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424713 No.424713 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: awesome things about your favorite writer that few other people know. In my case, it's Borges. When he was already blind and old, he got invited to some university in the U.S. Apparently a student protest was going on at the time. At a dinner with school officials, some protesters broke in. One of them called Borges's mother a whore.He slammed his cane on the table and challenged the student to a duel. Fucking win.

>> No.424716

I would have dropped that old man like a sack of potatoes.

>> No.424718

dostoyevsky often walked the steps from his house to the bridge in K- and the pawn womans apartment. he knew every step by heart.

>> No.424719


No you wouldn't have, you little shit. You would have pissed yourself and run away.

OP: Fuck year.

>> No.424726

This isn't awesome necessarily (depending on your point of view- I just find it interesting) but Kerouac was a staunch Republican. Seems counter-intuitive to his personality and what he wrote about, doesn't it? At least in this day and age.

inb4 "Everyone already knows that, faggot."

>> No.424727

I would have pushed his old ass over like it was ten pounds of beans.

Then I would have broken his cane and taped a sign on his back that said "free blowjobs."

>> No.424730


wow. thank you

>> No.424733

Have you read his early stories? Heavily influenced by gaucho knife-duel mentality. I recommend reading them alongside Alberto Gerchunoff's Jewish Gauchos of the Pampas.

>> No.424737
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>> No.424739

Well, Tom Clancy is a Republican if you guys weren't aware of that.

>> No.424744


LOL no rly? omg had no idea. i couldnt tell at all from his writing material

>> No.424746




>> No.424749

I would have emptied the contents of his colostomy bag on him then make him slap himself in the face with his own hands.

>> No.424750

Now that's just crazy talk, anon.

>> No.424751

Republicans and Democrats were awfully different in Kerouac's time.

>> No.424752

and he talked trash to his sister's husband

>> No.424756



Protip:I could kill Clancy in less than fifteen seconds....

>> No.424759

There is academic debate about wether Poe was in such an advanced state of alcoholism in the time before his death that he could not cope with larger amounts of alcohol and therefore was drunk after only a couple of drinks, if he was just lying about how much he already had to drink in other etablissements or if he just pretended to be completely drunk to excuse himself to proceed with his drinking elsewhere. He was a compulsive liar, entertainer and a drunk. So much is for sure. But the sources differ on his actual state. A mistery that will never be solved.

>> No.424760

Surprisingly, he had a lot of beefs with the Bush administration.

>> No.424765

If that little shit had challenged me, I'd have turned his face into hamburger.

>> No.424766
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The authors of the New Testament were actually underpants gnomes.

>> No.424771

I realize that, and that's why I added the little caveat "at least in this day and age," but you would think that with his freewheeling lifestyle that he would be a liberal. After all, the Beat generation gave birth to the counter-cultural movement.

>> No.424773

> A mistery that will never be solved.

What's "a mistery"? It's not in MY dictionary.

>> No.424774


God, its this douchebag again.

I got into an argument the other night with this guy, hes a total thread-ruining cancer spreading troll, just ignore his posts.

>> No.424776

must you make every place as shitty as your home board?

>> No.424779

Suck his cock already.

>> No.424784

Virginia Woolf caught T.S. Eliot with make-up on one time. Not excessive, but noticeable enough for her to mention it in a letter to one of her friends.

>> No.424785


nobody fucking cares about how much you sucked the tripfag's dick you fuckface

>> No.424790

Did you get dropped on your fucking head? This old fuck wouldn't be a match for a toddler, I'd wipe the fucking floor with him!

>> No.424792

Would you say you're... afraid of Virginia Woolf?

>> No.424795

Word, I would one-two that walking Depends commercial like Tyson in his prime.

>> No.424796

Andre Gide came 5 times in one night with a Moroccan boy that Oscar Wilde introduced him to.

>> No.424800

So Samuel Beckett was walking down the street in Paris when a pimp approached him offering him a whore. When Beckett refused he promptly stabbed him in the gut then ran off. Beckett got to the hospital and his friend, James Joyce, arranged a private room for him. Later at a hearing about the stabbing he asked the pimp why he did it and replied, "I don't know, sir. I'm sorry." He later dropped all charges because he thought the pimp was a pretty cool guy.

>> No.424811

>He later dropped all charges because he thought the pimp was a pretty cool guy.
Not really what I would have done, but to each his own.

