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/lit/ - Literature

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4277679 No.4277679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Apparently this board is one of the most "bluepilled" according to the board I frequent often (/pol/, obviously.)

I was wondering if anyone had some must-read literature that is:
-Created by an author that isn't black or Jewish, and is preferably male.
-If female, is not created by a feminist.
-Is not written poorly (of course none of you fine, well educated men and women would recommend me someone with poor eloquence, however I still feel the need to add this)
-Does not have a liberal or communistic positive feeling (i.e. main characters best friend being a transsexual and them accepting him or a blatant diehard hippie being shown as the good guy)
-In some ways, a redpill. Makes you think deeper about a certain aspect of life.

Of course, I am aware this is not /r/, so I will share my knowledge however I doubt it will be of use to people who frequent this board.

I really enjoy reading about dystopian, futuristic societies. I'm a college student and still managed to get a kick out of reading "Divergent" just because I vastly enjoyed the genre (even though I was deeply concerned with the positivity of such a disgusting culture, trying to pierce and tattoo children and promote violence) so I can read books that hold the opposite values and still appreciate them, however that is probably the prime example of what I DON'T want to be recommended.

Some great reads are Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and 1984 by the wonderful George Orwell. I refuse to read Anthem by Ayn Rand, however, due to her obvious lack of credibility and Jewish descent.

Also interested in reading We and Lolita, however I haven't gotten the time to read them yet.

Highly disliked the book by Kurt Vonnegut called Slaughterhouse-Five.

When I was younger I enjoyed books by Scott Westerfeld, Neal Shusterman, and Kevin Brooks.

Please help, I've almost given up on reading due to feeling like I'm running out of content I'll genuinely enjoy, I'm extremely peculiar and picky about what exactly I like reading about. I simply cannot appreciate a well written novel if the subject content bores me (like things about fishing, the ocean, and historical novels about amish/technologyless life)

>> No.4277688

>-Is not written poorly
>rates dystopian novels for young adults highly

>> No.4277690

Taipei by Tao Lin or infinite Jest.

>> No.4277692

>people responding seriously to this thread
come on /lit/ I thought you were smarter than this

>> No.4277697

>Criticizes writing
>Doesn't finish the sentence "is probably the prime example of what I DON'T want to be recommended."
Why? It promotes degeneracy and was poorly written. Was an example of my lack of closemindedness and willingness to read literature that didn't fall under my strict guidelines yet eventual disappointment to show that I'm not an asshole who sticks to these all the time. One can only truly appreciate their ideals when being exposed to the ones they don't agree with.

Thank you, I'm researching them now.

Why do you think I'm not serious?

>> No.4277699

mein kampf

satisfied? fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>muhhhhh beige shitpill

>> No.4277703

Because everything you say is obvious bait

4/10 made me reply

>> No.4277704

The liberalism is strong in this one.
Why is it that people such as yourself tend to react in such an unnecessary, violent manner when approached by someone who disagrees with your beliefs? It is really highly rude to send someone away due to the fact that they do not conform with your lifestyles.

You should always try to look at things from many perspectives rather than one.

However I've learned by this point not to argue with the wild liberal, feminist, or negro, it is of no use.

To quote: "To argue with those who have renounced the use of reasoning is like administering medicine to the dead."

Good day.

>> No.4277705

>You should always try to look at things from many perspectives rather than one.

>-Created by an author that isn't black or Jewish, and is preferably male.

>-Does not have a liberal or communistic positive feeling (i.e. main characters best friend being a transsexual and them accepting him or a blatant diehard hippie being shown as the good guy)

pure b8

>> No.4277707

Why is everything bait?

>> No.4277710

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.4277714

I looked up Taipei and it seemed interesting, not really due to the summary but by some of the reviews. I will give it a try!

I've actually read Infinite Jest already a while ago, I shall definitely give it a look again though since I do not remember the ending. I think that it was not too shabby if I'm recalling correctly.

I'm asking the same question.
I do not frequent this board so I do not know what questions to ask and not ask, however I made sure to state my limitations, to recommend books myself and explain a bit of what I was and was not looking for. I thought this would make a nice dystopian share thread and even lead to some debates about the books, rather than a blatant ad hominem fest with attacks about my character based on my highly subjective and controversial beliefs.

Yes, I am a racist, however I look at them from both sides. Do I think that they are horrible or inhuman? No. Have I attemped BEFORE this thread to read books written by those against my list of what I did not want to read? Yes, and I even gave an example to prevent people like you from harrassing me (See the divergent part of my thread) I have made my beliefs, you can disagree with them if you'd like but really this is not contributing much at all to your openmindedness by reacting this way. Take your own advice.

