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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 300x145, prompt me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4300177 No.4300177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It has been a while since I've seen anyone do one of these. Feel free to join in on responding to prompts.

If your prompt is for erotic fiction then you are a bad person.

>> No.4300181

OP discovers that through posting on 4chan, he has a newfound appreciation for the sensual rough skin of a man, and the feeling of the warm caress of a hard, throbbing member in his throat.

>> No.4300184

A guy on a two-man space mission a la Gemini but longer term, such as to Mars, realizes his growing love and attraction to his partner on the mission.

>> No.4300189

>then you are a bad person.
Would you say that we've been very naughty, OP?

>> No.4300192
File: 77 KB, 627x309, OP is a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are shit and you know it.

>> No.4300202
File: 110 KB, 623x436, i hope you didn't think this would be homo fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300204

Very naughty, but I won't be writing about your punishment for such things.

>> No.4300210
File: 41 KB, 200x207, ADLHD LNGHR MUGCROP ANIM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300214

There's this 10 year old kid who finds a giant dragon and they take over the world together. Violently.

>> No.4300219

Sherlock Holmes describes what it feels like to be pounded doggy-style by his fuckbuddy Watson from his kinda autistic-logician point of view.

>> No.4300222

Dialogue that begins with or contains the line "Dicks, naturally." as a single reply.

>> No.4300223

The smartest melon in the world is about to be eaten by a hobo who just realizes it.

>> No.4300226

A socially awkward nerd is at a gigantic party when suddenly nine people out of ten are somehow stripped of their clothes. He isn't one of them.

>> No.4300225


You missed the two MAN part. That was supposed to be gay. Shame on you for reverting to your natural heterosexual impulses and prejudices in your writing.

>> No.4300227

Dude, there are about 10 thousand examples of that on ao3.

>> No.4300230

Magnus Carlsen and his girlfriend are having a blitz chess game to determine who will be rimming who tonight.

>> No.4300235
File: 128 KB, 617x652, not really sure on how these things are connected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange prompt.

>> No.4300239

Calling something an x-man operation is a figure of speech. That was just the way I chose to interpret it.

>> No.4300247

A man stores all the porn in the world and reflects on his life as he's done fapping with it.

>> No.4300249

Dialogue that must end with "No, not my anal virginity!"

>> No.4300254
File: 129 KB, 617x695, bromance at its finest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300257

Karen was different from other 16 year old transgenders, for indeed she was a half-dragon vampire.

>> No.4300264
File: 76 KB, 603x238, watson the raging homofaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't beat off to this then you are wasting my time.

>> No.4300267

You forgot the part when Sherlock takes an almighty dump and Watson pulls out and says "no shit, Sherlock"

>> No.4300271
File: 38 KB, 581x227, dicks naturally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300272


>> No.4300275

Go on....

>> No.4300277

This actually happened to me. Turned out one of the girls was underage and when most everyone was in their underwear (who guessed I'd be so good at strip blackjack) she confessed she was 16 and we all freaked out and put our clothes backed on.

>> No.4300278

Now I want a full story. It'd be a little more drawn out of course. Some hijinks would ensue. Like tank shells. And he'd gather an ensemble first. Very black comedy.

Man, I can't wait to watch "I Declare War"

>> No.4300279
File: 11 KB, 100x100, AREIZOO 100x100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she confessed she was 16 and we all freaked out and put our clothes backed on.

>> No.4300282
File: 142 KB, 609x546, super melon to the rescue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300293

Annoyed that Sunhawk hasn't killed himself yet, a determined /lit/izen decides to track and find him in his town in Somerset. He breaks his fingers and destroys his hardware and internet connection as a reminder that suicide is still the best option.

>> No.4300297
File: 95 KB, 621x375, simon says stop snivelling, start slaying sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300301

A Nepal resident and is hired by /lit/ users to fly to the United States, punch Tao Lin in the face, break his fingers, defecate on DFW's grave and upload the tape.

>> No.4300303



Very compelling

both hilarious and boner-inducing

Keep it up, anon.

>> No.4300305

>tfw no autistic boyfriend to butt-fuck while he muses about intellectual pursuits

>> No.4300309
File: 47 KB, 599x198, what does a norwegian accent even sound like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300316 [DELETED] 

>Magnus Carlsen
>autism grandmaster

>> No.4300319

>it's clean
>Not "It's really dirty"

>> No.4300321
File: 75 KB, 609x305, king of the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300326

A story about a /pol/tard who discovers the meaning of love when he meets a transgender bi-racial twelve year old at his local Burger King.

>> No.4300332

A man commits suicide by throwing himself on to the apex of the Eiffel tower from a plane dressed as Flutteryshy from MLP while the world's media watches.

>> No.4300338
File: 54 KB, 616x305, duuuude, ALWAYS ask first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300340
File: 32 KB, 613x111, this comes from a really bad fanfiction doesn't it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This prompt is taken from a really bad fanfiction thing right? I'm sure I've heard it before.

>> No.4300343

A /int/ernational student finds out that his mom browses /cgl/, his dad browses /pol/, his sister browses /fa/, his gay brother browses /fit/, his girlfriend browses /mu/ and his weirdo friend browses /lit/.

>> No.4300347

Somehow you managed to turn it into something much more likeable. A shame you didn't go on.

>> No.4300346


>> No.4300352

But who browses /d/?

The answer of course, is all of them.

>> No.4300358

Anon is fooling around on 4chan, when he sees an atomic bomb go off in the distance. He realizes that there is no chance of escape, and that he has only 3 minutes time to say farewell to the world.

>> No.4300359

It's late guys. I'm going to bed. Will have a look in the morning and write some more of your strange prompts. This isn't really what I had in mind, so it has been different to what I was expecting...