>> No.424813

yeah, but he probably has as many guns as the US army in his home, half of which are on his person at any given time.

>> No.424814

cool fact about David Foster Wallace: he loved dogs

>> No.424819

Jesus, are you serious? I used to like his writing.

>> No.424825
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>> No.424826

Yeah, that's something.

You know what I have?


>> No.424832


Not enough to stay on this earth for them.

>> No.424838

T.H. White translated a 12th century bestiary. If that's not awesome, I don't know what is.

>> No.424848

>I'd wipe the fucking floor with him!
>I'd wipe the fucking floor
>I'd wipe
ok bro, call me when you actually do it

>> No.424857

nothing easier than that.
take one of his books. wipe floor with it.
wasn't so hard, was it?

>> No.424870

Ezra Pound wore a ring in his ear while living in London before World War I broke out. I guess it caused quite a stir.

>> No.424962



>> No.424981

Dude! l love Borges! Especially the Library!

>> No.425228
File: 229 KB, 844x1266, cornstarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken Kesey used cornstarch on his balls.

>> No.425248

ezra pound was a facist

>> No.425254



>> No.425271

Borges is a well known author.

not somebody that "few other people know". Jackass

>> No.425293

I believe he meant, "awesome things that few other people know about your favorite writer..."

>> No.425297

OP requested little known anecdotes about writers. Not anecdotes about little known writers.

>> No.425310 [DELETED] 

MeSsage-ID: <4B6B90ep.8030701@4cHAn.ORg>
FroM: MOot <MOot@4cHan.ORG>
uSEr-aGENt: mozilLa/5.0 (maCiNtoSh; u; INteL mAC OS x 10.5; En-uS; Rv: GecKo/20100111 ThunDErbIRd/3.0.1
To: SysoP@ANoNTalK.cOm
SubJEct: ENJOyInG yoUr dOwNtiMe FAGGoT?

They BlIndlY BEliEve EVeRYTHING I feed them, fAke OR noT, your bOArD's Going dOWn. DON't BoTHER PublishInG tHiS, no OnE wilL BelIEVE YoU anywaY oN aNT oR /b/ :)

>> No.425376

Fun fact. Really is awesome.
Mark Twain was such a great fiction writer he wrote a bunch of fake articles in the paper. His stories were so ridiculous a man asked him to a gun duel. Twain accepts ,but leave the day before the duel because he found out he was a crack shot. Then he went to California then Hawaii where he met King Kammeahmeah.

>> No.425410

Kafka thought food was unclean - ALL food, not just your common Jewish kosher vs. non-kosher preference. He would make himself vomit in order to get rid of "toxins," and at the age of 40, when he was wasting away with tuberculosis, he hastened his already speedily impending death through starvation.

>> No.425427

crack shot?

>> No.425439


Meaning he was really accurate

>> No.425448

>gaucho knife-duel mentality

First I get as a result for that on google is this damn thread. God dammit internet.

>> No.425455

Go back to Tsukihime, Arcuied

>> No.425458

William S. Burroughs was gay.

Thomas Pynchon likes his privacy.

>> No.425460

No. Fucking. Way.

>> No.425481

Thomas Mann, on vacation with his wife and her parents in Italy, grew a little obssessed with a Polish boy and couldn't stop looking at him. His father-in-law called the behavior "shameful". No word on what his wife thought.

>> No.425530

Fun fact about that picture. When Borges was 9, he translated a short story by Wilde who passed away in that same hotel. Borges also wanted to die there.

>> No.425535

Heinlein was actually a time traveler. It was actually his second journey; his first had been under the different persona of "H.G. Wells".

>> No.425537

I knew I loved Thomas Mann for a reason

>> No.425983

When William Faulkner and Leigh Brackett were working on the screen adaptation of THE BIG SLEEP, they got to a point in the plot where they couldn't figure out who had done what to whom and why. In a state of confusion, they went to talk to Raymond Chandler about it. Chandler admitted that he didn't know either.

>> No.428236

I lol'd

>> No.428245

I know a writer.

He once killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die

>> No.428265

I am a writer.

I once got into a fistfight with another kid but it was broken up by a teacher before I could give him the whipping he so righteously deserved.

>> No.428281

Mark Twain once built a steamboat and traveled to the headrivers.

