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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.4159861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one reach wisdom?

>> No.4159866

with time, experience and luck?

Or maybe not. I wouldn't know since I don't have much of any of those under my belt.

>> No.4159865

through literature related discussion

>> No.4159871

by acknowledging mayli as our lord and savior

>> No.4159881

Holy shit, a cute girl on facial abuse? Most of the girls on there are atrocious. Do you have a name, OP?

>> No.4159882

goes by Mayli

>> No.4159884

She also goes by Amelia Wang (possibly real name?)

>> No.4159896
File: 360 KB, 1178x1662, you could have saved her sfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when she needed you the most anon?
You could have saved her, but you didn't.
Why didn't you?

>> No.4159903
File: 47 KB, 604x453, 1uzxss3cwddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to remember her every time my gut (read: dick) tells me a girl looks so sweet that she couldn't possibly be a broken whore.

>One must choose between loving women and knowing them.

>> No.4159914

Thanks. I'll try both.

God, I love Facial Abuse. It's too bad most of the girls they pick are trashy looking whores. I wanna see sweet, innocent girls degraded. :(

>> No.4159915

>tfw to sweet girlfriend who's also a real whore in bed

>> No.4159922


>> No.4159924


>> No.4159927

The greentext was insightful however.

>> No.4159962
File: 864 KB, 1024x768, Chrysanthemum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain and simple. For every question/dilemma you face: Ask yourself What is right, what is wrong and how do I approach this?
As you can imagine. Only you can answer, and the wisdom can only by found in you.

>> No.4160079

That feel

>> No.4160097
File: 5 KB, 195x195, 1334887187484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend has fucked nearly every guy I know, I'm pretty sure she does it to make me jelly and fuck her but I won't do it.

>> No.4160111

Was that pic related? If so that's was bretty gud

>> No.4160272

By stopping its search which is done by realizing it is not something to be reached: we are already there.

>> No.4160282

She is most definitely not broken, and not necessarily a whore the way you mean it.
I watched the video for some reason. I usually stay away from that kind of stuff. But something... Something made me think she was enjoying it. I think on some subconscious level I couldn't square someone that apparently sane and confident doing something so degrading, but after she vomited on herself with a dick still in her mouth after having been fucked from a position of the dick entirely down her throat already, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, and she came up smiling, beaming, a genuine, lovely, excited smile, I knew. This wasn't degradation, not really. She loved this. She was fully sane and knew exactly what she was doing. None of her jimmies could be rustled by what the guys were saying. She had found her niche and was perfectly happy with her decisions. I was put off by actual abuse, and as I came, I felt a sadness like mourning, as that old part of myself died and I dropped more materialism. Thank you Amelia Wang. You saved me.

>> No.4160816
File: 172 KB, 484x750, Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

>> No.4160833

I didn't know /lit/ was on the same level as /r9k/ when it came to viewing woman.

How can you act enlightened in any other topic on earth except women.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4160837

why is everybody on this forum such a prude about facial abuse

>> No.4160842

memorize some corny 'folk-wisdom' and you'll have most people fooled

>> No.4160853

Because humans have never been sexually pervasive before up until now.

>> No.4160862

Define wisdom.

>> No.4160874

besides club stirner /lit/s generally a pretty sad group of chumps

>> No.4160880


Stirnerfags are the worst of all. lrn2philosophy, kids.

>> No.4160922

But we are enlightened about women, hence we recognize the majority of them as useless whores. Is your fedora on too tight, white knight?

>> No.4160929


More on this slut?

Sometimes people just baffle me... I worked with this girl in college who was a huge slut... total bimbo look, fake tan bleach blonde, openly admitted to fucking pretty much any dude that moved. One time when she was talking to me about her escapades I just straight up asked her why aren't you in porn. And she laughed and said she knows she seems like the perfect candidate but that she never would and had a pretty thorough response about how it can follow you for the rest of your life, inhibit your job prospects, etc.

Then asian piano recital church girl goes on Facial Abuse.. Fuckin A man... fuckin a.

>> No.4160941

name one philosopher greater than stirner

>> No.4160948

I really don't get why she would do something like this. What the fuck drives people to the point where they would star in facial abuse?

>> No.4160948,1 [INTERNAL] 

Kelly Baltazar is her name