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4189752 No.4189752 [Reply] [Original]

How intelligent did the tests say you were?

>99th percentile

>99th percentile


How intelligent do you think you are?

>not very ;_;

>> No.4189753

Why did you post an image of a naked chick drinking rum on the beach

>> No.4189761

What's the SAT equivalent of a 32 act? I got a 32.
How intelligent I think I am? Depends on what you mean. I know a lot about some things, but know little of electronics, programming, film and music production, the list goes on. That's the beauty of our highly specialized society. You can be good at whatever you want, but only that one thing. And you probably aren't the best at it.

>> No.4189771

Fucking INTJ's

At least 90% of them are pricks

>> No.4189774

>Actually meaningful

>> No.4189789

meyer briggs means shit. they are actually developing a useful diagnostic tool based on Jungian types and physical expression that actually seems accurate and useful

>> No.4189791

same here. I took the SAT as well though and got a 2140.
INFJ, if it means shit

>> No.4189796



don't really care "how intelligent I am", i just think differently than others and it sucks because it alienates me

>> No.4189797

whats it called? link?

>> No.4189801


are you talking about the jungian functions or whatever?

well, they pretty much describe the typical autist/elistis 4chan regular

Ni - fabricates pessimistic ideas/systems
Te - implements said ideas (i.e. be an asshole)
Fi - cries on 4chan about repressed feels
Se - thinks they appear 'tough', lol

>> No.4189806

well you can just use zodiac or tarot to describe people as well. they will be almost as accurate as jungian functions. that's the problem

>> No.4189809

let me look for it. i don't have it saved on this computer

>> No.4189810
File: 43 KB, 650x366, bubble-man-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

188 IQ. I've learned to never mention this, to anyone...ever.

>mfw on the right

>> No.4189827

I'll never test my IQ, because if I found out my score is low, I'll probably just kill myself.

>> No.4189832

IQ: 128 or something from some crappy online test years ago

HSC: 95.1


doesn't really mean shit though.

>> No.4189834


good understanding of types. got any other observations?

>> No.4189835



i'm having regular anxiety attacks, ended up in the ER two days ago, got prescribed benzos and got assigned to a therapist.

i actually think i'm stupid because i damaged myself badly with my overanalyzing and video game addiction. you would think an almost graduated med student would know better than to spiral down like this.

i'm not intelligent at all.

>> No.4189842

Act 26
Gre 159 v 151 q 5 w
Iq ? (130 on a crappy online one)

Slightly above avg pretty normal anon reporting in.
I am satisfied.

>> No.4189885
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thanks for the sfw tits OP one more for my "important research" folder

didn't take SAT because Canada
IQ: ~100

I don't really think I'm smarter than average but I like to think taht I'm special and unique anyway. . .r-right? . . .heh heh

>> No.4189893

>taht I'm special

>> No.4189902

LSAT: 170
90th percentile

I M SmrT

>> No.4189907
File: 896 KB, 2560x1920, 1378995017748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me test your intelligence.

1.What is your primary philosophy of life?
2.Favorite book?

3.Political leaning?

4.Are people from sub-saharan areas (african blacks) and their p genetically less able as goes for intelligence (the classical model of intelligence; a mix of memory, executive function, mathematical and linguistic prowess) assuming everything else is equal e.g. education socioeconomics etc ?

5.[insert something smart]

>> No.4189909


> no SAT/ HSC



There are many forms of Intelligence.

doesnt IQ cap off at 165 since they started to normalise it to a bell curve?

>> No.4189929

SAT: idk like 1400

IQ: 129


only functionally intelligent.

>> No.4189939

All these tests prove nothing.

>> No.4189963

IQ 178

You mad dumbfags?

>> No.4189967


>> No.4189970

>yfw people know their IQ after making an internet test

>> No.4189974

>meaning anything

>> No.4189978

IQ: 204
I swear

>> No.4189987

I think I'm intelligent - how intelligent? I think a better follow-up question is something like, "Intelligent where?"
I'm a pretty horrible writer; my memory is seemingly sub-par; my social skills are not fantastical (yet around average) and I still get awkward at times around people I want to make an impression on. To wrap up the negatives I also have a history of horrible motivation that I'm just starting to find my way out of.
I score around 140 on IQ tests, though; and I have what I like to believe pretty deep insight in what interests me, primarily being philosophy. I'm not sure how relevant IQ really is here, but it's the only part of the OP's question I can answer.
Somewhere along the way I picked up a profound curiosity towards introspection and this is where I would bet my personal strength lies. I think I know myself really well.
A while back I started attempting to look over the ego maze and my deduction had me concluding a more or less identical answer as that one of Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy. I realised this in retrospect when I was reading random articles on plato.standford.edu and stumbled upon their article on Japanese Zen.
So you tell me, does it match your idea of intelligence?

