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File: 33 KB, 296x461, malala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4178093 No.4178093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>1. Get shot in the head.
>2. ?????

So, anyone read it yet?

>> No.4178106
File: 65 KB, 903x677, malala yousafzai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really understand this cynical downplaying of what happened to this girl that /pol/tards seem to have taken. I mean, I don't think any of us on this website have really been that influencial in fighting for woman's rights in Pakistan.

>> No.4178117

>I don't really understand this cynical downplaying of what happened to this girl that /pol/tards seem to have taken.
You don't understand one of edgiest, most bigoted, rightist and misogynistic boards on the site bashing a brown, underage women's rights activist?

>> No.4178119

you realize lots of posters literally do have a pathological hatred of women, right? That that's a real thing and not just a joke.

>> No.4178120

> dropped out of school to promote education for women

How ironic.

>> No.4178122

posters = /pol/ posters btw

>> No.4178138

She survived right? Then no. /lit/ only read dead people's work.

>> No.4178180

This. If Malala was a white Christian who got survived getting shot by a black guy and afterwards taked about how dangerous Jews are they'd be lining up to suck his cock.

>> No.4178201

and no lasting damage damage damage damage damage damage damage damage damage damage damage!

>> No.4178218 [DELETED] 

Some epic shoopster NEEDS to shoop out "I am Malala" for "You Is A Bitch"

>> No.4178224

She didn't drop out, she's attending school in Brtiain right now

>> No.4178234


>I don't really understand this cynical downplaying of what happened to this girl that /pol/tards seem to have taken.

They're all dead inside.

It's to be expected.

>> No.4178245

>Women get educated
>Replace men in the workforce because of lel equality
>Start to be plagued by the social issues tearing the west apart today
Fucking Taliban can't do anything right.

>> No.4178254
File: 7 KB, 400x300, hamlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true

>> No.4178553

>be a 15 year old spouting idealist crap
>stupid teenager
>be a 15 year old muslim female with dark skin spouting idealist crap
>so brave
>groundbreaking ideas
I am so tired of the "weak is strong, inmature is mature" modern circlejerk

>> No.4178557
File: 18 KB, 626x458, 1378350261405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is the white knighting going?

>> No.4178558

>muh witch hunt

>> No.4178562

lol way to speak truth to power


>> No.4178911

>that podium

Is she a communist or something? or just speaking at that thing? I haven't really followed much about her. If she's a communist I'll probably read the book

>> No.4178915

if you can't see the difference, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.4178923

Guys, I think we can all agree,

- Women's rights are good as long as women can't vote

- Pakistan sucks

- Most blacks in the US are criminals and should be executed

- The rest should be deported to Liberia

>> No.4178933




>> No.4178943

Seems like a nice girl. The Daily Show clip that went viral is naive as fuck and we as a culture shouldn't be celebrating those kinds of platitudes, but I don't think she deserves to be the target of anyone's ire.

I saw the 20/20 episode last night where they interviewed some veiled Muslims who disagreed with her stance. Their perspective was actually fairly insightful. They're starting from a place where giving into your desires is weakness and working from there. But the fact that they allowed themselves to be interviewed for American TV? I'd slit their throats if I were an extremist. Just sayin'.

>> No.4178950

>I'm just so angry that a 16 year old girl is naïve, goddamn angry! Grrr! Platitudes! Fuck!

Just...stop having opinions. Yours are dumb.

>> No.4178951



>> No.4178965


Where on Earth did you get that from?

>> No.4178969

>she seems like a nice girl
>shouldn't be a target of anyone's ire
>we as a culture shouldn't celebrate platitudes

what the fuck post did you read you resentful beta

>> No.4179608

She needs to change her surname to Lama. Shit would be intense.

>> No.4179619

no, Alalam.

>> No.4179654

I don't see what was so naive about what she said.

>> No.4179664

>You must not treat others with cruelty and that much harshly, you must fight others but through peace and through dialogue and through education.

