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File: 102 KB, 360x540, TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4200535 No.4200535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts /lit/?

>> No.4200793

/pol/ as fuck

>> No.4201363
File: 12 KB, 221x300, 71TYYDVZ24L._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was better.

>> No.4201371

go back to /kikes and niggers/, stormfag

>> No.4201376

Can you give me some quick points as to why anyone would think tests are "biased"? I hear this a lot, and it really baffles me--especially with tests about reading comprehension and word definitions--or even math.

Do certain algebra problems "favor" white people? I mean, if Shaniqua doesn't know what "acumen" means and therefore gets the question about the word wrong, how is that exhibiting bias?

>> No.4201385

i wouldn't call them biased, i would call them pseudo-scientific

any methodology that claims to assess the most complex system in the known universe with a bunch of natural language quirks should be taken with a grain of salt

>> No.4201391

Well here's what I can tell you. How can you expect populations which split into various geographic locations over the course of hundreds of thousands of years to develop in exactly the same way? Why would evolution stop at the neck?

>> No.4201392

Oh, well, if you're talking bullshit like IQ tests, I can concur.

>> No.4201393

the difference in test scores probably comes mostly from things like familiarity with testing and more developed test taking skills, which affect scores but which aren't related to the things nominally being tested for

>> No.4201401
File: 454 KB, 1328x991, typicalpoldriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm nostalgic for the days when it was only stormbro shitting up /lit/ and not all these damn polfags.

>> No.4201407

why would you expect really significant differences to develop over such a small time span, especially when migration and separation and integration and all these complex processes were going on the whole time

>> No.4201411


>> No.4201414

>being this insecure about your beliefs that you make assumptions about people who have a different opinion than you

>> No.4201416

>familiarity with testing and more developed test taking skills

Name some test-taking skills.

>> No.4201421

Two points that should be made.

1. Yes, often black people and minorities in general will have lower developmental IQ and standardized test results. Which is almost entirely due to poverty. If you control for poverty in testing then the racial disparity disappears. We have minority poor that don't have proper food or even electricity in their homes (in Chicago, during the fucking winter).

2. If there really was a scientific test that said "group A is better than group B" (for whatever groups A and B) in intelligence we would never be able to "know it". Group B would attack the premise of the study or call into question every element of the experiment. There would be so much doubt that the truth of the matter would be almost entirely obscured. It's a form of knowledge that's, in a sense, unknowable. So biological characteristics and race may play a part in intelligence, but we'll never know.

>> No.4201423

Because other significant differences already occurred genetically, ie skull shape, skin color, height, immunity, muscle density, etc. why would the brain be exempt from these variations?

>> No.4201424

bringing two no. 2 pencils instead of one

>> No.4201432

Have you seen the Minnesota transracial adoption study? That along with a few others have shown that blacks score lower on IQ tests/SATs even when upbringing and income levels are controlled.

>> No.4201442

I'm not saying one race is "superior" to another but I think its foolish to assume for no reason that all humans developed in the exact same way except skin color. I think every race adapted in its own way which was suitable for its environment. Why do you think there are so much gold medal winning black sprinters but barely any whites, but lots of white swimmers/weightlifters?

>> No.4201444

Because black ppl can't afford pools and cast iron weights?

>> No.4201455

I have not seen that study, but immediate points that come to mind are the following.

1. Health impacts on intelligence can be caused by poor development during pregnancy, not breastfeeding, and during the first six months of life (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_of_health_on_intelligence).). Just because those kids were adopted doesn't mean they were "healthy". In actuality someone who is given up for adoption is usually a year or so old and is more likely to be from a poorer mother (who is more likely to have malnourished their child).

2. There is some research, can't find the link at the moment, that have a healthy diet can affect the turning on and passing on of genetic traits for your offspring for 2 - 3 generations. So if your parents were malnourished, it's very likely you may be underdeveloped intellectually. Speculation on my part, but there it is.

