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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 800x465, fabfiler_fold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4222300 No.4222300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let me bookmark that page for you

>> No.4222305
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You sick fuck.

>> No.4222313
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>> No.4222315
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>> No.4222316

I dogear my books all the time. Dogear to mark the pages that have something on them that I like.

I would never fold a page like that
That is just... well idk what that is

>> No.4222328
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>people who care about folding paperbacks

>> No.4222340
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>water droplet falls on page

>> No.4222341

well it's obviously a female identifying woman so it's obliviously the fault of the post industrial, post mannagerim, republican voting, 2nd ammendment loving rapeiarchy=all men

>> No.4222342

>not using a kindle

>> No.4222350

But if you fold a kindle, it breaks.

>> No.4222354

>those hands
good lord, can you imagine?

>> No.4222356

>not using random pieces of paper as bookmarks 24/7
plebs, all of you

>> No.4222361


>> No.4222362

>buying civilian kindles

>> No.4222378

not if it's made out of flexible nano-fibers


>> No.4222383
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>accidental nosebleed
>blood drips on page

>> No.4222393

>drop book
>paperback cover forever ruined

>> No.4222414

>accidental nosebleed
I wasn't aware that many people grant themselves nosebleeds purposefully.

>> No.4222415

you have nosebleeds intentionally?

>> No.4222419

I sometimes crease the turnable upper corner of a page. Is that bad?

>> No.4222422

use a fucking bookmark you horrible piece of shit

>> No.4222425


Sorry, translation error.

What I mean by an accidental nosebleed is one not caused by outside stimuli, like a fist to the nose, or snorting cocaine.

>> No.4222427

>waste ten cents to remember place in book
>not waste ten cents to remember place in book
Pick one.

>> No.4222428
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leave here forever

>> No.4222433

>use a receipt as a bookmark

There you go fag

Just kidding it took me years of creasing books to figure that one out

>> No.4222438

>miserly tool
>subhuman in a perpetual state of devolving
pick one

>> No.4222439

Things that can be used as a bookmark
>toilet paper
>dry leaf
What else?

>> No.4222442

>buying bookmarks
is this nigga for real

>> No.4222447
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>buying a bookmark

>> No.4222450

>business cards
>blank paper

>> No.4222461

why the fuck did that make think of having a papercut at the slit of my dick
god damn

>> No.4222465


>train ticket
>dollar bill
>gum wrapper
>basketball game ticket (my personal favorite, they're perfectly bookmark shaped)

>> No.4222495

I use an empty bag of Cheetos.

>> No.4222516

Die, you monster

>> No.4222530 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 500x341, 1345679721404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leatherbound book with silk bookmark and gilt pages

>> No.4222534

Instead of using bookmarks, I just tear out a page whenever I'm done with it.

>> No.4222536

>gaudy books
tasteless fuck

>> No.4222542

I legitimately don't even give a fuck

>> No.4222548

Caring is irrelevant, you are a tasteless fuck

>> No.4222551

I am legitimately sorry that this is not the standard.
It doesn't even have to be leather, surrogates are fine.

>> No.4222555
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i care more about my taste in literature than in that the aesthetics of my personal belongings

>> No.4222564

You have no taste in literature, you are a tasteless fuck

>> No.4222567


If you care about your taste in literature, surely you would want to preserve said literature for future generations?

Treat books nicely.

>> No.4222569

i do treat books nicely, this isn't related to that

in fact I don't get when people say stuff like "wow look at the spine in perfect condition he hasn't even read the book much"
>implying you even know it
confirmed contrarian

>> No.4222570

The issue isn't that he treats book poorly, the issue is that he's a tasteless fuck
Get your shit together you stupid fuck

>> No.4222571

String, nigga. Uze string.

>> No.4222573

I know you have no taste in literature, because you have no taste at all. You are a tasteless fuck

>> No.4222579

Stop replying to him.

>> No.4222587

i have

>> No.4222592
File: 19 KB, 306x407, Pendleton Board Shirt Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mistake was that you replied even once

>> No.4222603

>not using teaspoons as bookmarks

>> No.4222627

I only check out books from the library so I never fold pages. I use post-it notes shaped like mississippi.

>> No.4222630

I don't mind a short argument with a troll every once in a while

>> No.4222634

but library books are the one of the few book locales that you can fold and not have to deal with the consequences

>> No.4222637

You're a dick if you fold them, you're accelerating the destruction of the comparative few books in library circulation

>> No.4222639

Huh? it's still a dick move to damage the books that others will use.

