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File: 300 KB, 601x779, existentialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4149490 No.4149490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of existence?
Did you ever have an existential crisis? Do you still have it? Did you get out of it? If yes, then how?

>> No.4149498

Pull a Stavrogin

>> No.4149500

The point is to orient oneself properly to one's freedom by virtue being responsible for their choices.

>> No.4149504

>The point is to orient oneself properly to one's freedom by virtue being responsible for their choices
Can you translate that now?

>> No.4149506

Oh yeah baby, pull my Stavrogin.

>> No.4149516

It means quit being a whiney bitch

>> No.4149520
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>I haven't worried about the meaning of life in years
>I will never experience the void of meaninglessness

>> No.4149521

What is an existential crisis anway?

>> No.4149522

>Did you get out of it? If yes, then how?
Reading Crime and Punishment

>> No.4149534

So you became a christian?

>> No.4149546

There isn't one.
You're the pink bipedal product of billions of years of complete happenstance.
And getting upset or broody about that is just a form of mental masturbation that gets in the way of making sure that the next generation of pink bipedal accidents think like you do.

>> No.4149542


realise you know good and evil, realise you already know the way, and that the pain in your life stems from your resistance to the way.

in short, start walking to where you know you gotta go. oh, and eyes front.

>> No.4149563

The aim would be to experience nothing but unfiltered insouciant sensation, as a child does. Freedom is a state of mind. Watch a baby crawling across the carpet, oblivious to where the barriers come from or what's on the other side. This is why I've heard it said that to be a child is to be closest to the mind of God.

>> No.4149575

I'm not that well versed literary but I never seemed to have a problem with accepting the fact that the universe is pretty much meaningless and mostly cold, hard, unforgiving space.

>> No.4149586

No. I think you've taken it too much literally.

>> No.4149597

>What is the point of existence?

The answer is either none or you can make a point for yourself as a goal in life that's achievable and demands lots of time. Or just follow a religion.

>Did you ever have an existential crisis?

Yes, I did.

>Do you still have it?

Yes, I still do.

Did you get out of it?

No, however I've been punishing the responsible ones for my crisis i.e.my parents by not talking to them nor replying.

>> No.4149631

Have you ever read any of them?

How can /lit/ bring up so many big names to the table and then come up with so many unarticulated poorly phrased dumb little hanging aimlessly questions?

I can see right through this shit that it's not the question that is the matter, but a weak inner grammar, little awareness or sensibility. One who questions without a real voice will be given an answer he won't be able to listen.

>> No.4149634

Hello, fellow Dostoyevskian, I too am of your situation.

>> No.4149635

Outside of the individual, there is no purpose in life (other than reproduction). Therefore, the idividual must come to a conclusion on what there purpose for living is. I guess you could say that I had an existential crisis for several years, which was probably made worse by my problems with depression. For me personally, the only purpose for life is to enjoy life, so long as your own pursuit of happiness does not impede other's pursuit.

>> No.4149637

What I mean, as derived from Heidegger, Sartre and de Beauvoir, is that we freely interpret what the world is (horses are for riding not for eating, I like blue ink not black, I must fight a revolution) but because we made the world the way we see the world we are responsible for how we see it and what we do in it. You got drunk and then drove, well it is your fault because you decided to do that. You got shot in the war; you put yourself there. So yes there is some validity to the notion that one shouldn't be a whiney bitch. But people are whiney bitches because the fact they we are totally responsible is a very tough situation

>> No.4149642

Well that's what religion is for, to give purpose to life for those who can't discover it on their own. Some people are able to come up with their own personal goals to make life meaningful for them, other's need something outside of their individual consciousness to give them meaning and purpose

>> No.4149687
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>tfw you sometimes miss the void
>tfw when it comes back you wish it went away

>> No.4149692

The point

Our heads.

>> No.4149693

The point of our existence is to survival and pass on our genes. No more than that. There is no meaning to life. Unless you're a retarded religious fucklord then just get over it. Do what you want. Make your own meaning.

>> No.4149724

I fell like my life for the past decade has been one big existential crisis. Besides for Dostoevsky, who else should I read to 'get over' it.

>> No.4149728


>> No.4149726

>I fell like my life for the past decade has been one big existential crisis.

That's just because you've never done anything with your life that's been worth a shit. If you got up off your fat ass you'd worry a hell of a lot less about this make-belief "crisis" you're having.

