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4213417 No.4213417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, i have a question

What is the most common storyline in Science Fiction today, besides the egneric good vs bad of course

Like, back in the 80's, Ender's game was quite unique in the whole "child soldier" thing among Sci-Fi literature. Whats common and unique today in Sci-Fi?

>> No.4213425

Well, i understand most of it is generic, but i was reffering to plots and themes

>> No.4213421
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>Whats common and unique

>> No.4213468

You mean uncommon.

>> No.4213482

Wait let me rephrase, i asked what is common in sci-fi and what is unique in sci-fi, as in whats the difference. Sorry for not making it clear

Isnt stargate a tv series tho?

>> No.4213499

Yeah, but there's a book. Movie. I don't know which came first, I don't really care. But I really liked it when I was a kid. I mean really loved it.
It's hard finding a sci-fi that's ... like that. Probably because there wasn't a lot of sci-fi stuff going on.
I dislike sci-fi.

>> No.4214399

Is that book worth reading if you're not a homophobic 13 year old boy?

>> No.4214568


>> No.4214571

Its on the marines recommended list

>> No.4214576

started reading that today because so many fags cite it as their favorite book

seems so... childish? wtf am I reading? 6 year olds in space playing games? wut

>> No.4214615

Just keep fucking going. By the end there are a few central themes and the kids are just the backdrop for those ideas.

That's why I think that the movie is going to do poorly. It's marketed as a space action movie with a kid hero. It's going to miss the entire point. Just like how the movie Starship Troopers has the exact Opposite tone and meaning of the book.

>> No.4214636

so it's a no?

>> No.4214640
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>Just like how the movie Starship Troopers has the exact Opposite tone and meaning of the book.
That's what makes it fun.

>> No.4214646

Marketing is not always 100% truthful. Initial reviews seem to indicate it sticks closely to the book.

And you should know by now that Starship Troopers is so brilliant BECAUSE it has the exact opposite tone of the book. It's satire. It lampoons its own source material.

>> No.4214705

Virtual reality and trying to come up with clever ways to escape the solar system. Interestingly, the latter is very common in hard sci-fi. I read a short story a while ago about a spaceship that teleported around based on heisenberg's uncertainity principle.

>> No.4214717

Hasn't "geopunk" been pretty big in recent years, with all the global warming alarmists an all that jazz?

>> No.4214725

I dont know whats unique, but I can tell you that from my perspective military sci fi is huge. There is always some alien race to obliterate, or some world in need of conquering. The tech side of things is always interesting to me at least, and mixing it with starships and battles seems to be easy for many writers. cloning, alternate worlds, steampunk ect. It seems rarer that I find a sci fi book with any sort of message, that would be unique.

>> No.4214747

>It seems rarer that I find a sci fi book with any sort of message, that would be unique.

>>preachy Sci-Fi


>> No.4214765

The most common storyline in science fiction today is "fantasy".

>> No.4215137


The book made fair points, albeit ones that I don't totally agree with. The movie was well animated. Also, it wasn't satire, the director is just really bad allowing it to be viewed as satire.

Also Starship Troopers vs. Ender's Game

>Most of the book is about training- Check, Check
>The aliens are giant space bugs- Check, check
>The aliens are not portrayed as bad, only against humanity- Check, check
>Main character is semi reluctant in the beginning, but eventually accepts fighting- Check, half check.
>Two word title- Check, check

Alien Invasion. Especially in movies. Battle for LA, Skyline, Independence Day. It even has "parodies": Avatar, District 9.

Actually, if you want something unique, find a trope and parody it. Robots taking over the world becomes android trying to become human (Star Trek's Data, the Bicentennial Man). Find a trope and turn it on it's head.

Also, I thought that Ender's Game was a little... untrue to children, which is only excused by the children being geniuses. Sure, they're children, but they act like adults, albeit annoying cranky ones.

>> No.4215146


>it wasn't satire

But it was.

>> No.4215154


Sorry. It wasn't /intended/ as satire.

>> No.4215250

why post if you dont like sci-fi, idiot?

