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/lit/ - Literature

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429143 No.429143 [Reply] [Original]

How educated are you /lit/?

Do you have a degree/are you studying for one?

Pic related, studying for a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Anthropology

>> No.429147
File: 244 KB, 403x384, 4chan university.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my university
studying lulz.

>> No.429155

I dropped out of college after one semester. Now I work ten hours a week at a radio station and live with my mom.

Stay in school, kids.

>> No.429164

i have two degrees, maybe going back for more.

a science bachelor, a post grad in education, going on towards a masters then to doctorate when i save up some money.

>> No.429169

I'm studying at QUT (Queensland University of Technology), majoring in Accountancy.

I would've gone to UQ (top 10 university I believe), however QUT tops UQ in accounting. I don't think it's worth going to a university that's better overall, rather than going going to a university that's better with your specialisation.

How long does degrees generally take in New Zealand? I'll have my degree by the time I'm 20/21.

>> No.429173

I'm currently doing undergraduate computer science and mathematical physics; I'll probably end up going to grad school after this because I'm afraid of the real world.

>> No.429180

You're a fucking failure, kil-

Wait a minute.

>> No.429182

>Stay in school, kids.
this. 100% this.

>> No.429189

3 years for most Bachelors, provided you plan your course and don't fail anything. I'm in my second year and I'll probably be 22 when I have my BA (skipped a year after school).

What about Australia? I'm assuming it would be pretty similar

>> No.429191

High school dropout

>> No.429196

Mmmmhm, three years here too, for most courses.

You can do it faster if you do summer courses though. Mine might actually be 3.5 years, since I'm probably going to study in Japan for a semester.

>> No.429199

I am a Ph.D. candidate (ABD), writing the first chapter of my dissertation on international relations.

>> No.429203

3 years for most, 4 years for the tougher/more complicated (read: better) ones.

>> No.429205

I'm in the last year of Law school. After finishing I want to study Letras.

>> No.429210

When I graduate from my accounting major, I can apply for CPA/CA straight away (because QUT has a special professional accounting extension), and minimum salary is $80,000 for most CPA and $100, 000 for CA jobs.

Plenty of jobs around for accounting too, always is.

It's a three year degree.

>> No.429223

I have no idea if I'll even be able to get a job out of Uni. Probably do my MA & PHD and go do fieldwork in the Pacific, or do archaeology in Egypt or Western Australia

>> No.429234

Pursuing a B.A. in Classics and French at a premiere U.S. undergraduate institution.

Intend to go to lawl school afterward.

>> No.429245

1st year, so my major is still undeclared.

I'm on track for a joint program of popular culture/journalism


I'm going to change to a major in english.

Because literature is awesome.

>> No.429248

UQ was here, QUT is for fagets.

>> No.429260

Currently doing LL. M. at Harvard. Lots of fun.

>> No.429265

If I studied anything but IT, Accounting, and a couple other things, I would've gone to UQ.

UQ is a better university, but not for every fucking subject.

>> No.429277

yeah alright, enjoy your Ultra Tafe

>> No.429284

Professional extension in accountancy, does UQ have it?

If I don't do this, I have to have 5 years work experience before I can apply to CPA or CA...

Yeah, fuck that?

>> No.429288

William & Mary next year. Probably going to end up majoring in history or something equally useless. Lawl school or J-school after that.

>> No.429301
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English literature, finishing up the end of 3rd year

Hoping for lawschool, but everyone who seems to go in there seems like a tool faggot from philosophy

>> No.429312
File: 6 KB, 200x80, 200px-UTDallas_Logo_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA Government and Politics
some graduate level work

>> No.429313

why even do accountancy, don't you know that accountants have the highest suicide rate of all professions?

serious university students tier:
law/political science

>> No.429318


I wonder if we know any of the same people. I'm not going to UBC but I have a few friends taking English Lit there.

>> No.429324

I don't know, I enjoy studying it.

>> No.429330

You don't even have any cultural shit at QUT. Where are your clubs? Where is your toga party?

>> No.429332
File: 21 KB, 247x165, nanoscience_at_victoria_university_of_wellington_organisation_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done a BA in English Lit and theatre studies here, now doing post-grad in Journalism at Massey

>> No.429340

Well, it doesn't really matter because one of the jobs I work at has events nearly every weekend, that I get paid for. Pretty much all I do is just chat with Koreans/Japanese at the various events. On Saturday we went to Byron Bay.

Not to mention I have another job.

>> No.429343

comparative world lit major here, and that's about it

>> No.429488


Maybe. It's a surprisingly big program. I've been taking about 6 or 7 english courses per year and I'm still meeting people I've never seen before.

>> No.429565

Lol its just like the hatred between UoA and AUTU (Auckland University of Technology University, what a joke)

>> No.429592

Doctoral candidate in history. Professor at some local liberal arts colleges.

>> No.429615
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Pic related.

Combined Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Computing

Majors: History and Games Technology.

I want to be a History Professor, but gaeman is pretty cool too.

>> No.429620

I'm majoring in musical theatre and minoring in theatre and drama studies--I get my BA in theatre and drama studies, as well.

>> No.429627

I'm a high school drop out.

>> No.429638

Getting my two-year in English this semester.

>> No.429639

As such you're probably smarter than all of us.

>> No.429652

Yeah, better than wasting a few years and a thousands of dollars on a shitty liberal arts degree.

>> No.429655 [DELETED] 

I wrote a book that came runner up in a competition and university let me start my University education in masters of creative writing. Relevant life experience rawks

>> No.429663

What anthropology papers are you doing this year, OP?