3. A black child adopted by a white family in a white setting will definitely have some challenges to overcome as compared to a black child with a black family, affluence remaining equal. Look up "stereotype threat" - basically, if people are a minority in a group they will conform to their stereotype. Black people will act "blacker" and gays will act more flamboyant if they are the representative of their culture in their group. This could have a definite negative impact on testing for black adoptees.

>> No.4201461

Herp derp.

>> No.4201472

I recall seeing a study where the poorest 20% of white Americans scored just as high as the richest 20% of blacks. Honestly if you're really interested ask /pol/ and decide for yourself

>> No.4201475

Here is basically all the information on this topic to be had:


Most of the OP's book in question is debunked. There really is no correlation between genetics and race. Interesting reading though.

>> No.4201484
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>there really is no correlation between genetics and race

>> No.4201488


Dammit. Racial genetics and intelligence. There's my IQ test done then.

>> No.4201494


>> No.4201502

If you must reside here, at least debate properly, alright, keep the mindless drone meme shouting to /pol/.

>> No.4201510

But muh feelings!

>> No.4201511


muh knee-jerk reactions! muh thoughtless shitposting

>> No.4201513

theres just one raec da human race and dats word yall

>> No.4201518

>all men are created equal
how can 1 man be this wrong?/

>> No.4201519

time-management, concentration/distraction-management, stress-handling, knowledge of vocabulary and vernacular in which tests are usually written which leads to intuitive understanding of directives and expectations, invaluable precognition of what would NEVER be in a test and what is highly likely to be in a test, the list goes on

>> No.4201545

The example I remember in testing bias was a question about a gazebo. Black kids, it was assumed, wouldn't know what the fuck a gazebo was.

>> No.4201559

So the reason that there are so many black people in the NBA is that...black kids are malnourished?

Somehow people that make up 12% of the population, make up like 90% of the NBA, and yet are malnourished enough that they can't get results on an IQ test showing them equal to other races?

There is some serious double think going on. Either black people are malnourished and should be short as fuck and stupid, or should be tall and incredibly intelligent, assuming genetics is bullshit (which is what you guys are arguing).

How do Chinese people score so well on IQ tests/ PISA tests when they've been historically much poorer than black americans? South Koreans?

If genetics doesn't have an impact on intelligence, then why do kids with Down Syndrome become doctors and scientists like the rest of us?

Why is it unreasonable to assume that some races have different genes which may resemble a mild form of down syndrome?

In medicine, certain racial groups suffer more from certain genetically inherited diseases (blacks: sickle cell, jews: tay-sachs, etc.) so we know there are genetic differences between the races. There are measurable musculature differences, physiological differences like hormone concentrations, and more.

Black americans making >100k (not an adoption study) still had children that scored worse than the poorest whites.

As someone who has studied intelligence testing in college as part of my degree, scientists do everything they can to remove "racial bias" and things like that. It's a cop out and largely disproven.

Genetics > Environment

Not saying environment isn't important, it is extremely vital, but the fact is that the races are different- our brains have physically different structures. It's obvious that we look different, and reasonable that underneath there are more differences.

But you guys will keep calling me an uneducated /pol/tard or whatever groupthink is popular here.

>> No.4201589

It's weird though, because just yesterday I read this article 'Is Google Making Us Stupid', how about new mediums change cognitive functions in mankind.

In the article (link below), a number of psychologists and biologists and scholars go on to say that Google apparently has had the ability to change the way we perceive, write, read and even think (cognitive abilities) in just thirteen years or so (Google.com was registered 1997).

However I bet if you would have asked them if there could be a distinct separation in cognitive abilities between the populations (races) separated for over 10 000 years then they would most likely had said that it's bullshit and racism.


>> No.4201634

>Google apparently has had the ability to change the way we perceive, write, read and even think (cognitive abilities) in just thirteen years or so
and a rock to the head can change the way you perceive, write, read and even think (cognitive abilities) in 0,000001 seconds. What's your point?

