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4176257 No.4176257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ Movie-adaptation casting choices that are actually awful, but you would watch the fuck out of

>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone
>Blood Meridian with Robin Williams as the Judge and Michael Cera as the kid
>Dorian Gray with Jack Black as Dorian
>Stoner with Gilbert Gottfried as William

>> No.4176263

Things Fall Apart starring Chris Rock.

>> No.4176271

Divine Comedy with Kany West in the lead

>> No.4176273
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Blood Meridian
Gilbert Gottfried as The Judge
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper as The Kid
Billy Crystal as Glanton

>implying you wouldn't burn down an orphanage to see this happen

>> No.4176278

Crime and Punishment with Steve Buscemi as raskolnikov

>> No.4176283

>Dorian Gray with Jack Black as Dorian
>Al Pacino as Henry

>> No.4176284 [SPOILER] 
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Ever wanted to see Steve Buscemi's ballsack?

At least I think that's what this was supposed to be.

>> No.4176297

Steel Panther as the Karamazov's

>> No.4176299

>HBO series that is extremely faithful to the novel
>Except for the Karamazovs who maintain their Steel Panther persona

>> No.4176323

>Ever wanted to see Steve Buscemi's ballsack?

>> No.4176325

>produced, directed, and starring Kanye West

Honestly I could seem him doing something like this.

>> No.4176341
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the bell jar staring and directed by Thu Tran

>> No.4176353

Oh god, this

Also: Stranger with Ryan Gosling as Mersault

>> No.4176355

Oh god, I'd kill to see this

Also: The Stranger with Ryan Gosling as Mersault

>> No.4176365

Naked Lunch with Pauly Shore

>"interzone is like cuh-razzzzyyyyyy"

>> No.4176367

Ulysses with Bruce Willis in the lead role directed by M.Night Shymalan

>> No.4176924

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Wolf Larsen

>> No.4176934
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Latter-day Orson Welles
Humbert Humbert

>> No.4176940
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The Old Man and The Sea

>> No.4176945

Sorrows of Young Werther starring Hulk Hogan


lol, i've actually seen that show. bretty gud.

>> No.4176953
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perfect quilty though

Pic Related as Steppenwolf

>> No.4176967

Gravity's Rainbow

Stone Cold Steve Austin as Slothrop

Directed by Michael Bay

>> No.4176976 [SPOILER] 
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Moby Dick or The Whale with
Stallone as Ismael, Jack Lemmon as Ahab and Jackie Chan as Quiqueg

>> No.4176989
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this is a really out-of-left-field reference, but I've always envisioned Inskip the Uncatchable from the Stainless Steel Rat books as Brian Denehy

>> No.4177004

infinite jest directed by Paul W.S. Andersen

>> No.4177020

>he rewrites all dialogue

>> No.4177021

Of Mice and Men starring Vince Vaughn and Owen WIlson

>> No.4177036

>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone
You have created a dream to aspire to

>> No.4177039

A rebours with Johnny Depp

This actually is not that bad. It could even work!

>> No.4177040


This wouldn't be half bad, but I'd prefer Charlie Kaufman. I bet that's about as close as you could ever get to that sort of ivy league effete freneticism. And after directing Synechdoche he's shown that he definitely has the chops.

>> No.4177042

>it's actually less confusing than the novel because you can tell everybody apart by their costumes

Fund it.

>> No.4177075
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>marco polo - shia labeouf
>the great khan - jack nicolson
>love interest - megan fox
>directed by michael bay
>soundtrack by hans zimmer

it's an epic swashbuckling tale of adventure as the clever marco polo has to make up more and more adventurous stories to trick the barbaric khan into letting him live and to save his woman who appears in all the stories but is also being imprisoned by the khan in real life

>tfw the great khan is about to have megan khan lowered into a pit of crocodiles if marco polo can't entertain him and marco polo is going 'no no no no no no no no no no no nonono!' whilst frantically running around a giant chessboard moving the pieces so that the story pleases the khan
>tfw at the end they escape through a palace full of booby traps which blows up behind them taking the khan to his death

>> No.4177085

>He plays every character and makes it about him overcoming his personal demons and reaching heaven by his own greatness

>> No.4177092

>CGI Tupac as Vergil

>> No.4177109
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>> No.4177146

A Confederacy of Dunces starring Jonah Hill in the role of Ignatius

>> No.4177158

White Noise with Jason Bateman

>> No.4177180
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g-good one, anon

>> No.4177181

Michael Cera in anything. He'd be great in the role of Hamlet.