>> No.4300361

A boy finds out that a Korean next door is about to cook his own dog for supper and saves the poor creature, but the dog escapes back to her master.

>> No.4300363

So he gets naked, walks out into the street and flashes his dick screaming, YOU COULD HAVE HAD THIS! BUT NOW IT'S TOO LATE!

>> No.4300364

What, you thought we'd take this seriously?

>> No.4300365

I've seen it happen. 'twas a good thread.

>> No.4300374


>> No.4300375

Nitsche dies and meets jesus.

>> No.4300391
File: 80 KB, 402x474, sosaidjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4300433

This is what I dreamt tonight (shoddy details, looked real cool at the time but crappy memory now and kinda nonsensical):

A guy beats up two other guys, the whole tiny town (everybody knows everybody) starts to hate him. He keeps running away from these people by dipping his head under water and "killing" himself by drowning or at least getting as close as possible to dying not really sure on the details until his only friend gives him mouth-to-mouth to bring him back. Apparently going to the edge of the death gives you some kind of evasion powers, not really sure whether it worked by invisibility or what. The dude then explains to his friend how it works by pulling out some golden vase-like object and pulls on it. It kind of splits into parts and shows like 3 levels beneath the main part that are a moving illustration of what I assume to be an underworld or death or some shit and the top which is the living world, by going down to those levels you get this cool esoteric knowledge that allows you to evade situations. Anyways things get more and more difficult as the whole town turns on this dude (and now his friend) so the dude goes "under" one more time, goes home to pick up some shit, and the two drive off from the town out of country planning to go out of country, preferably to a different part of the world, not really sure on their destination yet, but kind of excited about the possibilities of places they always wanted to go.

Was a cool dream doe.

>> No.4300531

An old man stands in line at a supermarket. Because he is trying to be nice, he lets everyone else go first.

>> No.4300557

A megalomaniac old man living in an insane asylum who thinks he is the ruler of the world. Then one day, he finds out that the insane asylum is about to be closed down.

>> No.4300566

Use the line "I've betrayed everyone I know"

>> No.4300612

The ousted director of a hospital is thrown down an old well. Other doctors amuse themselves by feeding him food laced with meds and various psychotropics.

>> No.4302022


Ah fuck I spilt my chips. Said the dude. he would have bent over and picked them up but he was sitting in his chair and it hurt his knees and he had more important things anyway

he opens tab 67 of twilight spinkle porn and starts fapping. "oh oh oh you are a good pony" he then gets a text mesage from his friend saying hey butticus want to ciber? but too late because butticus just came. and now there is cheeto dust on his dick, and it's smeared on his balls. and his butthole is burning because the chili dust burns.

>> No.4302045



Mildly curious; would read a bit more.

>> No.4302065

-(23:38:57)-(4 users)-(0.00, 0.02, 0.05)-
-(Linux localhost 3.2.0-3-amd64 x86_64 GNU/Linux)-

Now, *that's* a prompt ...

>> No.4302353
File: 18 KB, 400x493, stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spunky girl who is on her way to becoming a NEET due to being indecisive on her career choices, forces her best friend, cool headed girl and fan of Stirner, into having casual sex on the back of her working class boyfriend.

>> No.4302426

hi Randall Munroe

>> No.4302517


Yeah, we're around.

Here's to the hope we get a bit of cyberpunk theme rolling.

>> No.4302844

In an apocalpytic world, a kid is raised by an intelligent library

>> No.4302966

It was the year 2150, and the fourth month of the Event. The president of the united state's son, William, was sat in a glass box on a fancy chair. It looked like glass, but what William forgot was that it was actually special material made to be resistant against enormous energy so that William would be safe from radiation. Even though sentient technology existed, and had for years, it was early in development and efficiency was abysmal. The radiation irradiating from the large alloy contraption was deadly without protection, so William went to school miles underground, with a special suit on, and in a seemingly glass room, outside which he could see all the working of the man made contraption that, even though the scientists said worked like a highly advanced brain, looked as much like a brain as Thai food pills looked like noodles.

>> No.4303201


>> No.4303203

Whale Tails and Scoliosis.

>> No.4303233


I don't think this is what you're looking for in terms of feed back, but what the hell ...

>The president of the united state's son
(Arrrg, gawd I hate possessive apostrophes, so fucking confusing.)
The president of the United States son

>was sat in a glass box
sat in a glass box

>actually special material made to be resistant
Missing an 'a' here, but let me also suggest this:
actually a special material resistant

Hm. Parsing the rest ... wait one ...

>> No.4303280

The rest is more stylistic suggestions and open to debate, take with a grain of salt, etc.

>Even though sentient technology existed, and had for years, it was early in development and efficiency was abysmal.

I suggest this as a new paragraph, and maybe something on the tail end: "... abysmal, and so it fell to a human to sit in the enclosure." Although this may be too obvious and overstating - I got what you meant with this as written.

Ack. Ugly, choose a better descriptor. Flowing? Spewing?

Hm. Maybe: 'alloyed' but I don't think this is a good descriptor of what you're seeing. Metallic? Chromed? Silicon? I don't think you need to go with a full on paragraph of description here for the apparatus, an single adjective will do. Still, fool around a bit with this one, you do better.


OK, how that OP?

>> No.4303292

>The radiation ...

Oh, and start this as a new paragraph as well.

>> No.4303408
File: 151 KB, 617x593, for frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Sunhawk even still post?

You are truly awful. Don't quit your day job. If you are going to respond to prompts in my thread then try not to suck at it.

>> No.4303413
File: 65 KB, 616x326, typical litizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303417

>Sunday, 1st December, 2013
This is it. Sunhawk, be prepared!

>> No.4303423

Why do you post screencaps and not plain text? Now I can't read your previous threads because fuuka doesn't archive all the pics.

