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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 600x645, martin-luther[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4230210 No.4230210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

today is the aniversary the worst event in the history of the Western world

>> No.4230212


>> No.4230221

Never forget how superior is the catholic literature.

Yes, the anglicism is a catholicism with a different Head of the Church.

>> No.4230223

no twerking was p. cool before white people started doing it

>> No.4230230

>I reject the authority of the Church. I only follow the book that the Church wrote.

>> No.4230232

Forgot the most important part.
>The Church didn't write the book.
>God did.

>> No.4230243

Even a believer knows the Bible was written by the hand of a person.

God inspires the Sacred Writings, we speak about the Christian Bible and not about Quran.

>> No.4230249

The fedora-wearers of the 16th century

>> No.4230260

>brought about a massive literacy movement of the western world
>led to the forming of modern states and ideas of democracy

Sure is edgy here.

>> No.4230270

>awakened Christianity from its corruption
Sure is filthy Catholic in here

Martin Luther was the boss of the 16th century and without him Christians would still be paying money to absolve for their sins.


>> No.4230282

>Bible is written by the Church

He never said that, Catholics rejected the idea of The Bible written by a divine Being in the 20th century when most Protestants denied this from the 16th century on ('The Bible is a book which can be read like any other book')

>Never forget how superior is the catholic literature.
There is no such thing that could be defined as 'Catholic literature'

>Yes, the anglicism is a catholicism with a different Head of the Church.
Hope this is a joke

>> No.4230301
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lap-dog of the German bankers and princes detected

>muh sacerdotalism

>> No.4230321
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"It is not what kings, parliaments or assemblies, command, but what God commands, is the rule by which they walk; the laws of men must be tried by the law of God."

-- Ebenezer Erskine, before tipping his powdered wig.

>> No.4230376
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>> No.4230398
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lap-dog of the prince of darkness detected

>> No.4230405

>muh papist mummery

>> No.4230414
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>he thinks he's saved by faith alone

>> No.4230453
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>he think he's saved by deeds.

>> No.4230454 [DELETED] 


wow another lady fan. she's actually a great rapper imo.

>> No.4230458

>There is no such thing that could be defined as 'Catholic literature'


>> No.4230470

Catholics a shit

>> No.4230472
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>we told them they could achieve salvation by giving us cash for St Peter's!

>> No.4230483

>that part where Jesus is like, "I'll separate the sheep from the goats, and all the sheep are the ones who believed in me, and the goats are the ones who didn't"
>oh wait

>> No.4230487

why do people here like Catholicism so much? is it just bc it's so le classy fedora? it seems pretty shit compared to Buddhism tbh

Also what is the best argument for gods existence

>> No.4230494
File: 288 KB, 600x382, Giovanni_Paolo_Panini_-_Interior_of_St._Peter's,_Rome[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catholic church

>> No.4230496


lol u dont liek religion edgy fedora fag detected xD

>> No.4230505
File: 94 KB, 664x445, Warehouse_Church[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Protestant church

>> No.4230513

>Matthew 19:23-24
>Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

>> No.4230514

All the best writers are Catholic.

>> No.4230520

I thought all you needed was faith?

>> No.4230569

Correct. You cannot have true faith in our Lord if you devote your life to acquiring material things.

>> No.4230574

Like who? (just curious)

>> No.4230585

Evelyn Waugh
Graham Greene

>> No.4230636
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> anything other than Christian-anarchism

it's like you don't give two shits about the teachings of Christ.

All the greatest Christians were on the fringe. Prove me wrong.

>> No.4230669


I think the word you're looking for here is "contrarian". No great Christians want to abolish the state or the church.

>> No.4230684

>saved by faith alone

Try to explain this:

Our Savior dead by our sins... so... Can I do EVERYTHING without regrets?

>> No.4230701


>> No.4230702


>> No.4230706


>> No.4230709

you know that people have a million different theories on shakespeare, and none of them have any sort of good evidence right? shakespeare's opinions are impossible to pin down. the merchant of venice can be read as a story about protestant biblical interpretation vs. old-style interpretation, and falstaff can be read as a critique of puritans. shakespeare is above all of those arguments.

>> No.4230711

>Matthew 19:25-26
>When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"
>Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

>> No.4230713

>All the best writers are Catholic
Agreed, but that's only because most Catholics are conflicted and massively guilt-ridden.

>> No.4230715

u tryn to shit on my Feiertag in Sachsen?

>> No.4230730

Because of the long tradition of exegesis and scholastics which is pretty fucking fascinating.

