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/lit/ - Literature

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4295590 No.4295590[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>1 star amazon review
>"my order didn't ship"

>> No.4295594

what's that?

>> No.4295641
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>1 star review
>"Its to sad. Y not b happy?"

>> No.4295757
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>1 star review
>cover was damaged

>> No.4295827

>1 star review
>"this book was too hard, books shouldn't be hard. If I wanted to think I'd go back to school xD"

>> No.4295837

why are you reading amazon reviews? amazon reviews are to evaluate their customer service and delivery functions.

you want a book review.

>> No.4295907

>5 star ebay review
>"Cover was ripped and the delivery was two weeks after the estimate. Would buy again!"

>> No.4295953
File: 137 KB, 590x321, skwswswdedr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat nigga was noided as hell

>> No.4295956

partly what this guy says >>4295837
the coment and review field does serve in judging the book but also the service. 1 star for a product with damage (that was not announced before hand) it's a completely legitimate rating

>> No.4295965

but that's wrong. that's what seller reviews are for. not product reviews.

>> No.4296006
File: 18 KB, 250x252, 1349762734397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to look at r/books. . .it can't be that bad, right?
>people are discussing weather certain books should be read or nort
>someone says that they love paranormal romance but gave up on brave new world because it was "too boring"

>> No.4296043

>go anywhere near normalfag internet country
>decide to look at r/sex
>more like r/pathologicalliars
>bunch of fat and wrinkly old 40 year olds talking about their magical sex lives and how it saved their marriage and how the women learned to "love their curves"
>terribly unfortunate images in my head
>go on r/music or r/movies
>dadrock and 80s cockrock and nolan and tarantino and 80s vintage action movies
>suddenly realize this is actually the statistical average of normal society
>tfw rather go back to fringe corners of the internet to discuss pretentious interests that no one has heard of or go back to tumblr full of cutting, crying and unhealthy views of sex because at least tumblr is my age and my interests.

>> No.4296061


I've been inside my comfy 4chan bubble for years. Every time I peek out to see how the rest of the internet is doing it gets worse.

It's kinda depressing in a way. I mean surely *this* can't be as good as it gets, can it?

>> No.4296076

If you think 4chan is good by any measure, you're an idiot.

>> No.4296125


The problem with a content aggregator like Reddit is that it necessarily caters to the lowest common denominator. Especially on a site so large, quality content gets drowned out by a sea of easily-digestible sludge: "memes," pictures of old video games with the title "does anyone else remember this?" and so on.

Sturgeon's Law also applies. If 90% of everything is crap, then the odds of quality content getting sifted through the average choices of thousands of people is essentially zero.

>> No.4296149
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Match this, faggots.

>> No.4296154

Name one better place on the internet.

>> No.4296155
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>> No.4296165

there are a lot of great niche forums.

>> No.4296169
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>1 Star Amazon review
>It doesn't fit in my ass.

>> No.4296170

Such as?

>> No.4296408
File: 27 KB, 560x336, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1 star Amazon review of a book on mythology/folklore
> "it's not for kids"

>> No.4296416

that's got to be troll, that can't be legit

>> No.4296418

you inspired me to go check that out. top link is Dan Brown answering questions LOL

>> No.4296422

>I'm looking to dip my toes into the Stephen King universe. Where to start?

>> No.4296429

/r/books is terrible. /r/literature is OK, but too high-brow.

/lit/ is best. There, I said it.

>> No.4296436

I always thought the jokes about reddit were all hyperboles... after r/books I know otherwise

>> No.4296440

>I took a Harry Potter class in college and my professor recommended this book. Did you know the third installment The Magician's Land comes out in 2014?

>> No.4296502

So this is what you americans go into debt for?

>> No.4296509

nigga its whether, jesus christ you guys