>> No.4189996


I forget what percentile that would be.

Verbal: Over 160. One "expert" estimated it to be over 180. So probably >99.9th.
Mathematical: 127. Again, I forget percentile. I think it was something like 85th.
Spatial: 108. I think that'd be around 60.
Overall: 138. Around 99.2nd percentile I believe. Could be a little higher if my verbal IQ is indeed higher.

Mostly INTP, but with some INTJ components.

I actually believe myself to be pretty damn intelligent. I think I could make a really valuable - or at least interesting - contribution to the world of philosophy.

>> No.4190000

> I think I could make a really valuable - or at least interesting - contribution to the world of philosophy.


Please, in all seriousness do you have any formidable ideas?

>> No.4190015

Pro-tip: Only fools would describe themselves as intelligent

>> No.4190018

kill yourself

>> No.4190023

Never done SAT (SAT's here are a series of tests that stop at 13) or IQ and Meyers-Briggs gives me a different personality every time

>> No.4190025

This, more or less.

You can look up the people with the highest IQs in the world: they're almost all inept dorks who've done nothing of note but sit around and tell people they have high IQs.

Don't tell me how high your IQ is. Show me how high your IQ is. This whole thread is a self-suck with no ejaculation. It's all retch and no vomit.

>> No.4190029

IQ is like dick-size: people always lie about it

>> No.4190046

I'm such a dumbass I don't even understand the tests.

>> No.4190048

IQ is like dick-size is like posts on an anonymous message board: correlates with lies.
>Mystery solved, gentlemen!

>> No.4190050

>99th percentile
>not aware that the INTJ,EPNF,SJFI, DMSJ thing is just pseudopsychology on the level of astrological signs
and I am the queen of britain

>> No.4190061

quads is calling you out, better type somethng though provoking.

>> No.4190069

Question: Where is everyone doing these tests?

I have done online tests before but I don't think they're even worth mentioning as they seem to be pretty fucking retarded.

But going out of your way to get it professionally assessed? Bit weird IMO

>> No.4190071

that's called navel gazing nig. look into Emerson, and start measuring your intelligence by comprehension and executive planning speed and day to day problem solving.

>> No.4190077

>and start measuring your intelligence by comprehension and executive planning speed and day to day problem solving.
You pretty much do this, though, while "navel gazing", no?

>> No.4190081

>not putting your IQ in your resume and indicating that statistically you are very likely to be more intelligent than whoever is reading this resume

>> No.4190083

An American thing, I take it.

>> No.4190088


Am the second one.
I do think that IQ tests and all that jazz mean something but nothing too much.

The reason why i laughed is because he actually think he/you can contribute to philosophy.

Plus you thought it was samefagging, such intellect.
Go read some neuroscience browskie.

>> No.4190091
File: 13 KB, 239x359, RWEmerson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, one could say that philosophy, introspection and IQ measuring are to navel gazing as dealing to physical problems and building machinery are to living well.
shouldn't be wasting our time online either, if we wish to live well and intently, and thereby prove the only worth of intelligence.

>> No.4190099

Well, all right. I haven't read Emerson but it peaks my interest. Presumably Ralph Waldo Emerson, then?

>> No.4190104

I agreed with you that he sounded presumptuous to say "I think I could make a really valuable - or at least interesting - contribution to the world of philosophy." though I would ofcourse be interested if he has anything to say.
I said you were calling him out, such irony. wow. such doge reference. so brave.
go be condescending on another part of the internet.

>> No.4190110

yeah and his tenant Henry David Thoreau. but don't just sit and read, philosophy only needs teach a man enough to live without harming himself or others, and how to be good company.
any more is, to paraphrase their spiritual successor Palahniuk/Tyler, masturbation.

>> No.4190123

Well, if masturbation makes your world go 'round, why not. I appreciate the suggestions but I'll use my own conclusions, my man.

>> No.4190136

I'm not really fond of IQ test, especially since some morons try to justify racism with it.

I mean yeah no shit some fucking African tribesman isn't gonna do your test well if he's never held a pen before.