Oh lord.

>> No.4277715
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gtfo polfag

trying to sound polite doesn't make you any less retarded

kindly fuck off

>> No.4277721

I'm afraid you're just pigeonholing yourself with all that filtering and restraints.

Even if you're not open to the idea of someone challenging your white suprematist beliefs, you still should read and understand the arguments of your enemies (I'm getting the impression that that's how you perceive them) for the sake of discussion.
Believe what you want, but try not to be a blockhead about it, or you'll be harming naught but your own intellect.

That aside, and respecting your request, why don't you give Kierkegaard a try?

>> No.4277722

Just stop trying, you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.4277723

You could try reading George Orwell's essay on western censorship that was to be the original introduction to Animal Farm, before the west censored it.

>> No.4277725

The Host, in my opinion, is the epitome of everything an author could hope to achieve by writing a book as you've described.

The author also has quite a heft track record, having written similarly marvelous books in an equally contested genre.

>> No.4277727

This has to be bait right?

That being said, I fail to see how /lit/ is considered the most 'bluepilled' of the boards. Honestly, we don't even talk about politics on this board, and /lit/ tends to judge books more on literary credit rather than their authors or ideologies (unless its philosophy, but that's a different topic). E/lit/es carry the same basic stigmas of the rest of 4chan. Why is /lit/ considered bluepill? Is it because e/lit/es like books that /pol/ stereotypes them as liberal SJW cunts? Because I haven't really seem that kind of mentality here...

>> No.4277730


samefag here. Also, while not redpill at all, given your tastes, I think you might enjoy Neuromancer

>> No.4277734

I love when right-wingers praise Orwell

>> No.4277736

I doubt most /pol/troons even realize /lit/ exists, we're not exactly headlining

>> No.4277738

Alright buddy, I used to be a /pol/ack super racist Hitlerite too, so I know where you're coming from.

The problem with racist attitudes isn't the facts, bro. Yeah, as we stand, black people are not as smart as whites. The reasons for this are unclear, but I think anyone who's head is screwed on can see this. And I don't even think biology isn't a factor, but this isn't the point.

The point is that anti-social sentiments are inherently self destructive and don't build up society. By sitting around, jerking over how stupid niggers are, you are counter-acting the entire culmination of western culture and are being wasteful. I work in a mental home, and I can tell you that even the most stupid, insignificant person can teach you alot as long as you're capable of introspection and critical thought.

The point is it's not worth holding onto hate and shit. Just hang out and chill. If you're so concerned about blacks taking white women or whatever, then stop being a faggot and go get a white woman pregnant. Just sitting around bitching and hoping for a dystopian, totalitarian nightmare to come and hand you a woman and life that you didn't work very much for and use violence to maintain is barbarous

TL;DR watch American History X and learn to focus yourself on productive tasks

>> No.4277739

Can't believe noone's said The Stranger yet.

>> No.4277741

"Trying to sound polite," I am not trying at all, I am simply being.

>Fuck off

Why is everyone on this thread so hateful? I truly believe that your knowledge of fine literature must be lacking. I shouldn't have expected a serious response.

You come to criticize and spread hatred, not share your knowledge happily with those willing to learn.

I might dislike the Jew and the Negro, however I am still friends with them and interact with them.

The way you're acting towards me is as though I would spit on a Negros shoes and tell him to fuck out of my white-only building.

At least I attempt to show respect and am open about my views instead of being a conniving shithead who pretends to conform with the masses.

I learned my lesson. Hopefully once you become an adult you will learn common civility and respect towards others.

This hurts. I refuse to read anything written by the author that turned vampires from menacing, dark creatures into sparkling faggots. Apologies, but no thank you. THIS, for all of you reading, is true bait, and that hurts.

I used to be a very liberal hippie who constantly avocated for LGBT(Q) rights and such. I used to BE the person I now argue against. I know the arguments of my enemies, I just have already gone past this point and have found views that I identify with and believe in. I do not feel it is necessary to reiterate what I have already concluded mentally .

I appreciate your recommendation as well! I absolutely LOVE existentialism and I think Kierkegaard sounds like a wonderful author to look into, however I am not a Christian (just putting that out there). His books will be interesting to read since I usually abstain from texts with religious references. Opening myself to a whole new world of possibilities.