>> No.4149732

Can some literature make you pull out of existential crisis? Stuff like the Stranger, Dostoevsky's work etc

>> No.4149733
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There is no point.

>> No.4149736

What lies beyond universe?

>> No.4149737

It's turtles all the way down.

>> No.4149738


Define 'done anything.'

>> No.4149739
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Beats me.

>> No.4149754
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I had never imagined such an image could induce such a wave of depression.

>> No.4149764


You think that's bad?

Try studying cosmology. Knowing how insignificant you are and your species, knowing that eventually everything will die and the universe will be a sad lonely place with no life, no stars, no galaxies, no black holes, nothing.

Enjoy your life as it will be over very very very soon.

>> No.4149765

To be fair, the double logarithmic scale gives a false impression: The time between now and the sun becoming a black dwarf is thousand times longer than anything that happened before together.

>> No.4149770

a million of course.

>> No.4149775

A whole lot of nothing, and other universes expanding, bursting and colliding like inconceivably large soap bubbles would be my humble guess.

>> No.4149778

The meaning of life is:

1. learn stuff
2. make sutff
3. experience stuff
4. while being nice to stuff and people

whoever thinks differently can suck my cock.

>> No.4149784

That's the wrong question. That's like standing on a sphere and wondering where the end is.

>> No.4149790
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OP is retarded, abandon.

>> No.4149791
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>> No.4149798

What, exactly, was euphoric about his post?

>> No.4149816

We dont know.

I have been haunted by thoughts of suicide since it started, but they've calmed down a bit since my family forced me to take medication for depression and schizophrenia.
Of course i absolutely hate this and wish to go back to the days of despair and hallucinations where everything was clearer.
You cant solve a conceptual problem by changing your physical self, that doctors and society have convinced themselves of this causes me hatred more than anything.
I still think of offing myself, but i did like Kierkegaard and started using philosophy as a suicide hotline.

>> No.4149820


Nothing. Probably he offended some excessively sensitive religious pussy.

>> No.4149828

Le epic euphoria maymay. Have all my upvotes good sir XDDDD

>> No.4149839

I never had an existential crisis.

What I suffer, however, is of extreme doses of nostalgia and horror in perceiving the passage of time. The fact that things change, that I and those that I love are all aging and will eventually die is something that makes me very sad.

I am 26 years old, and the memory of my childhood days, despite being sweet, it is also very sad: it seems to me a simple past, free from ambition or care, that will never return.

The twilight, when I see it in the way home through the window of the car, is something that makes me very sad. It is the obvious symbolism of the end of existence. I do not wish death to exist, but there is nothing to do about that. Life is so good, it’s a pity we must disappear.

>> No.4149841

The poster he was replying to was basically saying "Dont think about it" and preaching the biological position commonly adopted by atheists.
Just posting the fedora picture was childish, but i would also expect /lit/ to be able to deduce its meaning.

>> No.4149844

*tips it*

>> No.4149849

>implying there must be a point
If you believe that existence has a predetermined purpose, and you must have a "purpose" in order to completely realize your existence, then you've got a long ways to go.

>> No.4149851

There isn't one. So what's your excuse for not being an ethical hedonist?

>> No.4149853

So what's your excuse for not being an unethical hedonist?

>> No.4149857


because he's an ethical hedonist

>> No.4149860

Make an argument supporting your statement, that because there is no point to our existence, it naturally follows that we should be hedonists.

>> No.4149862

>and preaching the biological position commonly adopted by atheists.

Why do you guys hate atheists so much?

I know it's annoying the fact that they defend atheism as if they were defending a religion, but in general is much more logical to assume that there are no gods than to believe that we are here because of the will and plan of some higher being.

At first I thought the fedora accusations were made for posters that were nerds that wanted to shock, something like edgy teens, but gradually I realized they were made to criticize atheists. Any non-beliver post is now rotulated as fedora.

I did not know there were so many religious people on 4chan.

>> No.4149863

My excuse is that "ethics" and "hedonism" can mean literally anything, or not exists if you dont want them to.
Ofcourse the same applies to excuses.
For being such a proliferating ideology most understand so little of nihilism.

>> No.4149864


>> No.4149865

Douglas Adams said that once the point of existence is figured out the entire universe will be poofed out of existence and replaced by something else that stranger than anything ever imagined.

>He also said that this has happened before and more than once.

