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4207649 No.4207649[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently rereading Ashenden, then probably The Birthday Party, then get new stuff on Monday...probably the complete works of de Sade. I don't know. A lot of the books I want, I can't get in shops.

What are other people reading, and planning to read?

>> No.4207651

Kill yourself.

>> No.4207654

oh don't even get me started sunhawk. i have six books i'm juggling right now but with college and a general lethargy i haven't even finished bleeding edge yet.

>> No.4207657


Bleeding Edge was decent, I thought. Shame this board hates it so much. As much as Inherent Vice.

>> No.4207676

i haven't been paying attention to the board's reaction to it, but i loved inherent vice a lot more than everyone else seemed to so that's good for me at least.

>> No.4207691
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This is my new reading so far this year. Hoping to get a few more books before the end of the year. Always hard to decide, though. I discovered today that there's some new Donna Tartt book out, and it's damn long (about 800 pages in hardcover, I think). Is it worth reading? Also thinking about that Man Booker winning book, looks long and good.

>> No.4207706

Currently reading 1Q84 and HhHH, then I'll move on to The Pale King.

>> No.4207714

i just finished lime works by bernhard....real cool shit, prob my fav of his that i've read. dude really wanted to fuck his sister

>> No.4207751

1q84 Is Crap

>> No.4207786
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1Q84 is alright, The Pale King is really good. More people should read TPK.

>> No.4207808

Kill yourself.

>> No.4207816

Currently reading Les Misérables in the original French, albeit at a snail's pace. Not sure if I'm biting off more than I can chew with this one.

I'm also halfway through Oblomov. Good book.

>> No.4207823


Les Mis is about 1,200 pages long. You for real? This does seem like a bit much to manage, I guess.

>> No.4207832

Kill yourself.