>> No.4303438
File: 136 KB, 614x590, damn gaijins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been to /pol/, did I get it right?

>previous threads
I've never made one of these threads before

Because it's easier than posting ninety-four 2000 character limit posts for each response.

>> No.4303448
File: 124 KB, 617x547, nothing of value was lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303456
File: 48 KB, 600x162, family is important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you were expecting...

>> No.4303473
File: 119 KB, 611x498, typical 4channer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303518

Ha. Browser pretending to know how to track IP addresses and driving his mom's van are nice touches.

>> No.4303537

An ordinary high school girl finds a ray gun that can turn people invisible.

>> No.4303548

Great job on the /pol/ story. Requested it last night while pretty drunk, had almost forgotten about it.

>> No.4303556 [DELETED] 



>> No.4303576

Thoughts of a philosopher on the birth of his/her first child. The philosopher can be one of the greats or a minor academic, it's up to you.

>> No.4303579

Tao Lin is hit by a bus. He arrives at the gates of heaven, only to be told by God that he's a fucking hack and should fuck off.

>> No.4303585

I'll respond to some more later, don't fret kiddies.

>> No.4303587
File: 20 KB, 236x250, fgsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jennifer found a strange detour in her

desk. Out a ouija board jiggled her ass all day "Oh you e- what's this?" she thought. It was a ray gun that invisiblized people. "What do I do with it? Kill people |:))))"

>> No.4303590

A lolicon from /jp/ gets busted on "To Catch a Predator" and somehow turns the tables on Chris Hanson.

>> No.4303591

mysterious and scary

>> No.4303592

I was trying to interpret what drunk anon was saying. Then his post got deleted.

>> No.4303678


>> No.4303687

Write about OP actually is a faggot :3

>> No.4303696

About a planet that was also a toothpaste.

>> No.4303698

You better archive this shit when it's over.

>> No.4303704

Michelangelo's statue, David comes to life

>> No.4303708

A guy is a STEM major, one day he realizes he likes history and literature more than fucking computers. He's failing because he doesn't care anymore about his studies, but he's stuck in that awful position "fuck my life"

>> No.4303729

Would this be a biography, Anon?

>> No.4303741

See OP's first story.

>> No.4303756

Christopher gazed outside the window of the classroom, watching leaves fall from the trees. James Joyce wouldn't be here right now, he thought. Neither would David Wallace. They all knew what path we're going to take in life from when they were young. Every successful artist who ever existed was not so confused and talentless that they thought they were going to be scientists. They spent their time doodling and stuff. Ms Williams, a hard nosed, hard chinned, hard browed lady stood lecturing at the front of the hall about facts. Always about facts. Facts this, facts that. The constant of gravity can be used to solve engineering problems. Frogs breathe through specialized pores on their skin. Cyadine is a lethal substance. Facts. Facts but no movement. Facts but no heart, or courage, or passion, or decency. if there was one thing Christopher needed in his life, above all else, we're that thing that facts didn't give him. He wanted to explore and discover, and learn not about things he could recite, but things he could use, use for himself to become a better person, to get a girlfriend, to make any friends. He wanted to know people. KNOW people. He picked up his books an walked out.

>> No.4303798

It was 3 in the morning, and after a 4 hour drive Connor was tired but excited and willfully awake. By some stroke of luck, he had come across a teenage girl, a hot one, on the internet a few months ago. Her name was Jessica, and he had been exchanging sexy messages with her since their first chat. It was love At first sight, and he hadn't stopped thinking about her once since she sent h the pictures. 13 years old, his fantasy girl, as long as he could remember his favorite fetish was Loli but only as a guilt free remedy against the real thing. Of course he didn't tell anyone about the relationship, it was too dangerous. Not even his fellow anons on 4chan. But now he was excited and not nervous, surprisingly. He found her expensive house after several minutes lost, where she was waiting on the driveway. A tight young body, he could see it from here, just like the anime. It was a most dreamlike euphoric rush.
"Hey" she called. "Come in! I'll be waiting inside!"
"Ok honey!" He called back. She hurried inside.
Her house was finely decorated with lavish furniture. Her parents were definitely rich. It explained her hotness and probably her tendency to find guys like Connor attractive. With chronic acne and premature balding, he was an acquired taste, only the most elegant and beautiful women could appreciate. This was proof. Plus, he had spent 10 years studying karate on the internet and on classes, and was an undisputed master. Little Jessica was at the counter, in tight short shorts, showing her ass.
"Sit down, silly!" She said, and she pointed to some padded couches. Connor obliged

Then I couldn't be bothered to write the rest but Connor killl the guy with his karate, and the police, and the girl falls in true love with him and runs away to his basent with him.

>> No.4303806
File: 16 KB, 500x360, LainSmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one day he realizes he likes history and literature more than fucking computers.

Jeremy didn't stop pumping, even as his glasses fell from his face and onto the floor. "J-just a l-little more," he gasped, electricity surging through his erect cock and nipples. She was a beautiful machine, perfectly sized case, large motherboard, and a quad core he could overclock all night. Error signals poured from of her speakers until she went blue in the face. "Alright, I-I'm..I'm," Jeremy stuttered, as what felt like his entire material being and parts of his nonexistent soul came gushing out of his "major STEM" with the force of two Large Hadron Colliders. "FUCK MY LIFE," he screamed, and collapsed onto the floor.

Exhausted after a hard days work in the field, Jeremy lit a smoke and lay in repose. "We made so much quantifiable progress in our research today, Caren," he turned and whispered to the computer, who didn't respond. Jeremy reached for his stack of literature and history texts, opening "David Copperfield". "I sure love being a STEM major," Jeremy said to himself "It's great being in a program that will secure me a stable career in this unstable world, but still allow adequate time for pursuit of my true passions."