>> No.4190140

Tests of interest:
Act 34
Sat 2100 with the flu
Wpm 70 with a broken right(dominant) hand two days ago.

Best part is:

High school unweighted gpa:3.1 weighted was only a 3.9 with tons of ap classes. Went into freshman year with 29 credits iirc. At least my gpa has gone up though, it's staying north of a 3.5 now

>> No.4190141

*IQ tests

>> No.4190145

115 from an iq-test that was /sci/-approved


I feel pretty intelligent. Other people at uni get some stuff faster than I do, others have a harder time, but I get by just fine.

>> No.4190151

>and, here, I will show you all the numbers that represent my intelligence and value.
>But, do you think numbers can really hold human cognitive value?

>> No.4190153

I think they can, but I don't think they do at the moment. This is someone else replying.

>> No.4190158

I think that all your numbers paint a picture. What can you learn from mine? That I probably have some ability and that I slack hard, but that I don't slack as hard as I used to.

And that's honestly what any one of my teachers will tell you. That I'm smart but that I never tried or did the work. And that's true, as far as I see it. I've never struggled to understand a concept, the only thing I ever struggled with was memorization of facts if I didn't study them, as I was not blessed with a photographic memory.

But hey, sure I could have probably gone to an ivy league, but now I'm at a fairly decent college (Rhodes) and if I keep my grades as high or higher than they are now I'll probably get into med school, which is what I want.

>> No.4190159

>Let me test your intelligence.
>1.What is your primary philosophy of life?
not sure, is there any other philosophy than the philosphy of life? i just want friends, i think.
>2.Favorite book?
paradise lost
>3.Political leaning?
i try to avoid politics. i dont like economics, and politics are mostly economics or ideological balette
>4.Are people from sub-saharan areas (african blacks) and their p genetically less able as goes for intelligence (the classical model of intelligence; a mix of memory, executive function, mathematical and linguistic prowess) assuming everything else is equal e.g. education socioeconomics etc ?
i dont know, and i have never bothered to find it. it does not interest me.
>5.[insert something smart]
somehow i already dislike you, author of these questions.

>> No.4190172

>I'm smart but that I never tried

You realize this is what most people tell themselves, right?

>> No.4190181

Yes, but I say it for three reasons:

Tests agree
Teachers agree
It's all so easy now that I've begun to put in the minimum amount of effort.

So I say this not as someone who regrets his life but as someone who is embracing it and turning it around before it's too late.

Relentless self improvement has been the motto of the year.

>> No.4190195

Tests agree? How so? Your average performance on quantitative tests somehow secures your intelligence?
Teachers agree? I don't understand. Teachers typically say--I, for one, do the same--that you're so so so so so smart but you just aren't working hard. If a teachers didn't say that, then you would have no incentive to work harder in the face of mediocrity.

If anything, all of your rational is nothing more than a reason to disregard your claims of intelligence.

>> No.4190200

if masturbation makes yr world go round then... yeah that is what I'm terming 'navel gazing'.
like, shouldn't you b doing somethng more?
your thoughts are tiny compared to the universe, shouldn't you spend more time doing than thinking?

>> No.4190201

Intelligent in regard as how well i can score on SAT's and an IQ test?

Dont know either.

>> No.4190211

>it's all so easy now that. . .
Surprise, college is easy. That doesn't mean you're smart or smarter than the average American or European: everyone is expected to go to college and everyone can succeed with a 3.0-3.5 because of the broad range of student ability creates easier grading.

All three of your reasons are appeals to institutions to prove your intelligence.

>> No.4190227


Just read your post again, i guess speed reading isn't helping anyone.
In my defense, /lit/ is the best place on earth to be condescending, so there's that.

>> No.4190230

Depends which college you go to

>> No.4190231

You are of average intellect.

>> No.4190238


Arrogantfag here. Do you wanna hear how I think I can show that the "debate" over things in themselves is actually spawned by an antinomy? I also think I can show that Gewirthian ethics - the ethics I subscribe to - leads to panpsychism when taken to its logical conclusion.

>> No.4190239


I've never met anyone who can beat my scores barring someone who studied for days and retook and retook the tests.
The teachers I'm referring to are the teachers who I would talk to for hours outside of class about philosophy and whatever other subjects we happened upon. We would even joke about my lack of motivation or ambitions compared to my natural talents. And like I said before, I've never struggled with a concept. Ever. I was tutoring my peers in algebra and calculus all throughout high school. There is no objective way to measure intelligence beyond testing which is obviously flawed. All I know is that I've always tested way above average without studying hard and I've been told by peers and teachers alike that I've very intelligent, beyond the amount that my peers have, and I know that nothing has ever been intellectually challenging for me except for maybe firsthand philosophy books I've tried to read without any guidance, and even then that's mostly just obfuscation through language.

