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/lit/ - Literature

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4283332 No.4283332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So have any of you guys read Der Ego and Der Eigenzeit? What did you think?

Also, have you come to any realizations that you had been worshiping some kind of spook?

Any qt 3.14 stirnerist waifus?

>> No.4283335

Is there anything that isnt a spook?

>> No.4283334

fuck u

>> No.4283337

should i invest in bitcoin? im worried it may be a spook

>> No.4283380


It's up to you to decide.

>> No.4283381

It's a bit late for that now.

>> No.4283392
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>> No.4283404
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destroy your spooks

>> No.4283415

>Any qt 3.14 stirnerist waifus?

sorry to burst your bubble but romantic company is also a spook. everything is a spook. you should let yourself starve to death.

>> No.4283429

>Stirner worked as a schoolteacher in a school for young girls owned by Madame Gropius
>in a school for young girls owned by Madame Gropius
>young girls

>> No.4283444
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>> No.4283454

I bet they were spooky.

>> No.4283456

it's unfortunate to see so many newfriends on /lit/ misunderstanding Stirner's philosophy

>> No.4283465
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please educate us. mind the fact that you tripped on a spook and failed already by mentioning newfriends and oldfaggot shit. there is no seniority here and it is impossible to misunderstand. proper understanding is a spook unto itself. nothing has to be complete. i'm not ashamed to admit I never read the book

>> No.4283474

yeah it's nasty, makes me glad this week was the one i jumped ship in regards to egoism

>> No.4283476


for one thing, being new to a board is concrete and seniority is not implied

for another, abstract =/= spook as Stirner uses it. Misunderstanding Stirner's work is an abstract issue but it's not one that imposes any sacred laws onto you.

>> No.4283477
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We're glad you jumped ship, too.

>> No.4283491
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>> No.4283493
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I was right, and now you're just trying to use the verbal jew to keep painting me as your intellectual inferior and still avoid using "spooks".

You fail. I'm surprised you aren't a tripfag.

>> No.4283501


I don't know how defending myself against your critiques is trying to paint you as my intellectual inferior.