>> No.4222799
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Here, let me bookmark that page for you

>> No.4222805

If I need to remember a page I am reading. I rip it out and tack it to the wall.

>> No.4222826

>Not skimming until you recognize the paragraphs you last read
Bunch of casuals.

>> No.4222837

>not remembering page numbers
I don't understand you people.

>> No.4222855

What? They simply give bookmarkers away.

>> No.4222879
File: 1.12 MB, 2816x2112, Dog-ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon, i bookmarked some pages. i hope you don't mind :D

>> No.4222926


>not in English


Get out of here with your moon runes.

>> No.4222948

Meh, I fold English patients all the time.

>> No.4222998

I don't see what's so wrong with this. It's not like you're going to read the book again anyway. I mean I wouldn't do it to a book I'm borrowing but if it's my book then I'll use it how I like. Sometimes I doodle in the margins when I'm bored because I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4223036
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>> No.4223042

It bothers people with OCD. Plus it hurts the resale value.

>> No.4223066

>It bothers people with OCD

Fuck 'em.


>Plus it hurts the resale value.

It actually doesn't.

>> No.4223069

I clenched me legs, guvna

>> No.4223073

>tfw you like to drink and there is actually not a paragraph where you left off but a grey area of 10 to 50 pages where you sorta recognise things to a certain degree

>> No.4223075

I won't fold pages if it's a library book or hardcover. But if it belongs to me and it's paperback, you better believe that shit's going to fold harder than a slut at a strip poker game.

>> No.4223078

>It's not like you're going to read the book again

>> No.4223081

>It actually doesn't.
Yes it does.

>> No.4223085
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>Not spending the fifty cents to get an ample supply of disposable bookmarks.

>> No.4223088

And you can make notes on the bookmark.

>> No.4223089

>that shit's going to fold harder than a slut at a strip poker game

>> No.4223098
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/po/ says hi

>> No.4223279


>> No.4223285

> there are people who can't remember a three digit number and need to use a bookmark

How can you even be literate?

>> No.4223338


>not reading books at least 1000 pages long

Leave this board you filthy fucking pleb shit.

>> No.4223378

>implying 4 numbers are any harder than 3 numbers
get your shit together, you little bitch.

>> No.4223414

>not reading books with 6 numbers; taking away attention from them whilst memorising the page number
what is this, the kindergarden?

>> No.4223432

>not reading books and memorizing entirely by the word in the top corner of each page

>> No.4223447

just tried this; what a shitty bookmark

>> No.4223454

>not reading 8 books simultaneously
do you even read?

>> No.4223456

>having to read books to take in the information from them
jesus fucking christ, y'all are plebs

>> No.4223484

>not being able to absorb information out of the ether
I disrespect you.

>> No.4223508

>using coins as a bookmark
Are you retarded? Thats a terrible idea

>> No.4223517
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>> No.4223522

Bookmarks are for dorks.
sometimes I don't even follow it. I'll just open up a random page and start reading from there. I'll end on page 35 and pick up again on page 43.

>> No.4223527

if im reading a book for the second+ time i do this. First time though, i fold corners.

>> No.4223529

>reading linearly

>> No.4223591

this anon has the right idea.

paperbacks are disposable.

you all must be poor.

>> No.4223599

Poor has nothing to do with it. Books are expensive. I mean really expensive. They always have been. 10-25 bucks on average and double that as soon as the opportunity presents itself. Second hand books SHOULD be cheap as shit, but in most stores, they're still anywhere between 3-10 dollars.

Ugh... I saw a penny-awful from 1820 or something for 10 bucks. I was moaning a little when I put it back. So good.

Also I'm more compulsively cheap than poor.

>> No.4223623

>not ripping out every page you read

>> No.4223626

I've used all of those except money (I need that stuff), and in place of a basketball ticket (ugh, sport) concert tickets, or bus tickets. I leave them in the book when I'm done reading it, then when I come across the book years later there's often a treasure inside, a weed leaf from my first harvest, a train ticket from prague, the playbill fro the first play I worked on.

Also, this thread is fucking hilarious, carry on.

>> No.4223627

>not burning every page you read, so that noone knows what you know

>> No.4224762

>not reading books by memorizing the feel of your fingers on the last page you read, and thereby immediately opening to that page on the first try next time you come back to it

>> No.4225785


Best thread running on /lit/ right now

>> No.4225805

Nosebleeds aren't intentional you morons.

>> No.4225809
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Toilet roll square.