>> No.4201643

you do realize that google doesn't change "the way we perceive, write, read and even think (cognitive abilities)" of, let's say, internet-less africans or inuits and whathaveyou? you do realize that all those claims are about individuals and for them to be relevant they should be about populations? (see rock to the head example)

>> No.4201646


>being you
>still be wrong about things

>> No.4201652

Read Fires in the Mirror.

There's this great scene supposedly transcribed from a phone conversation with Angela Davis. She talks about racism not as synonymous with racial prejudice, but as a belief in immutable, biological characteristics in a very pseudo-scientific way. She goes on to explain how the notion of race is rooted in the European imperialistic need to classify and subjugate world populations according to biology, a biological classification that has never been proven.

In other words the racists came before the races. One race came to dominate another. Race is a violent notion from the genocidal parts of our early history. That's it. It certainly means something in a social context, but not biological.

>Explain how The Bell Curve is pseudo scientific

Grand social narratives (e.g. video games cause violence; or geography, through early positive feedback loops, affected technological development of early civilizations; or the racial inheritance one in the Bell Curve) are universally dismissed by social scientists and most anthropologists because they are impossible to prove. It's also a huge red flag when any scientist defends his grand narrative with relatively very little evidence (and a lot of tautology).

Throw in what I explained to you about the origins of the idea of race and racism, and very quickly you see the Bell Curve as at best written and read by misguided, uninformed (but sincere) contrarians looking to make waves with these findings, or at worst vicious propagandists looking to reinforce their racist beliefs.

>> No.4201655

All your shitposting and "but i'm just asking questions" whinging doesn't contribute to the argument. There's a post linking to a wikipedia article on the subject which pretty categorically concludes there is no link between racial groups and intelligence on the biological level. Like, people who study genes have said you're wrong. I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand this or how you could be this illiterate on a literature board.

>> No.4201670

stormfags are the greatest hypocrites because their "feels" prevent them from realizing that their crypto-racism is despicable not because of what it implies or leads to (personally i don't give two shits) but because of how misguided it is

It's all about the grand narrative stormfags hold. Arbitrarily placing "intelligence" issue on the pedestal of being even worthy of discussion and lay nit-picking in the first place (when there are untold billions of other issues that could be addressed during our limited lives) is a statement in itself. You are not conducting a neutral, unbiased inquiry - the fact that you are doing it in the first place shows you are starting with a result and working up from there

no piece of scientific fact is hanging in the vacuum, your fixation on arbitrary, miniscule, irrelevant piece of (supposed) information that some population is "stupider" than some other population is, per se, completely, utterly useless

the fact that, of all the (supposed) science that you could have been doing, you chose this one tells everything about you

people talking about HBD reek of stupidity - because they are not self-aware enough to see all their baggage they are bringing up to light

>> No.4201685


Such Intelligence
Such wow

stormfag redneck who is physically blind because of so much bias here going to go kill myself because of what you said hurt muh feelings and hopefully will leave room for your billion other issues glad to do my part mr goldberg, one less filthy evil white man getting in your way sorry for my inquiry even the fact that i asked a question proves me guilty of the thoughtcrime

>> No.4201689

idk why half of this board pretends to be white supremacists, what a waste of time that must be

>> No.4201690

like i get pretending to be a fascist on the internet but not on an anonymous imageboard where you can't build a persona

>> No.4201700



Not everyone is part of your circle-jerk. A shame you can't tell on us and ruin our lives irl, eh?

>> No.4201704

>people who study genes

You mean geneticists? It sounds like you really have in-depth knowledge in the subject. There are a lot of geneticists that admit that there are races and that there is a need for them, Richard Dawkins being one of them.

>> No.4201705

typical /pol/ reponse
insult then cry oneself into sleep
nothing new under the sun, back to your echo chamber adolf

>> No.4201712
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>look at me i'm a stormfag, i talk about niggers being dum of all things because science is super important 'n shit
kill yourself

>> No.4201718


I think it's about 20 years old and the newer data speaks much better.

Also, /lit/ are mostly equalitarian "humans are blank slates" idiots who can't accept that biology and hormones decide about 95% of our behaviors

>> No.4201720

>i fite strawmans for the feels
why don't you just stay at /pol/?