If you don't see how that's naive, you need to take a better look at how the world actually operates.

>> No.4179668

>you realize lots of posters literally do have a pathological hatred of women, right?
yeah and illuminati jew aliens rule the world

see your shrink, nutjob

>> No.4179676

Yeah, that's not what naïve means. It's idealistic, as it's a moral statement, it isn't a statement on how the world works.

Also, she's right.

>> No.4179677

and glenn beck is influential in consrvatard circles, so what?

loudmouth = influential =/= has anything insightful to say

any of you retards actually thinking that this kiddie with zero education has anything insightful to say apart from being a "awww me so poooor" GURRRRL need to have your head examined

all the arguments for women rights have already been made, opportunistic hucksters that latch on them for personal reasons have nothing to bring to the table

i bet you tards jack off to tabloids

>> No.4179681

I'm fairly sure I read that she's Socialist. That aspect was obviously downplayed in the Western media's coverage of her. Don't want anyone to think she's a commie freedom-hating pinko.

>> No.4179682
File: 14 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Am I enough of a curmudgeon yet? That's what makes you mature, right, guys? Right?

>> No.4179687

>Yeah, that's not what naïve means
I didn't define what naive means, I gave an example of her naivete and you misread it. You suck at being smug.
>it isn't a statement on how the world works.
No, it's a naive approach to the world in opposition against how it actually works.
>Also, she's right.
She's only right in a sense 180 degrees from what she intends. Yes, we "fight" others through peace in the same way we dictate through democracy and indoctrinate with education. But these aren't what she wants. She's naive to think that the world will ever exist in a state where violence isn't the guiding principle. It always has been and always will. In fact, the entire reason people like her get attention is because of the West's impotence against its own governmental violence. At least we can pretend we're making progress when we support civil rights issues in other countries.

>> No.4179692

That's retarded as fuck. What does insight or saying something new matter? She's an activist, it doesn't fucking matter that Wollstonecraft essentially said whatever Yousafszai is saying three hundred years ago, what matters is the political reality she's opposed to. She's not trying to win the Award for Saying Something Totally Innovative.

Also, the captchas with numbers suck.

>> No.4179694

Nothing curmudgeonly about my post. If you want real change, you have to have real solutions.

>> No.4179698

>She's naive to think that the world will ever exist in a state where violence isn't the guiding principle
Ouch, that's sharp.

>> No.4179699

>the captchas with numbers suck.

I like them. It discourages the dumber posters like yourself.

>> No.4179701


>> No.4179702

oh yeah, she's such an activist!
she relies on the force of arguments that actually change people's minds in a lasting way rather than being a hurt qt 3.14 gurrrrl sooooooo sad to make her expat daddy a few bucks, amirite guise?

you and the like of you, rather than ignorant bigots, is exactly the reason why there will ultimately never be nice things

>> No.4179703

How many countries is the US military deployed in again? 100? 150?

>> No.4179706

that's accurate and it's all that matters

>> No.4179709

I miss the old days when cynicism meant being a cool dude living in a bucket, not being a retarded piece of shit.

>> No.4179719

yeah hide the state of reality behind diluted buzzwords like "cynicism", whatever floats your boat, word games impact reality like nothing else

or maybe it's time to grow up

>> No.4179725
File: 30 KB, 243x300, Henry_David_Thoreau-243x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> She's only right in a sense 180 degrees from what she intends. Yes, we "fight" others through peace in the same way we dictate through democracy and indoctrinate with education. But these aren't what she wants

these sentences are literally meaningless

> She's naive to think that the world will ever exist in a state where violence isn't the guiding principle.

implying violence is the guiding principle of our or any society

I know what you mean to say though. That violence is an ineluctable piece of statecraft, which the west practices with abandon.

