny, considering all their articles are shitty.

>> No.430519

TV Tropes is ENTERTAINING but it's WRITTEN by people who actually LIKE TV, films and BOOKS so I understand WHY someone from 4CHAN would hate IT.

>> No.430530

TVTropes is useful for aspiring writers so they can grasp on their ideas and dodge clichés.

>> No.430534

Unless you're a retard, you'd know what comes off as cliche from reading many books or watching many movies or playing many video games.

Oh wait, that's expecting too much from writers.

>> No.430537

Yes but sometimes you do cliches without even feeling you're doing so. Try writing sometime and you'll see it.

>> No.430552

Guys, don't even try arguing with fanboys of TV Tropes. It's like trying to argue with the religious. They're in their cults. Whatever. Don't even bother.

>> No.430562

Go read the TVTropes article on Deconstruction. They have no idea what they're talking about and haven't even done the most cursory research (Googling) on it.

>> No.430568




>> No.430572

Wow, a TVTropes fanboy making an ass of himself. That's not unexpected, but, you know.

>> No.430576

>totally misses the point

>> No.430577

Deconstruction is taking a fictional element or trope and taking it apart to show how, in reality, it would be bad, flawed and / or otherwise unworkable.

an approach...which rigorously pursues...to the point of showing that those foundations are irreducibly complex, unstable or impossible

>first non-Wiki Google article (from BYU)
Today, at best, to deconstruct something is to tear it apart. At worst, it is to be disrespectful and nihilistic.

Yeah, sure is dissenting opinion in here. Oh wait...

>> No.430578

Well what do you expect from a bunch of circlejerking idiots that, as they would say, "DIDN'T DO THE RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!11"

>> No.430583

No, not really, tripfag. TVTropes is relatively antagonistic toward 4chan on their site. This is nothing more than 4chan fanboys returning the favor.

Either way, not /lit/.

>> No.430585

I never felt a grudge between both sites, but I won't start flaming anything, I just like both sites anyway.

>> No.430591

I don't give a shit about their opinion about 4chan, I just don't like seeing people link TV Tropes, as they just use links instead of discussing the subject.

Their articles are piss poor as well.

>> No.430593

I'm not retarded enough to "take sides" between websites either, I was simply stating that, through observation, it's simple to discern a level of disrespect toward 4chan from TVTropes.

When I see threads on 4chan whining about TVTropes, I cannot help but suspect it's nothing more than senseless reprisal.

>> No.430597

We could be on the Something Awful Forums, Gaia Online or on your boards dedicated to kiddie porn, I'd still hate the site. Your broad strokes of people that dislike TV Tropes is retarded, and you should go away please.

>> No.430598

That's strange. I've being reading TVTropes for almost a year and I never felt like they don't like us there. Also, I used to be a hardcore /v/-goer, and we love TVTropes at /v/.

>> No.430600

No one does that to any extent that you need to be pissing and moaning and whining and crying about it.

And the only article that ever gets brought up for any negative argument is the Deconstruction article which apparently isn't as far off as the kiddies whining about it would like us to believe.

>> No.430602

Well /v/ is terrible and consists of the worst fanboys. So I wouldn't doubt they love a site dedicated to their asperger, autistic like nature.

>> No.430606

Believe me, it used to be good.
Then the seventh gen of vidya came, and it went down the shitter.

>> No.430607

Nice convincing argument there. It's like you couldn't really come up with anything to say, so you took a roundabout way of saying "I'm right because I am." Good on you.

"4chan" is more-or-less a dirty word in there articles either being struck-out or replaced with "The Chan That Shall not Be Named." It's passive aggressive at worse, but if you've been on 4chan for a while, you'd understand how /b/tards get upset over the tiniest slights.

>> No.430608

Look, lovers of TV Tropes, just fuck off and contribute to that site and stay away from 4chan. I mean much like cavemen, even dumbasses like you could do it. So seriously, bugger off.