>> No.4149867

Of course most were able to deduce its meaning. Some of us just find the anti-atheist circlejerk to be blatant shitposting, especially when the post in question wasn't particulary "euphoric".

>> No.4149868

>weak inner grammar

You think like me, anon, but I've expended all of my energy replying to these threads.

>> No.4149869


>4. while being nice to stuff and people
>whoever thinks differently can suck my cock.

>> No.4149871

he would let you suck his cock, isn´t that nice? :^)

>> No.4149873

Isn't the whole Hitchhikers series a satire on pointless threads like these?

>> No.4149874

I don't think it implies that those who critique atheists are religious.

In the same way that those on /a/ detest anime fans who have only ever watched Naruto and One Piece, by lashing out against another part of the same community they put themselves above the parts of the fandom that they themselves dislike, and consolidate their feeling of superiority with the other elitists.

>> No.4149877

I solved my existential problem by a chance encounter with DMT and digestive plant inhibitor.

>> No.4149881

You don't actually believe that then on any meaningful level, just an intellectual one. There is some disconnect between your subsconscious and your thoughts.

If you actually believed this you would be deeply depressed and wishing death every single day

>> No.4149886

>What is the point of existence?
That is kind of a silly question. What kind of answer to it would you say there could be?

>> No.4149889

Aren't you projecting your own feelings on me a little bit? I really have no problem with being a part of an essentially meaningless process.

>> No.4149891

You know, you might spend hours of your life on this question. But the answer will always be the same: you don't know, and you will never know.
Have some fun, enjoy life for what it is and try to act nice to others. We'll see what happens after that.

>> No.4149895

If one's a fag, it might be.

>> No.4149905

>You don't actually believe that then on any meaningful level, just an intellectual one. There is some disconnect between your subsconscious and your thoughts.

You know, that makes sense.

If you think on the thousands of people paralyzed; terminally ill with diseases that keeps them imprisoned for life to a bed; people starving; people who are rotting with gangrene, leprosy and cancer, and so: if you think on all these people and know that the universe does not care about them and that they feelings are worthless for existence, the fact that they suffering will never be reciprocated in another life, you get very, very sad.

And the wildlife? I saw some hyenas devouring a wildebeest alive, sinking their noses in his guts while the animal was still yelling. I also saw a baby gazelle being eaten alive slowly by a bloody baboon. If you think in this colossal web of sorrows and jungle of agonies that bubles every day in the world, and know that all this suffering is without merit or reason, you really get enormously depressed.

Faith is what makes people endure injustice and suffering. Take faith away, and there is only despair.

>> No.4149945
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what if i'm a brown bipedal product

it sounds like shit

>> No.4149949

Agreed. It's easy to accept this when you're passively thinking about it, but if you roll it over in your mind to the point where it starts to seep into your subconscious that's when existential crisis happens.

>> No.4149950

Faith, which really is a psychological crutch, can help people to get through misfortune and sorrow, but cannot help them to make progress, which eventually reduces those bad things. For that, you need to think and know yourself, others and the world as they really are.

>> No.4149966
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>> No.4149973

The point of existence issssssss:
not to think about it.

>> No.4149998

I've had gender dysphoria / identity diffusion / borderline issues.

I probably still have GID, but I'm not letting it get to me.

>> No.4150000

Who's the guy in the top-rigjht?

>> No.4150005


sartre should be replaced with kafka in op's image. We're all thinking it, but someone had to say it.

>> No.4150024

Just curious, how true were otto rank, irvin yalom, emmy van deurzen or the like to this stuff?

>> No.4150035

go back to reddit faggot, douglas adams is fucking shite

>> No.4150041

>For that, you need to think and know yourself, others and the world as they really are.

What a crock of shit. I know you are implying that this is achievable through scientismofism. If you actually studied the foundations of science you would know that this would require a leap of faith. God gives better meaning and purpose, than the cold soulless descriptions of phenomenon that science offers and even this is the only thing you get it's still not truth it's pragmatic approximations, where our imaginations merely mirror reality in the best way that we can, I would take God any day not his institutions, but deism at least.

>> No.4150044


to participate in this plane requires transcendence of this plane.

>> No.4150055

No, I'm not. Human will isn't some thing you can change by reason. If you actually had absolutely no reason to live you would kill yourself

>> No.4150056

you could just call that faith

>> No.4150093

Yo, what's the name of that galaxy in the bottom right that is too big to rightfully exist? I want to read more about it.

