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/lit/ - Literature

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4203486 No.4203486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what book have you read that, to this day, you are ashamed to admit?

To start off, I'd say Lolita, by Vladimir V. Nabokov (but it felt so good).

>> No.4203490
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Lame of Thrones by Georgios Martinopolous, the fat Greek shipping magnate

>> No.4203489

There's no shame in that. That book is incredible, and not so much for the narrative as all the intricate little jokes and puns and intertextual references the author drops on every other line. It's one of the funniest books ever written if you read closely enough.

>> No.4203692
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ending made me cringe so damn hard

>> No.4203710

Memoirs of a Geisha

Only read it because the hot girl in class was reading it.

>> No.4203719

I loved Lolita. I am quite ashamed of Twilight you know because it's trash. I read it in high school because I was almost exclusively with members of the female clan and they said I couldn't bash it until I read it all the way. Did and they still wouldn't listen. Now they all say you are right and I Facebook.

>> No.4203718

Ashamed because as a lot of people I pretented to like it

>> No.4203727

Sup guys? I want to go to school to study philosophy. I'm 26 right now and figure it's now or never. I'm going to have to start in community college. What's the best way to go about getting aid and loans? Suggestions? Much appreciated /lit/

>> No.4203733

Were you trying to make a new thread?

>> No.4203738

>Go to school

No, just in the right thread

>> No.4203812

God Damnit! Yes but if you do have advice, please chip in.

>> No.4203960

You need to question yourself about why the fuck you need to go to college to continue questioning yourself. Get into a trade that will give you money and read philosophy for pleasure on your spare time.

>> No.4204272

I had a semi throughout that entire book.

I do not give one single fuck.

>> No.4204285
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the raw shark texts by stephen hall or w/e his name is. thought it was so deep and philosophical and edgy. five or six years later i read the house of leaves and realized that the hall book was a complete ripoff. now everyone on /lit/ shits all over HoL so I read a ripoff of a shitty book and thought it was great and told everyone about it.

>> No.4204287

that book is genuinely good

I am convinced Nabokov was a pedo, though

>> No.4204296

Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead
The Virtue of Selfishness

Harry Potter 5 - 7, when I could have finished the obviously superior A Series of Unfortunate Events instead.

>> No.4204302

Nabokov constantly heaps shit on Humbert Humbert, how can you be convinced he was in any way a pedo?

>> No.4204303

Self-castigation to expiate.

>> No.4204304

I'm certain he morally despises rapists and people who sexually take advantage of young people, but the erotic parts of the book are written in such a way that I'd be surprised he hadn't thought sexually about a child before

>> No.4204305

Also there are weird paedo bits in his other works

>> No.4204307

I have suffered through every 1940s - 80s Hardy boys AND Nancy Drew novel.

>> No.4204319

i don't do anime but i ended up reading haruhi suzumiya somehow and it's ended up embarrassingly high on my favorites list

>> No.4204327

Any book by Erich von Däniken.

>> No.4204374

baricco: Ocean Sea
I read it in high school because I wanted to impress a girl

>> No.4204377


>> No.4204418
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my older sister worked for a book supply store. they threw out a massive box of books, hundreds, which she took home instead. many were textbooks that cost hundreds of dollars each, some were kids books, others adult fiction etc. just tons of books. one of them was a book on incest. I was pretty young, about 10, and would just read anything, I used to read my dad's geology reference books just because I liked reading things. anyway I read that incest book and thought nothing more of it and had it on my shelf and then it vanished. I was pretty sure my mum had taken but thought nothing of it until years later. her not knowing the situation surrounding my having that book must've spooked her a bit. makes me cringe to think about it infact. I know it was her who took it because she did a "purge" of some other stuff, like some video game I was not allowed to have and some other stupid shit I forget about nowdays.

for reference it was not a book condoning or supporting incest, it was like a book analysing it with case studies and that. was actually kind of interesting.

>> No.4204426

Seconding this. The job market for philosophy professors is so saturated that it really makes no sense to go to grad school for that subject. The philosopher Michael Huemer wrote something about this: http://spot.colorado.edu/~huemer/grad.htm

>> No.4205190

I read that too.. terrible
And this diary of british whore (don't remember name)

>> No.4205201

Story of the Eye
100 Days of Sodom

>> No.4205322


I noticed this with the little girl called Emmy in 'Invitation to a Beheading'.

>> No.4205331

Why would you be ashamed of reading Lolita?

>> No.4205340


I'd say Lolita, too. I can't believe I even tried to explain the book to one of my teachers. She seemed pretty surprised that I would pick such a book but I kept going. Fuck me. It's one of favourite books.