>> No.430610

Wow, look, another fucking broad stroke about people. It's like you like to categorize people like they were tropes. Please shut the fuck up when you've probably never been to /b/.

>> No.430611

>>430610 I'm right because I am.
Good on you.

>> No.430614 [DELETED] 

HErE's THE TRuE COLORs oF YoUR GLOrious HeRO chrIstOpHER pOOle:

sOuRce: HttP://WwW.AnOnTaLk.coM/DUMP/mOotard.txT

> MESSAgE-id: <4b6b90Ep.8030701@4chAN.org>
> fRoM: Moot <MOOT@4cHaN.oRg>
> USEr-AGEnt: MOZILLA/5.0 (maCiNTOsH; U; Intel MAC Os x 10.5; En-US; Rv: GecKo/20100111 THundeRBirD/3.0.1
> To: SYsOP@ANontaLk.coM
> sUBjEct: enjoYing youR doWntImE FaGGot?
> ThEy bLiNdlY BeliEVe EvERYThIng I feED THEM, faKE Or NoT, yOUr boaRD's GoINg Down. DON't boTHer PuBLisHING thIs, NO one Will BELiEvE yOU aNyWAY on Ant oR /B/ :)

>> No.430616

Here's how it is: TVTropes is a shitty website that has furries on it, so they take offense to 4chan and put slights in their articles towards the site. You then pretend 4chan gives a shit, which they obviously don't unless it's on one of the shittier boards that talk about how great TVTropes is, like /co/.

Here's how you think it is: The only people that dislike TV Tropes are people that hate the fact that they supposedly attack 4chan. Instead of you know, shit like "THIS TROPER THIS TROPER THIS TROPER" and using their dipshit terminology and having a million links everywhere and other pointless garbage that I don't want to read about. No, they only hate it due to some imaginary rivalry.

>> No.430617

Could you quit doing that and actually argue the point? Oh wait, I'm sorry, that's impossible for a fan of TV tropes to do. Let alone a fan of fucking 4chan.

Fuck off you intellectual lightweight.

>> No.430621

What's to argue? There is nothing on TVTropes worthy of so much ire that it needs a thread. Yet you insist it does. I gave a plausible explanation for the unreasonable hate, and you cry that I'm generalizing you. I respond that you haven't actually refuted anything, and you hurl feeble insults.

Good on you.

>> No.430623

>>430616 Complaining about furries

Oh, yeah, that sure helped your argument. When was the last time you heard anyone BUT a /b/tard complain about furries?

>> No.430627

I never made the thread in the first place, fuckface. First of all, you're not generalizing me, but you're pretending peoples dislike of the site is pety, and your explanation of the plausible reason as to why people hated the site on 4chan made no sense, since I've never seen anybody on /b/ ever talk shit about TVTropes, I've seen people say shit on /tv/, but that's about it. So I told you off for your stupidity.

The only one looking like a retard here, is the one who keeps saying "Good on you." like he was a goddamn parrot, as I've actually pointed out why I don't like the site, as people just use TV Tropes as a crutch, or to waste time in their shitty little lives because they have nothing to do.

You're not learning anything from TV Tropes. You're just pointlessly eating factoids about characters in shows or movies or books you've probably never heard of or read.

Basically, it comes down to this. You're a fan of Twilight. I am not. You can talk about how Twilight doesn't deserve its ire, but it still does get it. Why? Some people don't like it.

