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File: 35 KB, 500x421, Yukio_Mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4247298 No.4247298 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start?

Preferably a book that will get me in shape to be manly.

>> No.4247304

>Preferably a book that will get me in shape to be manly.

Stop reading books. Start chopping firewood.


>> No.4247310
File: 175 KB, 990x663, IMG 490128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body is refined m8, I just need to work on my mind.

>> No.4247313
File: 109 KB, 1100x1100, evola_ride_tiger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4247319

can't say I needed to see that.

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea is a good start.

>> No.4247413

convict conditioning

>> No.4247418
File: 149 KB, 232x468, nitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.4247432

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Not "Spake"

But I agree OP, read it.

>> No.4247453

Shit this thread isnt helpng, you all reccomend me a butt load of books, im just gonna start from his first publication to his last

>> No.4247465
File: 407 KB, 516x566, chef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that reading will help you become manly

>> No.4247473

lary goldman or goldberg whatever, pls

>> No.4247475
File: 59 KB, 202x202, reminded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that it won't

brb starting a cycle without reading for months first

>> No.4247478


Chef Goldblum.

>> No.4247644
File: 34 KB, 300x430, cover-front300w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Way of Men

Surprised me how much I enjoyed it. Not super dry, but has interesting ideas.

>> No.4247670


>> No.4247692

Just googled that, looks pretty interesting. I've been looking for a well-written treatise or book on masculinity and it's place today for a while now.

>> No.4247701

be aware that donovan is a homo

>> No.4247711

Yeah, I saw that when I looked it up. I don't think that will necessarily detract from his view of masculinity, especially given that from what I've seen of his view of contemporary/popular homosexual culture in the west, I mostly agree with it.

>> No.4247712

>Preferably a book that will get me in shape to be manly.


>> No.4247714

Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe

>> No.4247715

I like to lift dumbbells when I read

>> No.4247719

OP you know Mishima was gay right?

With that out of the way, you should probably start with something short like The sailor who fell from grace with the sea or Confession of a mask. After that the Golden Pavilion for sure. And after that you're ready for the tetralogy The sea of fertility, and in my opinion his most beautiful book (and the one that most exemplifies his views, Runaway horses

>> No.4247739

>you know Mishima was gay right?
bullshit no 1 will ever know, probably just slander by critics

>> No.4247763

Have you read confessions of a mask?
you can find videos of interviews with his lover Miwa Akihiro where he talks about him frequenting gay bars (which was a well know fact)

it's a pity that his family won't allow the translation of some of his works because of this. Anyway I wouldn't think of Mishima as your typical gay man, he was more complex than that

>> No.4247786

>typical gay man
>more complex than that

I lol'ed

>> No.4247789

>being fit = being manly

Keep believing it.

>> No.4247794

>implying gay people normally lack complexity


>> No.4247803
File: 51 KB, 640x480, (W_B) SDF Macross 06(x264)(2BCF1CCC).mkv_snapshot_03.25_[2013.11.05_16.37.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sun and steel, op

I read both sun and steel and confession of a mask. Was disappointed with both.

>> No.4247976


>Preferably a book that will get me in shape


>> No.4247981

>in shape to be manly
Seeing that you're autistic, I understand how this went over your head.

Shape is being used in a metaphorical way; he wants a book that will put him in a mindset to be manly.