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4172705 No.4172705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Remember who told you first.

>> No.4172706


>> No.4172713

Yeah, because it is always one of the favourites that wins.

>> No.4172716

It's gonna be some slavic woman, actually

>> No.4172717


>> No.4172722

it will be alan moore! ...it better be...

>> No.4172724

It was leaked. Her name is Svetlana Aleksijevitj

>> No.4172729

Yeah? Do you really think that anyone can check that source in the 1½ hrs left?

Bret Easton Ellis 2013.

>> No.4172735

the winners are notified before everyone else so i don't doubt it entirely

>> No.4172737

Who wants to bet? If you lose, you leave /lit/ forever

>> No.4172738

Really? Seamus Heaney was told by someone driving with a sign at the back of the car.

>> No.4172742

wiki says nobody could find him when the news broke

>> No.4172745

George RR Martin will win the nobel peace prize

>> No.4172748

lel, some people think Bob Dylan might win.

>> No.4172750

Yeah, and some local drove around with the sign.

:D Better chocie than Fo, Jelinek or Pinter.

>> No.4172759

anonymous should win

>> No.4172763


It's Alice Munro.

>> No.4172771


Anyone with half a clue knew it was going to be Munro. Women have won too few because there has been such a disparity in quality for lit on that level amongst the genders and this was a year when a woman could beat the comparatively lame competition while actually being great author in her own right. She was a lock.

If she didn't win I'll run out and buy a fedora and then eat it.

>> No.4172777

Um, guys, it's already been leaked. It's the Belarusian woman.

>> No.4172779

it'll be a woman for sure, because they suck at everything and need a pity award every now and then

but they need to pick someone more clearly patrician. i wont read any munro if she wins

>> No.4172780

Give some source then, fucko

>> No.4172785

It's obviously going to be Stephen King for his "extensive and varied oeuvre."

>> No.4172786

>she sucks because she's a woman
>I won't read her

>> No.4172788

Oh, imagine the indignation! :3


>> No.4172795

fuck no

>> No.4172808

It's going to be Adonis

>> No.4172812

And the winner is Svetlana Alexievich. Btw she is a great writer.

>> No.4172814

Probably but they haven't announced it quite yet.

>> No.4172822

As long as Munro doesn't get it. She is boring as fuck.

>> No.4172839

DFW of course

>> No.4172847

Pynchon won

>> No.4172842

Anyone got a stream for this shit?

>> No.4172845


>> No.4172848

But honestly what will you do if Joyce Carol Oates wins?

>> No.4172849


>> No.4172856


>"Yes it's gonna be a woman."
>[Identity politic joy.]
>"Alice Munroe"

>> No.4172858


>> No.4172855

ids habbening

>> No.4172861


>> No.4172864

Poor you

>> No.4172865

inb4 fedora butthurt

>> No.4172866

Why does he say 'and, in English' with such unconcealed contempt?

>> No.4172875

>how can you guys dislike a woman's writing? you must all be misogynist virgins

>> No.4172877

Because that is how old people talk.

>> No.4172883

Toppest of keks when her wiki page stated that she had won it when someone made a typo for another award.

>> No.4172891

Why not? :D

>> No.4172906

Did they already hand out the award? All I saw were two old dudes talking about books and then it ended.

>> No.4172912

That's how it goes.

>> No.4172916


Alice Munro confirmed

>> No.4172985

They don't hand it out until the ceremonies, duh.

>> No.4173010

The Nobel Committee; "Literature is dead."

>> No.4173044

B.e.e will probably die alone in a hotel swallowing his own vomit after drinking too much while a script for some teen drama that is set to air on the CW lay unfinished on the night stand.

>> No.4173049

That would have been infinitely more bullshit than what actually happened, OP, and you know it.

>> No.4173216

The next winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature will be Bret Easton Ellis.

Remember who told you first.

>> No.4173233

Ngugi Thiong'o is a shoo-in for next year's prize.

Going into this year's prize it was clear that Africa, North America, women, and short story writers were due some recognition --- the Nobel, being a global award, has a duty to be inclusive. After Munro's win, Africa moves right to the top of the list, and with Achebe deceased, Ngugi is the obvious choice.

>> No.4173234

I think he will die in bed surrounded by his family & loved ones acksherly. I hope he has a happy life and that he's happy, too, when that life ends. Look after yourself out there, Bret.