>> No.4303852
File: 142 KB, 646x714, korean zombie desu ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I know how to do that

>> No.4303854
File: 83 KB, 635x507, god is die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't into philosophy, God is Dead is Nietzsche, right?

>> No.4303857
File: 110 KB, 641x490, old people suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303866
File: 137 KB, 620x648, emperor cray cray pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303867


Why, hello there. How are you this evening?

>> No.4303880
File: 142 KB, 622x641, theres a story in here somewhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303888
File: 44 KB, 592x251, one hell of a drug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303901
File: 93 KB, 607x409, 2 out of 10 would not bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303916 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 627x665, boner time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4303923
File: 126 KB, 627x665, boner time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ON the back of her boyfriend

Wishes are granted.

>> No.4303928

Write a shitty YA, but tell it in backwards chronological order

>> No.4303962

This was great but the reveal could have been funnier.

Pls do mine.
The other guy was just getting to the good part.

>> No.4303983

I posted this in another thread but would love a nice, long, detailed story on this as a prompt:

Slowly, Moot placed his thumbs around the waistband of his tight red briefs and slid them down to his ankles as his foreskin retracted to reveal a slow drip of precum in anticipation of the tongue approaching his enormous penis.

>> No.4304110

In the vein of Humbert Humbert, write a paean to the joys of little... boys

>> No.4304182

Some tight writing OP and you're churning them out p. quick. Nice.
I think playing around with the prompts or extending them could make some of them more interesting though. Like with these: >>4300557

>> No.4304224

Everything on /lit/'s archived at fuuka.warosu.org

OP probly has enough prompts but here's another anyway: The discussions and hullaballoo after a group of scientists successfully reanimate a dead person

>> No.4304533

>tfw I'm kicking myself for mistaking 'behind the back of her boyfriend' with on her boyfriend's back'

Better than expected, though.

>> No.4304540

Fashionable valedictorian girl becomes the waifu of an elder god.

>> No.4304969

Sylvia died. And it was my fault. She fell off the bridge headfirst. I knew because I watched her fall from the opposite shore. I ran as fast as I could, but I could have ran faster. I got a message on Facebook, "fuk every1 im gona kill mysef u were the only frend i cud trust bt evn u betryd m!" I kissed the prettiest girl in school by random miracle. OK, half miracle. She was totally into me. Don't ask why. You know when a girl you think is way out of your league expresses interest in you? That's one of the best things that could ever happen to a guy and I couldn't help myself. Me and Sylvia sat on the couch, and she talked about her parent's divorced. Crying and slobbering, my shoulder was almost soaked. And I couldn't stop myself from tearing up too. I put my hand on her shoulder.

>> No.4305015

Write for a new Pixar movie.

>> No.4305028

A crustacean swordsman find himself on a series of floating islands.

>> No.4305094

OP, are you interested in WWII prompts? Here's a couple, pick the ones you like:

A Norwegian has to star for a propaganda movie about the Aryan© Master Race™even though he loathes the Germans because he's completely broke.
A member of the Einsatzgruppen has taken a liking to a Polish woman. Her husband knows he's being cuckholded and uses her to get a special treatment from the Germans.
A 19 year old French male is sent to German factories as part of the obligatory work service; his supervisor is a young German widow with which he quickly develops an affair.

>> No.4305171


It all happened so quickly. Thomas made one insight, some extrapolation of a recent biological discovery. Then a group of three colleagues, whom I wasn't a part of, experienced a brain orgasm together. They practically disappeared into one office for a month, then into the lab for longer. They were insistent about not telling anyone "so it's not ruined" or because "we have a good flow going ourselves."
Then, on a summer day, just before the lab was closing for summer break, they announced a presentation in the auditorium. Needless to say there was excitement about the presentation. What could lead three of the leading researchers in North America to disappear for three months? When I entered and saw the cadaver I was sure that it was a new method of testing disease or something. But there was also a huge machine beside the cadaver, which was unusual. I seated myself near the front.
"Good evening, ---------------------y" said Thomas Guillard, the oldest and the one who had the initial insight. If this discovery happened to be enough to make noise in the mainstream media, I thought, Guillard would be credited most. He had the classic look about him, unkept grey hair, thick glasses, and a heavy brow hiding bright eyes. He was by far the most brilliant mind in the building.
"We have gathered you here today" he continued in his thick french accent. "to display to you our new discovery, and I am sure you have been aware of our absence." There was quiet laugh. "but for good reason." He turned on the slideshow, and in bold letters it said "BIOLOGICAL REANIMATION." What? Scientifically impossible, invalid stuff. It must be a prank. But Thomas continued over the loud murmuring and laughing.
"Quiet a moment!" He yelled angrily. And began heading through the slideshow, explaining slides. My initial amusement and irritation dissolved into a sick feeling in my stomach. It did actually look like it could work. And it was so obvious. I already had hundreds of questions, but the rest of the audience did too. There were multiple hands raised.
"How will we handle this?" asked a voice. "This is obviously rising above a harmless discovery." "What about the media, the public, the government?"
One of the other three scientists answered, a small old man with white hair.
"We've done calculations." "Our earth could not sustain reanimation of any animal." "Much more when the process is very simple and inefficient. Anyone could do it." "Our earth can't handle that amount of living organisms, it would collapse under its own sustainable ecosystem."
"So what?" another voice asks. "You already told all of us about it." And we understand now. "Anyone of us could let it leak."
"We've taken measures to insure that won't happen." said Thomas. More murmuring.
"like what?"
"Well." said Thomas. The large machine made a noise, like a gas leak. I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach.
"One minor consequence of reanimation is total memory loss, unfortu

>> No.4305198

unfortunately" But the plus side at least is that we won't have murder charges pressed against us. We just really needed a large amount of test subjects."
My vision blurred, and a blanket of darkness closed in around me.
It was year 1977.