>> No.4277748

>You come
no, you come
as i said, fuck off to your containment board to cry how kikes & niggers are oppressing you again

>> No.4277749


Pick a century.

>> No.4277750

You've established that you aren't "willing to learn," you've asked for books that confirm your biases and don't expose you to viewpoints that make you uncomfortable.

>> No.4277753

/lit/ has always had some of the more aggressive mods/janitors when it comes to any kind of racism/racialism, reactionary thought, paleoconservatism, fascism, etc. With /pol/ being a big thing these days that's more understandable but it was the case even before a concerted right-wing element on 4chan was a thing on anyone's radar.

/lit/'s reputation outside of /lit/ is basically:
- will vociferously defend feminism and even SJ
- will not abide dismissive "lol she only won [award] because of diversity" comments (in fact these will get you banned after you get flamed)
- will talk about Marxism and all things related but call anything right-leaning Stormfront shit
This is all different than most 4chan boards. More like /co/ than /v/, or especially practically unmodded boards like /r9k/.

The major thing is that /lit/ has lots of older twentysomething internet e-veterans who are good at being lowercase sardonic and 4chan-y while still defending marxist transgender feminism. On other boards, those kinds of people are usually the ones shitting on feminism et al., which are usually represented by distinctly newfag/tumblr tier people who get buttflustered easily, making easy targets. /lit/ is tiny but redoubtable at being left-leaning.

>> No.4277754

Well, yeah, that's reactionary thought in general.

>> No.4277752

I praise his writing style, not necessarily his political views. I know there are flaws in my beliefs and I do enjoy reading about them. I am individualistic and do not side with any party, I'm actually an authoritarian centrist who tries to remain neutral and see the positive side of most things however I realize that humanity is not all that bright so there definitely needs to be the few that are the 'leaders' and the rest who are to be led.

However I have read many of his works, one recommended (thank you) by this gentleman >>4277723 and disagree with him about certain things, but after a lot of insight into his works I appreciate him and thoroughly enjoy reading what he published.

"Shooting an Elephant" is a great rec. for anyone who enjoys him as well!

Also forgot to mention that Metamorphosis by Kafka really is one of the best pieces of literature that I have had the pleasure of reading.

They do. Almost every thread started by a /pol/lack is met with instant hatred and yelling, however sadly most people on that board just return with more hatred and yelling. I actually want to accomplish something projective and leave with books to pick up on my library wednesdays and a new outlook on literature.

That book is too vague, can you give me the Author's name?

>> No.4277755

Albert Camus

>> No.4277766

>/lit/ is tiny but redoubtable at being left-leaning.
/lit/ isn't left-leaning, you newfag. In fact, /lit/ is one of the most Christian and reactionary boards.

Just because your brand of pop-culture neanderthal xenophobia is janitored out doesn't mean that the janitors are leftists.

>> No.4277767

Again all of this anger. Perhaps you should consult a professional, it'd probably help you in the long run. Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of.

Yes but I want something widely recommended by /lit/. I generally hate beginning to read a book and then setting it down so I go through with it regardless of how awful it is, and so I fear obtaining books without hearing feedback (and you know how it is reading reviews, half are good, half are bad, almost every time. They sugarcoat things, only places such as here will truly give you an almost objective criticism of a piece) However I appreciate this because I have come across this before and looked at it as well.

I've established that Ive passed that phase already and am sick and tired of reading books I don't enjoy by people who I think are trying to control me, I have already read things of that nature and have concluded that my viewpoints on the few things I listed probably won't change.

The fact is that no matter how many things I read or watch, I probably will always hate poorly written novels, I probably will always have a tinge of racism, I will probably always fear Jewish people and feel they are controlling me and will probably always hate reading about fishing in Maine.

That is just life. Nobody can like everything my dear.

Oh, I've actually read this already when I was still in high school, probably around sophomore year. I remember I highly disliked it due to my inability to connect with the seemingly sociopathic narrator and my lack of appreciation for the writing style.

>> No.4277772
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>blue pilled

There is a reason why the pill is red, m8.

>> No.4277773

This whole thread is fairly good bait.


>> No.4277775

This thread is obvious bait.

>> No.4277783

dude you sound really young, you'll grow out of this bullshit
you don't have to buy into this ideology thing.

anyway, i'm going to seriously recommend the glass bead game for you and that you read the manifesto for a european renaissance. learn how to not be an enormous faggot about your anomic feels.

>> No.4277782

"Janitoring out" doubleplusbad thoughtcrime is a leftist phenomenon.