>> No.430628 [DELETED] 


SoURCE: Http://WWw.AnontaLk.cOm/DUMp/MootarD.TXt

> MeSSAge-iD: <4B6b90EP.8030701@4ChaN.ORg>
> from: MooT <MooT@4cHan.org>
> user-aGEnT: moziLlA/5.0 (MaCiNTosH; U; intEL mAC Os X 10.5; En-US; rV: GECko/20100111 ThUnDeRBirD/3.0.1
> To: SYSOp@aNontALK.cOM
> SubJecT: eNJOYing YOuR dOwNtimE faggoT?
> THey BliNdLY BEliEVe EveRytHInG I FEEd tHem, FAKe oR Not, yOUr bOaRd's goiNG DowN. DOn'T boTher PubliShInG THis, nO ONe wiLl bELIEVE YOU AnYwAy on aNT oR /B/ :)

>> No.430629
File: 12 KB, 188x209, beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

Oh, puberty!

>> No.430630

Retard, I never complained about any of them being furries, but I have read enough about the Tropers to know I don't like them.

I remember a TV Tropes page about Troper personal experiences, and one dealth with incest. They deleted it because it made them out to be creepy fuckers.

>> No.430633

Yes, writers that hit puberty and need a crutch like TV tropes to get anywhere in writing. Oh boy.

>> No.430640

>you're pretending peoples dislike of the site is pety
Reading the complaints in this thread, they are.

>your explanation of the plausible reason as to why people hated the site on 4chan made no sense, since I've never seen anybody on /b/ ever talk shit about TVTropes, I've seen people say shit on /tv/
It's makes no sense because you say you haven't seen it even though you admit you have seen it? Wow. You're calling me stupid? Ha.

>as people just use TV Tropes as a crutch
No, not really. This is quite in your head. I've noticed a few references through the proper names given to certain Tropes, but never anyone screaming "IT'S ON TVTROPES IT MUST BE TRUE"

>to waste time in their shitty little lives because they have nothing to do
Did you really just post this on 4chan? And you called me stupid?

>Some people don't like it.
Assuming you were actually attempting to convey a thought and not outright accusing me of liking Twilight as if it would win you the argument, you just admitted it is solely your opinion and that you've done nothing more here than try to force your opinion on others.

And *you* called *me* stupid?

>> No.430645

>I never complained about any of them being furries,

>Here's how it is: TVTropes is a shitty website that has furries on it, so they take offense to 4chan and put slights in their articles towards the site.

>> No.430646

...so why don't you actually try reading that shit instead of just cherry-picking sentences to prove your point?

'cause if you did, you'd know that deconstruction is an attempt to rectify the inability of language to describe an objective reality by using it's usage to derive the processes of it's formation.

If language is not particularly apt to conveying reality, then it stands to reason that narrative devices, which are built on narratives, which are built largely on language, would do no better. And yet, here TVTropes is, applying the same methodology to them as deconstruction does to language, which is patently absurd and holds no real value.

TL;dr: You're an idiot and don't know what you're talking. Also, at the bottom of the page there's a little note saying that TVTropes deconstruction isn't deconstruction proper, which pretty much torpedoes your whole argument.

>> No.430648

>"Being somewhat a god of coats, I have a full length black leather duster I once used to hit someone in the face (We were actually fighting for real, I won) a knee length brown leather duster, basically Revolver Ocelot's jacket, a knee length Royal Air Force jacket actually from the 1950s (it's thick enough to abosrob shock damage when things hit me), A knee length black leather jacket (Max Payne coat) and a knee length heavy cotton jacket (Angel in his Buffy phase). When I got the first one in high school, it had the intended effect, and since I now live Oop north, I have constant dramatic wind. I can't even walk around normally without having the things flying around in dramatic lighting."

>> No.430651

I'd prefer TV Tropes over local butthurt any time

>> No.430654

It seems to me that the fundamental disconnect here is that TVTropes likes things, while 4chan hates almost fucking everything. (Which to me, seems to be a much more sensible approach.)

>> No.430656

It's funny how you can read between the lines about how upset the ultra nerds get upset when a mainstream show/movie gets their fandom or whatever "wrong". Read about the CSI episode of furries and you can tell a bunch of pissed off furries had to run to TV Tropes to write about how they aren't really weirdo perverts and how fursuits are really made.