As I Lay Dying with the Baldwin brothers

>> No.4177184
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I always imagined Humbert to look like Cary Grant

>> No.4177185

I always imagined he looked like Jeremy Irons

>> No.4177192

>Dorian Gray with Jack Black as Dorian

That would be so fucking good

>> No.4177196


A Confederacy of Dunces starring Zach Galifianakis in the role of Ignatius

>> No.4177200


No, because that sounds like a decent casting choice.

>> No.4177203



>"There is currently a version in negotiation with director James Bobin and potentially starring Zach Galifianakis."

>> No.4177206

Yeah, but the OP said ostensibly terrible casting choices. Sounds like a decent choice

>> No.4177248
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>The Metamorphosis with Rob Schneider as Gregor Samsa
>Lolita with Chloe Moretz and Gary Busey
>The Road with Christopher Walken as the father and Adam Sandler as the boy

>> No.4177252
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>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone

>> No.4177258

>ITT: /lit/ Movie-adaptation casting choices that are actually awful,
Yep, they all sound fucking terrible,

>but you would watch the fuck out of

>> No.4177277

Huck Finn with Terry Crews as Jim and young Macaulay Culkin as Huck.

>> No.4177282

Aristophanes' Birds with David Cross and Michael Cera as Pisthetaerus and Euelpides, and Jeff Bridges as the Hoopoe

>> No.4177284

Mickey Rourke as Bob Dylan

>> No.4177291


Directed by Bob Dylan

>> No.4177293

Odyssey starring the cast of Jackass

the story is legend... but the stunts are real!

>> No.4177313

Oh, come on, that would be FUCKING GREAT.

>> No.4177318

That's the point of the thread.

>> No.4177333

I mean it would be genuinely great, not Tommy-Wisseau-great.

>> No.4177367

speaking of
The Shinning
Tommy Wisseau as Jack
Nicki Minaj as Wendy
MIcheal Cera as Danny

>> No.4177368

>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone
Oh gawd mah jimmies

>> No.4177371

>MIcheal Cera as Danny
Weird shit-less scared little boy turned into awkward teenager? Sold. Also, the axe scene with Wisseau's bizarre accent would be priceless.

>> No.4177375

The Satanic Verses with the Harold and Kumar guys.

>> No.4177377

Finnegans Wake
directed by Michael Bay
written by James Franco
starring James Franco, Danny McBride, Will Ferrell, Colin Firth, Tobey McGuire, and Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal

>> No.4177380


>All wark and no play makes Tommy a cinnuhmatic genias

So, Danny, how's your sex life?

>Near the end
>The chase through the maze
>Suspenseful as FUCK
>Wendy and Danny are finally getting away
>As they try to get away from the hotel they can hear a scream from inside the maze

>> No.4177395

>actually awful

>> No.4177400
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Isaac Asimov's Fantastic Voyage with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Neil deGrasse Tyson going into the CGI body of Christopher Hitchens

>> No.4177411

Stoner, starring Seth Rogan

The Bible, starring Michael Cera, Andrew Day O'Conner, Danny DeVito, Adam Sandal, and the cast of 2 Fast 2 Furious

>> No.4177414

>written by James Franco
>directed by Michael Bay


>> No.4177420

The Third Policeman starring Sean Connery, with Harrison Ford as his partner and Nick Frost as one of the policeman.

>> No.4177423
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>one of the policeman

>> No.4177431

A Confederacy of Dunces starring Jonah Hill

>> No.4177444


>> No.4177446

forgot Amanda Lapore as Dick Hollaran

>> No.4177447

heh, maybe. my friend who lives in NOLA saw him the other day

>> No.4177449

Great minds man.

>> No.4177457

Infinite Jest, starring Tim Heidecker as Hal, Eric Wareheim as Gately and James Quall/David Liebe Hart as everyone else

>> No.4177664

>Nick Cage standing in front of a firing squad consisting of dozens of other Nick Cage's

>> No.4177673

>Blood Meridian
>6 hours long
>Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and the Coen Brothers
>Adapted for the screen by the Coen Bro's
>Daniel Day Lewis as the Judge
>All other members of the Glanton gang are played by popular Brazzers girls

>> No.4177672


>> No.4177675
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>> No.4177681

As I Lay Dying with James Franco

But, oh, wait

>> No.4177693

>James Deen as the kid

>> No.4177696


mein sides

>> No.4177906
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>ivy league effete feneticism
It's funny because it's true.

>> No.4177909


>> No.4177917

Or Eddie Murphy

>> No.4177923

>and Eddie Murphy

>> No.4177939

>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone

I can see Charlie Kaufman writing this script.

>> No.4178032

Sade's Juliette starring Chloë Moretz as Juliette.

>> No.4178041

Thus Spoke Zarathustra with The Rock.