>> No.4190240

On the imaginary intellect scale?

>> No.4190243

Everything is imaginary.

>> No.4190262

You are of below average intellect.

>> No.4190263

especially your penis and intelligence OOHHH

fuckin rekt bish

>> No.4190266

>I've never met. . .
Then why aren't you at a better school? Why are you not performing to this magical standard?

>I've always tested way above average without studying
Based on the scores you've provided it doesn't seem that way.

Aside from that, are you afraid to really try ? What if you studied--like those people you separate yourself from in all your posts--but didn't succeed? Then what would you fall back on? Flu? Sprained wrist? No challenge?
Surely, you'd find an excuse--you've got lots of practice doing that, don't you?

>> No.4190268

No, you are of below average intellect

>> No.4190278

I'm not sure what my IQ is.I think it is extremely high. I was a part of CTY as a kid, was anyone else here?

>> No.4190279

wow what a comeback, you're like a fucking machine gun with your wit. make like foster wallace and hang yourself.

>> No.4190281

No, you are st- oh we finished the ironic shitposting?

>wow what a comeback, you're like a fucking machine gun with your wit. make like foster wallace and hang yourself.

I guess not.
No, you're a kid from a foster family that hanged himself.

>> No.4190287


People all think they're smart as balls, but I've seen fellow students collapse when they thought they didn't have to work, eventually found out they had to, and were unable to.

>> No.4190291

similar trends still follow when you look at a group of different races all born into the same economical and social context.

Of course then you will still blame it on inner group cultural differences and what not.

That on average blacks from households making more than $100,000 do just slightly better on SAT scores than whites from households making less than 10,000 implies absolutely no general difference in intelligence in regards to race.

>> No.4190293

I reported this thread a while ago. Why is it still here?

>> No.4190298

cadaver of christ on a stick, you're a fucking dullard.

>you're a kid from a foster family that hanged himself.

yes, i'm a ghost and i'm gonna spray benis ectoplasm all over your mom. again, and i'm being totally serious with this, kill yourself you pompous cunt.

>> No.4190301

>not calling jesus a "kike on a stick"
what's wrong with you?

>> No.4190308

>MtMattics !!58hTUK7XbfZ

Is there a more dull tripfag on this board?

>> No.4190310

/pol/ pls go

>> No.4190313

Statistically speaking, there should be.

>> No.4190320

how about you go hang yourself, turbonerd

>> No.4190322

turbo turbo

>> No.4190326

If you don't understand your position in the world, how are you supposed to decode it? It's a necessary premise in approaching objective truth.

>> No.4190327

>calling someone turbonerd
>expecting him to be insulted

That is depressing, in a non-invasive manner.

>> No.4190343
File: 98 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mg56xxTGni1s02iuco1_500_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have to put in much more effort than your classmates
>tfw you still get better grades than they do

i know there will be a point where people are both highly intelligent as well as hard working, but i'm at a top 5 school for my major and it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.4190345

I guarantee you are 16

>> No.4190348


Okay faglord.

>> No.4190372

im intj but i dont know why. i forget my sat scores. i wouldnt say im smart, just interested in learning.

>> No.4190381

[citation needed]

>> No.4190382

Yeah, it's in the way he talks. He's a little too !!!!!ON!!!!! or something. Hard to put your finger on it but it's there.

Just chill out bro.

>> No.4190394

Less than average.

>> No.4190397


I'm not at a better school because I didn't do any homework ever which was a large part of my grade. It was a bore because they made us do it purely for the sake of doing it, whether or not you already knew the material.

A 34 on the act is better than literally anyone I have ever met except for two people who got perfect scores. 32 is extremely good on the act, 34 is amazing. You do realize its out of 36? And granted the sat is only way above average, it isn't exceptional tier, but again I literally had the flu when I took it. Iirc it was even h1n1. And like I said I've started putting in effort. Not maximal effort because this level of college doesn't require that, but effort enough that I'm doing well without having to strain. And furthermore but somewhat unrelated I think you underestimate what 70 Wpm with a broken (read: in a cast) means. That's 20 words above average with serious impairment. I know that doesn't have anything to do with intelligence but you're just bashing to bash by saying I'm falling back on a sprained wrist.