>> No.4305297

Hey man, love your style, great thread.
Switchting it up, wanna try your hand at a generic love song?
(Hard mode: not verse chorus to infinity)
Prompt? Stars in your eyes.

>> No.4305362

a bald spaceship captain finds himself stranded with an alien that only speaks in metaphors

>> No.4305819


Did people like it? I felt inspired.

>> No.4306440

It's really dull. No character to the writing whatsoever.

>> No.4306466

A man develops a chat program that can intercept IMs and send IMs under the guise of the person they intercepted.

>> No.4306530

Ruined muh day.

>> No.4306618
File: 99 KB, 548x590, what are you doing dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Keep writing. You'll suck less one day. You might have to write a million bad words before you write a single good one, but it'll happen.

>> No.4306620

Stars in your eyes
Stars in your eyes
oh oh
oh oh

rap verse:

still feels like my first time lovin you
in da club when I first set ma eyes on you
you didn't know me but
i was all into you
the stars in the sky were all shining bright on you
and I said excuse me pretty lady i got something
to say to you
I said if there aint no god up there,
then there's a god down here
in those eyes baby,
those eyes
I can't help but love ya

oh oh
oh oh
I saw the stars in your eyes
oh oh
oh oh

>> No.4306652
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>> No.4306705

When the space civilizations of the Zergs created a series of immense planets, infinitely complex, for their own resource needs, they didn't anticipate they would create conscious beings. They created six planets: one for renewable, endless supply of bread, another for coffee, another for iPods, another for complementary earbuds, another for complementary iPod cases, and lastly one for endless toothpaste, mint flavored. The toothpaste producing planet was possibly the most self aware, for some reason. Endlessly tormented by its crippling low self esteem, it found itself mulling over the big questions of the universe. It was unable to affirm or deny its view of itself as unattractive, dumb, smart, genius, etc. because it could not talk or interact with anyone in the concrete universe, it could only create toothpaste. It couldn't even read literature or look at things because it had no eyes. The one thing it could do was taste toothpaste, as part of the testing process. At first the minty taste was refreshing, but after the first million years planet toothpaste became tolerant to it and could no longer taste anything. Now the poor planet was to suffer eternity, (or at least until the universe's implosion) in an endlessly conscious state unable to feel, see, hear, taste, or move anything.

What had the Zergs done?

>> No.4306716
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>> No.4306768
File: 119 KB, 900x658, Stairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An narcotics detective is doing undercover work in the basement of a projects building. Nervous and trapped, he is coerced and then forced into using heroin

>> No.4306771
File: 104 KB, 609x431, i dont read philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In light of that this is no one in particular. I just went for the whiny "the world is shite" perspective.

>> No.4306798

Young James Hilfff, a philosopher by profession (maybe not really, but he was studying philosophy, and his wife loved the title), was holding his wife's hand and focusing on the pain. She was squeezing it hard. It was scary, and he wished he could be at his desk reading Schopenhauer, but he knew real experience was an important part of life, and led to insights later on. He focused on his own feelings, maybe they would be helpful. What did he feel? He felt general stress, that was all. Sick to his stomach and an inability to articulate his thoughts. Which was troublesome. He hated when he couldn't think straight. Thinking was all that kept him sane. He couldn't even think about the baby, the new life, that was approaching him nearer and neared in time and space, in the foreseeable future he would be holding his own life. Was that fate? He could choose to run out of the room right now, after all. Something stopped him from doing that, though. His emotions. Then his wife started screaming, and he observed, outside of himself, his instinctual reaction to it. It was fear definitely. Why didn't he run? Why did he stay beside his wife? The very component of his mind that allowed him to stay beside her was the one that let him observe his instincts at a distance. Why did he have that? No other animals supported mother's during childbirth. Logically he should be running away right now. Eating sticks or something. And why was new life supposed to be so wonderful to him? Surely it was wonderful in a different way than it was to his wife. No primate males he knew of really cared overly about their young. Or maybe he was mistaken. Would he have a primal reaction to this new life? That's what he looking forward to. So he waited for it to come. Then it came, and he saw the baby, and it was indeed a visceral reaction. It was vulnerable. Vulnerable and weak and crying. It needed a support, definitely, and that's what her mother would give her, until it came of age. It was definitely not conscious was it? Maybe it was. It was learning to be conscious anyway. However that works. Then the nurse looked at him, smiled, said, "it's a girl" and said her congratulations. The nurse was very pretty and motherly and calming. James smiled and his mind went blank for a moment, and he looked at the baby sucking on his wife's breast, and his mind was blank. He was just there.

>> No.4306851
File: 70 KB, 611x353, i hate tao lin me so funneh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4306873


>> No.4306898

When I began reading that last sentence, I thought another bus had hit him off the clouds.

>> No.4306905

like 10/10 really

>> No.4306921
File: 131 KB, 613x532, takes one to know one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had to look up the format for the show. I hope you guys appreciate all the research I'm doing here.