>> No.4201728

That's because you're a retard though.

We don't need any grains of salt, because there are objective tests we can use to check if the test is good or not. A-priori we can expect intelligence to be related to academic performance, job performance, income, and so forth. As long as a test is a good predictor of these things, we can say that it is a good measure of intelligence, and no salt grain taking is necessary.

>> No.4201735

you don't know what you are talking about kid

>> No.4201740

And one more thing. Just because a system is complex doesn't mean it's necessarily difficult to measure aspects of it. The marshmallow test is ridiculously simple and it's a fantastic predictor of extremely complicated things.

>> No.4201741


>Implying our historical and material circumstances don't define us

Get a load of this bourgeois faggot

>> No.4201743

I'm a massive faggot, please shove a large rectangular object up my rectum while I suck on dicks.

>> No.4201744

u really shouldnt throw around faggot dude

>> No.4201750


I threw your mum around last night m8

>> No.4201760


Step away from the keyboard, kid. Not even DFW would stand by your side.

>> No.4201766

Words hurt me!, welped the pretentious faggot and let out a single cry. B-but he mustn't fall, he thought and got back to stalwart defending 'The Arts and Proper Literature' against the hordes of plebian rednecks nazi scoundrels on the anonymous image board 4chan.org.

I just wanted to let you know that you are doing a good job. This is exactly what Einstein meant when he said: "The world is a dangerous place,not because of those who do evil,but because of those who look on and do nothing".

>> No.4201768

whatever, dude

>> No.4201771

Maybe you should just fuck off back to reddit, yeah? You'll find tons of faggy little brothers there and you can all talk about how scary and backwards 4chan is, while indulging in the glorious smell of your own farts.

>> No.4201773


>> No.4201775

I changed my mind. Homophobia, white supremacy, fascism, /pol/, and other things like that are actually really cool.

>> No.4201780

That's really the issue with you isn't it though. If racism would have been cool, you would most likely have been a racist.

>> No.4201853

i honestly think that was much worse, he was way more annoying, at least /pol/fags are on the same wavelength, the stormfag (or two or three) was just a crazy asshole

the bell curve is not a bad book. you're still a cunt for starting this thread without even talking about the book. "thoughts?" seriously, it's a shame how easily trolled /lit/ is. any thread about a non-/pol/ book would get very quickly buried with such a non-starter

>> No.4201872

>Thoughts /lit/?

Very good book. I highly recommend it.

>> No.4201883
File: 62 KB, 180x285, The IQ Controversy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grand social narratives (e.g... the racial inheritance one in the Bell Curve) are universally dismissed by social scientists

The only major survey done on scientists who work in the relevant specialty fields indicated that the plurality agreed with the hereditarian position on group differences in cognitive ability. People have a very distorted view of what experts believe on this matter because the mass media very biased and unreliable on the issue. This was all pointed out by Herrnstein & Murray in The Bell Curve.

>> No.4201897

No shit. If people actually tried digesting the core food themselves, they'd accept this.

>> No.4201970

I actually read a few chapters of this when I was in high school. It's pretty cogent and persuasive in its use of stats (which someone else can vouch for), twin studies, etc. It was kind of disheartening that the only way to succeed in life is basically be born rich. Never got around to fully reading it or The Mismeasure of Man.

>> No.4201971

>It was kind of disheartening that the only way to succeed in life is basically be born rich.

That wasn't The Bell Curve's thesis.

>> No.4201990

hah, parity. oh how simple you used make things.

>> No.4202011


Nice. I get the reference

>> No.4202014


>> No.4202024

Is it a reference to that Onion article on mass shootings?


>“I used to think shootings were bad, but, um, they’re not—I like them now,” said 41-year-old Tacoma, WA resident Abby Denilson, rapidly nodding her head with a visibly weary, saddened expression on her face. “Yup. I’ve reconsidered things, and I definitely get it now. I’m on the bandwagon. It’s good when shootings happen. Comforting even.”

