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4207447 No.4207447 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of The Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.4207449

The same thing /a/ thinks of Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.4207452

I am fucking tired of this Catcher in the Rye and 1984, Lord of the Flies shit. Seriously go back to /r/books

>> No.4207454

It's a good book. I think most people who deny that are trying too hard.

>> No.4207472

/a/ told me Cowboy Bebop was great, and not to talk about it because discussion detracts from its greatness. So is that what you mean?

>> No.4207480

/a/ is retarded.

>> No.4207857

I love the book. I don't understand why people hate Holden so much; I felt sorry for him the entire time. He's not "emo" or whatever idiots call him, he's just lost; he's an emotionally stunted guy trying to act like an adult but he doesn't know how to do so, like a 12yo who picks fights constantly thinking that's what makes a man.

>> No.4207886

A nice one if you're a teenager. We've all been trough that noir bohemian phase of "where am I going with my life?". But other than that Holden is just a spoiled, uninterested "edgy" teen. Nothing more or less. Also the book tries to capture a few things at once but fails at it: it's about Holden, It's about his brother, Holden is all alone now, he is sad, but he has his sister he is happy, but he lost his brother, but this, but that... yeah. No climax or anything or an anti-climax. Just a random few days of some spoiled kid nothing more or less. It's a bit overrated if I can say "a bit". The only good thing is that it's not boring. It's not going anywhere with it but it's still not boring. But read it.

>> No.4207899

>I don't understand why people hate Holden so much

holden is depressively introspective; most people can't fathom any amount of introspection larger than their own so they're immediate reaction of "get over it" is all they really have when dealing with holden.

>> No.4207905


>> No.4207906

That was a really naïve and edgy analysis

>> No.4207913

>Insults the guys analysis
>Doesn't give why

You're the worst.

>> No.4207914

Good if you read it in first grade

>> No.4207926

but he is though, he just has trouble articulating his thoughts.

>> No.4207927

I liked it in highschool but now it's just... ungh. We all have a period of enjoying that book but mine has passed.

>> No.4207942

His sister was more defined than him

>> No.4207951

in a sense, yeah, since her sister is objectified into the ground and turned into a clear-cut symbol, while holden is contradictory and fuzzy around the edges of his personality

but that's just a feature of people, not a failure of the book.

>> No.4207958

The failure of the book is this
>>4207886 nothing less

>> No.4207962

i see that more as a failure of the educational system in which that poster was raised.

>> No.4207971

As I said before it's a "one-time -book" you will enjoy it at some point of life. But if you don't read it on time it might be too late.

>> No.4208017
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I think its a very good book regardless of your age (adolescence and above I mean).

I read it in highschool when I was 16 and liked it, then I re-read it last year when I was 21 and liked it. I can understand how if youre re-reading it the book can come off as too much, but I think thats because this book in particular is about an extravagant character. Not extravagant like Dostoyevsky's or Wilde's characters where they come off as absurd or theatrical, but extravagant in that we are in Holden's head and he has such a unique voice, and something that makes his voice unique is that he doesnt stop being Holden anywhere in the book. The voice is always consistent and in character no matter the situation, which can come off as brilliant to many on a first read, but annoying or preachy to some on a first or second read.

Its like hanging out with this very interesting person who is very loud about who they are, and then youre stuck with them for a week. Unless you really like them, youre going to want to take a break from them, and some people just cant handle it and are very local about not handling it.