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4151977 No.4151977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People here, that is. I doubt they've release sales figures yet. It's like this board goesn't give a fuck about Pinecone anymore. You know what's truly scary, though? This board has stopped caring about DFW and IJ as well, which is amazing.

>> No.4151993

there are threads about pinecone all the time

>> No.4151995

I have it, I just need to finish some other books before I start it.

& it's impossible to discuss IJ since the autists from /mu/ turned it into a meme.

>> No.4152012


What's this?

>> No.4152017

i've avoided buying bleeding edge because I hate books that use stupidly easy "sad events" like 9/11 or the holocaust to evoke an emotional response. does pynchon use 9/11 as shittily as foer or delillo?

>> No.4152019


I haven't read their 9/11 books, but it's not like that at all. FFS, this is Pynchon. You really think he cares about getting the audience to experience emotions? He just wants to be silly and reference obscure things.

>> No.4152026

>He just wants to be silly and reference obscure things.

that's funny that you'd say it like that. sounds a lot like what I've heard from palahniuk fans to describe him.

>> No.4152028
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1) The people who read, loved and understood DFW have left this sad board long time ago.
2) The people who fake reading, loving and understanding Pynchon are the vocal majority now.

>> No.4152031

I bought it but haven't thought about reading it yet. I also care about IJ

>> No.4152035

Pynchon never sermonised about the Nazis or the Holocaust so I don't see why 9/11 would be any different.

>> No.4152191

Every time someone calls him Pinecone, I think about when my goldfish had dropsy. Their scales stick outward perpendicular to the body, and the tissues swell dramatically, forming skin lesions. This is called pineconing. They essentially rupture, bleed out, and die, in what would be excruciating pain were they able to experience it. It is honestly the most horrific thing I have seen in my life.

Anyway, I care about IJ. DFW's "This is Water" speech is also beautiful. Against the Day is the most underrated Pynchon novel. Nobody talks about it here. I mean, even if it is pretty much spiritual prequel to GR, it's an incredible read.

>> No.4152315
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I read, loved, and understood (to an extent) DFW