Also, when you say Buddhism, oh boy I sure do hope you're talking about the obscure but extremely rich tradition of Buddhist philosophy that you had to learn Sanskrit to read, and not some self-help book for stresses westerners by Eckhart Tholle or Matthieu Ricard.

>> No.4230733

>dat hero worship

He was just a man.

>> No.4230736

where did you see hero worship lol

also this is irrelevant because there still isn't really any good evidence that he was a catholic

>> No.4230743

does it have something to do with Halloween?

>> No.4230746


>> No.4230756

lapsed doe

>> No.4230765
File: 99 KB, 634x411, Yerebatan Cistern Medusa head .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assassination of emperor Julian?
On Samhainn?
Naw dude. That was the 26th of June (363). That was the worst day for western civilization.

>> No.4230770

Why do you think so?

>> No.4230774

No. The worst event in the history of the western world is the creation of the western world.

>> No.4230778

Gore Vidal I new you were not dead.

>> No.4230784
File: 69 KB, 400x600, Irene Sarantapechos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[B]rought about a massive literacy movement of the western world
>[L]ed to the forming of numerous witch hunt murder gangs and the "holy wars" of the Reformation.

Not nearly.

>Pictured: Empress Irene
Irene had to deal with Luther's type in the iconoclasts movement. That filthy middle eastern death cult wouldn't be contented till they owned your very soul and commanded your every thought and motion. They're currently wrecking havoc in my government.

>> No.4230786

Julian was the last pagan emperor of rome.

He was also an example of a philosopher king.

His goal was to restore paganism and eliminate Christianity in the empire. He was a smart guy, and could've been a good ruler, but he took a pretty shitty fight and got offed because of it

>> No.4230798
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He was the best emperor Rome ever saw.
If he had lived, the Roman empire would have gone back to more diversity in it religions, and grown more non-religous. It seems very likely to me that there would have been an enlightenment period (or second enlightenment if we count democratic Athens) I speculate a renaissance kind of period in 400-500s AD. Followed by an enlightenment kind of period in the 600-700s... We could have been in space before the year 1000.

>> No.4230804



>> No.4230806

This proves the superiority of Protestantism, actually. Vanity is a sin and God does't give a shit if you have pretty ornaments of little fat angels painted on the wall. It's also against the Ten Commandments to make images of anyhing that's described in the Bible. The fact that Catholics think they can get away by visualizing God as an old an with a beard baffles me

>> No.4230809

old man*

>> No.4230810

>[hole left by the christian dark ages]

>> No.4230812
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Go back to Jerusalem, heeb.

>> No.4230817

This is impossible to determine. It's also a fallacy to believe Christianity held back scientific advancement considering Christianity was on its height during the seventeenth century, after the Renaissance

>> No.4230822


>> No.4230828

Most catholic countries are shit, like Spain, Italy and France. God tier countries like Scandinavian countries, Netherlands or Germany were all Protestant

suck it Catholics, enjoy that econimcal depression because of your lack of work ethic

>> No.4230845

>baseless speculation

>> No.4230849
File: 72 KB, 630x394, Bulgaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is impossible to determine.
I concede. Its just my gut feeling. Had he lived though, the world would be a very different place.
>It's also a fallacy to believe Christianity held back scientific advancement
This thought of yours is a fallacy. You should know better.

>> No.4230869

england pls go

>> No.4230881


>> No.4230884

no it wouldn't, read Why Nations Fail, I'm entirely too lazy to explain why because it would end up being a 4 post wall o text and I just don't have the time to write out

>> No.4230899

>this is your brain on capitalism

>> No.4230913
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>> No.4230912

Great religion is revolutionary religion.

The best christian thinkers, much like with different religions and schools of thought, were trying to break through what was corrupt and unnecessary at their time to "get back to the start". All of that which you may criticize about the christianity that was inspired by the thought of Luther is a saturation of his original thought. His ideas were corrupted over and over again, much like the church was back in his time. Criticism of religion is probably the strongest way to be religious. They were critical of the corrupt interpretation and they suggested or implemented completely new ones, but also opening doors to different things. The idea that the Bible should be read and interpreted and quoted by specific scholars of the church is just as harmful as the idea that it could be read by anyone. What we see today in the form of weird materialist and abusive religion is a consequence of the Lutheran reform, but he is not to blame, for he would be just as contrary to these as you are. This is the criticism that I mentioned early and it is in us, in Luther and in guys like Erasmus or Kierkegaard.