>“So...hooray! All right!” Denilson continued. “Count me in! Mass shootings! Yeah!”

>> No.4202346

lol niggers

>> No.4202388


I cannot understand racism against other races and cultures. For example: I cannot understand the hatred against Jews, against Indians, against indigenous people of the Americas, against Chinese, against women, even against aboriginals, etc. All this anger and prejudice seem illogical to me.

But niggers ... niggers are on another level. I have never seen a more stupid and harmful group of individuals in the world. Despite numerous campaigns of help and acceptance, of the force that the industry of popular culture makes to help them (all that ass-kissing of jazz, rap, hip-hop artists, etc.), of years and years of social assistance, they are still the same bunch of idiots who they already were when they lived in Africa. And their school records just show an enormous difference in intelligence in comparison with other groups of people (and let us also don’t forget the crime rates in USA and other countries, and also the social situation of the African countries).

>> No.4202402

I have met a few smart black people but they were extremely whitewashed. Hell I even discussed the influence Dante's Infeno had on T.S Eliot and Erza Pound and about the philosophy of Derrida with a black girl. I think the problem with black people is a cultural thing. They just have to reject their culture and become whitewashed.

>> No.4202420

>I cannot understand racism against other races and cultures. For example: I cannot understand the hatred against Jews, against Indians, against indigenous people of the Americas, against Chinese, against women, even against aboriginals, etc. All this anger and prejudice seem illogical to me.

>But niggers ... niggers are on another level. I have never seen a more stupid and harmful group of individuals in the world.

I guess consistency isnt your strong side.

>> No.4202424


Sometimes rules have exceptions.

>> No.4202515


Agree with everything you said -- but you left out an important point that often gets overlooked:

Neoliberal societies have ZERO incentive to admit that certain minorities are genetically predisposed to score poorly on IQ exams. In fact, this admission, if made public, would destabilize our current political and economic system; it would upend the Big Lie of the contemporary West, i.e. that success is necessarily predicated on one's DECISION to delay easy gratification, work hard, attend university, and play by the rules mandated by society.

If those in authority begin to waver on the truth of this founding tenet, the underlying structure of neoliberalism will crumble.

What makes race and intelligence such a disastrous subject for those in power is that there's ABSOLUTELY NO policy solution available to counteract the problem: you can't force people to intermarry, and affirmative action does nothing to improve a person's genetics.

tl;dr -- the real reason race and intelligence is a taboo topic is that we have no solution to remedy the problem, and NEED to keep it outside the realm of public discussion in order to keep the underlying tenets of our society from being challenged

>> No.4202545


As science and genetics advance, more pressure will build against those trying to maintain that black underachievement is due to environmental factors.

A huge break is coming.

It'll probably happen in China, where people are less concerned with political correctness.

>> No.4202582

>She goes on to explain how the notion of race is rooted in the European imperialistic need to classify and subjugate world populations according to biology


The drive to classify races is hardly a Western trait. The Han Chinese did it. So did the ancient Indians -- who devised a whole fucking caste system based on race.

Moreover, the notion that "conquered races" are branded with arbitrary traits is undermined by the fact that several different, competing civilizations have often reached identical, yet independently-formed conclusions about a single race of people.

>> No.4202585

Ancient egyptians as well as ethiopians and a lot of african tribes just the same.

>> No.4202588

>A huge break is coming.

its 'habbeding xD

>> No.4202593

So should we just murder everyone (regardless of race) with an IQ less of a certain number?

This will surely make the world better right?

>> No.4202596


Stop being so gullible.

>> No.4202613


And yet the Chinese are still some of the ugliest motherfuckers in Earth.

>> No.4202614


I'm the guy who posted this: >>4202515

You're making the same point I did: the unfortunate fact is that there is no good solution to this problem.

Which is why it's going to be such a problem in the years to come.

And why nobody wants to talk about it now.

>> No.4202619

Or you could perhaps stake out different paths so that those with lower iq get an easier education staked out toward a form of work they can manage.