>> No.429679


Sem 1:
Theoretical Approaches to Society
Origins of Civilisation
Archaeology: Understanding the Past
Anthropology Today: Debates in Culture

Not sure on my second semester, and can't decide between Cultural or Biological Anthropology or Archaeology

>> No.429711

Diploma of Applied Sciences, Environmental Technology. Trying to upgrade to a Bachelor of Science via external study, but the only course available majors in genetics and has a calculus component so things are proceeding very slowly. I wanted to study ecology and I was going to Griffith and studying their Bachelor of Ecology and Conservation Biology when I had to move interstate for work and that was the end of that. The end would have come eventually; not long after I got into uni I discovered I had a mathematics and spatial perception-based learning disorder. Since 95% of ecology is mathematics and geography I'd have been fucking screwed anyway.

Having a defective brain sucks.

I have this dream that one day I'll go and do a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English literature, but it'll be at the end of my working life and I'll be doing it only for the pleasure of it. I certainly wouldn't do it with an eye to a career.

>> No.429729

seeing as you are from tasmania im willing to say you arent very educated?

>> No.429735

I came from the same standardized primary and secondary school system as the rest of the country, so no, probably not.

>> No.429745

I thought someone such as yourself would be more into the agricultural sorta thing.

>> No.429752
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>> No.429774

I took an Anthro class a humanities credit requirement and all I ever did in that class was break pencils in sheer rage of how stupid every single fucker was in that and how really tedious it was to be an Anthropologist.

I don't get it, OP.

Anyway, U of Waterloo graduate Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science, currently in U of Toronto finishing up a Physics degree and working with some retardedly brilliant minds who can't code shit.

It's fun.

>> No.429777

Starting at a local community college later this year...

Don't miss application deadlines/Don't be poor, kids.

>> No.429788

There's no shame in going to a community college if you're going for a BA. The simple fact is, if you go to a great university for a BA you are wasting your money. Nobody cares what school BA's come from.

Get your BA from a shitty school, then get into a good graduate program. That's the way champions do it.

>> No.429804

Bachelor of Arts in humanities, undecided whether to pursue an MFA in playwriting or film, or else a JD with an accompanying masters OR a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in rhetoric.

>> No.429810

I should probably have mentioned that all through my schooling I supplemented my own education with a lot of non-fiction reading. To be honest, I probably paid less attention than I should have in school, but I probably learned a lot more than most kids in regards to History, Politics and Philosophy. High School assignments seem more about keeping a standard of achievement for government funding than the proliferation of knowledge.

>> No.429818


You just inspired me, anon.

>> No.429830

BoA : Business Economics. It's more like B.Admin with an extra dosage of economics though.

Not my favourite subject, but it's a placeholder degree until I'm more financially stable and can hopefully get myself another one in creative arts 3 years down the road.

>> No.429831


or an MS in journalism.

clearly a career as a dishwasher has some appeal to me

>> No.429834
File: 34 KB, 293x473, ilana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently going to a community college, wanting to be an English professor possibly.

I'm not like any of you bastards in that I analyze ever single aspect of a book, blah blah blah, but I love the language and I love literature, I just don't dissect.

Oh, and I'd want to be a kickass English teacher instead of the shitty ones I always get stuck with.

>> No.429835

BA in History and Economics (two degrees). I considered an English degree in high school but I decided I liked reading for pleasure too much to destroy that by analyzing every book I ever read. I think I made the right choice.

>> No.429857

Since you are providing inspiration to us anons, I'm curious: how are GPAs handled in the grad school application process? I'm not a 4.0, or sadly a 3.0, but I'm learning but just too lazy to do the menial homework, etc.

>> No.429874
File: 335 KB, 1600x1600, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am studying for a BA in history with minors in music and spanish.

>> No.429881


Is advanced math (e.g., calculus) required for an undergraduate economics program? ... I guess I should go further than that: Beyond perhaps simply being required for the subject, classes, etc., is it actually needed to_understand_the subject?

I'm most likely going to end up majoring in political science and would like to earn a degree in something just a bit more practical, which is why I ask.

>> No.429890

My knowledge of this is limited to a non-US university system.

>> No.429897

econ is mostly calculus and statistics, so yes.

econ ba here. not sure whether to go to law or just bum out and find a job.

>> No.429903

>dont dissect
>wants to be a lit professor
good luck with that

>> No.429906
File: 37 KB, 640x454, oh_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.429914

My school, to graduate, only required Calculus I, but to get taken seriously by any econ grad school, you practically need to major in Math, so many of the people in my econ program took about a million years of math as well. I took calc I and II and I'm probably going to take some more courses in the community college before applying to not look so dumb.

That said, I was able to do both Intermediate Micro Theory and Intermediate Macro theory without having taken Calc I yet, so it is possible to understand beyond intro classes without advanced math, but after taking Calc I, I realized how much easier Intermediate Mirco would've been had I already known that shit. Some of the more advanced formulas need calculus for a deeper understanding, but one can also just know the formula and know when to apply it without having to derive it.

tl;dr if you're going to stay mainly in poly sci you probably don't need advanced math (depending on your school's requirements, of course) but if you're serious about pursuing economics in grad school calc III and linear algebra are generally the minimum.

>> No.429919


Thanks. :(

>> No.429920

Agreed. If your going to teach something you have to know how it works

>> No.429934


As far as I know, at least for me, a 3.0 is the absolute minimum with 3.5 being preferred depending on the program.

When you apply, you're selling your thesis. Don't go in saying I want to further my knowledge, that's a good way to making yourself look like an indecisive jackass. Go into all interviews selling yourself, and your ideas. Conviction goes a much longer way than credentials. Reference letters are huge, if you know anyone in the field.