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File: 33 KB, 306x396, hplovecraft_shadowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
428846 No.428846 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/?

Book(s) that have scared you the most?

Pic Related: Some of his stories have most certainly scared me out of sleep.

>> No.428856
File: 238 KB, 339x500, unwind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, this. even though it's basically a kids' book, the "unwinding" scene still scared me pretty badly.

>> No.428859
File: 161 KB, 1154x1789, horror of my childhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm...Well, this is just a classic...See if you recognize it, it's not one of the better known ones...

>> No.428864

im a hardy motherfucker, when it comes to creepy shit. i have nightmares like nobody's business and im okay with gory stuff, the rats in the walls fucked my shit up.

>> No.428880

Poe's Masque of the Red Death scared me so much in Fourth Grade that I put the book away in terror.

It still creeps me the fuck out.

>> No.428888

Oh, shit, son. Is that from "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark"? That is my childhood right there.

>> No.428893

Scary Stories To Tell In the Dark? The illustrator's style stayed in my head forever....

>> No.428901

Yessir it is. I could not look at that particular picture without seizing up and jumping slightly each time I saw it. It was her fucking eyes, man...I couldn't take em...

>> No.428903


I still can't bring myself to read some of those stories. It's half nostalgia, half sheer terror.

>> No.428906
File: 9 KB, 493x402, 1263723363886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that might have been what did it for me. i didn't mind the stories but the pictures...oh god the pictures

>> No.428921
File: 126 KB, 537x867, sc12eq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' A, man. It was this one that always got me.

>> No.428929


The pit and the pendulum is quite good too, OP definately check out poes work.

>> No.428932

is there anywhere i can read Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark online?

>> No.428931

I hated the one where the chick had spiders coming out of her face.

>> No.428926

oh now why did you have to do that? i was just about to go to bed.

>> No.428939

I'm already a pretty big fan of Poe. But thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.428944

Ask /x/ for it. Some one there might have it. I'll check my computer (I hang out on /x/ a lot) but I don't think I have it.

>> No.428971

Teh Willows by Algernon Blackwood: creepy atmosphere that sucks you in and gives you the creepy.

>> No.428986

I must also chime in. Holy fucking shit did I get extra freaked out by it. Nothing's come close to the nightmare fuel of that artwork. Stephen Gammell is the greatest artist in the world as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.428996

I swear the guy knows how to distort images to tear into the very soul and leave you hopeless and scarred.

>> No.429016
File: 21 KB, 600x452, wastelands_6_choo_choo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scary thing is he's a children's book artist. You have to wonder how many Charlie the Choo-Choo images he slips into his work.

>> No.429024

That train awoke everything surpressed and evil in me right now.

>> No.429034

Shit a brick.

>> No.429040


That picture was the scariest thing ever to be found in a Stephen King book.

>> No.429049

Ned Dameron really delivered.

>> No.429071


Spider-face chick was definitely the face that fucked me over. The worst one for me, though, was the desolate landscape with the story about the glass-eyed babysitter with the wooden tail.

Also, the disembodied head which was part of one of the "funnier" stories. It was an older man's head looking right at the reader, mouth half-open in a slackjaw stare. Scared the living fuck out of me, and to this day is the only image that actually deprived me of sleep for three days.

>> No.429084

Howd the one with the babysitter go again? I remember the character, just not the story. Something about a drum? Didn't their mother leave for good or something?

Also, three days? Damn dude. Rough.

>> No.429085

Me Tie Dough-ty Walker. I fucking remember that ONLY because of the picture. I agree, the story itself was not remotely scary.

>> No.429112

No, it wasn't Me Tie Dough-ty Walker. I'm looking for a copy online.

Yeah basically a son and daughter were misbehaving and their parents told them if they didn't stop misbehaving they would buy a new parent with glass eyes and a wooden tail. They disobey three times and the parents disappear. The kids come home one evening and night falls on the house. Their parents don't come back. The next day they head out looking for their parents and when they come back there's a babysitter with glass eyes and a wooden tail, thumping against the floor.

The pic is the two kids walking through the woods. Freaky fucking shit.

>> No.429118

I remember that now! I was with my family at my cabin in vermont...I didn't talk back to my parents for a week after that one...

>> No.429123

While I'm sure many illustrators do children's books because they enjoy working with that kind of innocence, it gives some others an entirely new palate of frightening concepts to work with. I mean, look at Coraline, or The Brothers Grimm!

>> No.429131

Ah, the brother's grimm...Fantastic stuff, that.

>> No.429130
File: 2 KB, 120x90, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't this?

>> No.429138


No, this head was floating in midair. It wasn't from the first book, I don't think.

>> No.429159
File: 22 KB, 441x556, scaryfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found it! It's from the story "It's HIM!"

This, gentlemen, is the image that scarred my dreams so much that in fourth grade I stopped sleeping for three days. I got chills just saving it.

>> No.429168


>> No.429174

Also, there's a sick fuck on YouTube who has audio versions of each story in the trilogy, accompanied by the ever-so-delightful illustrations.

The read-along gets annoying, but the pictures...oh god.


>> No.429184

No...make it go away...Please...

>> No.429190

This is bringing back so many childhood fears...

>> No.429211

I didn't sleep last night, so I'm a bit fucked atm. This isn't helping much.

>> No.429213


>> No.429217

...I've gone numb.