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/lit/ - Literature

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4179441 No.4179441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else roll their eyes when Peter tried to become the next Hitler by becoming a blogger?

>> No.4179443
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>> No.4179444

You know, that's easy to laugh at. But really, it didn't sound as crazy back in the 80s as it does now, and I don't think it'll sound as crazy in 20 years. In some ways, I kind of feel like we're in a weird historical moment where we think that 's funny.

>> No.4179445


Even in the 80's people had to be on television to be taken seriously

>> No.4179453

>I kind of feel like we're in a weird historical moment where
Your words are nausea

>> No.4179455

oh jeez, that's really nice

way to be considerate, guy

>> No.4179456

I don't think he's trying to be considerate, I think he's trying to tell you he doesn't like the way you post on /lit/

>> No.4179460

I haven't read the sequel books but if Ender and Peter duke it out in a galactic civil war I'm going to be sick to my stomach

>> No.4179467

Don't worry then, because that's not what happens.

>> No.4179468

yeah but considering when the book was written it's sort of forward thinking. typical failed predictions sci-fi stuff

>> No.4179475

I didn't role my eyes until the little prick came up with the overtly pretentious Greek nicknames.

>> No.4179477


I rolled my eyes more at Card trying to elicit sympathy from me for Ender, an ACTUAL genocidal murder.

>> No.4179481

Peter pls

>> No.4179487

Which he pays for, in spades. Ender never got to be anything but a soldier/plaything. He got tired of it.

>> No.4179488


>I didn't role my eyes until the little prick came up with the overtly pretentious Greek nicknames.

Come now friend, haven't you too once imagined publishing writings under a Greek or Roman pseudonym?

Haven't you wanted to be like Hamilton and Madison under Publius? Or like Trenchard and Gordon under Cato?

I'll admit that I once had a fantasy of writing under the name "Cato the Lesser"

>> No.4179557
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>"Cato the Lesser"

I think you should make like Cato the Younger and fucking kill yourself

>> No.4180499

Ooo, so edgy. I bet you have two whole girlfriends.

>> No.4180558

When I read it, I got the idea that it was more of a serious Internet, a academic network where you could publish papers, discuss ideas and have philosophical debates and whatnot (kinda like an ideal /lit/). Not our kind where people think facebook and 9gag are the Internet.

>> No.4180575



The net in that book is not what it is to us. It's a legitimate forum for serious political discussion, and news

>> No.4180991

So? Somethingawful is a "legitimate forum" for "serious discussion" and nothing anyone says there ever changes anything.

>> No.4181046


By legitimate i mean it's actually a platform that steers political thinking

>> No.4181049

Peter conquers the world and institutes burgers and clapping for everyone.
Ender goes 3000 years into the future through near-light-speed space travel and bones a Brazilian space colonist widow.
I wish I was making this up. It all sounded really profound when I was like 13.

>> No.4181110

My sides have reached word salad concrete poetry levels.

>> No.4181155
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There is (to my understanding) a "base" internet with what we would expect, but it is tiered in a way that legislators, professors, journalists, executives, etc have access to higher 'levels' of the internet.

They use their parent's credentials to gain access to post with the illusion that they're an anonymous mover or shaker. Like if a column appeared in the New York Times with an obvious pseudonym making revolutionary and profound analyses on geopolitics and international relations.