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/lit/ - Literature

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425539 No.425539 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/, I've seen picture lists of Russian, "Viking" and French literature, so I figure we should put together more lists of other languages as well. Spanish and "Chinese" seem like logical choices, and I think we all like Borges and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right? I also got a copied list of Japanese literature I was going to get around to looking through that I can paste here if needed.

>> No.425544

Whats with the ""?

>> No.425551

Spanish: Cien anos de soledad, Memoria de mis putas tristes, El general en su laberinto (all Marquez)

>> No.425553

Prob. because they're broad categories often used to encompass different culture's works under one not necessarily correct label

>> No.425556

OP do you have the existing picture lists that you can repost here?

>> No.425563
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"Viking" = Not an actual language.... When I wrote that It was knowing that the Viking literature lists encompasses over four or so languages (Finnish, Old English, etc.)
"Chinese" = Encompasses the various dialects of China, from Mandarin to Cantonese. Some say they differ enough to be considered their own languages.

>> No.425564
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>> No.425570

This anon >>425564 posted the Russian list.

I have the French list on my comp at home, as well as a three part list of Science Fiction literature. Sorry.

>> No.425573
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god damn you flood detector

>> No.425579

Thanks a lot anon

>> No.425581

Does anyone know of good Spanish short story collections? I've only been through Marquez.

>> No.425582

Chinese literature, I think of Journey to the West. Spanish obviously Don Quixote comes to mind.

>> No.425583

If you're doing Spain, then you must include Don Quixote

>> No.425585

Dats a pretty good collection yo gotz. Yo even gotz some of Strugatsky Brothers in dare. Kudos, kudos. Yo should include Pelevin and Bulichev with the 20th century list. For zey arr good.

>> No.425586

What about Italian literature?

>> No.425587

Dangs, whatz a prrik!

>> No.425590

Can we start referring to these as the "Anon Canon"?

>> No.425593


Don't give /lit/ another reason to hate itself even more.

>> No.425595

They have Opera covered.
And The Divine Comedy.

>> No.425596

I like that, even though it doesn't actually rhyme.

>> No.425600

The Decameron too

>> No.425606

The True Story of Ah Q, by Lu Xun.

One of the funniest stories I've ever read. It's been a while since I read it, but I'd put the translation I read on par with Catch-22.

>> No.425641

"Viking" is a profession and class, not an ethnic group.

>> No.425642

anyone have a list like this but with some roman historical fiction?

>> No.425643

So far we've got:

Spanish Language Literature:

Don Quixote

Cien anos de soledad by Gabriel García Márquez
El general en su laberinto Gabriel García Márquez

Memoria de mis putas tristes Gabriel García Márquez

Chinese Language Literature (English names for convenience)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Journey to the West
Water Margin
Dream of the Red Chamber
The Plum in the Golden Vase
(The Five traditional Classics of Chinese Lit)

The True Story of Ah Q - Lu Xun

Italian Literature:


The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
The Decameron - Giovanni Boccaccio

>> No.425665

If we're doing triples by one author: Invisible Cities, Cosmicomics, and If on a winter's night a traveler by Calvino.

>> No.425668

This is just embarrassing.

>> No.425672

Borges Borges Borges

>> No.425699

Borges, also Horacio Quiroga. Both are great, surrealist authors.

>> No.425725

Too much Dostoyevsky for my taste.
If it was up to me they would include sub-categorisation or a one-liner comment.
>Chinese literature, I think of Journey to the West. Spanish obviously Don Quixote comes to mind.
leave that to chinese people and Spaniards.

>> No.425734

it is a big mistake to categorise books by ethnic groups. culture, generally, rests on such big mistakes. why not introduce a few new ones?

>> No.425745


I included the 5 Dostoevsky works because they are all debatably his best (or most important) works, whereas with someone like Bulgakov or Lermontov, it's easy to decide.