>> No.4225814

>spill food on page
>really gross
>close book with food in it
>return to library

>> No.4225876

Ty zdziro

>> No.4225880
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>It's not like you're going to read the book again anyway

>> No.4225892

I read a book twice, tops. Once to get it in my system and get all that plot garbage out of the way. This is typically a quick read through. If I didn't 'get' the book the first time, I'll read it critically. I usually don't read them a second time. If I can tell it's gonna be a shallow/easily understood book, I'll dogear the shit out of it because in all probability it's gonna sit on my shelf until god knows when.

I get that there are certain people who appreciate certain books more than others, and will read them many times over, perhaps adding personal annotations and otherwise integrating fully with the book. I respect that. It's just that not everyone pores over the same book for ages.

>> No.4225899
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I folded the corner of a page once.. pic related

>> No.4225917

>be a teenager
>pull out AP study book from library shelf
>open it up
>actual hand drawn furry hentai whatever it was on a notebook paper falls out
>put it back
>can't handle how ghetto my life is urgh

>> No.4225925

>using toilet paper

>> No.4225945

Not particularly bright, are you?

>> No.4226184

Ugh. This fucking thread gives me hope.
>Finish reading incredible series
>Recommend to two friends looking to pick up something to read
>Both want to borrow the books
>Don't want to lend it to either because if they fold or damage anything I'll lose my shit.

>> No.4226189

>reading series

next time you go to their house, flip through their books. If their libraries are held up with care and their books unharmed, they're likely trustworthy. If not, never give them anything

>> No.4226193

I had that thought anon but the issue is that neither of them actually has more than a book or two. Hell, the first one, who actually is really interested, is a complete slob. I intend to go back and read through the series once I forget everything, so I really don't want to get it back with anything torn. The last time I lent books I never got them back (illiterate bastard).

But what bugs me now is that I won't be able to discuss the book in question with fucking anybody and that sucks.

>> No.4226196
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but if its not airport tier
you always have us

>> No.4226199

I appreciate it, board is just too damn slow. Then again if a book has been out for years already I'm pretty much out of luck anywhere.

>> No.4226205

if a book is actually significant (by which I mean influential), you'll likely be able to find essays on it and those are usually enough for me.

>> No.4226206
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captcha: owJult pages

>> No.4226271
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you guys are pretty dumb IMO. wasting money on a bookmark?

use a piece of paper, like a dollar bill. if you lose it (i lose mine all the time), you dont have to go spending money on some tacky bookmark, you just find another one

>> No.4226275

>you guys are pretty dumb IMO. wasting money on a bookmark?
>use money as your bookmark instead

>> No.4226281

Maybe not all of us are Mr. Richypants-I-Can-Use-Dollar-Bills-As-Bookmarks-Because-I'm-So-Rich

>> No.4226282
File: 36 KB, 720x720, frustration.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use money
>if you lose it, at least you're not out any money

>> No.4226289

hey wait
the object as shown in the image can exist, as an extension of the table

>> No.4226293


>being this oblivious

>> No.4228132

what happened to using post-it notes

>> No.4228141
File: 22 KB, 462x327, WTF Are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw people actually write in their books

Literally the worst people on Earth.

>> No.4228149

I usually use liquid glue to bookmark my pages it sticks the two pages together makes it very easy to find your place

>> No.4228157

>not using random piece of paper


>> No.4228162

Why not?

>> No.4228166

>not putting a checkmark in the bottom corner of every page you've read thus far

>> No.4228216

They made me do it in my high school English program and it was so god damn annoying. I'll probably open one of them soon and see if its possible to read it through all of the hi-lighting and bullshit annotations they made us do for a grade.

>> No.4228225

Someone isn't familiar with Addler.

>> No.4228226


Unless you are reading just for the story, I don't see how anyone can read real literature without annotating. I figured everyone does this...

>> No.4228228


>> No.4228238

But anon, I only ever read for the story. Is there another reason to read?

>> No.4228248

>not using ex libris
>not borrowing books from people who write on them and read what they wrote
>not leaving notes for the next reader

>> No.4228259

For the knowledge within.

>> No.4228262
File: 1.15 MB, 4107x1152, IMG_1226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tear a page from the back and use that as a bookmark, then I dog ear all the pages that I find interesting. Why does everyone care so much about paperbacks?

>> No.4228268

>mfw I read that as "Why does everyone care so much about graphics?"
My /v/ is showing.

>> No.4228317

>not valuing books because they exist in your library, regardless of the format

>> No.4228332

That's not really very expensive, man. I'm pretty sure the anon is right; you're all poor.