Again, great religion is revolutionary religion. These guys were trying to connect our actions, our morality, our habits to that which was really important, by pointing the finger to those things of their times that were dishonest, vain, or just plain vile.

>> No.4230924

Nigga Shakespeare was an IDEAL I will fight you on this.

>> No.4230931

>God does't give a shit if you have pretty ornaments of little fat angels painted on the wall.
But we do, and the house of God is within us.

>> No.4230939
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No. History. A topic allowed here, like theology and philosophy. I beg your pardon if you're looking for something more literature related.

Well at least you put in the effort to write the proper title. I never said Rome wouldn't fail though... "Byzantium" stood for a millennium as it was, "failing" century after century... But that doesn't matter. It was obvious speculation.

Thanks for the rec. Looks like something I'd enjoy.

>> No.4230941

I'm surprised no one's brought up Orthodoxy.

>> No.4230946

>implying the vatican doesn't revolutionizes itself after a while

>> No.4230954

Both sides were lap dogs of the bankers and princes, that's what the 1.5 Score War was about.

>> No.4230956
File: 27 KB, 500x312, tumblr_inline_mhypluxyr81qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought up Irene and the Iconoclasts.

>> No.4230960

A meant in a more inflammatory manner.

>> No.4230965

This. They just can't help themselves, the Catholic world is a lazy corrupt nepotist shithole.

>> No.4230975

White people were brought into existence today?
My God, it all makes sense.

>> No.4231011

But do better peoples tend to embrace protestantism or does protestantism create better people?

>> No.4231014


>> No.4231023

I'm not implying that.

>> No.4231384

/lit/ is fucking great

there is a charm in having this dialogue in greentxt and it pleases my autism

>> No.4231386

>Not being chiq orthocentric faithcore
*tips papal tiara*

>> No.4231392

It's likely they imagine Michaelangelo's vision of God

Like everyone else

>> No.4231444

>Vanity is a sin

1. Catholics came up with that one.
2. Christian art glorifies God.

Try harder kiddo.

>> No.4231463

>it seems pretty shit compared to Buddhism tbh
You don't really know anything at all about Buddhism, do you?

Buddhism is the protestant fundamentalism of the indic religions.

If you want to pick an exotic oriental religion, at least pick something with more class.

>> No.4231477

Luther didn't really oppose that much Catholic ritual if I understand correctly. His main issue was the corruption in the church hierarchy and what he felt was a loss of focus.

I think in practice, he was pretty much was still Catholic.

>> No.4231479

>Christian infighting

Good Goy

>> No.4231489
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>> No.4231494


>> No.4231497
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>> No.4231500

>Was going to argue with you
>Face the truth
>even my man Victor Hugot was infested with guilt

>> No.4231505
File: 918 KB, 597x811, Michael_Servetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But OP, Servetus' death was on October 27

>> No.4231579
File: 1.02 MB, 1500x1461, P1040511_Paris_Ier_rue_du_Louvre_Oratoire_du_Louvre_rwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point is...?

>> No.4231587

> There is no such thing that could be defined as 'Catholic literature'
Catholic Annals, Theology, Histories, Philosophy and so on?

>> No.4231589

You don't have to devote your life to acquring material goods to be rich

>> No.4231590

>>[L]ed to the forming of numerous witch hunt murder gangs and the "holy wars" of the Reformation.
> Implying that those weren't caused by socioeconomical developements of HRE rather than their superficial short term causes (reformation)

>> No.4231594

Speculating alternative history is not history.

I don't see why you imply that the relative technological collapse in 5th century AD was caused by Christianity, rather than due to collapse of communications, centralized states and so on.

>> No.4231598

To think that Protestant Work Ethic was caused by Protestantism instead of the position of Protestants in Renessaince society is to fool himself.

> Lazy
its funny how South Europeans work longer days on average than North Europeans

>> No.4231601

Wait, I thought Protestants were supposed to be meek and productive people instead of individuals who spend their days embracing their culture on 4chan

>> No.4231619
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>All of these Christians on /lit/

What the fuck happened?

>> No.4231621

>>Bible is written by the Church
yes it was, every single part of the bible has been handpicked by church

do you even basic history of christianity?

>> No.4231626

welcome to /lit/, the christian-marxist-feminist society

>> No.4231630 [DELETED] 

welcome to /lit/, the christian-marxist-feminist society

>> No.4231653

>What the fuck happened?
You being a newfag is what happened? Now kindly fuck off to your usual board.