>> No.4190401


>How intelligent do you think you are?

Enough to do what I want to do.

>> No.4190412

You only needed the first sentence.

The rest was just making excuses again

>> No.4190427

>98th percentile

>99th percentile


>How intelligent do you think you are?
Pretty smart. Nothing special.

>> No.4190431
File: 39 KB, 446x362, 1379138354775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when 115 iq

That feel when hold iq on a pedestal despite my rational mind telling me that iq is not an end all be all of ones intellectual potential. Still, I let its stigma overtake me.

I sometimes just tell myself that there are more than 500,000 people of my age with an iq of 130+ just sitting at home and playing video games.

>> No.4190437

Well, I'm >>4190427 and I like video games.

But I'm also a senior in college, heading for a PHD program after this.

>> No.4190443

I'm referring to NEETs

>> No.4190447

>Lowest official IQ test
169. (An internet test gave me 135+ and that's probably about as accurate a metric of intelligence)

Most of that is pointless intelligence; memory is about the most useful, but can also lead to Mill and Huysmans tinted moments. Yes, I can assemble hypothetical die cut cubist sculptures faster than others; I shall be the hero of the box factory. I can transliterate a cipher when given the code faster than the average person; the CIA will totally want me in their secretarial pool. Eysenck was a fantastic frame setter, more so than Jung, but that's about all that can be said for the resultant works. I would rate myself as not very intelligent overall because I'm on drugs most of the time. Pro-tip: beyond a bright-normal range (~120, Stanford-Binet), IQ has no bearing on your socio-economic inertia compared to personality.

>> No.4190460

>all these people with IQ above 150
Seems legit

>> No.4190466

I repeat: why is this thread still here?

>> No.4190469

IQ: 160+

>> No.4190471

I'm >>4190447. I assembled two perfectly squared die cut boxes IRL today if you doubt my qualifications.

>> No.4190477

I've never bothered with an iq test, mainly because I don't know where it's administered reputably. I have a feeling my score might not be as high as I think it should be. I feel pretty smart but I perform poorly on tests because of general anxiety getting amped up to performance anxiety.

I'm only smart when it comes to abstract things, and the type of physical job I have means that most people don't know I'm somewhat above average. In fact I'm pretty unassuming. I never use the big words or whatever esoterica I know I'll.

I'm an INTP like everyone else on 4chan.

>> No.4190479

Pick one

>> No.4190486

If you are really god tier, use the pieces that one might make a box from to assemble a dodecahedron. Please bro. Please.

>> No.4190488


I'm pretty dumb.

>> No.4190489

This thread is very pathetic and I am very pathetic for replying to it in this way.

>> No.4190495
File: 306 KB, 1309x620, supergenius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4190496

Sorry bro, I already used them to make a robot.

>> No.4190509

The only time I took an intelligence test was 7 years back, when I was 14, and then I stopped because I decided such tests were inaccurate and likely to give myself false self-confidence.

Scored 149 on an IQ test. Dunno what percentile. INFP.

I don't think I'm very intelligent at all, I'm guessing around average? I might have been smarter as a kid (intellectually gifted program and shit) but that's all gone now.

>> No.4190512

IQ is only relevant for kids

>> No.4190529

Also if you think you're intelligent, you're more likely to be less intelligent, because people who are not proficient in something tend to think they are because they've not had much exposure to people that are, whereas people who are actually proficient in something don't consider themselves anything special because it comes easily to them. Intellectual ability is no different.

>> No.4190535

>applying likelihood to individual instances
You just went quantum-retard.

>> No.4190539
File: 51 KB, 510x783, 1381717536044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This thread is such shit.

>> No.4190544

Easy now.

>> No.4190547

>Bunch of autists dick-waving over who is the most intelligent.
>Another bunch of autists acting like they don't care but still responding to the thread.
We are in the latter :^)

>> No.4190555

:( I can accept this. Robots are cool.

>> No.4190556

>muh problem of induction

Well if you want to be autistic about it, then yeah, fuck psychology and fuck sociology and fuck science and fuck everything because they're all useless in the glorious march of obnoxious philosophy. Are you happy now?

>> No.4190562

There's a very good point in preserving the disciplines you mentioned, but applying them on an individual basis is not very instrumental in understanding the circumstances at hand, hence quantum-retard.
>50% of people are below average intelligence
>hence, there's a chance you might be less intelligent than me, giving me authority!
Reasoning kind of like this is stupid and shouldn't be considered.