But she would just advocate the end of states, being a fucking MARXIST

> It always has been and always will

good sentence wow so grammar

> In fact, the entire reason people like her get attention is because of the West's impotence against its own governmental violence

Again, you're tempting me to ignore your shitty, limp rhetorical content to make fun of how bad you are at writing. I feel like you just said that that random, arbitrary thing was the "entire reason" for her fame because you realized you were nearing the end of your pointless ramble and wanted a strong conclusion.

But it's obviously wrong. A culture mobilized against war, like the hippies and civil rights crusaders of the 60's in America, would have been even more receptive to her message. So I think it's fair to say we're obsessed with our governments' violence, but I don't think this stems from "impotence".

> At least we can pretend we're making progress when we support civil rights issues in other countries

huhuhuuuuuhhuuuuhhhhhh faaaaaaaaart

>> No.4179728

no it's not you fucking clouded pleb

it's as dumb as any truism

>> No.4179735

>not accurate
typical /lit/ intellectual titan

>> No.4179738

buzzword is the only buzzword involved there, buster

but fine, here goes

you're pointlessly negative, basing your argument on negation of things you see, reactions of a child asking "why?" over and over, confused at the complexity of all things

If you think your nihilistic pursuit of the negation of everything is anything greater than the expression of the antipathy you feel towards the world-at-large, you lack self awareness

the mindless cynicism you practice is the easiest and most futile way of understanding the world, and it will grant you nothing

>> No.4179747

>oh yeah, she's such an activist!
Yes, she is, actually. The more you know!

>she relies on the force of arguments that actually change people's minds in a lasting way
Yep. See, you get this.

>rather than being a hurt qt 3.14 gurrrrl sooooooo sad to make her expat daddy a few bucks, amirite guise?
Hey, you were doing so well. She was an activist for years before she was shot. She wasn't shot to make a point - in fact, she was shot by someone who thought she was dangerous. Really, the implication that she was shot so that she wouldn't have to have a good argument is just silly. How would that even work?

>you and the like of you, rather than ignorant bigots, is exactly the reason why there will ultimately never be nice things
I'm not sure what this even means.

>> No.4179756

>your nihilistic pursuit of the negation of everything
no, I only "negate" outright bullshit, in the same way you affirm outright bullshit because feels

>mindless cynicism
i even graciously hinted what's wrong with the issue, your argument-less way of dismissing it out of hand by the magical invocation of a word "mindless" doesn't affect reality in the least

>> No.4179759

You're critiquing writing while pumping out this /b/ level bullshit? "i'm being ironic so it doesn't count."

>these sentences are literally meaningless
Read Foucault.

>violence is an ineluctable piece of statecraft, which the west practices with abandon
Great prose there, champ. I can literally smell the fedora spray. Too bad your actual point goes out the window when you realize violence predates "statecraft."

>being a fucking MARXIST
Like I said, naive.

>But it's obviously wrong.
Let's see what you have to say on the subject.

>A culture mobilized against war, like the hippies and civil rights crusaders of the 60's in America, would have been even more receptive to her message.

So I'm wrong about the current impotence of the Western left because people in the 60's would have bought into here platitudes as well? Did you just give up in trying to think?

>So I think it's fair to say we're obsessed with our governments' violence, but I don't think this stems from "impotence"

But you haven't demonstrated that we're obsessed with governmental violence. You literally just said the hippies would have liked her and extrapolated more incorrectly than /sci/ with an evolutionary psychology journal.

But it is telling that you point to the 60's as some kind of beacon for countercultural politics. It certainly did a lot to end the Vietnam War and was a nice precursor to Thatcher and Reagan. So mobilized!