>> No.4231657

If I remember from what I heard from that one Dan Carlin podcast, all those wacky religious protestants kept going to him for support and he'd just mouth off at em.

>> No.4231659
File: 239 KB, 900x922, Karte_bauernkrieg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both sides

You forget that there was a third side. Luther was a traitor to the revolution, everybody knows that, and so was Melanchton. But the peasant armies of the Anabaptists once made the electors tremble in their castles.

>Omnia sunt communia!

>> No.4231660

no it was written by god :D

>> No.4231674

>Omnia sunt communia!
Omnia sunt communia!

Dare to struggle. Dare to win.

>> No.4231678
File: 132 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>All of these Christians on /lit/
>What the fuck happened?

>> No.4231679

There are no Christians on /lit/

>> No.4231681 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 250x352, Gemisthus Pletho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


germanii mei

>> No.4231685

I talked to a Christian preacher the other night and pretended I was Jewish, and then he argued with me about whether Christ was a legitimate prophet or not. He said, 'either Christ was lying or he was a prophet', and I said, 'you could say the same about Muhammad' and then that for some reason made him like me and then he and I started laughing about Jews that don't believe in heaven, with me saying, 'You might as well be a pantheist!' (Which I would probably call myself.) I have no idea what got into me that night, but it was so fucking interesting to get an internal perspective on that whole Judeo-christian world; I mean, the guy knew so fucking much about his topic, I was honestly astounded. I wish I had a real religion...

>> No.4231702

Peasant's War is depicted really well in Mika Waltari's The Adventurer/Michael The Finn.

>> No.4231703

>battled against Catholic corruption and won
>made sure everyone including little children could read the Bible
>made sure people were free to interpret it rather than being deceived by some malevolent priest
>cut all the non-Bible bullshit (praying to saints, God is an old man with a beard, Mary is the mother of God, holy water etc.) out of Christianity
>worst event
Best event if you ask me, without him we'd still be paying 1/10th of our money to a pope with a golden throne

>> No.4231708

Man, Catholic Church denied pantheism in First Council of Vatican.

>> No.4231711

1. Jesus came up with that one actually
2. Christian art does glorify God BUT it's not necessary for belief, it's also forbidden to make images of anything described in the Bible

>> No.4231712
File: 38 KB, 250x352, Gemisthus Pletho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


comites mei

Don't forget that the Renaissance was also inspired in part by the last great pagan neo-Platonist philosopher. There even are rumours of theurgy and polytheistic rituals having been performed in secret by Malatesta and his other apostles.

>> No.4231722

I don't think there are too many. We can talk about God and christianity without subscribing to it. You can defend an specific position towards it, rather than attack it. You can entertain a thought without accepting it.

>> No.4231748

uh-oh, you could have similarly "fascinating" experience while conteplating whether latest D&D's ilmater would beat kelemvor in a skydaddy fistfight

much open minded
deep thoughts

>> No.4231779
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There are endless divisions and hues of them out there and apparently on here.

Interesting. Can you recommend a good book on the Renaissance? I've been thinking of looking for Walter Pater

>> No.4231812


I'm not even that guy you're responding to, but you're a faggot.

>> No.4231834

Pantheists wishing they had a "real religion" seems to have struck him the same.

>> No.4231836


You obviously haven't spend a long time around both D&D and religious losers. Same difference exactly.

>> No.4231837
File: 11 KB, 255x343, MysticalWittgenstein-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not tolstoyan christianity

Plebs, plebs everywhere.

>> No.4231838

Just incase anyone was wondering, this sentence is a complete summary of Kafka's Investigations of a Dog.

>> No.4231841
File: 20 KB, 280x366, The Wolf of Rimini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting. Can you recommend a good book on the Renaissance? I've been thinking of looking for Walter Pater

Not really, sorry. My main interests are elsewhere, and what I know about Plethon and the Malatesti is mostly derived from Wikipedia and assorted journals on the Internet. Walter Pater looks very promising, though.

>> No.4231868

Eh Tolstoy is alright, but it's too intellectual for lack of a better word. He seems to have love for god, but in regards to people, in the words of Zooey Glass: "you don’t just despise what they represent—you despise them. It's too damn personal".
I feel like Tolstoy only has love for the neighbour that can sympathise with him.
He is a great writer though, and having said all this the only non-fiction work of his I've read is "The Kingdom Of God Is Within You", so I dunno if I just got a bad representation.

>> No.4231909

Look into panentheism.