>> No.428327

Kurt Vonnegut did not write rough drafts. He wrote his novels one page at a time, which is to say he wrote the same page over and over, tweaking as he went, until he had the page exactly as he wanted it. This is why in the course of a day he could have only written two pages proper, but his wastebasket would be overflowing with rejected pages.

Also, Vonnegut once filed a lawsuit against Pall Mall cigarettes (his favorite brand), claiming the things should have killed him decades earlier, and he wanted restitution for emotional distress.

>> No.428336


Interview in which Vonnegut discusses the lawsuit:

Vonnegut “Well, I smoke a lot, you know.”

Webster: Pall Malls?

Vonnegut “I’ve got a lawsuit against Brown & Willliamson now. Because I have been chain-smoking Pall Malls since I was 11. And on their package they promised to kill me.” (laughs)

Webster: They’ve done a very poor job of it.

Full interview: http://www.spokesmanreview.com/breaking/story.asp?id=1997

>> No.428662

That is hilarious! I've never heard that before. What's that from? God, you're funny... and original!

>> No.428717

Kurt Vonnegut is a motherfucking badass.

>> No.428871

Joseph Conrad got involved with some terrible woman and got snowed under by debts while he was a gun-runner in France, so he shot himself through the heart in an attempt at suicide. Luckily for the English canon it wasn't successful.

>> No.428914

F. Scott Fitzgerald at one point stole a little kid's trycycle and rode around Paris, whacking people with a baguette.

Another time, he got in an argument with Zelda Fitzgerald. He smashed her favorite vase, so she called his father an Irish policeman and he punched her in the face and gave her a bloody nose.

He based stuff in 'Babylon Revisited' off of these.

>> No.428925

Philosopher A. J. Ayer once cockblocked a rape-y Mike Tyson:

“At yet another party [Ayer] had befriended [Fernando Sanchez, a fashionable designer]. Ayer was now standing near the entrance to the great white living-room of Sanchez’s West 57th Street apartment, chatting to a group of young models and designers, when a woman rushed in saying that a friend was being assaulted in a bedroom. Ayer went to investigate and found Mike Tyson forcing himself on a young south London model called Naomi Campbell, then just beginning her career. Ayer warned Tyson to desist. Tyson: “Do you know who the fuck I am? I’m the heavyweight champion of the world.” Ayer stood his ground. “And I am the former Wykeham Professor of Logic. We are both pre-eminent in our field; I suggest that we talk about this like rational men.” Ayer and Tyson began to talk. Naomi Campbell slipped out.”

You know what's even better about that? The dude was chatting up models at 77 years old.

>> No.428930

>Another time, he got in an argument with Zelda Fitzgerald. He smashed her favorite vase, so she called his father an Irish policeman and he punched her in the face and gave her a bloody nose.

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.428981

Ever hear about Harry Crosby? He was a decadent son of wealth who decided to become a poet, started his own publishing house - Black Sun Press, had what amounted to a harem of women as lovers, and renamed his wife Caresse upon marrying her because her original name was too Puritanical for him.

And then he went crazy. His poems became stream of consciousness, he started worshiping the sun, had suicide pacts with numerous girlfriends, and finally carried one out with some other dude's wife. They found the two in her bed, matching holes in their temples.

>> No.429080


>> No.429081
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Dostoevsky and Tolstoy were jealous of Turgenev; Tolstoy once challenged him to a duel.

>> No.429115

My god /lit/, you know this board is dead when a thread with this little amount of replies is still here.

>> No.429122
File: 95 KB, 750x600, 1266994802010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like he was crazy from the start :P

>> No.429139

Borges was a great writer, but an idiot like person.

>> No.429153
File: 20 KB, 311x354, wyndham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Wyndham's full name was John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris.

Before The Day of the Triffids was released, he used to write under different pen names, which were usually combinations of his names.
i.e. John Benyon, John Beynon Harris, Johnson Harris, Lucas Parkes and Wyndham Parkes.

He would even go as far as "collaborating" amongst these authors, i.e. "John Wyndham & Lucas Parkes" wrote "The Outward Urge"

>> No.429187

>I am the former Wykeham Professor of Logic. We are both pre-eminent in our field; I suggest that we talk about this like rational men.
Holy shit. Why do I keep running into all these awesome intellectuals? It's like this guy, Bertrand Russell, and Don Knuth...I'm never going to be as cool as them ;_;

>> No.429515

If you're a Republican and you're about to run with that, note he was the sort of alcoholic stoner Republican who would get drunk and high and spend all day watching the McCarthy hearings cheering on old Gene against the Commie Jew Bastards.

