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4223716 No.4223716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this beast?

>> No.4223720


a shit

>> No.4223733

inb4 random anons all know better than doctors

>> No.4223738


Interesting review here:


>> No.4223740

irrelevant outside USA

>> No.4223746


I'm from Argentina, arguably the most psychoanalytic country in the world, and it's relevant here.

I'm studying psychology btw (no interested in psychoanalysis nor clinical psy though)

>> No.4223759

Even the NIMH realized how backwards it is:


>> No.4223761

We probably do because we haven't been brainwashed by doctor school. The western school of medicine is only one viewpoint. I happen to choose another viewpoint.

>> No.4223770

>I'm from Argentina, arguably the most psychoanalytic country in the world


>> No.4223771


why what?

>> No.4223774

The DSM-V and ICD 10 are extremely important books. I don't see how this could even be argued. Then I remember what board I'm on.

>> No.4223775




>> No.4223776

i hate because im a rebel who doesn't listen to medical big brother like those doctor sheeple

>> No.4223790

pls don't yell to me

Because it's the only country (apart from France I think) where psychoanalysis is still taught in psychology schools (and in most schools is the only thing that it's taught).

>> No.4223794

What I find funny is that some of you are trying to appeal to science ("lel i'm sure u know better than doctors!" and the classic "this is very important book! hrhrhrhrhr") when the DSM is incredibly unscientific and famously uses non-objective diagnostic categories.

Which is why, as another anon pointed out, there is an increasing backlash toward it in the medical community. The NIMH is "orienting itself away" from the DSM and has heavily criticized it for these reasons.

>> No.4223798
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Could you be any more conceited?

Fuck off.

>> No.4223802

actual psych resident here
I suspect there are a lot current & former psych patients on 4chan, so this might be useful to you but take this with a pinch of salt, like everything here

dsm is to psychiatry what the owner's manual you find in the glove compartment is to your car : it will tell you what are the differents parts/symptoms of your car/diagnosis, sometimes it will tell you how they articulate together, but even if you know it by heart, you won't know anything about driving/psychiatry

It is only a mean to code diagnosis so that professional can talk to each other, epidemiologise stuff, and justify prescriptions.

In other words, it is completely, utterly useless to a "civilian" (a guy who cannot drive/ a guy who cannot prescribe)

Concerning the recent controversy about the latest version, about what should/shouldn't be in dsm, etc, etc... it is a psychiatry politics debate, with marked sides and big interests for a lot of people, but it is meaningless if you're not a shrink

when both the society and the patient HIMSELF want the patient under medication/therapy, then you'll better have to make up a diagnosis to fucking medicate and therapeutize his ass. hence, this book

see the more educated opinion of a lot more experienced psychiatrist than me, which resumes it all:


>> No.4223869

I'm not a shrink, but I don't see it as entirely useless. Information that goes into the DSM should always be available to the masses.

>> No.4223887

Very interesting article.

>> No.4225790

Its bad, as it basic tries to make everyone insane.

>> No.4225802

I want to be a shrink that doesn't give out meds. How do I go about this? What do you recommend?

>> No.4225810

A shrink without meds is like a snake without venom.

>> No.4225824

Why can't I just talk to people to help them without altering their brain chemistry?

>> No.4225831

You can but they won't be interested. Shrinks are treated as walking depositories for pharmaceuticals these days.

>> No.4225833

Yeah I kinda figured that, but is there truly no market at all for just talking out the problems without the pills? What if it is cheaper?

>> No.4225835


>full popper

i could tell he whent on 4chan.

>> No.4225840


talking out problems implies a solution, ie, a superior juidgement. this is not congruent with the basis of liberal political theory (ie, the contemporary socio-political environment), which is predicated on the leveling of moral preference (in theory anyways, in practice the dissolution is usualy reserved only for whatever upsets the most people).

>> No.4225988
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DSM/ICD - As good as reading a horoscope, except when you're forced to talk to a doctor.
In that case it may be helpful to know what to say and what not to say, so they get their job done quickly and leave you alone.

>> No.4225991

bullshit to help pharmaceutical profits.

>> No.4226109
File: 1.94 MB, 189x189, u wot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender identity disorder is now "gender dysphoria"

>> No.4226868

become a clinical psychologist,aka a therapist

you won't be exactly a psychiatrist ( no diagnosises, no prescription ) but a mental health professional, but in the end it's not important, a lot of psychiatrist turn to therapy for interest and $$

>Study clinical psychology,

>choose carefully ONE chapel (psychoanalysis, CBT, etc...) and 1-2 niche ( pediatrics, family, depression, ocd, addiction, sex-therapy ...)


And the most important thing, you have to build a network, psychiatrists have to know you and that they can work with you for a given patient, then they will refer a lot of patients to you and you will make $$ so advertise yourself

plenty of snakes spieces don't have venom and are perfectly adapted to their environement anon

>> No.4226891

>Concerning the recent controversy about the latest version, about what should/shouldn't be in dsm
Psych first year here.

What was it about?
Does it have anything to do with the SJ thing?

>> No.4226928
File: 45 KB, 215x166, bittersweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That comic
It's hilarious because it's true