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4206308 No.4206308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Harry Potter?

>> No.4206312

Overrated piece of shit.

>> No.4206316

They charge too much for the blue-ray.

>> No.4206318

decent intro to magick. next read julius evola to learn the wicked arts \m/

>> No.4206317

The greatest single piece of art in history and a monument to the potential of the human brain

>> No.4206319

Satan's work.

>> No.4206327

I judge it way too harshly because of how much I've analysed every detail of it due to excessive FF consumption.
But in the end it is a great kid/teen series.

Looking forward to the new movie.

>> No.4206328


>> No.4206331

>Looking forward to the new movie.

This makes me mad.

She should have done a book first.

I dont watch the Potter films, nor care for them.

Besides Harry Potter needs no sequel.

>> No.4206334
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Never read them.

>> No.4206337

Cocaine's a hell of drug

>> No.4206339

Good books to give your kid. Red flag when an adult lists them as their favorite.

>> No.4206342

It's not a sequel. It's just in the same universe. And there is a companion book. It's based on the life of the guy who wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them.

>> No.4206355

Anyone over the age of 13: My favourite books are Harry Potter

Translation: I hate reading

>> No.4206372

Well why not make a book of that?

Rowling is a book writer, they could release the book before releasing the film. Like what they did with Kickass, they release a Graphic Novel and then the film.

>> No.4206380

Maybe she didn't want to do that.

>> No.4206384

red flag of what? that they don't care about perceptions?

>> No.4206424

Kids tale that I enjoyed as a child and still enjoy as an adult. You know, its decent. It accomplished everything it was meant to.

>> No.4206426


>> No.4206458
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A+ children's fantasy series, would recommend to people who like that sort of thing.

>> No.4206470

They did release Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them as an actual book, ages ago, if that's what you mean.

>> No.4206476

Echo of what everyone has already said, but it's a top class children's series. The movies get too much praise though.

Voldemort was a very poor villain. Lacked any complexity whatsoever.

>> No.4206490

>Voldemort was a very poor villain. Lacked any complexity whatsoever.
He was decently complex, you could say the 6th book is mostly about him. I thought he was based off of Hitler.

>> No.4206504

What about Snape? I liked him a whole lot.

>> No.4206507

> I thought he was based off of Hitler.

Oh wow fucking groundbreaking

Bravo Rowling

>> No.4206512
File: 72 KB, 656x491, Norb_as_Baron_Bad_Beaver (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably one of most complex characters next to Ozymandias. Snape was pretty much Baron Once-Bad Now Good Again Now Bad Agian Now Good Again Beaver

>> No.4206517

I meant that as a good thing, Hitler and Voldemort mirror each other pretty well.

>> No.4206523

Illuminati trash.

>> No.4206526

I've never come here but I wouldn't expect anyone to like anything about Harry Potter. Great to hear!

>> No.4206548

Truly awful tripe. A deadening of the mind in book form. Children should be reading things that inspire them to think, that opens their minds. Pic related.

>> No.4206551
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>pic related

>> No.4206575

>He was decently complex
In the eyes of a child whose idea of a villain was previously more along the lines of Maleficient or "that kid from Toy Story with a skull on his t-shirt", maybe. Seriously, Voldemort is as generic as they come.

>I thought he was based off of Hitler.
Really? In what way? In the sense that he's only a monster because the moral majority arbitrarily labels him so?

The only thing in the Harry Potter books that has anything to do with Hitler is the casual reference in book one, to some "evil" wizard with a german-sounding name having been defeated by Dumbledore in 1945; obviously little more than a cheap way for Rowling to credit her generic benevolent patriarch with the ending of WWII.

>> No.4206577

Interesting world, shit characters and shit writing.

>> No.4206579

It's not the greatest story ever written, but it accompanied me through my youth.
I still remember the long hours of waiting and freezing in front of the bookshops at midnight.
Surprisingly, most Potter fans seemed... relatively sane and fun to talk to.
Almost everyone I know personally hates or is ignorant towards books, math or science, basically everything that requires you to just fucking sit down for a moment and use your own mind.
It was good to see that there are so many young people who are different.

>> No.4206585

>Really? In what way?
Is half Jewish, and hates Jews because of his rough childhood. Thinks they are weak and Aryans are superior
Is half muggle, and hates muggles because of his rough childhood. Thinks they are weak and wizards are superior
Has a cult of personality, his followers are called Nazis and care a lot about their Aryan pure blood.
Has a cult of personality, his followers are called Death Eaters and care a lot about their Wizard pure blood.

Master race, blood lines, he was obviously influenced by Hitler.

>> No.4206589

and the death eaters just literally wear SS arm bands and shit

>> No.4206595

Were they? I know the Death Mark was their swastika and they all had it tattooed.

>> No.4206596

>Implying that the inspiration of any character on the most universally accepted as evil persona of the 20th century is clever or worthy of attention.

