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File: 78 KB, 404x444, house_greyjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
415381 No.415381 [Reply] [Original]

Great sigil or GREATEST sigil?

>> No.415389

Fire and Blood nigger.

>> No.415401

Is that the greyjoy house? Those are the most boring chapters in the series.

>> No.415410

Hear Me Roar, you faggot.

>> No.415409


I like winter is coming too.

>> No.415418

What the fuck are you fags talking about?

>> No.415425

that one is good too.

>> No.415427

You shall pay the Iron Price for your blasphemy. What is dead cannot die.

>> No.415431

Yea, Iron island shit was so boring I had to skim the pages in those chapters and I never do that with books.

>> No.415434
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>> No.415441

Image is incorrect. It is "We do not sew."

They only wear knitted clothes.

>> No.415444


>> No.415449

They dont sow because they cant. They act like theyre proud of the fact that they cant accomplish something.

>> No.415457

Why are there stupid people who can't handle punctuation in /lit/?

>> No.415462

what is this i don't know but i want to know so badly. i know the definition of ''sigil'' though

>> No.415468

Song of Fire and Ice noble house that's a homage to H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu.

>> No.415473

It's from GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire series.
Ned Stark dies at the end of the first book.

>> No.415466

Ask Cormac McCarthy that.

>> No.415481



>> No.415482

yea sounds like drivel, anyway

>> No.415486


The Greyjoys are a bunch of faggots


>> No.415489

Unsullied here. You're all pussies.

>> No.415491

Martin dies before he starts on the sixth book.

>> No.415494

Asha's the only Greyjoy I liked. Theon's kinda fun because he's such an arrogant asshole, but the prophet guy is boring. I always picture him as Alan Moore.

>> No.415495

>implying that isn't a very well-known fact.

>> No.415503


Looking forward to more of The Reaver's story.

>> No.415509

>implying the unsullied are worth anything

good luck having to battle the entire Seven Kingdoms when they decide they FUCKING HATE the targaryens

>> No.415594

Ugh... the absolute worst writing is the Daenrys stuff.

"Why yes! Of course we'll sell you our entire army, which is trained to be absolutely loyal to you and have no loyalty to us whatsoever, and is ample in power to not only seize back the purchase price, but also everything else we own!"


"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

>> No.415616

Yeah, that was lame man.
that was bad writing right there

>> No.415634


>> No.415635

I thought that was fucking awesome.

>> No.415638

You know the kind of sauce that's strong?

That ain't the kind of sauce that writing is.

>> No.415647

Daenerys, the 14 years old military genius.

>> No.415657

The Night's Watch here. Since Dondarrion went all jesus, we're the baddest motherfuckers in Westeros. We're understaffed and underfed, and we still kicked wildling ass.
P.S. Incest isn't Wincest. Ask Cersei.

>> No.415659

I'm sorry what?
are you agreeing with me?

>> No.415697

Another thing I wasn't too impressed by was Roose Bolton picking the fat wife to maximize the "her weight in silver" dowry.

If it was gold it would have been different, but silver's just not that valuable. 200 lbs is about 3000 troy ounces, and at today's prices, silver's worth under $20 per ounce.

Basically, he picked a bloated wife for the price of a mid-range SUV, or in medieval terms, maybe a decent war horse. And this guy's a lord of one of the great houses.

That's not cold and calculating, that's just stupid.

>> No.415698
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Starks here.

>> No.415718
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you know asoiaf doesn't take place in the real world, right? so our economy is not the same as their economy.

>> No.415727

You know we all care about this made up world a lot more than the real one, right?

>> No.415752

I don't know about you, but I got the strong impression that the precious metals in their world are worth about as much as they are in ours: copper's small change, silver's everyday money, and gold's a way to carry a fortune in your pocket.

GRRM just didn't bother doing the math on that one.

>> No.415757
File: 52 KB, 300x468, RTEmagicC_coatofarms.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about my salutifer orbi

>> No.416250
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>today's prices
>not our world

>> No.416268

Maybe he was just spouting out an excuse to cover up his love for plump women?

>> No.416380
File: 13 KB, 150x150, House_Martell_Standard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

House Martell Here.


>> No.416395


If you un-broke something, doesn't that mean you fixed it?

>> No.416401
File: 14 KB, 447x301, spongebob_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aren't you all dead yet?

>> No.416406


unbroken [ʌnˈbrəʊkən]

1. complete or whole
2. continuous or incessant
3. undaunted in spirit
4. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Zoology) (Individual Sports & Recreations / Horse Training, Riding & Manège) (of animals, esp horses) not tamed; wild
5. not disturbed or upset the unbroken silence of the afternoon
6. (General Sporting Terms) (of a record, esp at sport) not improved upon
7. (Law) (of a contract, law, etc.) not broken or infringed
unbrokenly adv
unbrokenness n

>> No.416407

silver is more than "everyday money" even from the perspectives of the knights and lords you get the POVs of. It's still a good amount of money.

>> No.416410

Me too

>> No.416412

>we still kicked wildling ass.
pffft. you held off a nearly impenetrable wall for a day or so with massive casualties and the got your ass saved by stannis.

>> No.416420

I think the point was more that he didn't give a fuck about love, just money and the influence he'd have marrying a Frey. The math of how much the silver's worth isn't quite key.

>> No.416423


srsly fuck the freys

>> No.416422


For all intents and purposes?


My one regret? House Umber is down on the ropes too. Bite off two of his fingers? They're now your friends for life.

>> No.416425
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>> No.416429

which one is umber again?

>> No.416433

The Greatjohn and the smalljohn

>> No.416438

A House sworn to Winterfell and House Stark. Their seat is the Last Hearth. Their sigil is a giant, breaking free of chains.