>> No.4205375

>finds the concept of reading Lolita odd

Are you still in elementary school?

>> No.4205392


She was pretty feminist and she hadn't read the book. She was a teacher in Danish and German, not English.

>> No.4205397

Of course he had thought about it, a hell of a lot I'd wager. THAT'S HOW YOU FUCKING WRITE. Research, personal experience, and a lot of thinking.

>> No.4205400

Lolita's a great book. The fact that people are shamed into feeling bad for reading it is really pathetic.

>> No.4205403

yeah, ada or ardor is more pedo than lolita imo

>> No.4205492
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just ordered on amazon

>> No.4205508
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Nabokov was clearly a pedophile, as evidenced by the fact that pedophilia (ephebophilia actually) features throughout his works. I like my meat a couple decades aged yet I nevertheless had a bonerific good time reading it. The thing is that deep inside we're all closet ephebophiles..it's just that the majority of us won't act on it, due to various modes of external conditioning, and that's fine i guess, however, what i won't stand for is you feeling


at such a natural reaction

way to completely disregard thousands of years marital and procreative tradition. the thing is that you've been conned fuckboy.
your shame has been thrust onto you by this perverse judeo-christian ethic which denies our very corporeal essence, this eternal joke of mind before body, ghost before flesh, 'spirit' endlessly enslaving our material being with these contradictory rules of look but don't touch, touch but don't taste, taste but don't swallow, repress, repress, repress, hold it in and count to ten and i unload the accumulated jizz of my rotting ancestors into the diseased cunt of Christ which has corrupted us all and made us lose track of our carnal truth, summoned by blood which does not lie, now stemmed by this tourniquet of a jewish moral ethic.
Whereas الزهرة حين تكون نجمة صبح said:
"at age 13, upon that first blood, it's fucking go time, ace"
Wasā'il al-Shīʿa chapter 4 verse 58

nature does not lie, lest she be ashamed of her own design...

>> No.4205544


>closet ephebophiles

I'm not

>> No.4205579


unless rendered asexual by severe brain damage, this is demonstrably false.

modern human sexuality is bound in repression. the world is crawling with closet pedophiles, closet faggots, closet incestuous necrophiliacs and other such awesome critters.

really it takes just an instance of pure open mindedness and you'll realize that you're much more of pervert than you think

>> No.4205583

I know exactly how much of a pervert I am. I even fucked a dude. I don't even like men.

>> No.4205595
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Get a load of this clown.

I've got some bad news for you laddie:

If you're not attracted to older teens, you're either castrated or brain damaged

>> No.4205606

John Green's first three novels, the Scott Pilgrim books, and the first generation of Pokemon Adventures.

>> No.4205638

>Harry Potter 5 - 7, when I could have finished the obviously superior A Series of Unfortunate Events instead.
This. Handler was pretty good at expressing post-modernism in children's fiction. Hell, I even reread ASoUE over summer because I realised retroactively that it's the only good children's series

>> No.4205656

I've read the SP books like 5 times each with no regrets. But of course I generally refuse to tell people this, unless the subject is brought up by lolsoindeh qts

>> No.4205675


But traditional Judaism lets you marry 12 year olds.

Fuck Christianity used to let you marry five year olds so you could put the chick on layaway until she bled.

>> No.4205731


Going back far enough, yes. However, things have changed and Judeo-Christian Ethic birthed the first instance of banning early teen marriages.

>> No.4205734


Together with incest and most other fetishes.

>> No.4205753


That only really became the case as things got closer to the Enlightenment.

>> No.4205768


The moral relativism exhibited by most Enlightenment philosophers is a kind of rational relativism. Those who still held tight moral codes, like Locke for example, were at the same time disproving of organized religion's authority and yet still building upon their key tenets. Such moral restrictions trace their root to Christian dogma.

>> No.4205773
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Battlefield Earth

It was a decent book, I would just never tell anyone that I kind of enjoyed it.

>> No.4205791


Yeah, but it's not like Jesus himself said anything about not being able to marry twelve year olds. Church tradition up until that point held that Mary was at least 12 or 13 when she conceived. While you have church writers like Thomas Moore suggest 18 as an age of consent , the church itself didn't really start really promoting such an idea until around the Enlightenment era since tradition had always been that women were perfectly ready by at least 13 years of age.

>> No.4206061


meaningless distinction. you correct that, nowhere in the bible is such an age restriction spelled out. however, point stands that such a thing was born straight out of the moral realism of christian dogma, later christian scholars, and various philosophers who internalized Christian natural law.

>> No.4206625


you don't remember the name of it?

>> No.4206673

Could you please ask your sister about it? And what year was it you got it?

