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4290728 No.4290728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some blatant embodiments of capitalism?

just watching how the cashier line and kitchen work at mcdonalds gives me a raging hard-on and I'm looking for more examples of similarilly ideological things

pic related, we don't have these in my country but we've got some neighbourhoods that resemble them. the almost clinical standardization draped in individualism is just too fucking beautiful

>> No.4290732

Ranch Homes are...I have no words. Fuck you midcentury modernist architecture and everything you stand for.

>> No.4290751

Reminds me of Gasset, everyone wants individuality but everyone is simultaneously happy to accept it in a watered-down ready-made for-everyone form. Everyone is good but no one is great.

>> No.4290827


>> No.4290831

>what are some blatant embodiments of capitalism?

>> No.4290837


>> No.4290841


>> No.4290854


>> No.4290888

Do you have the Home Shopping Network? Watch that.

>> No.4290903

Fuck this video had me grinning throughout. Humans are so damn efficient and good at shit it still amazes me sometimes. This is some world of the future shit right here. Only thing that would have made it better is if this had been the soundtrack:

>> No.4290914

this is giving me a minor divinity complex

>> No.4290933
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yeah but man is of dual nature. we have a spiritual and a rational side
our rational side can be too rational, leading to the pitfalls of technocratic society. Our spiritual side can be too spiritual, leading into the pitfalls of primitive sacrificial ceremonial societies.
also, our rational nature can be too spiritual leading to scientism and our spiritual nature can be too rational constructing complex Vatican/Mohammedan philosophy falling out of touch with our subjectivities.

>> No.4290938

Imagine all the failed attempts at this technology. Shit must've been ugly. I'd play some vaporwave to this.

>> No.4290941

le minecraft boner

>> No.4290947

Right in the feels.


I want to live in vaporwave world so bad.

>> No.4290950

I'm not convinced. I haven't seen anything that's convinced me that spirituality isn't just a poorer substitute for rationalism. Many people point to existential problems in modern society as being the result of a loss of spirituality, which is probably true, but there's no reason to believe that our rational, scientific side cannot solve these issues.

>> No.4290954


this makes everything okay, the power of music zizek was right

>> No.4290961
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You best start believing in vaporwave worlds. You're in one!

>The Modern West

>> No.4290960

>I want to live in vaporwave world so bad.
Protip: you do, only the music is missing.

>> No.4290970

>only the music is missing
not anymore. brb getting ipod

>> No.4290972


>> No.4290974

>Maybe if we keep digging we'll get out of this hole

>> No.4290975

I want a fancy chicken collecting machine.

>> No.4290977

today I hadn't eaten until 16:00 because of nervousness of meeting psychologist at 15:30 so I bought like this huge cinnamon roll thing and a small tub of shrimp salad and I ate it I just fucking ate it all and washed it down with coffee and I played loud music so I couldnt hear myself chewing

feel dirty now

>> No.4290979

just imagine all the chickens you could collect!

>> No.4290985

>not following Ellis' example and wallowing in postmodernity with great enthusiasm

>> No.4290988


Doesn't rationalism carry some inherent ambiguities if you observe it on different levels? Driving your car to work is rational in the sense that it is faster and more efficient, but if everyone did it, it wouldn't work.

When it comes to cost/benefit-thinking and quantifiable aspects of life trumping the qualitative sphere we get some serious problems, not only on the individual level, but the collective and global levels. Our psychopathic tendencies reflect a sick society stemming from the dualism of Descartes, Hobbesian social atomism, Nietszchian individuality with the flattening of archaic value systems leading over to Kant's ethical sphere which is totally abstract, removing the Other from the physical world and placing it in a universal form. Weber sums a lot of these conceptual movements up in his theory of the disenchanted society, which in my opinion hits hard.

Obviously, the rational capacity is a necessary and highly important human trait, but the way it has been ingrained into our culture and how it is being expressed has severely fucked us up.

>> No.4290992

I'd say the most blatant embodiement of capitalism is probably the farm stand, or the farmers market, with flea markets maybe even better. You have people taking raw materials and labor and making improvements and adding value, or in the case of flea markets rationalizing and adding availability and then realizing whatever profit they can make on it and using that to defray their overhead and improve their stock. the farmstand is the classic example of free market capitalism, i know, but it's still one of the best ones out there.

>> No.4290999


John Gray, Robert Pirsig and Paul Feyerabend

>> No.4291010

>ate a big breakfast just because, wasn't even hungry
>psychologist at 3:00
>And I'm doing what I've been doing for the past 5 years
>browsing 4chan, listening to music, amidst failing my classes
>they say I have "major depression" and prescribed prozac that I'm going to take just because
I'm hoping that the side-effect of "increased suicidal ideation" comes in just because it seems interesting.

>> No.4291012


Christ, how abhorrent. I couldn't help myself from scowling throughout.

>> No.4291033

I think warhol was on too much meth and guilt tripped by his religious background to realize he was fostering capitalism in a conscious manner. I think if anything he was being subversive and people didn't realize that he was laughing at them for thinking he was a genius.

>> No.4291038

Do you have borderline or have undergone DBT by any chance? Could be wrong here but I am sensing a female presence with a hysterical component.

>> No.4291043

Then don't meet the psychologist unless you actually mean psychiatrist and need to get ur pills.

>> No.4291040
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That's true actually. Feels like po-mo paradise man.