>> No.4179761


lol if she's 15 years old of course she's a fucking socialist

>> No.4179762

>Hey, you were doing so well. She was an activist for years before she was shot. She wasn't shot to make a point - in fact, she was shot by someone who thought she was dangerous. Really, the implication that she was shot so that she wouldn't have to have a good argument is just silly. How would that even work?
she was a toddler blogger comparable to any contemporary tumblerina that bbc and others singled out for no particular reason because there is NOTHING special about her, there was NOTHING about her writing that had any value over countless others

her "fame" is a result of randomness and some red-ties decision to bait some clicks with her face and "persona"
and then there is the shooting incident - which is the only reason she is notable

there was nothing in her posts to distinguish her from anyone else apart from being a qt 3.13 babby whose face would look nice on the first page of a tabloid

yes, let your corporate media overlords manufacture another celebrity and ignore untold others, who gives a shit about them, they are not famous

fucking big brother generation

>> No.4179768

#shots fired

>> No.4179776

your post was shit because it was unreadable, not because it wasn't beautiful prose

violence predates statecraft!! wow strong point #rekt

it also predates society and humans #wow #sodeep

capitalist societies aren't based on violence

societies in general are a recourse against violence

>like I said, naive

wow you really disproved all of marxism there

> It certainly did a lot to end the Vietnam War

It actually did. Stay retarded.

My point about the hippies, though, was that your "ENTIRE POINT" point was stupid and contravened by counterexample. Not that malala can't be reduced into a single appeal to western audiences, I just think you're fucking dumb for choosing "the West's impotence against its own governmental violence"

I also see the significance of the image of HDT has eluded you

>> No.4179779

>lol if she's 15 years old of course she's fucking a socialist

>> No.4179781

>reads Foucault
>calls others naïve
top fucking kek

>> No.4179784


>> No.4179804

are you like 14 dude

>> No.4179807

>confirmed for communist

Will read, will wait for the fall-out with FauxNews

>> No.4179814

>She's naive to think that the world will ever exist in a state where violence isn't the guiding principle. It always has been and always will.

O shit it's the Judge!

>> No.4179818

He is dancing, dancing. He says he will never die.

>> No.4179822

>I just think you're fucking dumb for choosing "the West's impotence against its own governmental violence"

"Impotent" is actually a great word to describe the condition of the people of the West.

>> No.4179833

It's kind of embarrassing that she'd have to win the Nobel Peace Prize after Obama. Like, talk about cheapening the award.

>> No.4179840

Gandhi never won it. Kissinger did.

It's been a shitty award for half a century.

>> No.4180069

proof they're turning earth into bizarro world

>> No.4180524

So... has anyone actually read the book?

>> No.4180548

fuck off stormweenie, Obama says there wouldn't be any nuclear apocalypse while he was in charge. guess what? no nuclear war while he was in charge. you conservatards are suck retarsds

>> No.4180554

When I heard that Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, it was from some morning radio deejays on my way home from work. I legitimately thought it was a joke, because morning deejays are known for pranks and jokes like that.

Imagine how I felt when I found out it actually wasn't a joke at all--well, I mean, not the deejays' joke.

>> No.4180588

>finding a reason to hate a 15 year old girl who got shot in the head.

trying too hard.

>> No.4180598

here's the synopsis
>I got shot in the head it really fucking hurt. like really really hurt. feminists give me money. i'm tsundere for that cute Taliban boy. gob mony plox. I'm a strong independent womyn who don't need no 7.62x36

>> No.4180621

You have funny deejay in your country my friend?

>> No.4180657

Why the fuck would you NOT write a best seller if you got shot in the head?
It's like, I'm going to buy this Ferrari, but I don't want those warming seats. Sure, you can want a Ferrari for other reasons, but not getting the warming seats is just stupid.

>> No.4180662

I don't believe that women are weak, so a woman talking about how women aren't weak is not interesting to me.

I don't ask or need to be convinced that women are as capable as men because I know they are. So books like this and the people who spew this rhetoric are absolutely useless.

>> No.4180663

>this girl got shot in the head because she refused to not go to school.
>she's like fifteen and I complain a lot that people don't care about education.
>but I still hate her tho'. She's stupid and a girl.