>> No.4150114

I have a reason to live, but it's largely hedonistic.
That does give the world any more purpose though.

>> No.4150123

Yes just blame your parents for your deficiencies, how responsible.

>> No.4150125

Camus pushed into a existential crises with The Stranger.

It's okay, though.

He pulled me out with The Plague.

>> No.4150127

that'll show em

>> No.4150133

No that isn't the point. Don't call reproduction a point.
Society told you that. Your hormones told you that.
There's no point, as you mentioned later in your post.
Don't contradict yourself.

>> No.4150138

I don't even know if that's true, but I know that the biggest galaxy we know of is IC 1101

>> No.4150142
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>> No.4150144

People can still do things and feel worthless.
Self esteem and doubt affect people within every level of achievement.
Don't flatter yourself as gifted, just because you don't have those self-conscious thoughts.

If anything, this unawareness of your actions makes you the lesser here.

>> No.4150150

>"Us Logical Positivists know everything!"

>> No.4150153

If anything wondering what lies beyond the universe could better be likened to standing on a sphere and wondering what lies above you.
It's a nice question. Unanswerable, but as thought provoking as OP's.
There are no wrong questions anon, you're above this.

>> No.4150158

>What is the point of existence?

"Whoever is incapable of laying one's will into things, lacking will and strength, at least lays some meaning into them, i.e., the faith there is a will in them already. It is a measure of the degree of the strength of will to what extent one can do without meaning in things, to what extent one can endure to live in a meaningless world because one organizes a small portion of it oneself," WP, Nietzsche.

From that alone you should understand the rest.

>> No.4150167

go back one quadrillion years to where you belong, pleb.

time spans both incomprehensibly large and small at the same time- there is a near infinite within a single moment. Even as the sum of all of our living moments is a single speck on the timeline of the universe, a single flashing moment of life contains universes.

>> No.4150169

Thanks, I'll look into this one. Astronomy has always been something that has endlessly fascinated me but I never know where to begin.

>> No.4150170

The point? Our existence revolve around false reality created by incomplete information which we feel to be true. Form this false reality we "create" all the partitions.

>> No.4150173

Nonsensical question that can't be answered.

>> No.4150186

Not the one you answered, but joining in.
The way i see it, it's like saying what lies beyond what exists. Well that doesn't make any sense does it? The universe contains, well everything, so there can't be something beyond everything, can there?
Sorry english is not my first language, and also sorry i am not a deductive thinker, this is just the way i see it.

>> No.4150189
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>know the universe will die and wither away
>still posits that there is a meaning to life


>> No.4150204

Well, that depends on what you define as "beyond". Beyond in any spacial meaning doesn't make sense, since the universe contains all space, at least all the spatial dimensions we know of.

>> No.4150205


>What is the point of existence?

Find it out yourself, asking for it on 4chan won't do it.

"Existential crisis" is such a dumb wording of what you probably mean.
It's not something one can "have" or get out of, it's something your character either implies or not.

Everything else is called "depression" (maybe that's what you actually mean). That's indeed something you can get out of via very different approaches.

>> No.4150223

"What lies beyond the universe?"
"Where is the end of a sphere?"
I still don't see these two questions in the same category of' answerableness.
One of the answers is "there isn't" and one is "we don't know".
We know enough about geometry to realize that "there isn't" an end of a sphere.
There obviously isn't, and that's the point the replier was trying to make.
But we don't know if there are other universes, We have no proof, no math, and no ability to even take a gander at an answer.
Therefore it is a valid question.
Not really worth the time to think about.
But not "wrong" to ask.

>> No.4150238

The universe is not limitless.
It has a bound: time.
So do you think it is in the realm of reason that there could possibly be something not within our timeframe?
That is the realm of reason that the question "What lies beyond the universe?" is residing in.
Again I refrain a useless question.
But valid.

>> No.4150240

You need some Wittgenstein!

>> No.4150249

But if there where "other" universes, wouldnt that be considered part of our universe then? Considering the meaning of the word "universe"?

>> No.4150254


Thank me later nerds


>> No.4150255
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Haha, what would you recommend?

>> No.4150261


>> No.4150264

cool meme!!

>> No.4150267

By those partitions, I mean information. Aka, things, people, animal, cat, left, right, wrong, truth, false, this, that, etc

>> No.4150270

The universe has a defined age.
Almost 14 billion years.
So the universe is bounded by time.
Well that's if you believe in the big bang theory I guess.
What was before the universe? would be another question I would consider in this category of unanswerable philosophy.
"There isn't" as an answer here, I would consider to be insufferable and narrow minded.