>> No.430659

I can't go to TVTropes without remembering this stupid editing war I got into with a guy who kept adding references to his own unfinished, unpublished stories, which don't belong in there.

>> No.430660

Like on the page for, say, Xanatos Gambit, he'd write something like, "This Troper is writing a story where the Xanatos Gambit is subverted and instead [this] happens..." Which I deleted, because who gives a shit? Wow, you have an imagination, that's great. If the work isn't publicly available, it shouldn't count. And then he'd edit the reference back in, citing the "no such thing as notability" clause, which doesn't mean what he thinks it means ARGH

This went back and forth a few times before I gave up because I was so ashamed of myself for getting involved with something so goddamn lame. But still. That guy's an idiot.

>> No.430661

Worse than the "This troper" is "[noun] just...[same noun again]". It doesn't add anything and is an annoying cliche of a statement. The other statement structure that is basically the same thing is "[reference to something], anyone?" You can just picture the smugness as that person imagines themselves to be laying a topical yet obscure reference into an article when all they're really doing is adding a whiff of smug with no clarifying contribution. But I think these are both widespread internet catchphrases, they just come across as more irritating on TVTropes because they show up a lot.

>> No.430666


>> No.430667

I can't read this site anymore. It's too goddamn depressing. I found it like 3 years ago when it was really small and full of mostly smart, mature people, and I thought it was the best thing ever. But then I watched it slowly become worse and worse as the months went on and it got filled with morons who would fight for their favourite thing to be on every fucking page and have mini culture wars on the forums about it, until it all went completely down the drain. Now I can't edit out someones comment about how their gay fox transformation commic has the best example of a Magnificent Bastard ever (which they will put at the top of the section) without getting into an edit war.

It's like finding a beautiful perfect fantasy world, only to watch it slowly rot and decay into a disgusting swamp of shit before your very eyes. Horrific.

>> No.430669

>I am also a little mentally fragile. In Elementary School, it was considered cool to force me to eat grass or kick my face. I had no friends, most of them moved away and I never saw them again. In Middle School, I started eating a little bit too much, and became kinda fat, triggering new abuse, including a bully who stalked me and liked tripping me and saying he was tipping a cow. I also had no friends there either except a kid who threatened me and tried to make me his servant. In High School, I had no popularity, was widely hated due to the fact I liked snitching and was still fat for the first two years. My declining grades made my parents start verbally harassing me, and I had my freedom of speech revoked at home. Thus, I am slightly damaged.

>> No.430670

>Gang way, everybody I am deconstruction expert! Listen to me, for no one else can be correct!

I merely took the introductions to the articles I found and compared them. You're the only one being contrary.

>> No.430672

Yeah, reading books is such a pointless waste of time.

>> No.430673

What is far and away the worst part of TVTropes is that, despite their disdain for 4chan, they have tons of examples of, and even an article for the goddamn SCP Foundation. LOL!

>> No.430675

So you're saying that TVTropes tells us that they're using a specific idea behind Deconstruction, and in no way makes an attempt to express that their definition of Deconstruction is the only definition or hide that from the reader of the article?

And you're still complaining that TVTropes is misrepresenting Deconstruction?

Are you retarded?

>> No.430677

this thread reads like a song by blink182
shit, retard, fuckface, tripfag...

>> No.430679

I thought you were talking about 4chan for a while.


Does this mean 4chan is tsundere for TVTropes?

>> No.430680

Oh, well if you don't know what you're talking about, then you really ought to consider NOT FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT.

1. It is completely absurd to apply these ideas of deconstruction to the things they are applying them to.

2. If they admit that it isn't deconstruction, then why are they even calling it that? Because they like to sound smarter than they really are.

>> No.430682

No, TV Tropes is tsundere for 4chan if anything.

"The Chan That Shall not Be Named." hahahah, that is so retardedly cute.