>> No.4180701


More of her allure is due to media-pandering than anything. Otherwise she would have been another relatively small voice drowning out in the ocean of 'activism' and 'human rights'. Had the west not intervened to air lift her to a hospital for treatment she would have been another forgotten martyr for female rights in education. Certainly she hasn't actually done anything all that significant nor worthy of advancing female rights other than being another voice saying what we all know and many want already.

Certainly brave for her circumstances but nobel peace prize winning material - not really despite being the new media darling for human rights.

>> No.4180705

a lot of fifteen year old boys get shot in the head but they don't get any books

>> No.4180708

who gives a fuck about the nobel peace prize?

Alfred Nobel invented the dynamite.

>> No.4180715

a lot of people do a lot of things and get nothing.

You're saying she doesn't deserve any recognition because others haven't?

shut the fuck up.

>> No.4180726

she's a drop of piss in a pool of shit, she's not going to change anything

>> No.4180734

>who gives a fuck about the nobel peace prize?

A lot of people evidently as this butt-frustrated journalist was that Malala didn't win.


Irrelevant to whether it's been awarded to the 'right' people over the years it's still a rather lofty ideal and noble prize to strive for and be recognized by. Just because a number of candidates have been 'wrong' doesn't erase the times it's been awarded to 'right' candidates.

>Alfred Nobel invented the dynamite.

Yes - but it wasn't for cruel purposes i.e. to kill other people but as a way of harnessing explosives in a more convenient and practical way such that its application and need could be utilised in better ways e.g. clearing rocks, blasting tunnels - he had the best intentions despite what it was also used for.

>> No.4180743

>almost 100 replies later
>no-one has actually answered OPs question
>no-one has actually read the book and given any practical insight into it

Why /lit/? Why?

>> No.4180744


>muh lala

>> No.4180753

>It's been a shitty award for half a century.

Blame the body responsible for deciding who should get awarded it - not the prize itself.

>> No.4180767
File: 195 KB, 512x317, screen-shot-2013-10-09-at-5-09-17-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they fuck /lit/?

>> No.4180951

>this girl got shot in the head because she refused to not go to school.
no, she got shot because she was e-famous and (relatively) outspoken as compared to countless others girls that go to school there

>> No.4180970

>her fame is a result of randomness

Most fame is.

>> No.4180986

Everything is

>> No.4180989 [DELETED] 

I wanna fuck that towelhead bitch in her Arab ass.

>> No.4181033 [DELETED] 


yeah shes not bad, just rid the unibrow and a little makeup and she can be a solid 8/10

>> No.4181048

I like the color of her eyes

>> No.4181052

>obama drone strikes about 50 malalallalalas a week
>taliban shoots one and don't even kill her
>suddenly we should give a shit

Explain this shit.

>> No.4181056


well he's not 15 but, Orwell had Homage to Catalonia, and the first hand description of getting shot in the head was brilliant.

If anything the world needs more writings based on being shot in the head.

>> No.4181077

redditfeminist deteted

>> No.4181131

Easy. She's on our side.

>> No.4181167

>the liberal said before he found out she was a communist

>> No.4181180

There aren't any liberals on 4chan. There are far right wing pricks, people pretending to be right wing pricks, far left wing pricks, and people who don't care.

>> No.4181202

I pretend to be a left wing prick, sometimes.

>> No.4181209

Sometimes I post feminist stuff here that I don't actually believe, lol.

>> No.4181211

I'm a left wing prick 24/7, step it up.

>> No.4181288

>There aren't any liberals on 4chan.
I fucking wish. Reading this thread alone you can spot at least four or five of them.

>> No.4181290

Oh fuck off. She only wrote a book as a result of her publicity, so it makes sense to discuss her publicity. Nobody wants to read a naive 16 year old rant about feminism anyway.

>> No.4182497

>Explain this shit.