>> No.4150274

Yes, it will be only speculative.
But man, do i like to speculate!

>> No.4150281

"toward a more elevated public discourse"

>> No.4150285

But is time an inherent property of the universe or just something we perceive as such?

>> No.4150286

Financial insecurity.

>> No.4150288

We defined the universe within the perimeters of time, another phenomenon we defined.
Therefore the question "what lies beyond the universe?" is bound by these oh-so-human definitions and does not encompass everything in the realm of possibility.

>> No.4150295
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reading dostoyevsky can be depressing and freeing at the same time. if you want to skip the depression, just read A Voyage to Arcturus.

>> No.4150297

most people cannot prove it isnt

>> No.4150299

The universe is an attractor for evolving systems. No matter what somebody thinks they are working towards, they are working towards the same thing as everyone else. Unless they aren't thinking at all.

The more intelligent somebody is, the more they are fated to pursue knowledge over everything else. Humans prioritize being right over being happy.

>> No.4150301

Incredibly cliche white-people problem

>> No.4150303

Why not be both?

>> No.4150306

There are still viable models where the universe loops but it doesn't matter because this has no relevance to us.

>> No.4150311

>s but it doesn't matter because this has no relevance to us.
Do you have no curiosity?

>> No.4150312

>an existential crisis

>not having 4 simultaneous crises wherein you black out for a whole year and regain consciousness on the Italian alps and find yourself engaged in interspecies cunnilingus with various mountain goats
>not becoming a repeat offendor/pervasive recidivist as means of existential catharsis
>not finding out the romantically relevant aspects of burglary and kidnapping
>being not on a cocaine permabinge during crises

stay pleb, honestly what's the point of having a crisis if you can't use it as an excuse to have a wicked good time and destroy your family?

>> No.4150315

Application and understanding are correlated, so anything that isn't applicable is likewise impossible to understand.

>> No.4150323


Are you on a crisis right now?

>> No.4150328

Everybody wonders about their place in the universe.
Thinking that only whites do it,
although calling whites pretentious and privileged (and seemingly insulting them)
also can come off as "only whites are capable of higher order thinking".
Sounds like pseudo-racism disguised as a compliment.
Not that I think you meant that, just that it can be taken like that.

>> No.4150332


kek no, that was me about 2-3 years ago...and this summer in europe for a short period of time

>> No.4150336


though to be honest the whole concept of an "existential crisis" is all very disingenuous and plagiaristic and merely a venue for degeneration (which was my primary goal)

>> No.4150347

Funny you should say that

what i read recently:

>There is a Camus for every stage of life,” says Kaplan, trying to explain Camus’ staying power and relevance today. “Adolescents can identify with the alienation of Meursault [from The Stranger - Ed.] The Plague is for when you’re in college, politically engaged and sympathetic with resistance.” The Fall, Camus’ 1956 novel about the crisis of conscience of a successful Parisian lawyer, “is for 50-year-olds. It is angry, acrimonious, confronting the worst things you know about yourself.” And The First Man, a beautifully rendered, unfinished autobiographical novel published posthumously in 1994, “is Camus’ Proustian moment, his looking back on his life. You can spend your whole life with Camus.

>> No.4150356

>Everybody wonders about their place in the universe.
What is that even suppose to mean.

>> No.4150374

That's the definition of an existential crisis.
What's the meaning of my life?
Why am I here?
What's my place in the universe?

Words are fun.

>> No.4150375

not him, but it's a very simple phrase that's been used many times before

I wonder if you're being serious since it's actually become common on 4chan to dismiss people you disagree with by pretending they suck at communication

>> No.4150376


>tfw the contemporary social justice assume white supremacy as a given

>> No.4150380

not really, that's just wondering

existentially crises are characterized by lots of ANGST and FEELS

>> No.4150387

he didn't say it wasn't.

are you for real?

>> No.4150400

again this is characterizing nonwhites as anti-feeling and unthinking.

>> No.4150405

B-but words ARE fun.

>> No.4150410

no dude it's characterizing nonwhites as not making up problems

"waah waah i exist i'm bored what's my purpose"

just like mental illness.

>> No.4150418

Am I supposed to believe an existential crisis is something that can be reasoned with?

