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/lit/ - Literature

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4155542 No.4155542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Important literary questions thread.

Should I embark on a no fap quest if I don't understand courtly love?

Was this shit purely literary, or did it actually reflect the love life of the aristocratic class in 1066?

>> No.4155551

What makes you think they didn't fap? They masturbated like crazy teenagers back then.

Do this instead: go 10 years without a fucking. Oh wait, you've been doing it your whole life...

Well, so it is that you were fit to identify with them all along!

>> No.4155557

Chivalry as we imagine it- Knights devoting themselves to a damsel in distress, etc. - are myths, along with the Dark Ages.

>> No.4155604

Courtly love was invented to get the aristocracy to stop beating the fucking shit out of each other, acting like animals and rapists, and ransacking peasants' estates on their war game feuds. After writing them courtesy books they couldn't read, and ordering them by papal bull to stop being retards, it was finally decided to get them to behave by making the popular literature of the time into cuckold porn.

Some of the greatest chivalric heroes are guys who worship and grovel at the feet of a woman they've met twice and who is married to another man.

>This is how the peoples of antiquity and of the Orient have regarded women; they have recognized what is the proper position for women far better than we have, we with our Old French gallantry and insipid women-veneration, that highest flower of Christian-Germanic stupidity which has served only to make women so rude and arrogant that one is sometimes reminded of the sacred apes of Benares which, conscious of their own sanctity and inviolability, thought themselves at liberty to do whatever they pleased.

>> No.4156559

I don't understand Courtney Love as well but that doesn't mean I'll stop fapping.

>> No.4156564

B-b-but the church told them not to.
Don't dare tell me you would do that, anon.

>> No.4156596

whoa, it's like an /r9k/ thread

>> No.4156614

Women are vapid and suitable for the hypnosis of romance. Are you a child or merely half of a man? There are only handful of suitable women for the perfectionist; the rest are whores and cows.

The union between a suitable man and a suitable woman is in no way represented by the myth of 'courtly love'.

>> No.4156615

>What your beauty erected was demolished by your actions; from the former I understood that you were an angel, and from the latter I know that you are a woman.

>> No.4156623

so spake the virgin

>> No.4156656

holy shit look at this virgin

>> No.4156658



>> No.4156712
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"In the novel, Don Quixote, the character Cardenio is first encountered by Don Quixote and Sancho wandering in the desolate mountains of Sierra Morena. He at first avoids the Knight and Sancho, appearing as a long-haired, half-clothed, and long-bearded hermit (the two refer to him as "The Ragged One") leaping over crevices and hiding in trees."

sounds about right

>> No.4156721

Are.. are you calling a fictional character a pathetic virgin now

>> No.4156733


arrogance earns loneliness

>> No.4156755
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Courtly love is like a medieval european version of guys who are into waifus.

>> No.4156764
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>Some of the greatest chivalric heroes are guys who worship and grovel at the feet of a woman they've met twice and who is married to another man.

Sometimes they don't even met their "love from afar".

>Jaufre Rudel was inspired to go on Crusade upon hearing from returning pilgrims of the beauty of Countess Hodierna of Tripoli, and that she was his amor de lonh, his far-off love. The legend claims that he fell sick on the journey and was brought ashore in Tripoli a dying man. Countess Hodierna is said to have come down from her castle on hearing the news, and Rudel died in her arms.

>> No.4156988
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