>> No.4182521

>tfw Malala lets you cum on her face but has flashbacks when you start squirting

>> No.4182545

how does she have dark skin? are you guys blind?

>> No.4182687

Stop confusing leftists and liberals

>> No.4182708


>you will never bring American freedom and democracy to Malala's moist, delicate, unspoiled "homeland".

>> No.4182718

I wish I were.

>> No.4182726

You idiots have managed to talk about a 15 year old child that lives halfway around the world for two whole days.

Is her book that revolutionary? Do I need to buy a copy of this right now? Because the fact that you retards are raging this fucking hard makes it seem like that is the case.

>> No.4182742

Pakistan is America's most trusted VIP gold-status ally, you fucking moron.

(Really, why is it that all the shitheap durka-durka allahu-akbar shitholes are American allies, and all the civilized, secular Islam-lite places are American enemies?)

>> No.4182747


We admire their views on women, mostly.

>> No.4182753

Because shitholes are corrupt and have a tiny ruling class. They can oppose the local democratic sentiment in exchange for some shekels.

You can't bribe a democratic nation as easily.

>> No.4182764

>They can oppose the local democratic sentiment in exchange for some shekels.
What? Try again. All forms of secular Islam are enforced by decree from above, all the anti-human soul-destroying forms Sharia Islam come from grassroots democratic movements.

Local democracy _always_ supports radical Islam, the more radical and the more batshit, the more it is supported by the common people.

>> No.4182776

What the fuck does her location matter? We're on the internet. Distance ain't shit. Nobody's raging either. Personas gonna persona.

>> No.4182782

>fukken wimmin being mediawhore feminsits

>> No.4182788

look who's raging here, faggot

>> No.4182796

Yeah, sure, Saudi Arabia is grassroots democracy.

>> No.4182799

>I always assume people I disagree with are my ideological opposites

I'm a leftist feminist, fuckhead. I'm just better at it than you are.

>> No.4182812

you really are. you're great at being a western feminist that is so adamant on denying the chance for someone not white voicing their opinion on feminism. keep up the good work comrade

>> No.4182815

>Yeah, sure, Saudi Arabia is grassroots democracy.
I doubt many Saudis oppose radical Islam.

>> No.4182817

That's a cool opinion, you care to source it to some survey?

>> No.4182819

Doesn't make it a fucking grassroots democracy, you daft cunt.

>> No.4182832

I'm not denying anybody anything. Just calling a spade a spade. Giving yourself to Western media isn't the equivalent of getting things done like so many pseudo-feminists like to pretend it is. Too much credit is given to "voicing opinions." You subvert the strength of your argument the second you give the tool of the oppressive agent (media) respect for pittances.

She's a child. A student. Yet Capital would like you to believe she's a source of "inspiration." Middle Eastern tragedy repackaged as triumphant hero Western people envision themselves as. The message is irrelevant. If inspiration and "feminism" is what gets people to buy something, they'll plaster her face all over it. You can no-caps your way out of rational thinking all you want, but time's the revelator and you'll see the value of horseshit like this when the same story is being sold next year with a new face.

>> No.4182853

>I'm not denying anybody anything.
lol. yes. saying "nobody wants to read what she has to say" isn't denying her a voice. backtrack harder cracka
what the fuck does this mean? you sound like a /pol/tard
>Too much credit is given to "voicing opinions."
it has everything to do with voicing opinions. because those opinions are radical, subversive and

>You subvert the strength of your argument the second you give the tool of the oppressive agent (media) respect for pittances.
you're such a revolutionary. like wow. down with the media. corporate bastards. don't be part of the culture machine or you're not a rill feminist. you're a pseudofeminist

>> No.4182933

your gimmick is so fucking boring dude.

>le wow rilly so __ so__

>> No.4182950

It's called a writing/rhetorical style, Anonymous.