There are only a few amounts of people that hate it here. There are plenty of faggots like you on 4chan, that do love TV tropes. Just bring it up on /co/ or /tg/. They're so full of autistics they'll jerk off over the site.

>> No.430684
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Facepalm computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought you were talking about 4chan for a while.
>I can't read this site anymore. It's too goddamn depressing. I found it like 3 years ago when it was really small and full of mostly smart, mature people

Yeah, sure sounds like 4chan.


>> No.430690

...I hate to play the devil's advocate here, but that is a pretty accurate description of 4chan.

>> No.430697

Again, you're acting like what you're spouting is NOT the dissenting opinion.

Maybe you should stop parroting your professors' aide and just accept that your pet device isn't as unique and beautiful as you want it to be? Oh, wait, I'm on 4chan. Fat chance that's happening.

The irony here is that the convoluted nature of the Deconstruction article is most likely resultant of edit wars held between asshats who think they know more about Deconstructions than anyone else

>> No.430699

>I've only been on 4chan for a month
Come back in a year. You'll notice how even this thread is far and away more "smart" or "mature" than the garbage you'll be reading.

>> No.430712

>I cannot find fault with your beautiful, flawless reasoning, and therefore must resort to the logical fallacy of argumentum ad populum
Cool story bro.

>Maybe you should stop parroting your professors' aide and just accept that your pet device isn't as unique and beautiful as you want it to be? Oh, wait, I'm on 4chan. Fat chance that's happening.
>implying that I have a professor and am not a basement-dwelling moron who based his entire argument off an admittedly cursory reading of the BYU and Wikipedia articles along with some prior knowledge
Honestly, if your ideas on something can be knocked down by somebody who has only the vaguest idea what he's talking about, then they're probably not very good.

>> No.430716

ITT: E/lit/ists at thier finest.

>> No.430749

i came here from a picture on the front page, i usually go on /v/ which is a bunch of kids arguing as well.

i have to say, after scanning through this thread real quick. i can safely say that this is the most elitist pysudo-interlectual douche board on this site. i've been on 4chan for a few years and its rare that i see such a display of arrogance and faggotry which basically boils down to "my opinion is more valid than yours". i'm going to go out on a limb in presuming that the majority of you are white, middle class, liberal, atheist, self important douchebags between the ages of 15 and 25 that read a few books and think you are the cleverest most intellectual person alive and that your opinion is fact. and everyone that disagrees with you is automatically an idiot.

grow up people. seriously.

>> No.430765

Painfully obvious amount of samefagging ITT. Why sage if you're going to keep posting your inane rants about a website nobody has a strong opinion on?

>> No.430769
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>its rare that i see such a display of arrogance and faggotry which basically boils down to "my opinion is more valid than yours".
You should see /mu/. But yeah this shit is pathetic. Live and let live.

>> No.430776

Holy fuck.
How can you generate that much hatred for a fucking website? I've only been to TvTropes a couple of times. It's okay. It's not great, it's not terrible. It's just an okay site.

I've been to websites where guys have talked about wanting to spread AIDs, and I haven't even been able to hate that site as much as you guys seem to hate TvTropes.

>> No.430779


4chan is a mythical land, where manly men come to do manly battle in the arena of ideas. If your ideas are stupid or faggy, then expect to them to be called such things. This is not Gaia, this is not GameFAQs, and this is most certainly not TVTropes. Nobody gives a shit about protecting your poor widdle feewings. If you can't defend your opinion, then shut up, or risk bearing the slings an arrows, the scorn of your intellectual superiors.

And by the way, using the shift key requires you to move your pinky finger less than an inch. It's not that hard to use it.

>> No.430791

The clues are in their complaints.

>TVTropes is liked by people with aspergers and OCD.
>When somebody tells me they spent three hours or something like that on TVTropes, I smile inside knowing they have absolutely no fucking life.
>Guys, don't even try arguing with fanboys of TV Tropes. It's like trying to argue with the religious.
>Wow, a TVTropes fanboy making an ass of himself.