>> No.4228347

>$25 for a stack of paper
>not expensive

>> No.4228353

That's correct. I'm glad we came to the same conclusion.

>> No.4228383 [DELETED] 

Am I banned?

>> No.4228387



>> No.4231247

>not just remembering your page

>> No.4231249

I do this.

>> No.4231644
File: 19 KB, 350x350, 9f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who buy in to the hardback myth

>> No.4231665
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>lending classmate my textbook because he forgot his
>Get it back the next day
>Several pages are bent and it's obvious that he's rolled the book up


>> No.4231772
File: 27 KB, 366x380, Oh_1dc655_647191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meh, I fold English patients all the time.
>I fold English patients
>English patients

>> No.4231784

>necessitating use of a shared language to communicate
aj4390ur 4dd128@*#( )$@63643sbdf gfg4#(()$3rfr32111`1 1`()&(*2jiuc732 dsfa737)&@30

>> No.4231790

>not just burning the book and interpreting the smoke signals
It's like you're not even trying to redefine "pleb"

>> No.4231795

Bucking for that promotion, Lt. Obvious?

>> No.4231797

>implying i'm Indian
check your native priv

>> No.4231808

>like a dollar bill

How droll, I wasn't even aware they made denominations that miniscule

>> No.4231813

>not making the book easier to find by gluing all the pages

>> No.4231818

>being this uptight on /lit/

>> No.4231819
File: 15 KB, 320x240, cheeto fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pass me the book, bro

>> No.4231823


I don't get why you would say that. It's pretty key to close reading. Do you even neatly pencil in the margin things like "phi" or "style" or define words? Like, what the hell are you doing while you read? You mean to tell me that you would read, say, a Platonic dialogue without writing in the margins?

>> No.4231826



>> No.4231891

Yeah, I just splash water from my bidet on the page I want to bookmark.

>> No.4231924

I dog-ear my books, or else leave them open face-down. I also fold it in half along the spine sometimes. There's something really satisfying about the wear and tear a new book gets after I'm done with it.

I'll also write down notes in it (phone numbers, addresses, etc) if I don't have any paper available.

(i buy all my books, i don't use the library or borrow books that often, i'm not that much of a monster)

>> No.4232461

>Not remembering the exact page number
Fucking neurotypicals.

>> No.4232466

>Reading at the beach
>Sand fucking everywhere

>> No.4232497
File: 160 KB, 420x750, 1362380647953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my wife makes me bookmarks

>> No.4232501

>buy used books on amazon
>read previous owner's annotations
>jerk off

>> No.4232506

I'd like that shirt a lot more if the hem wasn't squared off like a bahama shirt.

>> No.4232509

person with OCD here, I don't give a shit

>> No.4232537

Some asshat spoiled Animal Farm for me in that way. He gave the pig's human equivalents away before I could even consider them anything else but simple pigs. Made me quite mad.

>> No.4232600
File: 154 KB, 1724x982, firelighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using glorious liz to hold your place

>> No.4232608

Only use that for British books, anon.

>> No.4232618

but was it good hentai

>> No.4232632

i always keep franklin on hand for reading in the american tradition, of course

>> No.4232667

Was it the editor?
they do that sometimes. they don't care

>> No.4232675

No, some previous reader who wrote his notes in the book. Probably for school or something.

>> No.4232694

>spoiling Animal Farm
Do you feel eternal hatred towards people who have spoiled Romeo and Juliet to you too?

>> No.4232740


I have dropped my copies of IJ and Mason & Dixon. I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.4232744
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>not using an author

>> No.4233007
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> not spilling the bong water on your favourite book

>> No.4233016


>> No.4233020

>buy a pack of playing cards
boom, 52 bookmarks

shuffle and select a card without looking at random. if it's numbered, that's how many days you have to finish the book. if it's not numbered, repick unless it's the ace in which case choose yourself you indecisive shit

>> No.4235314
File: 194 KB, 1200x900, billete-antiguo-50-pesos-benito-juarez-1981-sp0-1083-MLM4731667412_072013-F[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using Benito

>> No.4235321
File: 53 KB, 457x236, IEP-banknote-10-irish-pounds-james-joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choosing some Swedish nobody over the grandaddy of /lit/

>> No.4235342

I use MtG standard lands.

>> No.4235429

He looks like he's thinking about Nora

>> No.4235434

>using playing cards
Here I was, thinking I was the only person who did that. My fellow.

>> No.4237763

Fuck you, I was about to do that.

>> No.4237798
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>newfag detected