>> No.4190565

Do you even quantum mechanics? Before I collapse your wave function, you are in superposition of being above and below average intelligent.

>> No.4190566

>giving me authority!
Allow me to correct myself before the autist herd floods in:
>undermining your authority!*

>> No.4190567

>I might have been smarter as a kid (intellectually gifted program and shit) but that's all gone now.

Same here. Everyone expected me to make something of myself and I let them all down.

>> No.4190568

This was never about quantum mechanics. The reference to quantum mechanics was a fucking joke. No, I won't explain it.

>> No.4190573

>The reference to quantum mechanics was a fucking joke. No, I won't explain it.

Stop pretending, you pseudo-intellectual high school kid. You don't even know anything about quantum mechanics. No, randomly adding the prefix "quantum" doesn't make you look sciency. Go back to "I fucking love science" on facebook.

>> No.4190575
File: 361 KB, 1392x2520, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ master race reporting in.

>> No.4190577

It's a reference to the chance-based reasoning. Get the joke now? Heh.

>> No.4190578

I don't think I ever implied that "there's a chance you might be less intelligent than me, undermining your authority!", or anything of that sort.

>> No.4190582

Let me guess. Did 4chan have something to do with it?

>> No.4190585

>1.What is your primary philosophy of life?
I believe Aristotle and his virtue ethics provide a good basis for living one's life. Become the person you want to be and the acts will follow.

>2.Favorite book?
It's hard for me to pick out a stand alone favorite. I haven't read nearly as much as I could have. A farewell to Arms and Of mice and men always come to mind when thinking about my favorites though.

>3.Political leaning?
I tend to lean more towards less government in every aspect. However, I understand that certain forms work better depending on geographic and population size.

>4.Are people from sub-saharan areas (african blacks) and their p genetically less able as goes for intelligence (the classical model of intelligence; a mix of memory, executive function, mathematical and linguistic prowess) assuming everything else is equal e.g. education socioeconomics etc ?
Well intelligence is at least partly inherited. This means that intelligence is at least partly genetic. And I know it isn't proof, but looking at the majority of scientific discoveries in the world, I can't think of many that come from african blacks. This is not to say that I believe they must be less intelligent, but so far I have no reason to believe that they are on par with other races.

>5.[insert something smart]
A smart man always questions his own confidence in his intelligence

>> No.4190586
File: 27 KB, 775x387, science-vs-philosofaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think actually believe "contributing to philosophy" would be hard? Any toddler who barely learned to speak can make contributions to philosophy. Philosophy is nothing empty talk about metaphysics and since it cannot be tested and has no basis in reality, you can say anything you want and label it "philosophy".

>> No.4190590

>looking at the majority of scientific discoveries in the world,
Oh look, now he's going to base his opinion on scientific research, maybe /lit/ wasn't that bad after all
>I can't think of many that come from african blacks

>> No.4190595


don't know


it means nothing

>> No.4190597

No, just laziness.

>> No.4190599

oops i meant ENTP

>> No.4190600

But that's untrue. Philosophy of religion is just as valid if not more so than science. Spaceships and technology don't exist, because the mathematics which is needed to construct them is based on axioms which cannot be proven.

But here's why religion is a more accurate interpretation of the world: religion sets the bar very low, all you need is faith; therefore it is better; science on the other hand, because we can't meet its demands, fails as an explicator of the world.

Source: Rigorous training in logic and an IQ of 204.05
Any questions?

>> No.4190601


I found 4chan the same year I did the intelligence test and since then my life basically self-destructed

>> No.4190604

back to >>>/sci/ with you

>> No.4190607


>> No.4190608


I suppose this was what I meant.

>> No.4190615
File: 201 KB, 416x416, dodecahedron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooler with dodecahedra. I made it with tape so it's pretty shit

>> No.4190619

These to gents are correct. Rationality has no place on /lit/. Common sense is for fools and plebeians.

>> No.4190622

You're right and I apologise for getting ahead of myself. For some reason I was convinced that your argument consisted of nothing but a correlate, i.e. you offered no causalities between your observations.

>> No.4190624


Here is Chemistry as well. The majority of the winners of these nobel prizes are White. Either Slavic or German. There are a few Asians as well.

>> No.4190630

>either slavic or german

You mean ashkenazi

>> No.4190631

Your nails are long and unclean and your vagina is probably unwashed, unused, and smells potently of rancid kool-aid and old coins

>> No.4190632

N..Nice! It's actually pretty good; saving this shit. I can't help but notice what appears to be the residue of nail polish. Are you a woman, or do you just paint your nails for the hell of it? I don't care really, just curious. Props for the nifty shape.