>> No.4306960

Karl, 86 years old, was only here to buy a packet of chips. Chips as in slender pieces of fried potato, "french fries" was a horrible American term. It was a weekday night and the store was packed. Every check out line was packed. His wife had died from a brain hemorrhage a few years ago and he had eaten chips every day since. Her favorite snack.
Now there seemed to be people much younger and fitter than him, but much more hurried and eager to get home to their families. He stood at the spot where the rows of candy bars next to each cashier ended. Pretending to wait to get step into line. Most people didn't notice him. They entered the row of people without taking a second glance at the old man. One young woman, in her twenties, asked if he was waiting to enter.
"Oh no, no. It's fine! You go first. Get to your family." He looked into her eyes and smiled as sincerely as he could muster. She obliged, she was obviously stressed, with purple marks under her eyes clear in the fluorescence he had learned to hate since they started using it everywhere.
He had lots of time to wait. It was a few hours until the store closed. Every time someone offered him their place, he said "No, no. Get to your family." and smiled at them.
When his legs got sore he sat on a cheap chair he brought from the furniture department. He decided he would buy it as well as the chips.
After that point people offered their spot more vehemently. But he still declined. Their families were more important than him.
"Sir, please, I insist." I can even pay for it, if it's money the problem."
"No." he said, and smiled the same smile.
When the store was about to close, a young person in their twenties came up to him.
"No no, I insist." Before the question could be asked. "Get to your family."
"Sir, my family is non-existent. I spend all my time on the computer." He smiled.
This time the old man didn't smile. He looked the young man in the eyes. He was slightly unkept, with messy hair and the shadow of a beard. Maybe that was a style nowadays.
The old man didn't speak, he took his place in line silently before him.

>> No.4306975
File: 131 KB, 627x569, alvin and the chipmunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4306994

It gave me shivers

>> No.4307003
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>> No.4307017

The "land of the free" is no longer free. The new President of the United States is sharing the wealth, rewriting the Constitution, and changing the national anthem. America's liberals are thrilled with the election of the first foreign-born candidate. But when President Ohmshidi begins to implement his radical agenda - banning oil production, slashing military budgets, and establishing a "New World Order" - our once-great nation becomes easy pickings for a deadly new wave of Muslim extremists, who rename America...the Islamic Republic of Enlightenment.

It's time to take back America. Enter Jake Lantz, a battle-seasoned army major and ace helicopter pilot who refuses to stand by and watch his country go down in flames. Assembling a ragtag team of action-ready soldiers and patriots, Jake establishes Firebase Freedom-America’s last defense against the violent, lawless thugs and "Army of Allah” that has taken over. Jake’s mission: Take back America. Give the people liberty-and give the enemy death…

>> No.4307026
File: 93 KB, 606x355, cheesy 60s monster movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4307055

I wish I could sell out and just write books that pander to the right wing. It's just so easy.

>> No.4307062

Quit being stupid. This thread is funny

>> No.4307063

Must use the term 'crown of thorns' somewhere in the text. Must be as edgy as possible.

>> No.4307065


Hey do you guys like my contributions?

>> No.4307076
File: 39 KB, 611x108, a biting commentary on the state of assholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4307109
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>> No.4307136
File: 216 KB, 1308x843, i will make millions with this story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yiss. I've been looking forward to this one since I saw you post it. Thank you anon, if you come back and check this then know that I like you.

Haha! Time to bash the entire YA market in 500 words or less!

>> No.4307361

You know what - I have no argument

>> No.4307386

I have no words for this.

I would rather read 200 000 words of this >>4307136 story than read a book like that.

>> No.4307396



>> No.4307463

One kind of an idiot majors in STEM if he doesn't like it?

>> No.4307495

Ah, good.
I'm glad you liked it.

Let me see if I can be challenging...

Write an African American woman experiencing oppression in the 1950s, at least three separate perspectives (you could write in 1st and 3rd if you want), but one of them has to be 2nd person. Chronologically speaking, a frame narrative, and in the surrealism/absurdist genre.

>> No.4307501

There needs to be a genre like this. A genre devoted entirely to making fun of all other genres, but nobody says anything. Watching people gush over it would be like watching someone smoking thyme.

>> No.4307520

>I could feel his boner poking into my ass while I was sitting on his lap. I made sure to squirm against it so he knew what he would never get to have.
>I can't decide which one I want to tease but never have sex with.
maximum lel

>> No.4307564


>> No.4307629

>tfw my gf is so shit at giving head that masturbating is infinitely more satisfying

>> No.4307634

tell her to practice

>> No.4307643
File: 91 KB, 613x350, i feel dirty now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never read Lolita. This is based on what I could garner from Wikipedia in a 60 second read-through of the page.

>> No.4307647
File: 61 KB, 593x209, moot slays da pussay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Either 4chan ate my image or I'm a retard and forget to add it.

>> No.4307658

A young man and an older woman go around murdering people and getting off on it.

>> No.4307663
File: 129 KB, 629x644, scientifically medically spiritually physically literally impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep, I'm clearly just a retard.

>> No.4307684
File: 41 KB, 620x406, idunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. I'd definitely read that book, I like this kind of thing- except this is bugging me, I'm honestly sorry, I'm just very anal today - Frankenstein ends in "stone" not "one". So... Frankenwatte. Frankenfell. Frankenberg? Frankenkies.

>> No.4307686

A serial rapist who left his family when he was young and traveled to another county is visited by his sister. He decided to rape her. Write his soliloquy in which he clarifies his mental state and how he sees the action he just did.

>> No.4307699

Frankenzwei because it sounds better than Frankensteinzwei. It's not a play on the original name so much as a tongue-in-cheek name to give to a reanimated corpse in a world that already has Frankentstein's monster.

>> No.4307710

would read the shit out of this book

>> No.4307716

Ooooh. I thought it was a play on the word directly, but now I get it.

>> No.4307767
File: 153 KB, 614x759, mysterious edgy boy turns out to be a god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4307777
File: 51 KB, 618x247, self-aware pixar character.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea what to write.

>> No.4307884

I'm funding the sequel

>> No.4307890

Great stuff.
Sounds like the story of the typical /b/eta male self diagnosed with genius level intelligence.

Unintentional allegory general?

>> No.4307893

Do this, dear OP.

>> No.4307897

It's on the list. I'm going in order, but I've had enough for today. That prompt is pretty good though I have some ideas.

>> No.4307898

Alright, but I hope you won't ignore it.