>> No.4182959

well, you're the one who thinks that those silly sentence by sentence breakdowns are an effective way of "debating" (as your standard reddit "rhetoric" wants to consider that silly practice) and not just a form of altering the meaning of the whole unit ("but syntagmas have meaning by themselves! you surely don't mean that there's such thing as different levels of discourse!") and nitpicking, so you clearly don't understand either writing or rhetoric.

>> No.4182961

>it has everything to do with voicing opinions. because those opinions are radical, subversive and

This is the only thing sort of resembling an argument in your post and it's not even a sound one. Westerners jumping at the chance to hashtag women's rights and talk about how "inspiring" Malala is isn't "radical." It's mainstream. Diane Sawyer mainstream. A "radical" feminist opinion would be an analysis of the fact that anywhere women have gained traction in the West (college, Congress) has lost power within the time they gained it. Meaning women are only gaining ground in fields that Capital doesn't care about anymore. And this will keep happening the more liberal "feminists" like you keep preaching this filler bullshit and accepting the trappings of power.

Keep the no-caps Something Awful style posts coming, though, sarcasm and memespeak make for great replacements for actual arguments.

>> No.4182968

It isn't radical in the West, it's definitely radical in Pakistan.

>> No.4182971

yeah, and that radical act in pakistan becomes a bunch of tumblr posts with "inspiration" tags and a few comments on middle-aged women book clubs (always using the words "courage" and "inspirational"). "radical" acts turned commodities, inserted in the western scale of values to reinforce them.

>> No.4182972

I took more offense to you calling it a gimmick, actually, though I guess that's pretty nitpicky.

>> No.4182974

Who gives a shit about that? They're vapid outlets, they'll turn everything and anything vapid.

>> No.4183009

Wait a minute. I'm pretty sure I made a post about wanting to fuck her in this thread. Where did it go?

>> No.4183016

>it's definitely radical in Pakistan.

No, it isn't. There are small, radical elements in Pakistan that take issue with it.

>> No.4183066

i deleted it

>> No.4183092

100/100 made my roommate laugh

>> No.4183104

You can't do that

>> No.4183135

Looks like he can
post number 4180989 [DELETED]
Quoted by: >>4181033

>> No.4183205

I think it was deleted by someone else, actually.

>> No.4183240


She makes for a great media darling - much like there were actually several defiant black woman who refused to give up their seat but the 'pretty' young one who was most news 'worthy' was the one who got plastered as the poster child for black equality.

>> No.4183322

>obama drone strikes about 50 malalallalalas a week
>obama receives nobel peace prize

Explain THIS shit.

>> No.4183336

>Kissinger drops bombs on all of Indochina leading to millions of deaths and the Khmer Rouge taking power
>supports overthrows of democratic regimes
>gets the Nobel Peace Prize
>is still alive and highly respected
We simply live in the best of all possible worlds.

>> No.4185821
File: 93 KB, 348x506, פורום הזזה.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that israel stormfag

>> No.4185865
File: 117 KB, 400x535, eeEEeesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/wit/ shure wikes to tawk about deyr pwwizzes!

You kids make it sound like world leaders and brilliant folks you'll never even come near to meeting on any playing field, sit around and think to themselves "How do I DO IT?! How do I win that damned Nobel Prize?"

It's not the Olympics. It's not an Oscar. It's not a goal that one strives for to bring fame and notoriety. Unlike the Olympics that is sure to "inspire you" or the Oscars which is sure to pique your interest in whatever shitty extravaganza wins, the Nobel Prize has little to no bearing on your lives.

>inb4 Nobel Prize for Literature
If this is your means to choose what to read next you may as well give up on formulating a definition of what literature is if you're that spoon fed.

>> No.4186192

>You subvert the strength of your argument the second you give the tool of the oppressive agent (media) respect for pittances.

I can practically taste the paranoia.

>> No.4186219

So I just need to get shot in the head to become a best seller?

>> No.4186251

... you didn't already know that?