>> No.4190637

also can I have a pic of your vagina?

>> No.4190640

I'm the dude who asked for the dodecahedron. You are a fucking faggot. Get fucked and get the fuck out douche-nozzle.

>> No.4190641


>> No.4190644

IQ - 135
ACT - 30

Pretty smart, I guess, definitely no Einstein but better than the average bloke.

>> No.4190646

I'm crushed.

>> No.4190647

> SAT: 2100
> IQ: I think 139, it's been years since I took one

I know that I'm above average just based on my life experiences and academic work, but I feel unintelligent, especially in my career field.

>> No.4190649

yeah, sure bro. we're all ears.
I'm looking up this 'alan gewirth' now.

>> No.4190653

Haven't got my LSAT score back yet, got a 168 on the practice test

>> No.4190657

The absence of insult to the dodecahedron is noted. :D

>> No.4190658

because Mods are arguing with 16 year olds.

>> No.4190660

Hands and gender aside, that robot looks like shit.

>> No.4190661

It walks backwards with a wind up device. You're shit.

>> No.4190664

How much money would you want to let me lick the sweat off your feet?

>> No.4190669

bro, it's a guy. calm down.

>> No.4190670

Thread fucking derailed.

>> No.4190672

>not knowing a beautiful girl when you see one's hand
>not knowing from her hand that she's only slightly overweight and pleasantly plump

>> No.4190675


For a high IQ and logical rigor you fall short.
You don't seem to even understand basic terminologies like "axiom".

Obviously religion and science have both their models of reality.
While the model of religion is complete (based on itself), the scientific is incomplete since it is based on empiricism, which is the closest thing to reality.

By definition science is absolutely the closest thing to reality, you don't even need reasoning, since their definitions (which you also stated) explicitly describe exactly that.

But somehow you still managed to find a way to support the polar opposite.

Source: not you

>> No.4190676

I know I'm shit. That doesn't make your shitty wind-up toy any less awful.

>> No.4190677

I agree with that other guy. It is pretty pathetic.

>> No.4190678

In my defence, nobody wanted to talk Eysenck's DON'T MIND THE FIGURES DEAR READERS at the base of intelligence testing with me. The mods will get here faster with the scent of tfwnogf in the air.

>> No.4190680

>1.What is your primary philosophy of life?
I don't need philosophy. I have science.

>2.Favorite book?
The Selfish Gene

>3.Political leaning?

>4.Are people from sub-saharan areas (african blacks) and their p genetically less able as goes for intelligence (the classical model of intelligence; a mix of memory, executive function, mathematical and linguistic prowess) assuming everything else is equal e.g. education socioeconomics etc ?
impssible because all humans must be of equal intelligence

>5.[insert something smart]
As an atheist it's not religion that angers me. It's the ignorance.

>> No.4190683

>political leaning?

At least try to make it less obvious.

>> No.4190684

Yeah the dodecahedron is tops. If only you put the same care into fingernail and vaginal hygiene tho. ;|

>> No.4190685

>tfw no qt literary gf

iktf, iktf man

i KNOW it I know it i know teh feels gotta do some reps, man i know the feeels

man, MOD, GOD, someone! delete this thread

these feeeeeels, man, they feel

filled up. buttercup

>> No.4190686


>> No.4190689

>I will fight gallantly for m'lady's honour! Aback with you!!

>> No.4190692

SAT 1340 (perfect verbal, shit math)
LSAT 173

>> No.4190695

why bother? I'm a genius, soon to be surrounded by miniature moonwalking robots. I don't need to be a catch.

>> No.4190698

Post your toenails too bb.

>> No.4190699

I..I Swear I'm not a virgin

>> No.4190702
File: 74 KB, 412x351, frogiscry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowest IQ in this thread

Why should I continue living when I am forever destined for mediocrity, blinded by biology and circumstance?

If I were 20 points lower I would find complacency in my inability, but being just above that precipice, being able to see both those above and below, and being incompatible with either, I can't help but feel contempt for my impotence, and thus myself.

>> No.4190705

Just keep speaking and writing like that and at least people stupider than you or as intelligent as you might think you're really deep and clever.

>> No.4190708

I'll just say below average as even if I have the ability to learn I'm extremely lazy and get demotivated extremely fast.
I'm never going to rate myself above hardworking motivated people as I don't take pride in being lazy.

