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4240965 No.4240965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Predict what is yet to come in the next book in the Ice and Fire Saga

>> No.4240979
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They all die.

>> No.4241263

more characters
some characters die
shit prose
meh plot
some fighting
unnecessarily long

>> No.4241269

it'll become even shittier

>> No.4241293

but but, there's an awesome tv show based on it right now

>> No.4241309

When will it even be released? I haven't kept up with ASOIAF news since last winter; any developments since then?

>> No.4241312

George Martin still boasts that he's not afraid to kill characters. all readers cry. people fight because readers will spoiler shit to the guys who only watch the tv series.
all that jazz

>> No.4241317

GRRM said 2014 but it's GRRM.

>> No.4241401

We all know how the series has already ended in 2011 as it was supposed to

>> No.4241421


More shit after how shit book five was.

>> No.4241439

He should've just written it as a TV show in the first place. It's not like he didn't have the experience. Makes better viewing than reading material.

>> No.4241444

>Makes better viewing than reading material.

the show is shit though

>> No.4241446


>> No.4241456

Hopefully he doesn't kill himself as well before he finishes the damn thing.

>> No.4241458

That right there shows that GURM is not as well read as he should be and that he should keep himself as a TV writer.

No decent author has any hesitation to kill a character if it fits into the story and there's a good reason for it; only TV shows are scared of it because it may make them lose audience.

Plus, bragging about that kind of thing makes you look like an edgy 13 year old on his first sonic/final fantasy fanfic.

>> No.4241466

But that post says that he's NOT afraid to kill them if the story calls for it.

>killing Ned, Robert, Drogo, Robb, Cat, Joffery, Tywin, Joer, Red Viper and others that are generally loved by the fanbase
>hesitation to kill a character

Pick one.

>> No.4241474

You should read the post you quoted again.

>> No.4241480

Are you retarded or just trying to sound inteligent?

>> No.4241482 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but not as shit as the books.


>> No.4241483

I'm sorry, my mistake.

Though does he really kill anyone for no reason or shock value? Hardly imo. If you disagree give me an example.

>> No.4241488

I said that he boasts about it because he seems to think that most writers keep characters alive for no reason when they don't.

He should know this, considering that LOTR does that a lot and as a fantasyfag he has most likely read LOTR.

Unrelated to this but I got so mad when he said that female characters shit.
Any decent writer considers all of his characters humans, why the fuck does he thinks like that?

>> No.4241494

You've got a point there. Unless Jon dies in the next book. That, to me, would be completely pointless. Unlikely, yes, but not outwith the realms of possibility.

>> No.4241498

What the hell have you been smoking? When he was asked how he writes female characters so well he said, and i quote:
"You know, i've allways considered women to be people"

So i have no idea where you got that idea that he considered them to be shit, when his stories and his words say the oposite.

And yes, he has read LotR, the only thing he has criticised related to life and death was Gandalf's ressurrection, and why it shouldn't have been done, something that has started to be asked my many other people and fans besides him.

>> No.4241499

You can't deny that's there's a lot of characters out there with plot armor though. I'd say he killed some characters that some other would have kept. Ned for one.

I'd be genuinely surprised if he did. But if he did it would be worst death yet and might damage the series even further that it already had.

>> No.4241501

He forgot quotes around "female characters"

>> No.4241510

he's a known feminist and his books are very popular with the female audience

>> No.4241511


>> No.4241518

There are, but not on good books.

My beef with that is that he seems to imply that others don't do it.
I've rarely ever stumbled upon a female character that feels like cardboard until now on literature but this dipshit is out there saying that most female characters on literature are bland.

>he's a known feminist
Is he trying to win the faggot olympics or something?

>> No.4241519

Yeah, i still don't know what you're trying to say with: "He forgot quotes around "female characters""

>> No.4241523

Reread his post, mentally put quotes around the phrase "female characters," and tell me what it means now.

>> No.4241525

faggot olympics? A man can't be a feminist now?

And he isn't implying anything, they made him a question asking how he can do it and he simply says he writes them as people.

>> No.4241529

>A man can't be a feminist now?

You can but you will be judged like a crazy insane person which is what feminism has become about for the vastly most part.

>> No.4241530

>Is he trying to win the faggot olympics or something?
no, he just knows his target audience.

>> No.4241534

no it hasn't, that's just how we self centered men view feminism.

>> No.4241541

You're insane and deluded.

>> No.4241538

>faggot olympics? A man can't be a feminist now?
Gay men aren't men now?

>> No.4241543

>healthy human

Take your pick.

>> No.4241555


Feminist men have to be gay?