>> No.4206712


>> No.4206720
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This book ri-i-i-ght here! The prose was so horrible I almost gouged my eyes out, and it's supposed to be written for pre-teens. I hid it in a file cabinet at my old job when I quit and that action alone had what I would imagine to be the cathartic equivalent of upper-decking my boss' toilet. Pun not intended.

Also, this was last year.

>> No.4206851


this is the worst book in history.

>> No.4206870

Ashamed of telling someone what books you read, really?

>> No.4207020

Not so much. Taboo of incest (in some form) exists in every society.
See works of Claude Lévi-Strauss.

>> No.4207225

Bridget jones?

>> No.4207344


>But traditional Judaism lets you marry 12 year olds.

Its actually 3 years and 1 day:

>Sanhedrin 55B: "Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition"


>> No.4207365

Tucker Max books.
I didn't know I would be associated with the dude bro crowd for reading them. I'm just a sucker for casual stories

>> No.4207498

The communist manifesto

>> No.4207528

Probably 50 Shades

Shame on anyone saying Lolita, it's one of the greatest books ever written

>> No.4207533

Nothing else can compete with 120 Days of Sodom

>> No.4207632


Lolita is understandable though, given people might look at you weird for reading it or think you're a pervert

>> No.4207817

That doesn't fucking matter, IT'S GODDAMN LOLITA.

If there's any book on this board right now that can be considered one of the greatest novels in the canon, it's that.

>> No.4207829

It's not understandable in the least you fellatious cunt.

>> No.4207867

I finished it for the first time a couple of days ago. The chapter with Humbert meeting Lolita all grown up broke my fucking heart.

>> No.4207872

I've read that but I'd say any book by Peter Sotos would top it (I read Selfish, Little). I was lead into thinking that it would be some hopelessly dark (yet deep!) meditation on violence and sexuality in the media, but it was just basically gross out porn with pretensions. I'm nervous that one day someone will find the book in my collection...

>> No.4207916


Yes it is, because believe it or not, a lot of people think the book promotes pedo-shit and so if you buy it and people know what it is, you'll likely end up having to explain yourself or get awkward looks.

>> No.4207934

what? it's generally agreed upon to be one of the best novels of its century ... why would people give you looks because of the subject matter?

>> No.4207933


Hey man, I'm not arguing that it isn't. But there's alot more literature in the world than just English and Russian. Some people specialise in that area and don't spend much time reading them. Not much more to it.

>> No.4207941

>why would people give you looks because of the subject matter?

cause people think its pedo shit.

>> No.4207944

stop hanging out with plebs then

>> No.4207949

I dont interact with normal people

>> No.4207954
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Then again, it's probably the best pedo shit out there. Are there any other works that feature pedophilia to a similar extent as Lolita that can still be regarded as high art?

>> No.4207960

There are really people who think the book condones paedophillia? Really?

>> No.4207961

people who haven't read it do

>> No.4207967


Americans are mad paranoid about anything that might have to do with pedos

>> No.4207972

Then just tell them that they're wrong and that they should read it. No big deal.

>> No.4208031
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>> No.4208045


but the imprudent girl was gardner?

>> No.4209075
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I've read everything by Stephen King, and I'm wack-a-doo over the Dark Tower

>> No.4209116

Turn of the Screw.

>> No.4210278

the tv show is one of my favourites and i don't do anime neither

>> No.4210297

Because some people might associate you with people like:

>> No.4210308

Death in Venice

>> No.4210329


>with people like

I doubt it because no one knows about my curse and I intend to keep it that way.

>> No.4211323
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I remember reading Lolita. I read about third of my time in public. I had version with pink covers - like it wants to be seen when I want it not to be seen.

>> No.4212867

I tried reading it in public (on the train). It was impossible due to all the erections I got.

>> No.4213035

Malorie Blackman - Noughts and Crosses
(never hated niggers more)

Dan Brown stuff like Da Vinci Code, The Lost Key (or something) and Angels and Demons. (so gay, but I was like 13 then)

Robert Greene - 48 Laws of Power (omg the edgiest shit in the world, I would say Greene was sometimes right but still I felt like a edgy fat asshole reading it.)

>> No.4213070

I can barely read any book in public, I got an erection during the The Fountainhead rape scene.

>> No.4213075

I read The Fault in Our Stars and An Abundance of Katherines because I ran out of stuff to read at my parent's house over the summer. I don't want to read another novel about white teens again.

>> No.4213076

I know, I was dumb enough to read Palahniuk's Choke on the bus.

>> No.4214062


Though I did actually like Paper Towns. John Green was the only YA author I gave a spin, and I came to pretty much the same conclusion as yourself.