>> No.4307912

Chill bro. Check the thread, I've done every prompt in order and only skipped one that I'm not sure was a prompt. I'll probably get to that one by late tomorrow.

>> No.4307970

I like it alright, I'm just not passionate about, not enough at least, I guess I could say I'm not in love with my major

>> No.4308530

The gods made the world as a game. The winner takes all, and joins the gods as the game and its pieces are reset (the gods probably gamble on the outcome).

Someone is about to win. Let's have a description of these final moments.

>> No.4309388


>> No.4309395

"Love is just another word for revenge"


>> No.4309419

A man wakes up in the body of his daughter and discovers she has been fucking her schoolmates at random.

He becomes addicted to the D.

>> No.4309435

"I won"
These two words that were running through Johnathan's head made him euphoric every time he uttered them. He was the winner. The gods looked down upon him and smiled their supernal smiles. Soon Johnathan would be with them, watching the rest of the world as he rest atop one of the chairs reserved only for the winners of the game. The world would be reset and the game would begin again.
Too lazy to go on.

>> No.4309757
File: 113 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I had a go at this.

Jesus Christ. I'll never do it again. I don't know what happened either.

I got a little carried away, so it's on pastebin:


>> No.4309811

One tall human stood on a pinnacle. Around them, millions of faces looked up at them, screaming with banners and flags and propaganda.
They looked exactly the same. Physique that would be considered perfect in the first millenia. Highly energy efficient. Black hair, brown eyes, bronze skin, enlarged craniums. The sky, infinitely bright, shined down on them.
In a higher dimension, two sentient objects watched the event taking place.
"I bet on the universe." One said in its language.
"No, the humans." the other said. "I designed them well, very careful planning put in here." "This outcome was exactly what I expected."
The other scoffed.
"You only molded them around my laws. They are stuck."
"Maybe I found something."
"Found what?"
"Oh" laughing. "just something."
The brightness increased above infinity. Nothing could be seen. The humans were gone.
"HA!" said the being. "The universe wins!"
"I don't think so." said the other. "It doesn't know itself anymore."
"It doesn't understand itself."
"I don't understa-"
"Consciousness! That was the hole in your little set of laws bro. Haha"
"I found a plot hole in your universe. There was a little leak. Those sacks of carbon were actually just the medium I used to express it."
"'humans' is just a stupid term. What I should have used is 'accidental intersection of our realm against your universe's"
"Holy shit."
"I know, the 'humans' are still here, everywhere."
"They know."
"We are humans."

wtf did I just write.

>> No.4309830
File: 36 KB, 250x250, oooh-baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat shower scene

>> No.4309835

Well I was curious enough to keep reading til I finished so that might count for something. Some awkward grammar like "There was quiet laugh" and "we have a good flow going ourselves."
The main problem was that the reveal was disappointing. Is mention of the year being 1977 supposed to imply we might all be dead people atm?

>> No.4309836

Hey OP do you mind if I steal your thread and make a whole new one for myself?

>> No.4309840

It was suposed to imply that the technology has inveneted for a long time but it's just been kept a secret.

>> No.4309877
File: 853 KB, 1704x1240, 004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such delicious minty suffering. I really like this.

This was intriguing. Nice descriptions. I wish there was a bit more on the guy.

Nah I didn't really have lewd in mind. Dumb teen shenanigans is pretty much what I'd expect and your story was quite funny. Thanks!

>> No.4309882

A /mu/tant, a /sci/entist, a /lit/ter and a /v/irgin are the last survivors of a nuclear holocaust, forced to live in a bunker together and grow their own food.

>> No.4309894

A man takes out the trash. Must be written through an Ayn Rand-ean lens.

>> No.4309897

You're better off participating in this one while it's still active. After it has fallen off the bottom then go for it.

>> No.4309947

I laughed. Beautiful stuff, OP.

>> No.4309951

"I-is it over?" asked a young man, looking up from his blue book covered in clouds.
"Of course it's over you ignorant liberal arts fag." said a man with running shoes and a grey hoodie. "go back to middle school."
"No you're pretty fucking ignorant." said the other. "You're an autism and know nothing about the human condition. Why did this war begin anyway? Tell me that." He returned to the book. "If David Foster Wallace here, he would know what to do. He was the smartest man ever to live."
There was a loud noise. A man was looking out the bunker window, making screeches of excitement.
"My god it's fallout! It's fallout! it's fucking FALLOUT!"
Then a man in a plaid shirt walked up to them, browsing through a stack of CD's.
"Pleb shit here. Pleb shit. I didn't know the united states government were such plebs. At least hire some patricians. Hire some god damn patricians. Worthless plebeians."

Suddenly a loud low godly voice reverberated through the bunker.
"What the fuck is a pleb. What the fuck is a patrician. Who the fuck is David Foster Wallace. Why the fuck are you excited about fallout. What the fuck is a liberal arts fag?"
With every "fuck" a new crack formed in the concrete bunker, until it collapsed under its own weight, and thus the only survivors of the human race were crushed by cold stone. "Good riddance" said the voice. And the cycle was complete.

>> No.4309962

Beautiful. I cried.

>> No.4309966

Ignatius J. Reilly meets a thirteen-year-old who listens to metalcore. Hilarity ensues.

>> No.4309967

You got it just right. I commend you.

>> No.4310040

Aliens visit Earth for the first time.

>> No.4310077

Someone has a good day, and wants to tell people about it, but the quality of their day then plummets as they fail to find the right words for their tweet and get increasingly agitated.