Jon Umber, Lord of the House, known as the "Greatjon" for his huge size. The Greatjon brought men to Winterfell when Robb Stark called the banners. He challenged the young lord's authority at first, until Grey Wind bit off two of his fingers. After this incident, he became Robb's most fervent supporter. He led the van of Robb's army as it moved south and participated in the Battle of the Whispering Wood and the Battle of the Camps. After Riverrun was relieved, he was the first lord to proclaim Robb the King in the North. He is believed to have survived the Red Wedding and is being held captive at the Twins by House Frey.


Jon Umber, son of the Greatjon. Battle companion to Robb Stark, killed at the Red Wedding.

>> No.416442

oh yeah, those fuckers are awesome.
Anyway, House Lannister is clearly superlative.
Fuck y'all.

>> No.416460


Of all of them the only one I really respected was Tyrion, if more for the sheer balls he possessed to do even 1/2 of the things he got away with and accomplished.

>> No.416467

Give them more credit than that.
Jaime was the finest knight of his time
Tywin was one of the most cunning fuckers ever.
Cersei led an epic coup d'etat
Joffrey has that cunt Sansa put in her place over and over again
There is no more badass house than the Lannisters.

>> No.416482


Except for the Starks, ofc

>> No.416489

fuck the starks. It's made up of 20 dead people and 4 children, one of whom is a cripple that rides on a retard's back. Which was plagiarized from Freak the Mighty.

>> No.416494


I think you meant

>There was no more badass house than the Lannisters.

Considering they're all either dead, imprisoned, or not really Lannisters anymore considering Tyrion is basically exiled and Jaime is taking his role as the Lord Commander over helping Cersei.

>> No.416496


4.5, really...

>> No.416501

that's a legitimate point you just made, actually.
I don't really have a response that wouldn't disqualify my remarks about the Starks.
Well played.

>> No.416507

come on. think about the hodor and bran, and then think about freak and max. The exact same thing.

>> No.416510


I do believe you are forgetting Lord Snow

>> No.416519

oh yeah, he's a pretty cool guy. good call.
Still, it's entirely possible that he will get fucked by Lannister hired assassins soon.

>> No.416522

Guys, I'm GRRM's computer tech. Ask me anything.

>> No.416523


well stark now has their own hired assassin of sorts who would probably be more useful if she could see

>> No.416524

she's not an assassin yet, don't overstate her skills.

>> No.416526


How fat is he really?

>> No.416529


Oh, I'm not the same guy. As far as I'm concerned the Starks and Lannisters are all either without a real house or dead.

Come to think of it, I'm not actually sure who I want to come out on top in Westeros. The Lannisters and Starks are both up shit creek, the Greyjoys and Daenaerys would end up fighting the majority of Westeros if they ever actually TRIED to take over, the guys in Dorne don't seem to actually want to do anything other than fight Hightower and get revenge on the Lannisters, and I would absolutely hate it if Littlefinger somehow managed to weasel his way anywhere near the throne.

>> No.416531


in time she'll grow into it, provided she doesnt get raped half a hundred times

>> No.416535

I doubt that the Ironmen would actually have the capacity to do any serious harm to Westeros even if they tried. Their numbers are just not enough to do anything on land.
It seems like it will be a theocracy of sorts for a while.
Shit's gonna go down between the Seven and R'hlor.

>> No.416538


The Mountain That Eats is a pretty apt description.

>> No.416541


Shiiiiiiiit, totally forgot about the Militant Faith coming back.

>> No.416543
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>> No.416544



>> No.416548

he apparently hit 1311 pages on March 1.
says it will PROBABLY be done by the end of the year on his blog.

>> No.416557


And on March 5th, right below that he says, "For some reason, got nothing written today."

>> No.416561


Would it be any faster if he stopped watching so much football?

>> No.416562


Jesus, just think about what would have happened if he actually had all of that in AFfC as well.

>> No.416567

the book would have been over 9000 pages long

>> No.416573


He's been done for a year. He's just not released it to raise anticipation. All this talk of writing? Pure marketing.

Who wants to know what happens at the wall?

>> No.416618


If that was true, the rage if it was found out would be immense.

Oh well, back to waiting for the next Dresden Files book...

>> No.416633


i guess we're just gonna have to hope butcher keeps putting out whilst we wait for grrm to awake from his eternal slumber

>> No.416652


So GRRM is Cthulu?

>> No.416655


Only instead of people he eats fanboy tears when a Stark dies.

>> No.416660


well after four books, he can't possibly *still* be hungry, can he?

>> No.416692
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He hungers.

>> No.416741

Maaan.... he's going to die of Nachos before he finishes the books isn't he?

Then we'll get a shitty continuation cribed from grease stained napkins and beer drenched notebooks...

>> No.416808


He authorized his agent to end whatever he's done writing with " ..and so Daenerys Stormborn, First of Her name, died across the narrow sea without ever seeing her homeland, and the others came across the wall and killed everyone. The end."

>> No.416982

Did anyone start wishing after a while that Tywin Lannister had just taken over the kingdom? I mean he was by far the most competent motherfucker anywhere near the throne. He was even the Hand during the reign of crazy pyro king, a position infamous for getting shafted and blamed for everything, and yet the people actually liked him. He controlled his family's wealth and made them literally wealthier than the royal throne. He fights the north to a standstill, while simultaneously adding new allies with strategic marriages. And if only Catelyn hadn't happened to run into Tyrion at an inn, he probably would've managed to take over the whole kingdom, with or without assassinating Robert.

>> No.416987


>Crazy Pyro King


>> No.417507


Yeaaah..... that would be awesome.

>> No.417681

It will be longer than Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.417703

'nuff said

>> No.417714

Well that was unnecessary.