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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 516 KB, 900x2406, 4CloBFx[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4246337 No.4246337 [Reply] [Original]


how does your bookshelf compare /lit/
as a side note, every girl I know has the same fucking books as this girl.

>> No.4246356

What the fuck is happening in this video. And yes, you are correct these are all that girls read.

>> No.4246361


>I'm Christine and I'm bat shit insane, lets discuss books!

>> No.4246363

why are girls so attracted to YA?

>> No.4246365

oh god why, are ipads really that big?
I have a nook simple touch, its the size of a trade paperback

>> No.4246366

why is she yelling?

>> No.4246370

>girls read garbage
>women read literature

My girlfriend has Plato's republic on our bookshelf and has read Ulysses before I did.
>She makes me feel like a pleb

>> No.4246371

>implying its not pleb

>> No.4246378

She's nuts.

Maybe because she is reading so much crap.

>> No.4246382
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Can she please stop screaming

>> No.4246384

What an annoying, disgusting kike

>> No.4246385


she reads in the shower, I'd feel bad for those book, but they blow anyway

>> No.4246396

w-w-what books are so bad that she hides them?

>> No.4246397
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>> No.4246402

lol why is she screaming at the camera
she's like omar isuf but female doesnt lift weights and reads young adult books
i hate youtube

>> No.4246405

Well, she seems young so there's that

>> No.4246419

>all those related vids of people with shelves full of YA books

I'm pretty pleb myself, but there are people that really only own YA books? I mean, come on....

>> No.4246448

My little sister is like this, but she just turned 15. I noticed Wuthering heights show up, and Les Mis. There is hope yet

>> No.4246473

you're not even trying...
wait til you meet girls who like fitzgerald, wilde, nabokov, but can't figure out "why"
like i know this one chick who went out and bought Anais Nin because her "tumblr friends all talk about her and i wanted to see what the fuss was"

>> No.4246480

Is this girl fat for American standard? Because for me she is really overweight.

>> No.4246511

>being misogynistic

all i can say is i feel sorry for you niggas if all the women you know really do read that shit

>> No.4246515

she clearly not only has read none of those books in the shower, but has read none of those books. They're all in perfect condition despite being garbage binding. It's especially obvious when you see like, Ready Player One, a paperback, and the binding is perfect.

>> No.4246529

It's not that hard to keep most books looking new, really. Maybe if you are a barbarian who treats the book roughly, or if if the binding isn't utter Wordsworth-quality, otherwise it shouldn't be much of a problem.

>> No.4246532

>or if if the binding isn't utter Wordsworth-quality
meant is, not isn't, derp

>> No.4246567

Yes. She's overweight for Americans.

Just as an aside, obesity is a problem in America, but it's not like 80% of the population or anything. We have plenty of skinny people, and England is on track to surpass us with regards to percent of the population that's obese.

We've actually managed to slow the problem and with any luck it'll switch directions in the near future, with more people being healthy as far as diet and exercise, though that may be too much to ask for.

>> No.4246570

It makes sense because it's actually her demographic, but many of them looked to be in their twenties

>> No.4246775

Her voice.... it's bewitching me.. must... keep... watching

>> No.4246821


>> No.4246839

Thanks, AnonFriend.

>> No.4246840
File: 113 KB, 288x301, 1336837559103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people behave like this

Does this happen a lot?

>> No.4246868

Supply and demand, anon.

This phenomenon started out pretty small, but it gained popularity quickly, and there were tons of bandwagoners in a matter of a few months.

>> No.4246869

Why is she talking like that?

>> No.4246910

: - )

>> No.4246924

Y-you listen to ASMR too?

>> No.4246928

( - :

>> No.4246932
File: 79 KB, 409x409, Comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who doesn't?

>> No.4246937
File: 104 KB, 424x362, Goodnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to read me a bed time story every night

>> No.4246943
File: 148 KB, 917x845, 1382435012449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to rage, but found the voice of an angel.

>> No.4246955

>Antisocial fucks on /lit/ never talk to people then form opinions based on the twelve people they do know

Intelectuals are rare, but from what I've seen they don't seem to trend towards either gender that much. Instead of hating people, you should go out and talk to people and let yourself be plesently supprised when you finally meet that girl who can quote Sade by heart or speaks fluent latin.

>> No.4246960

>wait til you meet girls who like fitzgerald, wilde, nabokov, but can't figure out "why"
Why do you like them? How many books ave you read because your /lit/ friends wouldnt stop talking about them?

>> No.4246961
File: 839 KB, 680x700, thank you thin hair chin man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrr if i keep posting meaningless shit with some gay anti-sexist sentiment maybe i'll finally feel like a good man

nobody cares about some bitch reading latin wtf

>> No.4246968


>> No.4246973

>all the women you know really do read that shit
It's true. I feel sorry for myself too

>> No.4246974

Nice projecting

>> No.4246978

lol why do people care if girls read shit books
unless the girl came from a family of smart people, she'll only read actual books if she's insane or a huge fucking nerd

>> No.4246982

She probably reads more than most of lit and more than most girls I meet.

>> No.4246986


You know people actually speak Latin, right? It's possible. The two pronunciation schools are the Classical and the Ecclesiastical.


>> No.4247205

>"use your brains"
>reads in the shower
have i been trolled?

>> No.4247325


>i have friends
>lit can learn from mee