>> No.4150423

*she, and thanks.
Everyone wants to have a purpose
Rich or not, racial minority or not, smart or not.
Worry and doubt regarding your purpose is not a mental illness.
Or even close.

>> No.4150424

No, which is why most people have had them.

>> No.4150430

>What is the point of existence
What's the colour of five?

Existence isn't a message. Only messages have points.

>> No.4150435

>im a grill btw

stop it. it's not relevant

>> No.4150438


>> No.4150444

>le life is futile because some rock is bigger than me
>le life is futile because there is a lot of time and i occupy relatively little of it

I don't get this reasoning. I'm sentient bitches, those rocks and ages are nothing compared to me. I'm the closest thing to a God yet encountered in existence. I'm the universe looking at itself.

>> No.4150447

So then the questions people ask during them are nonsense.

>> No.4150449

>Step 1: No point.
>Step 2: Make your own point.
>Step 3: Hope it's a good point.

>> No.4150455

D-rate Hegel is the answer. We can all go home now.

>> No.4150469

The poster assumed.
I corrected.
I don't go around commenting about "the elderly OP" or the "obviously white replier" do I?
If the person didn't write it initially I would have never replied.

>> No.4150473

it's more like
>life is futile because there's no indication that it stands for anything

the concern about rocks that are larger than you and ages that are older than you are only incidents of this world that might convey relative insignificance. But the actual concern over futility comes from out of this world - more precisely the fact that there is no indication what is, if anything, outside this world

>> No.4150474
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I've had an existential crisis for so long I got desensitised enough for it not to be a crisis. Like a lifelong prisoner who has come to terms with his bit and adjusted to the new game and has a can of tuna for caviar. This meaningless world is my world now and I've set up shop in the abyss.

Sometimes when I get really drunk or hungover full of shame I still might want to be Catholic/Orthodox and live a life of weeping penance though.

>> No.4150475

conflict of language reasoning and nature - or the thing ‘nature’ represents
meaning point and purpose exist of messages and messages of interpretation and language and words
the point is whatever you transcribe

>> No.4150476

I understand and have experienced this sense of futility, I just think those size and age things to demonstrate it are silly.

>> No.4150477

No the questions are just unanswerable.
But still vastly important.
And therefore hard to get away from, and easy to become recurrent.

>> No.4150478

So people who don't have the ability to pass on their genes (sterile and infertile) have no point in living? Then surely they should be executed if they're wasting resources. A child unable to survive without modern medicine is missing the point of life? Then they too are not worth caring for. But a rich corrupt banker who will not only survive but pass on his genes? He is definitely the paradigm of humanity.

>> No.4150483

>teleological evolution

>> No.4150486

>What is the point of existence?
Impregnate something. Otherwise, quiet play time.

>> No.4150487

yeah the age/size concern is limited.

the real worry for our species seems to come from a conflict between our limited time and an infinite time we can conceive. similarly, a limited presence and an omnipresence we can conceive.
we can always question why is it that way instead of this? that way seems to make more sense.
the way our brains work, larger things in space and longer things in time seem get closer to that omnipresence and infinitude . it probably doesn't approach it at all. But at least that's the connection we're making

>> No.4150492

>why is it NOT that way

>> No.4150493

A reason for existence is absurd.
And it is absurd for anyone to look for a reason.
All that matters is significance.

>> No.4150498

There is no such thing as an unanswerable question, only questions of infinite difficulty and nonsense that is misinterpreted as questions.

>> No.4150513

You are splitting hairs with the first, and being audacious with the second.
The question "what is the meaning of life?" is not nonsensical.
It makes sense grammatically, logically, rationally.
Everybody understands the words in that sentence and can look for an answer to it.
So it's a question.

>> No.4150518

Stop hitting kids.

>> No.4150519

My sentiment is that being a body and consciousness is a blip of turbulence in your being. We are forever present as matter and energy and every now and then in this eternal drainpipe the elements clump up like trash and soggy magazines until its all swept apart into the void, but the potential to re-cluster somewhere else along the line never ceases.

>> No.4150522
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love i.e. recursive gravity

>> No.4150527

Is there an answer to "what's the right political agenda?" or "is this the right place for me to move?" or "should I buy this?"
Some questions only have opinions as answers.
And are therefore scientifically unanswerable.