>> No.425772

I would recommend Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo and La region mas transparente by Carlos Fuentes

>> No.425773

remove a country doctor's notebook. yes, there was movie done about it recently but all in all it belongs to the kind of lit Bulgakov was writing for food.
the Heart of a Dog or the Fatal Eggs are much more deserving. Also, if you have A.N.Tolstoy there, why no Gorky or Nikolai Ostrowsky?
Your 19th century has too much Dostoyevsky to my taste. What it most sorely lacks is Saltykov-Schedrin's 'The Golovlyov Family', as well as Herzen's 'Who is to Blame' and Chernyshevsky's 'What to do'.
To the 20th century I'd add Daniil Kharms and Kangaroo by Yuz Aleshkovsky.

>> No.425782

Also, the Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow is an absolute classic amongst Russian progressives.

>> No.425789


No Gorky or Ostrovsky because Socialist Realism is garbage (a similar although anachronistic reason for Herzen and Chernyshevsky; also because those two are known mostly for non-fiction and I figured those seeking to get into Russian lit would be after fiction)

Dostoevsky because >>425745

I'll go ahead and add the other two and switch up Bulgakov though

>> No.425799

But still you retain A.N.Tolstoy. Why?

>> No.425812

don't we have something worthwhile for 1952-2010?

>> No.425817


Death Ray is more exciting than the didactics of, say, Mother, it reads more like a story than a pamphlet

That's pretty much the only reason.

>> No.425827

Um you are garbage and so is your judgment

>> No.425830


Oh also

Do you have a specific recommendation for Kharms? I've only read a couple short stories that were in an anthology.

>> No.425895
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it lacks this

>> No.425938
File: 44 KB, 500x500, Kharms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a specific recommendation for Kharms?
well, he wrote some wonderful poetry

Я шёл зимою вдоль болота
В галошах, в шляпе и в очках.
Вдруг по реке пронёсся кто-то
На металлических крючках.

Я побежал скорее к речке,
А он бегом пустился в лес,
К ногам приделал две дощечки,
Присел, подпрыгнул и исчез.

И долго я стоял у речки,
И долго думал, сняв очки:
«Какие странные дощечки
И непонятные крючки!»


but since you wouldn't want to have poetry on your list the incidence are pretty much thing there is left.

>> No.425968

this board cannot be solely populated by the russians and the french! where is the rest of you?

>> No.425971

"If on a Winter's Night a Traveller" is a pretty obvious one for Italian.

>> No.425994

This thread better be here when I wake up in 8 or so hours

>> No.426000
File: 891 KB, 1536x2884, spanishlit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so I tried to do this, but I don't really know that much about Spanish literature before the 20th century, and I've only included books that I've actually read. Where the mundohispanofags at?

>> No.426002
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What about hip literature?
it would make a fine and useful list.

On the Road
Clockwork Orange
The Outsider by Camus
Naked Lunch
every single Hemingway
Slaughterhouse 5
Catch 22
the Unbearable Lightness of Being

what else?

>> No.426016

don't sleep and keep bumping it et voila

>> No.426020
File: 29 KB, 450x300, does bernie mac have to smack a bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.426026

who doesn't want to belong to the cool kids?

>> No.426048 [DELETED] 

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sUbJecT: EnJoyIng youR dOWNTiMe FAggoT?

thEY BLIndLy beLIEVE evERyTHING i fEeD THeM, FaKE OR not, YOur boarD'S gOiNg dOwN. Don'T BOTher pUBLISHing ThIs, nO ONe WilL bElIEvE yOu aNYWay on aNt oR /B/ :)

>> No.426062

ooh what a fine thread

>> No.426072

Slaughterhouse 5 as well? Shit, i thought i will read it

>> No.426155

this and cat's cradle. can't anyone paste it together with photoshop? don't we have any art students here?

>> No.426171

can we have a list of woman's, nigger's and jewfag's literature? i happen to woman's faggot niggerjew

>> No.426222

Add The Joy of Being Awake (Asuntos de un Hidalgo Disoluto) by Hector Abad Faciolince to the spanish list, the man is a great writer, it's a shame that it is his only translated work.

If anybody has the chance to read something more i'd heartfully recommend El Olvido que Seremos (The Oblivion We Shall Be), Angosta and Las Formas de la Pereza y Otros Ensayos (The Forms of Laziness and Other Essays)

>> No.426462


>> No.427128

I'd like to recommend The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati for the Italian list.

>> No.427543

No, it was a nice sleep.

>> No.429032

Bumping again, just noticed

Good work.