Look who's talking, saying feminism nowadays has become a place for crazy people when that's simply not the case, every argument i see about why they think feminist women are being extreme is very self centered and ignorant

>> No.4241556

Oh no! You called the faggots in. No!

>current feminism is insane and retarded
>that's just how we self centered men view feminism.

It still angered me.

>> No.4241557

What does this have to do with health you retard?

>> No.4241561

Healthy as in not fucked in the head and in need of every kind of medical and psychological treatment.

>> No.4241563

That still doesn't qualify your position that gay men aren't men. Or are they not rill men or something?

>> No.4241567

>inb4 nuh uh! gays are normal like you and me

>> No.4241564

>when that's simply not the case

It is though.

>> No.4241584

What position? I never stated my opinion on Gay men, you're just trying to put words in my posts now, if you actually read all that i have said i just wonder why is it that a feminist man has to be considered gay, aren't there straight men who are feminists too? Or are we not allowed to defend feminism?

>> No.4241625

>healthy human
>Take your pick.

I am queer, and I think this anon has unintentionally stumbled onto the truth.

Maintaining your health and sanity in a place like this is fucking impossible for people like me. Thanks for making me feel so special.

>> No.4241635

cry moar beachnigga

>> No.4243692


Only good character alive is Tyrion. I can't allow myself to give a fuck about the remaining Starks, boring dragon girl or this shitty throne war.

>> No.4243712

Jaime, Arya, Asha, and Theon are all alive.

>> No.4243734
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Hey, /lit/
I've taken to writing again lately. Its probably awful, but I want to get better.

Simply put, I want an editor, someone who can look at my work and tell me it sucks, and why, so I can hit the drawing board and hit them again with another shitty draft.

Is there a site that pairs shitty writers with aspiring editors? Or maybe a place that I can post short stories and see who comes across them?

>> No.4243750

You're right, i forgot Jaime. Actually, since Ned died, i'm Team Lannister.

>> No.4243765

>Predict what is yet to come in the next book in the Ice and Fire Saga
Boring shit happens and some more boring people die. Winter is still eternally coming.

>> No.4243771

>And yes, he has read LotR, the only thing he has criticised related to life and death was Gandalf's ressurrection
My sides, my fucking sides, spare me my sides.

Protip: Gandalf's resurrection is the very central point of the book, and likely the only reason LOTR was written in the first place.

How can one be so dense? How can you not only miss the most important plot point in a novel, but have the idiocy to complain that it's 'unnecessary'??

>> No.4243772

Winter's pretty much here, bro.

>> No.4243778

Protip: Gandalf's resurrection is the very central point of the book, and likely the only reason LOTR was written in the first place.

Could you please elaborate?

>> No.4243785

>Could you please elaborate?
First of all, before I begin -- you're an idiot and this is just casting pearls before swine. I have no idea why I'm even replying at all to a GRRM fan.

Now back to the main feature.

Tolkien wanted to depict an explicitly Christian world without explicit references to Christianity. Gandalf is the Promethean Christlike figure in that world, without which the central idea of Christianity would be lost, and thus the idea of depicting a Christian world would become impotent. Gandalf's story parallels the story of Christ.

Think of LOTR as a kind of reimagined Old Testament. As such, it needs a prophesy of Christ, otherwise it becomes pointless.

>> No.4243802


I'm not a GRRM fan, no need to get buttmad. And that explains why LOTR was so boring.

>> No.4243813

Tolkien hated allegory. All the Christian symbolism was unconscious and resulted from how deeply ingrained Christianity was in his psyche.

>> No.4243820


I'm sure I read an interview where he said he was (finally) done with introducing new POV characters.

>> No.4243827


That's ignoring Tyrion should have died plenty of times during his journey to Dany but he's covered in boiled leather plot armour.

>> No.4243832


I predict more Brienne because gee wilickers she sure is an interesting character that I love reading about and feel perfectly fine with her cannibalizing as many pages as possible

>> No.4243849

You're not getting any decent editor without paying them. So you should probably learn to self-edit.

>> No.4243856

>implying Gandalf is not Odin and LotR is the Edda and Sagas (like Silmarillion)

You are a unbearable, obnoxious cunt.

>> No.4244017

>>implying Gandalf is not Odin and LotR is the Edda and Sagas (like Silmarillion)
Odin is an example of a Christlike character, you asshat.

Also, LOTR is nothing at all like the Eddas. LOTR is a Christian work.

>> No.4244068

It is not entirely. It is much more influenced by norse mythology in it´s settings. Names, language and events, the characteristics of magic and fate and so on.
I don´t deny that it has christian features but I would not call it christian work. That is just plain stupid.

Only because one myth involves self sacrifice, it is not necessarily christlike.

You dummy.