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/lit/ - Literature

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423936 No.423936 [Reply] [Original]

First time on this board but here goes. A while back I heard about a book that detailed ways to effectively 'mind fuck' people (sounds like bollocks I know). I think the idea was that certain suggestions and that could interfere with peoples core assumptions and functions and leave you unable to function. Well it sounded damn interesting even if its shite, but Google has yielded nothing thus far.

The backstory on this is from my mother, she did a course on hypnotherapy and was given a talk by some high up psychotherapist about childhoods and shit. He mentioned to her that he was bullied as a child and wouldn't let it happen to his kids so he taught them some stuff from this book. He also mentioned that they were 'monsters' lol. He never gave her the name but used the word mindfuck alot if that helps.

I know this isn't a request board but any ideas?

>> No.423939

Why do you need it? Are you being bullied too?

>> No.423940

also interested.....

>> No.423948

This has nothing to do with the book requested but if you want to read a book that will fuck with your mind, I suggest The Devil's Apocrypha by John A. Devito. I suggest you have a firm faith in your religion before supplementing yourself into such a book. Do you dare....?

>> No.423952

Haha once upon a time, but this is just something thats been stuck in my head a while

>> No.423953
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>First time on this board....

Good luck. this thread still gets a bump anyway; it's better than the average for /lit/.

>> No.423954

I don't believe in anything.

>> No.423956
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/x/ here, and I think I know this. Google "Langford + Basilisk", and spend a lot of time taking in this oh so related picture.

Don't thank me, thank /x/.

>> No.423964

Assuming you're talking about fiction, that is.

>> No.423972

Yea without sounding like some mallgoth, I don't believe in any religion whatsoever

>> No.423977

this sounds to have unethical intent

>> No.423978


So OP, did anon deliver?

>> No.423981

Well, I got nothing _EXACTLY_ like that, but it's very easy to convince kids that they were raped, tortured, etc.

Basically, ask enough leading questions and you can convince most kids between 5 and 9 of just about anything.

Do it in a hypnosis session and you can do the same with adults.

>> No.423987

Food for thought but no, what I'm looking for was more to do with implanting ideas in peoples heads, and yes it was with unethical intent :)

>> No.423989

>it's very easy to convince kids that they were raped, tortured, etc.

Keep telling that to yourself

>> No.423999
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>> No.424011 [DELETED] 
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might be useful. Self-Hypnotism "guide". I've received Hypnotherapy myself and can say that it basically works.

Emotion Control manual

and a jujitsu self-defense manual, just for kicks.

I dunno how relevant they are, but on a glace-over they seemed ok.

>> No.424013


Food for thought is all this board can deliver. This thread is less fail than most.

>> No.424029

I guess that's a compliment :) I generally just lurk, but I've never been on this board. I need to read more in general.

>> No.424043

I wouldn't mind fucking your mother at all.

>> No.424050

Are you kidding me? This guy wants to find a book that will hypnotize you, and then he's going to slip it into his enemy's backpack during homeroom in middle school so that he is is "mindfucked". Not a good thread.

>> No.424092


I never said it was good I said it was less fail than most. It still sucks pretty bad.

>> No.424115

Maybe look into Discordianism? They're sort of the original proponents of mindfuckery.

>> No.424122
File: 123 KB, 500x676, Bush_Rorschach_Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the book you're looking for is the necronomicon.

It'll turn'em batshit insane in five days or less, Guaranteed or your money back

>> No.424151

>I suggest The Devil's Apocrypha by John A. Devito

Anyone else have thoughts on this? It looks interesting.