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4212595 No.4212595 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, is it possible to publish work in philosophy in America that would be taken seriously if you are not currently in academia, and if so how would you even go about doing this? Do you have to show credentials in another way?

Or does academia have a monopoly on philosophy?

>> No.4212599

you can become a novelist and then people will like the ideas in your novels

no there is not a way for you to get published in like an academic journal or something

>> No.4212607
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Why don't you try it out. Worst that can happen is you are not respected (and waste years of your life, but you're probably doing that anyway. )

>> No.4212615
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I plan to, im just curious about the environment since I dont know too much about it.

Is there no way to get into an academic journal because I need to be cited by people worthy of citing, or what?

>> No.4212616

op what philosophy have you read besides nietzsche

>> No.4212618

To get into a journal you need to be peer-reviewed. The people who do peer-reviewing are academics. You are not an academic, so they are not your peers.

Obviously that's not the reason why you can't get published in a journal, but it makes sense when you think about it

The other thing is that journal writing is a world all by itself. It's impenetrably difficult to the layman, and it takes years of experience in a field to even begin to get a grasp of it

>> No.4212619

If you had profound ideas, you might be taken seriously. I am going to assume that you aren't going to publish anything like that, considering you post on 4chan. Not trying to shit on your dreams, but you might as well get the degree.

>> No.4212621

Academia is an exclusive club. To let somebody outside of Academia publish in Academic journals would be abhorrent to them. You need to go through all of the shit that graduate students go through in order to be accepted by them, the rite of passage. It would hurt their feelings and pride if somebody who didn't go through the tedium of Academia published.

>> No.4212623

people don't like academists anymore. In fact go the opposite way. become homeless for a year or so and rant entry-level life-philosophies on the street, stuff that's like, one step above a life lecture from grandpa or one of those motivational speakers they hire to speak at a school. After that someone's bound to record it and put it on youtube and people will go "wow that's so true and inspiring" and when you become an internet phenomenon then you can write a best selling book that everyone will forget in a few months but you'll probably won't be homeless anymore.

>> No.4212633

this is solid advice

>> No.4212690
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Huh, so there really is no way around it? Has anyone recently been able to do this, or is it unheard of?

>> No.4212733

that guy Nicholas Taleb didn't study philosophy and he wrote a philosophy book

>> No.4212744

But he does have a PhD and his philosophy was related to statistics and the finance and business world that he studied and worked in

>> No.4212749

No he has another newer one out, let me find it

>> No.4212753

The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

>> No.4212776
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Lets not forget that some of philosophers founders thought that the world was flat or a disc or some shit, believed in gods, and dressed shittily.

>> No.4212848
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I dont understand what this has to do with the OP. Are you saying the philosophers of the past didnt go through academia, and that is why they had shit beliefs?

>> No.4212869

No. Academic discourse--in any discipline--follows certain established contours; to wit, the language of the profession. All academic work to varying degrees participates in a broader conversation.

You likely have little knowledge of the professional norms, which is why you'd have no idea what to write/where to submit/how to cite (and thus signal your stakes). As an independent scholar you can certainly try, but there is zero reason for any journal to give you any attention.

>> No.4212876

No, just exactly what I said.

>> No.4212911
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If this at all matter, I have already done and finished research at my university, but as an undergrad, and was allowed to finish a grad course and grad paper.

Again, I dont know if this matters.

>> No.4212913
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My god I typed that horribly.

>> No.4212916


But you aren't saying anything relevant or contextual, and your statement doesn't seem to have any discernible point.

>> No.4212987
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Well look at this
Check out the bottom ofTim'Okeefs comment, they do a blind review so it doesnt matter about your reputation.

>> No.4212992

Doesn't matter; is fairly common.

Yes, hence sometimes independent scholars do publish. I just said it is highly uncommon. Even more-so for someone off 4chan/Reddit/whatever.

>> No.4213005

Can't /lit/ peer review my philosophical works, given that they're my peers?

Maybe we should create our own journal.

>> No.4213037
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But why is it uncommon? Is it uncommon to blind review? Or is it simply because there are so few people trying to get published who arent currently in academia?

>> No.4213123

Publishing in a journal not only requires extensive knowledge on philosophy, it also requires you to have specialized knowledge on a certain topic in philosophy. This also means you need to be able to predict the "academic trends" in philosophy. Even if you have extensive knowledge on several philosophers and their philosophers, not knowing what is popular right now in that philosophy right now or in the next few years basically screws you over.

And in order to know the popular trends in philosophy among academic circles, you need to be surrounded by academics. This is one of the biggest reasons why it is difficult for a non-academic to penetrate an academic journal.

>> No.4213141


Take away all the scientific tools you have at your disposal today, go back two thousand some odd years, and discuss the cosmos with Aristotle, or Eratosthenes, or Plato. These men weren't stupid, and people like you are the reason why our culture is going to shit.


>> No.4213150

Eh. All it would take is purchasing a few issues of the journal you want to get into in order to pick up on the "language of the profession."

>> No.4213152

>And in order to know the popular trends in philosophy among academic circles, you need to be surrounded by academics

Uh, or you can just pick up a few issues and read.

>> No.4213242

What makes you think that people who have no formal knowledge of a subject and haven't gone to college or university for it would have work that would qualify for a journal?

>> No.4214049

Because im in university and I have done research and it isnt that highly difficult or specialized, at least for me

>> No.4214157

get into touch with your prof or w/e and talk about this good idea you have.

>> No.4214178

what do you want to write about, OP

>> No.4214255

>publishing philosophy
>not implementing it into based s-f

>> No.4214266

You can certainly try. Auto-didacts (true ones) are rare.

Philosophy, like any other discipline, at the professional level is a highly specialised set of concerns that demands a highly specialised vocabulary and specific approaches. Do you really think someone can master these (i.e. enough to get published in journals) simply by picking up a few issues and reading them?