>> No.4310087

Xanax stepped out of the space module. There was nothing around. It was just strands of scary thin yellow stuff as far as the eye could see.
"Jesus Christ" muttered Xanax. "What is this place?" He was having regrets about signing up for the mission.
His two companions stepped out too and uttered gasps of surprise.
"I have no idea." said Jesus Christ. "But it looks cool! Let's settle here?"
"Fine." Said Xanax in resignation. "It will have to do."
Britney, the hot female, touched both their arms.
"Come on guys! It'll be fun."
She patted Xanax on his shoulder reassuringly while her other hand slid slowly down to Jesus Christ's crotch area, out of sight.
Jesus Christ walked confidently down the plank leading to earth and stepped in the yellow strands.
"See! It doesn't hurt us!" His eyes shined. Xanax swallowed and tried to keep himself from crying.
Jesus Christ jogged further into the plains.
"Onto the new frontier!" he yelled, his voice barely audible in the distance. Britney and Xanax followed.

>> No.4310096
File: 108 KB, 638x467, pick on someone your own species.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed gender to mix things up. I'm such a free thinker.

>> No.4310098
File: 178 KB, 629x733, love me some milfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 19 year old French male is sent to German factories as part of the obligatory work service; his supervisor is a young German widow with which he quickly develops an affair.

>> No.4310106
File: 26 KB, 296x138, i have zero lyrical ability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the hardest prompt in the thread. I have no lyrical ability and the last time I tried to write poetry was about 10 years ago. This is all I have and it makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.4310112
File: 108 KB, 639x673, odious little creature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't believe how hard it is think of metaphors when you need to.

>> No.4310117
File: 93 KB, 634x350, the true face of programmers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310118

I don't think you get moot = faggot

>> No.4310121

>that bubblegum bum; badum dum ba bum.

Pick up your game, fucking Christ.

>> No.4310123

I don't think you read the prompt properly. I'm sure the suggester wanted to imply that moot = faggot, but nowhere does it say that the lips belong to a man. Also, the briefs in question are definitely on moot and not the person about to suck his dick.

>> No.4310127

I wrote the prompt and was picturing dude on dude action. Plz rewrite wit dat

>> No.4310132

>Slowly, Moot placed his thumbs around the waistband of his tight red briefs and slid them down to his ankles as his foreskin retracted to reveal a slow drip of precum in anticipation of the male tongue approaching his enormous penis.

>> No.4310137

Their eyes were watching God. But God does not exist. But they already knew that.

>> No.4310147

Today felt like a good day to Robert. It was sunny. Yesterday was shit, but today was great. He had a good breakfast, healthy and wholesome. THe kind where you just know you would be satisfied for the whole morning. He attended his college classes and understood everything. He chatted and laughed with his friends. On the way home there was no traffic, so the commute was smooth and stress-free. He needed to communicate it somehow. He turned on his phone while leaving his car and went to Twitter. He typed in a tweet.

"Today was great!"


No... no. That wasn't right. What does "great" even mean? It was different to everyone wasn't it? A tingling sensation formed in the back of his mind.

"Today was sunny, class was easy, friends were funny, and no traffic!"

That didn't explain how he felt either. What did he feel? How could he explain it? He added a clause.

"Today was sunny, class was easy, friends were funny, and no traffic! I feel great"

But that was just the same great as before... even with the new context. Someone could have experienced those things and felt horrible. How did he know his feelings wasn't totally unique, something no one could reference. Well, there are other words.


He felt a sick dark feeling in his stomach. A sweeping realization came over him. What is language what but an arbitrary system of catalysts which reference only someones own experience. Robert suddenly felt alone. He feeling of increasing stress and anguish wasn't going away. What could he ever say that would mean something? How could he empathize? How could he share? He lay on his bed suddenly incapable of feeling emotion. He removed his father's shotgun from the cabinet, then shot himself in the cranium, the source all misery and loneliness.

>> No.4310155
File: 128 KB, 621x608, boooooring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310176
File: 95 KB, 614x422, muuurrrriiiccaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310180


pls dont skip

>> No.4310192

Holy shit dude read the fucking thread. I have answered every prompt in the order that they were given.

>> No.4310201

Laughed for the first time today - fucking 10/10

>> No.4310222


Huh, I don't see the response. Sorry, but could you link it?

>> No.4310226

Notice this one >>4310176 is where I am up to.

>> No.4310237


Fuck sorry I'm confused. Nevermind, keep up the good work.

>> No.4310248
File: 52 KB, 616x241, its pronounced hey-soos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310316

why didn't you make it interesting

>> No.4310339

Because at this point I've filled 50 whole prompts and inspiration/original character voices are wearing thing? I'm bored, basically.

>> No.4310340


>> No.4310342


>> No.4310350

Fair enough. I've read every story and it's been entertaining. You have my permission to retire but I don't know about everyone else.

>> No.4310355
File: 86 KB, 807x491, OP is dedicated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go for it. I'm bored.

>> No.4310357 [DELETED] 

I need to take a shit. I

>> No.4310359

If nothing else, your stamina is commendable.

The writing's pretty solid too.

>> No.4310373

Sweet writing in these.
Good going OP, filling fifty prompts is impressive.

>> No.4310412

A playwright receives a suicide note, saying his best-received work spurred the guy to kill himself

>> No.4310454
File: 177 KB, 761x837, Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 9.48.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310515
File: 144 KB, 781x638, Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 10.16.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4310519

Man... pretty heavy stuff.

>> No.4310829

You also missed the chance to say, Watson ejaculated, "Sherlock what a fine chap you are!" You get it, ejaculated,they used to say ejaculated for exclaimed hehe.

>> No.4310856

Modern life as the triumph of thanatos over eros

>> No.4310859

Intense anal sex

>> No.4310870

It's a sex scene between Kant and Socrates.

>> No.4310922

The man who runs the world behind the scenes bored picks up a random young man from the streets and tells him his life story

>> No.4311145
File: 114 KB, 556x463, 1364415965880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you please be my penpal.