>> No.4173291

How do people get the balls to accept awards that obviously belong to their more-talented contemporaries? I wouldn't be able to look at that gold medallion without seeing Pynchon's face.

>> No.4173302

Oh get off yr fucking high horse

>> No.4173306

No, I'm serious - it'd be like a fifth place sprinter receiving the gold medal despite being the less talented contender. I'd be thoroughly ashamed.

>> No.4173313

The difference being that this isn't a race. It's an award for literature, and you can't just look at a photo and say "this person finished first", and there's only one awarded a year, and it's a lifetime achievement award.

Furthermore, we should have all come to terms with the fact that the Nobel Literature committee is at best deeply imperfect by now, so expecting a writer to decline an award on the basis of it being imperfect is bizarre, and especially so when Pynchon could still win it next year.

>> No.4173315


A race is a competition
The Nobel Prize for Literature is a competition


>> No.4173318

Oh, you're fucking kidding me now

A space shuttle is a vehicle. A car is a vehicle. Therefore, we should judge all cars by the standards of space shuttles.

>> No.4173324


We do though. We both judge them by the same measurements of speed.

Are you talking about aesthetics or some bullshit? Like you think things can be subjective or something?


>> No.4173328

>Are you talking about aesthetics or some bullshit? Like you think things can be subjective or something?

A... we are talking about literature here, aren't we? Am I hallucinating? We're talking about fucking literature here, right? Are you fucking mental, of course we're talking about aesthetics, unless you want to outline in depth the significant objective non-aesthetic criteria that you use to evaluate works of art. And the point, of course, is that a race differs from a competition of judging art precisely in that aesthetics play a part in it.

Seriously what is going on here

>> No.4173332

Have you both not figured out that you're both just trollings falling for the other's troll?

>> No.4173339

Well, this is /lit/, after all

>> No.4173341 [DELETED] 

I don't think there are any women writers quite as good as the best men writers, and I suspect it will always be that way, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.4173354

Some day, I will die & will be reborn in your body. Do you think I will be ok at looking after your family?

>> No.4173369

Sorry, I deleted that post because I had posted it in the wrong thread. I don't know who you are, by the way, but if you're the kind of person who uses ampersands in your writing, probably not.

>> No.4173379

>not liking ampersands
i think i'll be doing them a favour tbh

>> No.4173396

They're almost as bad as em dashes, especially fake two hyphen em dashes

>> No.4173406

>not liking em dashes or hyphens, & not wanting to fall in the arms of every person who ever used a double dash
tbh i'm not sure i want to meet the people who raised you

>> No.4173409


>> No.4173413


>> No.4173415

Pynchon will never win it because of Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge. I don't agree with that -- I think he deserves it on the strength of Gravity's Rainbow alone -- but that's just how they think.

>> No.4173419

Thomas Pynchon talks about anime and video games on page 69 of the Bleeding Edge.

>> No.4173420

I turned on the subtitles and the guy tells a story about how Bush danced to salsa music on the beach and fucked some guy at his beach house.

>> No.4173421

Who the fuck is alice munro

>> No.4173424

A very well-known Canadian author of short stories.

>> No.4173426

short story writer from canada. writer of single mom stories.

>> No.4173462


The most recent Nobel Prize winner in the Literature category


>> No.4175002

Yeah, he gotta show that he's hip with the kids.

>> No.4175006

And alive, something that makes her better than Sasha Grey's mom.

>> No.4175086


why would anyone be embarrassed if STEM girls were laughing at them? STEM girls are almost universally uncool, ugly, and socially awkward.

>> No.4175535

Girls laughing, period.

>> No.4175550

he won't get it, because he sucks.

>> No.4175554

They're used for different purposes, though. A space shuttle is literally incapable of getting me safely from my home to the grocery store down the street. All that speed doesn't do me any good unless I want to go to space.

>Like you think things can be subjective or something?
Are you arguing that subjectivity is literally non-existent?

>> No.4175579

is she any good?

>> No.4175979


So edgy m80

>> No.4176581

Matthew Broderick is a faggot.

So is Ferris Bueller. Fucking faggots.

>> No.4176589


he's published like two novels anybody took notice of and they were both pretty poorly received critically.

I'm pretty surprised/happy that Munro won. It's awesome that the Nobel prize committee can step away from the overtly political long enough to recognize an artist that has been putting out consistently brilliant work for several decades.

>> No.4176592

wow /lit/ is so easy to troll these days