>> No.4178045

top lel

I am yet to see a movie with him in it, where he utters more than 6 syllables in a sentence.

>> No.4178069

>Nicholas Cage get's shot by the dozens of Nicholas Cage's
>a crying Nicholas Cage in drag runs towards his corpse

This movie needs to be made.

>> No.4178081

Nausea starring Dave Cook

Lolita featuring Amanda Bynes and the late Steve Irwin

2666 featuring Playboy's Playboy Playmates

Bleeding Edge starring Sandra Bullock

Post Office starring Ryan Gosling

The Stranger starring Steve Carrell

120 Days of Sodom starring you

>> No.4178091

Actually, what would happen in an actual adaptation would be

Another Nicolas Cage emerges from the nearby house with a hunting dog (with GCI Nic Cage face) and a shotgun and interrupts the execution, after which the shooting squad joins the Colonel and start a second wave of revolutions.

>> No.4178092
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>mfw nobody on /lit/ knows how to spell Nicolas Cage

>> No.4178095

>the 4chan mods lure a shit ton of /b/ users to a meet up were they are raped
>Janitors are the ones writing everything down
>/k/ guards the building
>/r9k/ tells the victims that it's their own fault they got raped

>> No.4178150

Paul Dano is...
Victor Ward

>> No.4178239

The Fountainhead with
Conan O'Brien as Howard Roark
Jimmy Falon as Peter Keating
Craig Fergurson as Gail Wynand
Ellen Degeneres as Dominique Francon
Larry David as Ellsworth Toohey

>> No.4178489

>Lolita with Chloe Moretz and Gary Busey
my fucking sides

>> No.4178501


thank you

>> No.4178519
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Catcher in the Rye directed by and starring James Franco

Crime and Punishment starring Andy Samberg

Sound and the Fury with Ezra Miller as Quentin, Kirsten Stewart as Caddy, and DMX as Benjy

>> No.4178524
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>DMX as Benjy

>> No.4178539

Less Than Zero starring Michael Cera

>> No.4178549
File: 32 KB, 500x323, 4f3ba4f3-55d0-44b7-9114-325a3f928bb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catcher in the Rye directed by and starring James Franco

Seems about right
>This summer, Rob Schneider is... a dung beetle!

>> No.4178564

>steve carrell

perfectly wrong

>> No.4178594

>Bleeding Edge starring Sandra Bullock
this seems... right

>> No.4178598

put Michael Cera in anything and it's funny. Dude's a joke

>> No.4178600

It happened in the kitchen.
She took the knife from the drawer. Stared at it, gripping it tight, admiring it's sharp edge and blinding gleam despite herself. She went over to the counter, rolled her sleeves up. Deep breaths and whispers: "You can do this. Get it over with. Come on!" She brought it down quickly, again and again, dimly aware of her own screams.
A gasp and a deep sigh.
She suddenly felt light headed. The tears came, but they were joyful: victorious even. She looked down reluctantly. Red stuff in her dazed, blurred vision. She wiped it away quickly. She was relieved. It was over. Thank god.
A voice. Male.
"Kristen? What the fuck, are you okay?"
She turned to face this vague apparition, laughing nervously, and then spoke in a low, choked voice...

"I fucking hate beetroot".

>> No.4178604

The Cement Garden starring Michael Cera and Aubrey Plaza.

>> No.4178605

joyful: victorious even

That colon made me want to murder my family

>> No.4178609

Yeah, I fucked that up
Care to piss on it in any other way?

>> No.4178615

All of those sound fucking incredible holy shit

>> No.4178621

Nope, try one of the non-blue boards if you want to get yourself off.

>> No.4178645

Asking for a critique? Hold on

>> No.4178686

Between drawer and stared there should be a comma, not a period. Unless it's some weird and ineffective stylistic choice.

I like the 'dimly aware of her own screams'

Overall it's a good little bit, if unexceptional.

Idk I can't find that much to say about it. Which is probably good and bad.

>> No.4179407

best thread ever

>> No.4179577


>> No.4179680

The bible, starring Brian Blessed as Jesus

>> No.4179683

>Jackie Chan & the Beanstalk

>> No.4179685

Ulysses with Kevin Spacey as Bloom and Gordon-Levitt as Stephen

>> No.4179887

Outer Dark with Joan and John Cusack

>> No.4180474
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That... oh please yes
In fact, Brian Blessed as everyone, except God himself, who would be played by Michael Cera

>> No.4180527

The Scarlet Letter

Julia Roberts as Hester
Jim Carrey as Robert Chillingworth
and Robin Williams as Mr. Dimmesdale

>> No.4180529

>implying this wouldn't be an improvement over the book

>> No.4180532

The Stranger

Keanu Reeves as Meursault
Sasha Baron Cohen as Arab who gets shot

>> No.4183019

>Hundred Years of Solitude with Nicholas Cage as everyone


>> No.4183063

Hell FUCKING yes

>> No.4183072


>> No.4183073


>> No.4183076

Fucking genius

>> No.4183078

He smirked and said "You ask me what one more time, motherfucker."