Why should we kill off people with lesser IQ, just because we are admitting that some people in the population has less.

Typical philosophy bullshit.

>> No.4202630


You're proposing an apartheid state.

Unless the civil rights community packs up shop, that's not going to happen.

>> No.4202632 [DELETED] 


Interview of Murray: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xp0yiw_hjernevask-brainwashing-in-norway-english-part-6-race_news

Watch the whole series if you can.

>> No.4202633


Interview of Murray: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xp0yiw_hjernevask-brainwashing-in-norway-english-part-6-race_news

Watch the whole series if you can. It shows how retarded the Norwegian sociologists are.

>> No.4202638


I'm not saying border off all blacks, treat them inhumanely and partially as slave labour and give all the whites job no matter how good they are.

I'm saying adjust an education and work to the needs of the indviduals cognitive and physical abilities.

Building a system on the notion that we are all alike is just plain wrong. That goes for inter-races as well. We would be so much better off if just put all the white and black smart kids together and all the white and black dumb kids together in the same classes and adjusted the educational tools for each classes.

>> No.4202646


If you read up on South Africa, you'll realize where I'm coming from.

The Boer's didn't "border off" blacks -- at first.

What they did was place them on a different educational track, allowing the smartest blacks to join whites in university.

Conditions for blacks became worse when Marxist groups within the black underclass revolted against the system. Then you started seeing more violent separation, the construction of defensive walls, etc.

The same would likely happen in the US, or any other Western nation.

>> No.4202655


* Boers

>> No.4202673


Yes, it is

>> No.4202674
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Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.4202695


Are you saying that issues with regard to race in America are influenced by how the Han Chinese and ancient Indians classified people over how the Europeans did it?

>> No.4202702

Can you even refute his poin?

>> No.4202705


not sure if you're trolling or just plain stupid. read the post he was replying to, then read his post again.

>> No.4202715
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>> No.4202716

There are still gypsies. Niggers are kind of innocently stupid and get dangerous in large numbers, but a gypsy is a menace to civilized people all by himself. There isn't even a liberal excuse for them since their genetic siblings in India behave less savage, it actually is their culture.

>> No.4202805

Nobody in this thread has even read the book. You're all arguing what you think the book is about, not what it's actually about, nor about any specific points made in the book.

That's OK though, because most, if not all of the book's content is garbage.

>> No.4202819

I agree, there are differences within most races that balance out in terms of features like creativity, resourcefulness, prudence, work ethic, organization, cooperation, analysis & synthesis of data (academic ability), memory, etc. etc. Where there is more work ethic and academic focus there is less creativity and where there is more resourcefulness and prudence there is less formal logic employed - you can give and take. But blacks and Aborigines are off the scale. They lack in really all of these categories behind the other races and don't excel in a specific trait other than physical strength which when coupled with a lack of intelligence begets barbarism, rendering the races not only useless, but caustic.

>> No.4202821

>Nobody in this thread has even read the book.

I have.

>That's OK though, because most, if not all of the book's content is garbage.


>> No.4202827


So much /pol/ autism. Go back to your fucking containment board and stay there.

>> No.4202892


"M-mom, another guy on /lit/ is pointing out facts I can't refute!"

"Just tell him to go back to /pol/, honey."

>> No.4202943

It's an interesting read, but doesn't really provide as much valuable information as you'd be led to believe. I would suggest reading The Mismeasure of Man after reading The Bell Curse and decide what you think is worth pulling away from it.

>> No.4202957

nowhere in this comment chain did i see anyone say a single fact. all i saw was people taking pot shots at strawmen

>> No.4203041

This might blow your mind, but academic and job performance and income are historically specific categories. These are institutions and activities are a product of contingent historical development. They aren't an eternal, fundamental property of humanity or a necessary consequence of some defined-in-hindsight "modernity".

How can an intelligence test claim correlates in these areas add validity to its measurement of "general intelligence"? Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it an aptitude test?

