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/lit/ - Literature

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4159381 No.4159381 [Reply] [Original]

How do you allow magic to create powerful characters without turning them into gods like pic related?

>> No.4159404

Rules. Your magic should have rules even if you don't share those rules with the reader. It was depends on what kind of magic you want to have. Like North American Appalachian homebrew magic or Harry Potter supercalifragicexpialidocious magic?

>> No.4159406
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>Like North American Appalachian homebrew magic

>> No.4159412

Make magic low key, something that isn't seen, but rather felt, the ripples in reality it causes not always pleasant.
It' users are exploiting glitches in reality to get their will forth or even forcing it to bend to their will.
Also, never make it easy on the caster: The greater the spell, the greater a cost.

>> No.4159421

Yah subtlety is pretty important

But if you're going to have a god-like character just make sure they're not the center of the story because that gets boring fast

>> No.4159431

Yeah, unless it's a humorous tale or your god like character is clashing with other equally to greater powered opponents, those rarely work.
Also, always remember to give someone of power an Achilles' heel. Be it a character flaw or a hidden weakness of some sort. Preferably both.

>> No.4159458

the less it's used the better its impact.

>> No.4159483

Write good.

No, this is nonsense, stop trying to turn magic into pseudoscience to satisfy your engineering wankfantasies.

>> No.4159498

Magic realism

>> No.4159510

>stop trying to turn magic into pseudoscience to satisfy your engineering wankfantasies

>Stop trying to worldbuild functional magic to answer OP's question.
This is you.

Also OP pay particular attention to why there is magic in your story and what role it plays in your story. If you're just doing magic because it's magic, it is weak writing.

>> No.4159520

establish parameters and limits to how the magic functions and then make the character come up against these limits.

>> No.4159537

>preventing character from becoming God
>stopping the Fool from reaching the World
Stopped reading right there OP.