"What?" I said, "Since I can't find it myself."

"Give it up, nigga! Give it up!" said he, and turned with a sudden jerk, like someone who wants to be alone with his airborne serpents.

-Franz Kahuna

>> No.4183088

how are those even bad choices

>> No.4183091

One Flew Over with Melissa McCarthy as Nurse Ratchet

>> No.4183349
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Now I want more

>> No.4183373
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>>Blood Meridian with Robin Williams as the Judge and Michael Cera as the kid
I... I dunno

>> No.4184631

>implying you wouldn't watch it

>> No.4184635

Neuromancer with Zooey Deschaenel as Molly Mirrors and Crispin Glover as Case

>> No.4184645

Notes From Underground starring Robert Pattinson

>> No.4184793
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>First and Last Men with Tommy Wiseau as the Last Man and Jackie Chan as the protagonist.

>> No.4184831

I just realized that I always saw Raskolnikov as a mixture of Tom Cruise and some anime guy with smooth brown hair and a clear face.

>> No.4184844

> The dramatization of J Alfred Prufrock
> It's a musical
> Directed by Terrence Malick
> Vin Diesel in the title role

>> No.4184846


Replace Terrence Malick with John Waters and you're onto something.

>> No.4184847

Sasha Baron Cohen AS BORAT playing the Arab who gets shot.

>> No.4184906

Peter Sellers would have been a good William Stoner, I think.

>> No.4184907

I want Robert Crumb and other 60s comix artists to do an animated Crying of Lot 49

>> No.4184930

The Importance of Being Earnest with Robert Pattison as Jack

>> No.4185237

by my janglies!

>> No.4185284
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The Turner Diaries played by the cast of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

>> No.4185303
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Thus Spake Zarathustra

> Gary Busey as Zarathustra
> The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus as Zarathustra's Disciples
> Elija Wood as the Tight-Rope Walker
> Joe Pesci as the Jester
> Quenten Tarrentino as the Old Man
> David Spade as the Zarathustra's Shadow

>> No.4185305

Holy shit that'd be fucking great.

>> No.4185310

This would be the best movie ever made.
I'm not joking.

>> No.4185312

>Directed by David Lynch

>> No.4185323


this wouldn't be strange, or bad, at all.

>> No.4185325

Catcher in the Rye starring Michael Cera

>> No.4185365
File: 93 KB, 600x376, Wes-Anderson-Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirens of Titan

Directed by Wes Anderson

Luke Wilson as Malachi constant
Jeff Goldblum as Winston Rumfoord
Cate Blanchett as Beatrice Rumfoord
William Dafoe in blackface as Boaz
Jason Schwartman as Stony Stevenson
Bill Murray as Salo

Lots of David Bowie for the soundtrack

>> No.4185397

Sleepy Hollow, starring Johnny Depp directed by Tim Burton
Charlie and the Chocolate Facory, starring Johnny Deep directed by Tim Burton
Alice in Wonderland, starring Johnny Depp directed by Tim Burton

>> No.4185472

> Soundtrack by Randy Newman

>> No.4185482

>Homage to Catalonia

>Steve Buscemi.

>> No.4187653

Why the fuck was the file deleted?

>> No.4187734
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 127559_tristes-tropiques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Wes Anderson do Tristes Tropiques. A detached anthropologist (Edward Norton) wanders through the beautiful continent of South America, trying to determine man's place in the world. Also starring:
Jeff Goldblum and Nick Kroll as Vichy commanders at Martinique
Dany Trejo as Jesuit Priest
Bill Murray as crazy telegraph line operator
Dominic West and Brad Pitt as exploitative French traders in Mato Grosso

Dream-wave, chill-wave, and post-rock played throughout.

>> No.4187741
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Down and Out in Paris and London with Ed Miliband in the lead role.

>> No.4187753

this is magnificent

>> No.4187757

>Blood Meridian with Tom Wiseau as the judge

>> No.4187769

that just sounds awesome though

it should be someone younger than Edward Norton though

>> No.4187800

>Greg Sestero as Glanton

>> No.4187803

bahahah yes please

>> No.4187812

>tfw you realize the production of The Room was Blood Meridian set in the movie business

Seriously, if you read up on The Room's production history, it fits so well.

>> No.4187844

Michael Cera as Paul Atreides