>> No.4150530

generally the more conservative, fiscally, socially, or otherwise, in comparison to other agendas; possibly; no, you spend money on crap

>> No.4150535

Well I mean, that's just like your opinion man.

>> No.4150537

Just because a question looks simple does not mean it is. Those questions can be answered but only with a large amount of context, something nobody will provide.

>> No.4150540
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The only way to beat nihilism is to adopt a worldview worse than it.

>> No.4150545

>What is the point of existence?
Wrong asked question.

>> No.4150551

Do you legitimately think that there is an answer to everything?
That if all knowledge was known to you, all questions could be answered?
That at that point everything would be objective?

>> No.4150573

If there isn't an answer to something, it would be faulty as a question, wouldn't it? It wouldn't be a legitimate question, just erroneous thinking. Like asking directions to a fictional place.

>> No.4150581

Aren't questions just a request for information? Regardless of that information's existence, I would still consider that a question in its technical linguistic sense.

>> No.4150585

Everything is already objective. Subjectivity is a product of language; the map is not the territory.

>> No.4150588

That Wittgenstein group is going to cause a lot of this, isn't it?

>> No.4150598

Requesting information that can't be acquired and getting agitated because you're not getting your answers isn't a good idea. It's technically a question, but an erroneous one which will only give you trouble. If we learn to detect such questions, investigate them and do away with them if they are faulty, we will be spared a lot of agony.

>> No.4150605

I have been thinking to myself "why shouldn't I kill myself?"
(I wouldn't ever do it, but that doesn't stop me from doing it)

Does that count as an existential crisis?

>> No.4150607

Questions must reduce down to "yes/no" checks and "if, then" functions. If a question assumes a "yes" or "no" on one of its checks when the reality is opposite, it can't be answered because it's a loaded question.

>> No.4150612

Who would you? There's no bias towards death in the absence of meaning.

>> No.4150613

don't project m8, it's not like that for everyone

>> No.4150614

>did you ever have an existential crisis?

What does this even mean? Why do people come here and complain about their 'existential crises' all the fucking time? Why is /lit/ full of baby plebs who can't just appreciate life and do cool stuff like bull-fighting and sky-diving?

>> No.4150610

No because you aren't in crisis.

>> No.4150616


Not trying to be a Zen master or some shit.

>> No.4150626

Because the task of living itself seems like a burden or, because it's absence of meaning, seems pointless and trivial.

>inb4 make your own meaning.
Well how do I know that meaning is inherently important? I know that having that mentality will likely lead me hedonism when I can rationalize everything

>> No.4150630

So you're saying that the only questions are those that can be answered computationally?
Then what would you consider the more subjective ethical "questions"?
What could they be regarded as?

>> No.4150631

While I don't disagree, define "crisis"

>> No.4150654

>Because the task of living itself seems like a burden or, because it's absence of meaning, seems pointless and trivial.
A burden to what?

Nothing wrong with pointless triviality by the way. Of course, in the end it just comes down to whether you feel like living on. Even in the absence of meaning and value, I kind of do intuitively.

>> No.4150658

Not him, but those questions would be questions that are incompatible with a rational and logical approach. The dominion of faith.

>> No.4150669

Questions like that can be answered if you define a desired end state then perform checks to see which path is the most efficient.

>> No.4150687

>Of course, in the end it just comes down to whether you feel like living on

That's exactly it. I personally find it hard to feel like living without such meaning, and therefore, life seems like a burden. Something you're dragged to go through and that all you can do is go on with your life in quiet desperation or kill yourself

>> No.4150690

learn to bake cookies. eat said cookies.

>> No.4150707

So the questing what is the meaning of life is best answered by first defining your foremost ideal of meaningful.
Then from that answer objectively working backwards toward the current state, with the answer being a set of actions optimally suited to that end circumstance?
Makes sense. Thanks for the discussion.

>> No.4150709

>tfw no soft chocolate chip cookies to eat

>> No.4150717

I did when I was twelve. I came to the conclusion that if there was a point to existence that I am so far below it that I shouldn't worry about it.