>> No.4215501


>> No.4215506

>Also, it wasn't satire, the director is just really bad allowing it to be viewed as satire.
>It wasn't /intended/ as satire.
Pffffaahahahah, of course it fucking was you mad puppy.

>> No.4215507

Yeah right. Actually it was totally intended as such.
>In the DVD commentary, Verhoeven states the film's message: "War makes fascists of us all."

>> No.4215508

>besides the egneric good vs bad of course
'Good vs bad' is not a storyline, you shithead asshat.

>> No.4215511

Teillard de Chardin cocksucking.

>> No.4215512
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>not intended satire

>> No.4215551

since science fiction evolved from short pulp-era story magazine fiction, it was hit pretty hard by the curse of O. Henry.
This meant that there needed to be a problem around which the story was based, which would be solved, or resolved, or at least confronted satisfactorially by the stories end. Book lenght science fiction developed in the same way, but with better characters, subplots and plot mechanics, and much more realized and non-cardboard backgrounds. 1984 and Farenheit 451 and most of Phil Dick was like this, as well as Huxly's BNW and After Many a Summer. But like murder mystery, suspense and westerns stories, the problem story was what characterized most science fiction. and to an extent still does.

>> No.4215553


>> No.4215586

This. Remember when sci-fi was speculative fiction?

>> No.4215611

Why make a movie adaptation of something if you intend to subvert the meaning totally?
"muh satire" looks like poor damage control for not having understood what the book was about or not being able to render it on screen.
Any satirist would make his own title, instead of a different media rendition, or at the very least a parody.

>> No.4215615

All fiction is speculative. That's what fiction means.

>> No.4215619

>Why make a movie adaptation of something if you intend to subvert the meaning totally?
Why not?

>"muh satire" looks like poor damage control
Try to learn how to watch movies. The satire element is pervasive through the entire film.
Also I rarely see people grasping at straws so badly.

>Any satirist would make his own title,
"hurrr hurrrr u can't make things unless you make them exactly the way I want to"
ST is an excellent satire done with attention, hence why dumbfuck like you can't wrap their minds around the fact that it is not genuine. That makes it stellar satire.

>> No.4215623

>it's speshul, dass y u dun understand!
Great argument.

>> No.4215630 [DELETED] 

Wanna talk about your argument?
>it's not satire
>ok it's satire but it's not intentional
>ok he said it was satire but he's just lying

Wotch and learn.

>> No.4215633

Wanna talk about your argument?
>it's not satire
>ok it's satire but it's not intentional
>ok he said it was satire but he's just lying

Wotch and learn.

>> No.4215640

>ok it's satire but it's not intentional
I never said any of that.

>> No.4215638

One of the things that Paul and I decided to do with Starship was to not tell anybody about what we were doing, to really play it down the middle. To play it on the one side as "this is just a big fun, stupid movie" and on the other hand have all these other themes in it, which if you look at it are there in every scene, they're just noe underlined or pushed.

Ed Neumeier

>> No.4215651

>I never said any of that.
>It wasn't /intended/ as satire.

inb4 "it wasn't me"
Then don't get into the argument in his side ya dunce.

>> No.4215656

>discussion board
>don't get into discussions

>> No.4215657

You have any point?

>> No.4215658

Yes, read back.

>> No.4215661

I can't know which messages are yours, dumbo.

>> No.4215663

Yes you can, trace back the quotes. You'll easily get which ones are mine.
Unless you are stupid, that is.

>> No.4215683

>trace back the quotes
Ok then
>It wasn't /intended/ as satire.

Whoops, looks lire you're an idiot.

>> No.4215705

Yes, xcept that you're wrong.


>> No.4215734

This. Science fiction is about problem solving. That's the mane thrust of most stories. There seems to be a subcurrent of "we can't solve the problem" and "our solutions create more problems" or "our solutions make the problems worse" stories, but mostly science fiction is about societies and individuals confronting and adapting to change,. That's what I've seen in most of what I've read.

>> No.4215756

not him but you're an imbecile: he said it WAS a satire, the guy who he's arguing with was the one that said "it wasn't /intended/ as satire."
you just confused them

>> No.4215799
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>Unless you are stupid, that is.