What intelligence testing proposes amounts to an intellectual parlor trick. It lays the easy answers in your lap: that X people are good at things that our society defines as good or worthwhile, therefore the test is valid and measures what we presume it does.

So the type of argument Charles Murray fields is especially compelling for people who are already full of hate toward certain groups of their fellow human beings, for not measuring up to a standard they themselves concocted and demand conformity to. In their case a subject like "history" or "sociology" might do some good, but they are denigrated as politically charged sources of information -- as if theirs weren't as well.

>> No.4203053

This neoliberal system itself already stacks the deck by race and geographical region.

Do you really think race and intelligence is such a subversive idea? Bill Clinton was an admitted admirer of Charles Murray, for fuck's sake.

>> No.4203120


>not sure if stupid

You missed the point then. The post he was replying to refers to a play about race in America and how race is a social institution rather than a biological one, and how getting this relationship backwards enables racist discourse like a few select theories in The Bell Curve (a book by an American psychologist).

Calling attention to how several cultures all over the world reinforce racial ideas does not undermine the original thesis in Fires in the Mirror which is that the idea of race in America has its roots in European global dominance.

Calling attention to how several world cultures reinforce racial institutions does not undermine the thesis in Fires in the Mirror that race is culturally constructed nor does it prove that race is a biological qualifier. If anything, it is evidence that humans tend to implement methods of social dominance all over the world, which is much more plausible (and less confirmation biased) than "some races really are 'stupider' than others, and that's why they get dominated."

>> No.4203122

>We would be so much better off if just put all the white and black smart kids together and all the white and black dumb kids together in the same classes and adjusted the educational tools for each classes.

That is in fact what we do.
Gifted classes. Special classes. College Prep classes.
Stop acting like you are a revolutionary
These aren't "radical" ideas.
You aren't any better.

>> No.4203153

i like it but these college liberals will disregard it because they know it proves their pet niggers to be subhuman filth.

When they want to jack off to a nigger fucking their girlfriend they will talk your ear off about how "black guys have huge dicks!!!" or how "african americans are better at sports!!!" but then if you tell them about how niggers have genetically lower iq they say NOOOO WERE ALL THE SAME YOU RACIST!!!

so will one of you college liberals kindly explain to me how when it comes to physiology races are somehow genetically different but when it comes to intelligence it's impossible to to be genetically different.

>> No.4203203


no that is not more plausible. It is obvious that niggers are borderline retarded. The only skill they have are raping, killing, and stealing, and theyre not even good at doing those things. Why do you think they get arrested to much more than whites? Because booo hooooo le racism obama 2k16? no you fucking idiot it's because they have the brain of a child and just simply aren't intelligent enough to cover up their tracks like whites can.

>> No.4203253


>so will one of you college liberals kindly explain to me how when it comes to physiology races are somehow genetically different but when it comes to intelligence it's impossible to to be genetically different

That's your ace in the hole against "college liberals" who are according to you the only working caricature of someone who isn't racist?

I'll go ahead and explain it anyways.
"Black people are good at sports" and "black people have huge dicks" and "black people are dumber than whites" are stereotypes, not science you dim wit. People tend not to bat an eyelash at "black people are good at sports" because it is a positive stereotype.

I can't believe that needed explanation.

>> No.4204050

The average white kid probably wouldn't know what the fuck a gazebo is.

>> No.4204053


>> No.4204057

a rich kid would, that's the point

>> No.4204064


I am very ambivalent about the merit of the book itself but in upper provinces of Canada (Manitoba, Saskachewan, Alberta etc) the Aboriginals (with the genetic/biological ancestry leading back to Asians crossing the bearing strait thousands of years ago) are the dangerous "niggers" of rest of Western society. Despite of niggers being more populated in Southern Ontario and commit more crimes in TOTAL, those upper province capitals still score the murder capitals every year per capita. Aboriginals up there truly are more scary than some of the most impoverished east end ghettos in Toronto. This goes to show that perhaps there are biological group lower than 'niggers' given their environmental circumstances.

>> No.4204188