>> No.4150718

>What is the point of existence?
I didn't have a choice in the matter but now that I'm here with this crazy shit they call "subjective experience" I'm bound by sensation and emotion and have the capacity to understand that others have this anchor also. So avoiding undesirable sensation and emotion for myself and treating others justly in regards to that is my "point."
>Did you ever have an existential crisis? Do you still have it?
When I was 16-17. No.
>Did you get out of it? If yes, then how?
Meaning in terms of human sentience is a word for use relating to worldly agents. Because 'the universe' is not part of the world, we are meaningless to it. But because the world is part of the universe, our parasitic, selfish, and infantile minds seek to expand endlessly and have control over this infinite realm (our eyes are bigger than our stomachs). I accepted this as transparent desire and cast it off so I could fulfill my point in existence within humanity (which actually holds tangible consequences a.k.a. it matters).

>> No.4150726

Consisting of more than just sporadic thoughts here or there. A crisis would inhibit your actions and emotions considerably and the thought (say suicide) would become a real possibility instead of something you "would never do."

>> No.4150730

Why is there so much focus on subjective experience when the advantage of intelligence is being able to see things the same way as everyone else?

>> No.4150736


> "those questions can be answered if you already have the answer."

>> No.4150760

i neither know nor want that feel

>> No.4150770

Perspective presupposes subjective experience. SE is dat prime factor.

>> No.4150779

Purpose is a concept invented by humans. It does not have objective existence. Some take this to mean that life is completely meaningless, that there is no purpose tom anything and that we are just simply deluding ourselves. But another way to look at it is to say that purpose begins to exist as soon as we say it exists. Therefore, purpose becomes whatever we want it to be. Don't ask what we are here for, what we are meant to do--make your own purpose, be what you decide your purpose is.

>> No.4150888

What I find cool about life is that I don't have to think unless I want to. At any point I can retreat into a state experiencing rather then thinking. I read some people saying that they are in crises and stuff, and I get that I've thought that too at times. But I just am saying that there are other options then that, and if those thoughts keep happening I just let them happen and watch them as they go by, or as they linger around. Accepting whatever thoughts happen is a big thing to me.

>> No.4150918


It is all very plagiaristic though, hence you only being aware of such moods after reading Camus, or whatever other gateway into forced indifference. Don't lie to yourself

With regard to it as a gateway to degeneration, it clearly was a projection, though since he used the pronoun "my", your pointing that out is pretty useless.

>> No.4150935
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>What is the point of existence?

Speak in tongues, roll your eyes back, contort your body and summon the The Dark Lord.

>> No.4151056

Okay, isn't existentialism weird and dramatic enough with just kieerkegaard, nietscze, sarte, christian existentialism,and whatever the fuck else, does it really need technoist voodoo muddled in as well?

>> No.4151062

Haven't read this thread at all, but I want to say that Heidegger is not an existentialists, the existentialists proper were only Sartre and the rest of those French shits, they were shit, Heidegger was a massive influence on them but was he an existentialist no. If you want to talk about that strain of thought it is not existentialism, existentialism is a very specific subset.

>> No.4151071


And I'm sure your opinion outweighs all of the writers and academics that refer to Heidegger as an existentialist.

I'm sure you know what 'existentialism' means, too.

>> No.4151084

When I was around 16 I pondered it, Just live your life the way you want to. The biggest thing you can ever learn is that your own opinion is the one that matters the most.

If you like long hair and everyone thinks you look good with short, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. live to make yourself happy with your achievements. live to see your own self become exactly what you want. You need nothing else

>> No.4151089

no, since you can't spell nietzsche

>> No.4151090

blah, blah, blah

>> No.4151094

The Anon to whom you replied here. There are several ways existentialism as a canon can be defined. You can include Kierkegaard and Gabriel Marcel at the expense of Nietzsche with those I listed earlier. If you add Dostoevsky you can't include Nietzsche ( I think, I forget who rules out who). Or Keep Nietzsche with Heidegger and Sartre but remove parts of de Beauvoir. I realize at this late hour I may not be helpful but the point to get across is that of the totality that could be considered existentialist you can't consider them all existentialist while being completely coherent with all others. This is why you have christian existentialism which is incompatible with Sartre.

>> No.4151126

>paradigm of humanity

>> No.4151208

I don't know.
I have, and I was not strong enough to face it. Adopting some sort of shallow nihilism while also actively deluding myself into forgetting the inevitable.

Well enough of that, I have just come by to wish you anons here at /lit/ a happy tenth birthday of the site. I hope it is a good one.

>> No.4151591

It seems to me that people hate athiests when they start taking logic too seriously and imply/say that logic = truth.

>> No.4151608

For me it's like sucking dicks. I don't mind people doing it, but they shouldn't base their identity on it and broadcast it constantly.