>tfw listening to vaporwave whilst walking through a supermarket and seeing the neatly packaged pieces of meat and processed foods in beautifully coloured packaging

>> No.4291045

Yes. I agree with everything you said and have nothing to add. If this were a class I would just copy what you said into my laptop notes and use them on the short answer section of the final exam.

>> No.4291051

Are you seeing a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Psychologists don't normally dole out medicine.

>> No.4291050

guyz which lit best has that vaporwave feeling?

>> No.4291056

how is this? did you respond to wrong comment?

>> No.4291066

maybe Tan Lin

>I believe a novel should not preserve things, it should blank them out very very slowly around all those beautiful, corrosive things that are not happening in the world and that usually involve figures of state and violent incursions in countries far from our own and the loss of our loved ones. Every novel is just a form of false advertising, a kind of fragile corporate monogram for something that has not yet become “dated” or “historic” or ugly enough. Every corporation should have a novel as your logo and every logo should contain the death of your family inside it.

>> No.4291067

Nope. The concept of rational vs emotional thought is central to certain psychiatric disorder taxonomies and treatments.

>> No.4291071

I'm seeing a psychiatrist that sent me to a psychologist to get the pills.
The appointment is for the psychiatrist.
>yes, yes, stupid of me.

>> No.4291077

buzzfeed. my god i hate that website
buzzfeed and elite daily

>> No.4291091

and any gawker media sites, if they're still around. I assume they are

>> No.4291092

Not stupid just wish I could help you without getting b& for off-topic.

>> No.4291098

>someone posts a video implying the horrors of the meat industry
>gets showered with praise for human inventiveness and post-modern aesthetic

welcome to /lit/.

>> No.4291100


Borderline what?

certain what?

complete your sentences

And in fact, no, drawing dichotomous relationships extends much further in human thought than among people with disorders

And also, I'm dismantling the dichotomous thinking. I'm just phrasing in a way you all can understand. My point is rationalism and spiritualism are one.

Also, nothing of what I said is controversial. I mean, what exactly are you retaliating against?

>> No.4291101

It was fine when it first started in 2007-2008 it peaked and then it lost all its original writers except for maybe one or two, and one of them is a militant vegan hipsterbro. It had some amazing content 5 years ago but now its just pandering to millennial female yuppies in the worst way for $$$

>> No.4291106

Babby's first crisis to be honest.
I'm on the /b/ circlejerks, just to showcase I'm in-line to being a lost cause.
>we should stop now

>> No.4291109

in my language it is actually "psychologist" since the person I saw is a practioner of psychology and not an MD

>> No.4291126

Horrors how? Just because this sort of thing gets passed around on facebook with "MUST WATCH NEVER EATING MCDONALDS AGAIN" attached and some moralists have visceral reactions to it doesn't make it wrong.

When my grandfather taught me how to gut a fish I had caught and showed me its still beating heart (after it had been killed) it grossed me out, but I got over it. Humans have killed and processed other living things for our entire existence, we're just extremely efficient at it these days. Nothing inherently wrong with that.

>> No.4291132

Borderline personality disorder. I'm not retaliating, I'm saying your ideas are mirrored by a branch of medicine that would love nothing more (and does) pathologies the ideas your are presenting.

>> No.4291135

I said the cunts behind the video were implying that, not me. I'm about to fry up a steak.

>> No.4291146

Imaging a paedophile cruising through a kindergarten playground with that bad boy.

>> No.4291154


>> No.4291219
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Well played.

>> No.4291252

The Sims is probably the most vaporwave vidya of all time.

>> No.4291271
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>> No.4291291

Ah, I see. Chip chip cheerio then

>> No.4291475

>that fat fuck's fedora near the end

>> No.4291540

this is incredible

>> No.4291601
File: 997 KB, 500x700, Relax Nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People bitch about the manufacturing techniques that dramatically lowered the price of constructing a house that started in the early 1900's and made housing significantly more affordable for a greater variety of people which also allowed a very productive and central to quality of life industry to greatly expand over all increasing the real wealth and wages of everyone in America, especially those less well off.

Then somebody like me chuckles while imaging soviet housing blocks.

>> No.4291608
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And the consequences of this practice make food cheaper and allow more to be produced, resulting in an overall boon to human existence. Fuck yeah meat factories.

>> No.4291613

God forbid they live in apartments and have to socially interact with each other and with people of different races and socioeconomic strata!

>> No.4291633


This is better. Mute the first.

>> No.4291644

People who prefer that can, and people who want to have their own little bit of property and have they have proper control of are now able to do it more cheaply.

Though hardly necessary to justify owning a house, social interaction can happen in situations other than living right on top of each other as a note. Work, shopping, and oddly enough, being social animals and such, people tend to search out other people, even sometimes people that make different amounts of money than them (not that this really matters. One makes friends on character, not on quotas). You can get that in apartments, and you can also get the joys of children screaming and banging on the walls and couples screaming and banging on the walls (in multiple senses) at 3am. Not the best life.

Also, what happened to the arguments about this construction style muting individuality? Ever lived in an apartment before?

But seriously folks, a house, the place you can call home, be safe, and do all of those other meaningful and essential things, is not any less valuable to you just because other people have one that looks like it. Your life is not made lesser because others have a similar one. Individualism does not require everyone to look different, it just requires everyone to think for themselves and not see themselves as a part of some giant collective. As it were, Capitalism does that quite well.

>> No.4291656

Are you seriously trying to using social interaction as a reason to prevent or dismiss home ownership? What the shit?

I agree with all of this.