>> No.4190709

He kind of does seem thoughtful.

I'd venture to say that in your case an iq score doesn't mean much. You seem genuinely smart, don't let a shitty few numbers get you down.

Also I bet 70% of those in this thread took an iq test online which give out feel-good, optimistic scores. In reality there not smarter than you or the average 4channer

>> No.4190713

Who gives a shit?

>> No.4190714

Eysenck a shit.
memory and pattern detection are the most practical uses. most useful is really only ever determined in an individual's final tally.
and the lateral thinking space afforded by one's excess of intelligence should be put to work for the Greater Good. druggie.

>> No.4190715

Maybe you can program some of those robots of yours to moonwalk over to your vagina and give the ol' girl a scrub or two. (and maybe a little servicing if u gnome sayan heh heh).

And who sez you're not a catch?

>> No.4190719

Mate, most people here made an internet test a few times till they got the hang of it and scored 130+
Do you actually believe /lit/ is full of the intellectually gifted?

IQ is only valid if you were thoroughly tested by a psychologist, and even then it doesn't say much. Didn't sleep so well? Minus five points. You've prepared? Plus ten.

>> No.4190722

Don't cut yourself up over IQ tests. I took an online IQ test and it said I had an IQ nearing 150 even though I'm probably borderline mentally retarded.

>> No.4190726

>till they got the hang of it

b-but iq can't be learned

>> No.4190732

Of course you can

>> No.4190735

STEM master-race


Dueling two different majors. Deal with plebs.

>> No.4190736

Everyone lies ITT

>> No.4190738

Most of them are JEWISH.

>> No.4190742

Seems legit

>> No.4190746


>> No.4190749

Someone told me that people who take IQ tests as kids tend to have either depressingly low or grotesquely inflated self-esteem. Is this true?

>> No.4190761

>all these post-2005 revision SAT scores supposedly gauging intelligence

Nope, they removed a big part of the IQ portions at that time and replaced it more with general preparation. I only got an 1870 on the new SAT yet scored 1580 on a self-timed 2002 practice test and have an IQ of 152. Yes, I'm butthurt as hell.

>tfw no prestigious universities fighting for my enrollment when whipping out my large girthy test scores

>> No.4190768

That's because IQ doesn't mean shit and you probably made some internet test

>> No.4190775

This thread makes me pretty mad. To think so many self-proclaimed intelligent people take shit like IQ and Myers-Briggs seriously.

>> No.4190776

Seems we've managed to gather 1% of the worlds most intelligent in this thread. What are the odds?

But seriously, anyone who would take these posts as fact are substandard intellectuals and would most likely not be browsing /lit/.
Ergo, posting my scores and IQ hold no value. So I'll refrain from doing so. I suggest you all do the same and leave this thread to die.

>> No.4190792
File: 71 KB, 1332x591, 2smart4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay jelly plebs.

>> No.4190794
File: 68 KB, 586x506, hard iq problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ur so smart then solve THIS!!

I bet u cant

>> No.4190797

>internet test

>> No.4190801

>mad because he failed the test

>> No.4190808

Free internet tests are always bullshit, no exceptions

>> No.4190813

>I scored so low
>muh hurt feelings
>haha, I'll call the test "bullshit"

Go back to /pol/, you filthy IQ denialist.

>> No.4190818

that's a trap question, no one fits, you just skip it.

>> No.4190820


>> No.4190817

Online tests are more reliable than tests administered by psychologists. Online tests are evaluated objectively. Evaluation by a psychologist is very flawed because psychology is not a science.

>> No.4190822

>got highscore on an internet game
>guise am I smart yet??
>someone calls him out on the fact that intelligence is more than a shitty internet test
>be butthurt
this is you

>> No.4190824


>> No.4190826

In cognitive science intelligence is defined by IQ. Go educate yourself, dumbass.

>> No.4190831

almost tricked me there

>> No.4190832

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.4190835

I'm actually the smartest person in the world actually.

>> No.4190836


>> No.4190839

You are not Jacob Barnett.

>> No.4190840

Then why would Tao Lin have a 188 IQ?

>> No.4190842

>IQ of only 170
Even Tao Lin is superior to this guy

>> No.4190848

you're not alone bro, 1880 undermensch race right here

>> No.4190857

He sounds like an ass - but respect anyway at you, bro (>>4190702). You can just convert to Christianity & then it will be all cool.