>> No.4206600

>The only thing in the Harry Potter books that has anything to do with Hitler is the casual reference in book one, to some "evil" wizard with a german-sounding name having been defeated by Dumbledore in 1945

I'm guessing you didn't read the whole series.

>> No.4206612

HDM is pretty good but those have totally different intended audiences.

>> No.4206616

J K Rowling said Voldemort was influenced by Hitler and Stalin.

>> No.4206622

lol look at this pathetic idiot, making dumb babby harry potter mistakes. if you want respect learn your god damn harry potter, fucking idiot babby moron who doesnt know about harry potter. lol, lol at you

>> No.4206628

I like Methods of Rationality.

>> No.4206748

I think it achieves what it's trying to outstandingly. It isn;t exactly "literature", but does everything have to be? It certainly got me reading when I was a child, and I still occasionally flip through it, despite having read each book so many times I know what the next word is going to be when I start reading any given sentence.

>> No.4206769 [DELETED] 

This all the way.
100% better than the original.

<spoiler> Will Hermione come back do you think? Will it be soon, or in another 400,000 words? And do you think Yudkowsky will take it past the first year? </spoiler>

>> No.4206773

100% better than the original

Will Hermione come back? Soon? Will Yudkowsky take it past the first year? Why can't he update faster. This is much more important than working on building a working AI and creating immortality

>> No.4206788
File: 32 KB, 549x735, c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is half Jewish
Is this /lit/ or did I mistakenly click on /b/?

>> No.4207004

Eh, I enjoyed them as a kid. Good but no great, filled with plot holes. I liked the film adaptations better. We'll, only the first two.

>> No.4207151

Fro/gd/ude here

Dear god, those covers are absolutely horrible. What awful person designed them?
The stripes and colors are all over the place, there are constant changes with names and symbols, they pictures gets more messy for each sequel.


Would never read shit like that!
"Don't judge a book by its cover", I know, but still

>> No.4207180
File: 178 KB, 1299x275, harry-potter-montage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya the covers were much better when i was a kid.

>> No.4207182

The covers in OP's image are the original covers.

>> No.4207187

Did i say they weren't the originals?
Im pretty sure the OP's pics were like the british versions or something, cuz everytime a new book was released in the states it would have a cover like in my pic.

>> No.4207191

meant for>>4207182

>> No.4207195
File: 32 KB, 397x344, Natsumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the American release changed the first book to "Sorcerer's Stone" for some retarded reason

>> No.4207200

bcus they were worried american kids would be put off with philosphers and sorceror is magic wizard kiddy stuff

>> No.4207205

Its a good movie but why are you posting it here and not /tv/?

>> No.4207206

Imaginative and interesting universe and characters(to a certain degree). The slice of life aprts are enjoyable however Rowlings can't write drama for shit and everything from their arguments to the love story to the overreaching plot feels unnatural and forced with the exception of certain parts. Voldermort was a very good villain before he was resurrected but just like the cthulhu Mythos the excitment comes from the mystery of the character but all that is ruined once they resurrected him. In the later books he is flat and boring, and not even capable of being a "good" flat evil character. The Nazi shenanigans he did feelt forced and like a cheap way to convay him as evil.

You might be able to excuse some of this by the fact that it's made for children. But the last 2 books didn't feel childish to me.

>> No.4207208

It's pop lit that will be forgotten in a few decades.

>> No.4207213

/lit/mus test: Is it popular?

>> No.4207232

>Did i say they weren't the originals?
It was quite strongly implied that your ones preceded those ones by
>when i was a kid.

And yeah it's a British book, numnuts. It was released in the UK first.

>> No.4207302

>You can only like certain things in your age group

Go fuck yourself. Christ I bet you hate life.

>> No.4207367

>ponyfaggot detected

>> No.4207371

They're good, they're fun, book gateway drugs for teens, but I've never really gotten the fandom or the hype.

>> No.4207474

Still doesn't compare to A Series of Unfortunate Events as long as YA fiction is concerned

>> No.4207482

It got a lot of people reading so I'm fine with it.

>> No.4207493

I read Unfortunate Events when I was 10 and it was horrible. First book was entertaining, second too but after that they are all the same. Nothing interesting, really.

HP is a phenomenon, a bit overrated, the plot isn't really written by a genius and the theme is stolen too, but it is really fun to read.

>> No.4207527

I'm a published Pottorologist.

>> No.4207529

got me into reading, so i won't shit on it.

its fandom is one of the worst things to happen to the internet, however

>> No.4208080

lol. stupid characters, no plot, dumb meta writing. yea that's good alright.

>> No.4208184

I think the only reason people like the series is because they started it when they were younger, either by watching one of the movies or reading one of the books, and now they go on just because of nostalgia value.
I'll admit that I never read it and I still have a negative opinion about it.

>> No.4208428

I loved it. My sister hated it because it looked stupid. I got her to try it out. Now she loves it and is still obsessed with it nearly a decade later. I wish I hadn't said anything.