I love Kerouac, but taking anything of his life, at least post-youth, except his creative works as a model is doing it wrong. Because either his liver or some sores in his throat (I've heard both) literally exploded from so much alcohol when he was 40-something. And killed him.

>> No.430069
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Bukowski drank a lot...

>> No.430090

Salinger was known to be something of a recluse

It is rumored that Gore Vidal is a fag

>> No.430101

not sure if awesome, and he isn't my favorite writer--i've never read him--but its commonly accepted as true gossip at least in my uni's eng dept that Yeats had monkey balls surgically implanted in his sack

anyone else know anything about this?

>> No.430109

This is all too shocking

>> No.430124

I was reading that and going "haha, man that would be such an outlandish and absurd scene had it happened" and then I googled and WHAT THE FUCK ITS TRUE

>> No.430149

Isn't that the story of Death in Venice?

>> No.430783 [DELETED] 



>> No.430786


This is at a institute of higher learning?

I'd demand my money back.

>> No.430794

Stolen from Wiki but the first time I read this, I knew that Pynchon was eh. Pretty cool and isn't afraid.

"After the publication and success of Gravity's Rainbow, interest mounted in finding out more about the identity of the author. At the 1974 National Book Award ceremony, the president of Viking Press, Tom Guinzberg, arranged for double-talking comedian "Professor" Irwin Corey to accept the prize on Pynchon's behalf (Royster 2005). Many of the assembled guests had no idea who Corey was, and, having never seen the author, they assumed that it was Pynchon himself on the stage delivering Corey's trademark torrent of rambling, pseudo-scholarly verbiage (Corey 1974). Towards the end of Corey's address a streaker ran through the hall, adding further to the confusion."

>> No.430799
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Her dad owned a factory in pre-Soviet Russia

>> No.430809
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This isn't particularly relevant to the thread, but it's certainly interesting.


>> No.430831

Borges is my personal idol, brofist to OP

>> No.433607

Someone posed these two lobsters, then proceeded to stick them in a pot of boiling water.

>> No.433633

Wow dude, you see all the angles.

>> No.433700

Just one of my many talents.

>> No.436030
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Sorry, but the real cool guy was Macedonio Fdez. ´tho I doubt there are good translations in Eng.

Also, Borges was impotent

Also, MOAR about E. Pound and SAUCE about the Woolf and Eliot one

>> No.436039


Borges was asexual, not impotent.

>> No.436048


How come asexual if it was married, spoke about sex in interviews and hold little respect for homosexuals?

>> No.436056


Never consummated the marriage. Also (almost) never wrote about sex. Being asexual doesn't mean you don't talk about sex, it means you don't fuck.

>> No.436072


Why he didn´t fuck if he could? The "asexual" myth is just to make us think that he could fuck but he didn´t want to, but, after all, if he was asexual he wouldn´t have behave to Haydée Lange as he did

>> No.436073

T.E. Lawrence was a masochist and probable homosexual.

>> No.436083

'mistery' was what they called it until Poe invented the true mystery

>> No.436128

bamp fuckers

>> No.436162
File: 116 KB, 425x638, TT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In college, Thomas Pynchon was lectured in English by Narbokov. In an interview, Narbokov later said that the only thing he could remember about Pynchon was that he alternated each paragraph between handwritting and typing.

Also, Pynchon's niece is pornstar Tristan Taormino. In an interview, she said that Pynchon 'gets a kick out of what I do, as he's very interested in pop culture in general.'
Pic related.

>> No.436167


>> No.436170

Ah, sorry about that!

>> No.436173

Fucking tripfags unable to spell Nabokov, twice..

>> No.436177

I kinda wish I hadn't pointed it out, just to see if he'd have kept doing it

>> No.436179

There's something strangely hot about him watching niece in porn.

>> No.436181

I would have.

>> No.436184

Yeah, that would have been awesome.

>> No.436255

Same with his late stuff catalogued in "Brodie's Report."

>> No.436688

His father took him to a prostitute but he failed horribly.
Borges's attitude toward sex was one of "panic and terror"... just a shy, soon to be blind boy to terrified of pussies.

He was quite like Kafka in a way.