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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 341x450, Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
415312 No.415312 [Reply] [Original]

okay /lit/ i have a paper due tomorrow on the holocaust

Who is most responsible in percentages out of 100%

1. Residents of concentration camps
2. Minor Nazi soldiers
3. Hitler
4. People who voted for Hitler
5. The Jews that didnt try to escape
6. Top SS officers
7. Non Jewish europeans who turned against their jewish friends cause they were scared of being imprisoned
8. Leaders of allied countries who didnt do shit
9. Churches that didnt do shit
10. God

>> No.415321

Only the people who created and implemnted the plan can carry the full blame. The guards and SS officers all receive half credit at best.

>> No.415326

Write a paper on holocaust denial, as to why the holocaust is a lie perpetuated by Zionist Jews to put the white man down.

>> No.415346

1. Residents of concentration camps 0%
2. Minor Nazi soldiers 0%
3. Hitler 20%
4. People who voted for Hitler 20%
5. The Jews that didnt try to escape 0%
6. Top SS officers 40%
7. Non Jewish europeans who turned against their jewish friends cause they were scared of being imprisoned 0%
8. Leaders of allied countries who didnt do shit 20%
9. Churches that didnt do shit 0%
10. God 0%

>> No.415349

The holocaust is the result of a countless number of individual choices, which although individually might have been mundane amassed into mass murder.

>> No.415355

/lit/ - my homework

>> No.415369

Why don't you have Himmler on there OP?

>> No.415398

I guess he's included in "Top SS officers."

>> No.415399

1. Residents of concentration camps 75%
2. Minor Nazi soldiers 0%
3. Hitler 0%
4. People who voted for Hitler 0%
5. The Jews that didn't try to escape 25%
6. Top SS officers 0%
7. Non Jewish europeans who turned against their jewish friends cause they were scared of being imprisoned 0%
8. Leaders of allied countries who didnt do shit 0%
9. Churches that didnt do shit 0%
10. God 0%

>> No.415402

indifference - 100%

>> No.415404


>> No.415405

Jews - 100%

>> No.415411

1. Residents of concentration camps 0%
2. Minor Nazi soldiers 0%
3. Hitler 0%
4. People who voted for Hitler 0%
5. The Jews that didnt try to escape 0%
6. Top SS officers 0%
7. Non Jewish europeans who turned against their jewish friends cause they were scared of being imprisoned 0%
8. Leaders of allied countries who didnt do shit 0%
9. Churches that didnt do shit 0%
10. God 100%, God's will be done.

>> No.415412

1. Residents of concentration camps - 25%
2. Minor Nazi soldiers -0%
3. Hitler - 25%
4. People who voted for Hitler - 0%
5. The Jews that didnt try to escape - Wat?
6. Top SS officers - 25%
7. Non Jewish europeans who turned against their jewish friends cause they were scared of being imprisoned - 25%
8. Leaders of allied countries who didnt do shit - 0%
9. Churches that didnt do shit - 0%
10. God -0%

>> No.415423

>5. The Jews that didn't try to escape 25%
Blaspheme the were part of the solution

>> No.415436

11. The jews that arranged the whole thing to cut down on competition and get the sympathy carte blanche. 100%

>> No.415447

you, sir, are and idiot

there was no holocaust, you fool... man, lit is getting stupider every day...

>> No.415446

Dude you are going to get kicked out of the conspiracy theory club with that kind of talk.

>> No.415442


>> No.415448


>> No.415450

ur stupid

>> No.415683

the person that gave hitler a swirlie in 7th grade, 100%

>> No.415687

No. No you are not.

>> No.415700
File: 118 KB, 346x368, 663e3ca3b299b02e37e11424509ff874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely correct.

the OP? why he's in grade 4 busy masturbating to his momma. Saged

>> No.415717

Hey op, why don't you add the jews that made pre-war germany a bad place for germans to live?

>> No.415736
File: 5 KB, 205x199, spock_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you stick your dick in a blender, boi. You'd be making the world smarter

Do it.

>> No.415948

thanks /lit

>> No.415956

God - 100%

>> No.415975
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 120px-Communawesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.415994

Only those who directly shot the jews or operated the oven receives 100% of the exp. The other receives no experience. Fucking leeches.

>> No.416000

what the hell dude, you apparently cant even right, what are you doing on the lit board?

>> No.416004

die thread die

>> No.416745