I don't go to many regular forums, but I assume that as with most unpopular things on 4chan, it's hated because it's popular on other forums so people come here to bitch about it anonymously.

>> No.430795

>4chan is a mythical land, where manly men come to do manly battle in the arena of ideas.
>4chan is a hive of shit where passive-aggressive betas come to bleat and whine about things that are popular

>> No.430797

I'd like to quote a post that I found worth quoting:

>Look, lovers of TV Tropes, just fuck off and contribute to that site and stay away from 4chan. I mean much like cavemen, even dumbasses like you could do it. So seriously, bugger off.

>> No.430800

Why do you care so much?

4chan sucks balls too.

>> No.430804
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>well gee, I wonder how /lit/ is today
>tvtropes thread

>> No.430806

Oh wow, I never heard of this site before.

This is pretty interesting. Thanks fellas.

>> No.430812

No. Fuck you. I go to TV Tropes because it's entertaining and very rarely informative. I come to 4chan for much the same reason. If it wasn't for you aspie fuckers and your obsession with fanboyism and popularity there wouldn't be people rushing to defend the damn site ITT.

>> No.430813

I am confused. The only complaint about TV Tropes I can find in this thread is "furries", "get a life morans" and "who the fuck cares about trivia?". I can't remember seeing anything about furries on the website, "get a life" is ironic from a guy arguing on 4chan as is "who the fuck cares?". It's interesting to see how different tropes have appeared in media, and there is a lot of interesting IRL information on there.

>> No.430815

Let me break it down for you: TV Tropes is rather popular. Therefore 4chan dislikes it.

>> No.430816

>4chan is a hive of shit where passive-aggressive betas come to bleat and whine about things that are popular

nailed it.

>> No.430822

OP needs a l for samefaging

>> No.430827


>> No.431072

So what with all this "TV Tropes is full of shitty references to shitty stuff" criticism, is /lit/ actually just incapable of skimming articles for examples they find relevant?


>> No.431083

TV Tropes is awesome if you are a nerd. There's nothing else to it. There is no reason to hate on it. No, it will not make you a good writer. It is still an awesome site devoted to nerding out about shit. Stop being fucking angry elitist douchebags about it, seriously guys.
Especially you. Seriously, fuck off. 4chan isn't awesome or manly, 4chan is a dumb, shitty discussion board. You sound like a total dumbass, and a pretentious one to boot, when you talk about it like this.

>> No.431086

It's an even shittier version of Wikipedia

>> No.431093

TVTropes is full of fanboyism of the worst sort. If you can ignore the examples section, it's alright, but that's a lot to ignore.

>> No.431103

No. >>430779 is awesome, and needs to stay.

>> No.431115

Why is this dick measuring contest still going on.

>> No.431116

seriously? "4chan is a manly place for manly men to argue manfully about their incredibly masculine ideas. We don't have to protect your feelings, you little pussy faggot, because we are awesomely manly and intellectually superior men."

that is an attitude that you think is good to have around?

>> No.431122

No, he needs to stay because it was hilarious.

>> No.431130

hahaha ok. I'm down with that. As long as we can mock him.

>> No.431226

OP here

actually i only posted these

Let me state for the record that i dont care about what fags on TV Tropes do or think
i really do not care
if it was just an entertainment site, i would not give it a thought
what my gripe is, besides the smug treatment of great stories by the tropers, new writers treating it like a shortcut to understanding commonalities in stories. they will read a list of tropes and think it's a substitute for being well read
i once spoke to another writer and we were talking about our respective views on writing. turns out we were both writing novels. i told him my premise and that i was about halfway done. he hadnt started his, but he relayed his premise to me, and 40-50 percent of the words he said were Trope names (Foe Yay, Grimdark, Rule Of Cool, etc)
i bit my lip and walked away. i needed to or i would have punched him in the gut

>> No.431241
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