>> No.4277787

> Lists 1984
> Not realising Orwell was a libertarian socialist, and that everything he wrote reflected his ideology
> Being this pleb

>> No.4277788

just read Dostoyevsky he hated the jews so you'll be fine and he's a way better writer than any of the people you mentioned

>> No.4277790

>Some great reads are Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, and 1984 by the wonderful George Orwell
>I probably will always hate poorly written novels
Pick one

>> No.4277793
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Oh good lord now it seems that extremists from my board and leftists from this board have derailed this thread with arguments.

There is no hope for the world.

>Being called young by a guy who refuses to acknowledge capitals and call me 'dude'.

>Not reading things that don't conform to your views because you cannot accept the fact that sometimes people disagree with you and you are unable to appreciate anything in life unless it conforms to your small, sensitive vision of an ideal thought process.

This thread is just restatements and people attempting to argue with me without actually taking into consideration a word I have typed.

No. Hope.

I'm abandoning this. Say what you will about my character but at the end of the day I'll appreciate my dedication to my beliefs and my peaceful willingness to cooperate with a hostile, illogical people.

Oh how I wish that I could leave this planet along with the other intelligent, nonaggressive individuals in this Earth and start my own colony and watch your inevitable self-destruction.

Oh how I desire for an alternate Universe.

This world is hell.

>> No.4277795

are you in high school

>> No.4277797

The road

The stand by stephen king, there is a black character in the book though.

>> No.4277800
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Being 12 was hard for me too

>> No.4277806

i gave you serious recommendations, for you, shit that somebody like you would want to read
just cut out your euphoria
i still think you're being serious and that you should read some serious conservative literature
thinking about it, in real life, i use "dude" as a form of address when i am disappointed with someone i like, i guess i am imagining you as a friend's idiot little brother that could use some talking to

>> No.4277809


Have you tried thinking for yourself instead of swallowing pills of different colors?

When you read 1984, did you realize Orwell was actually against ingsoc?

>> No.4277816
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>bluepilled, says he's from /pol/
>all these people who fell for the bait

>> No.4277818

Island by Huxley will have a happy ending for you. Up in the Air by Walter Kirn meets most criteria, even if he's an exMormon. Charles Fourier is antiSemetic but he's also a bit of a Marxist hippy- funny and /pol/ as shit though and worth a read so you know the origins of feminism. Saki was gay but writes beautifully and was repressed enough that there's no liberal positive feeling. Considering you've read Trotskiites without your head exploding, you could well enjoy any of these.

>> No.4277862

This thread could have gone to something, but e/lit/ists just derailed the shit out of it. I'm sorry OP. Not all /lit/ people have Anger Management and find 4chan to vent out social anxiety and sexual frustrations.

>> No.4277867

I'm sorry we don't all have standards as low as yours for what constitutes productive discussion

>> No.4277869

you're OP
fuck off
some of us tried
well i did, anyway

>> No.4277896

If wonder if you guys on /pol realise who invented that 'red pill, blue pill' trope.

>> No.4277900

go home op

>> No.4277907
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>I'm sorry me.

>> No.4278050

Someone should post the conservative/reactionary chart for you.

>> No.4278055

The Waves

>> No.4278057


>> No.4278075

>from /pol/
>wants redpill literature by a white, male

"Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer.

>> No.4278100

>-Does not have a liberal or communistic positive feeling
>1984 by the wonderful George Orwell

You do realize Orwell was left wing as fuck, right?

>> No.4278106

This might shatter his worldview.

>> No.4278108

I just started reading the thread but is this guy for real? How can someone so indoctrinated feel so open minded?
How on earth does a persons heritage affect the content of the book in such a way that you are unable, even disgusted, to read it?

>> No.4278123

>The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men
>implying all the other people won't vote for evil men

>> No.4278127

Some people just don't experience cognitive dissonance. World's full of retards.

I'm guessing this guy is just a troll, though. The post you replied to was masterly crafted, if that's the case.

>> No.4278130

>claims to appreciate the value of opposing views
>rejects works by balck, Jewish and feminist authors because they express opposing views

My little Anon can't be this stupid.

>> No.4278174

You would fit in well at >>>/mlp/

>> No.4278175

You need to be more specific.

>> No.4278397

Hey bud I don't think reading is for you. You lazy piece of shit. There are more books then you could possibly know what to do with. Your really picky about books and you want a bunch of strangers to pick some for you? Nice try moronic troll.

>> No.4278401

I hope you're not actually a librarian, because damn..

>> No.4278551

Try 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' OP