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/lit/ - Literature

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4148047 No.4148047 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, my bookstore had a pretty nice sale. Which of these should I read first? Which of these have you read?

>> No.4148049

Paradise Lost then Wuthering Heights. WH makes so much more sense after Milton.

Then Faulkner, Wilde, and then I lose interest.

>> No.4148051

Dorian Grey, you could finish it in about 2 hours.

What editions are those OP? They look pretty nice. I would also save Paradise Lost for last since it's the most difficult out of the lot.

>> No.4148061
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>B&N classics

>> No.4148064

Barnes and Noble Classics. Right now they're doing buy 2 get 1 free. Each were around 6-10 bucks. So I ended up paying like 30 bucks.

>> No.4148066


Who cares what the binding is. As long as the text is readable, it makes no difference.

>> No.4148067


>paying 30 dollars for books you can find for free on Project Gutenberg or for like a quarter a piece at used bookstores

>> No.4148069


I wonder if we have them in the UK? All we have are Wordsworth, Oxford World Classics, Penguin, Vintage and based Everyman editions.

>> No.4148070

Read the Jungle. Fantastic fucking book that is especially relevant in America's bullshit capitalist society that works you like a dog until your body gives out.

>> No.4148073

I agree, they may be overpriced, but I'm a bit lazy, the store was close, and they're new so I don't mind so much.

>> No.4148074

Chronological order.

>> No.4148077

>the store was close

It could not possibly be closer than your computer, on which you can legally obtain every single book you bought, free of charge.

>> No.4148080

Yeah I'm not going to read on a computer. You can criticize me all you want on that, but it's definitely not a comfortable experience for me.

>> No.4148079

Surely a myriad of used bookstores near you

Why give money to B&N? The binding is weak, I've seen horrible misprints in their books, they look like shit on a shelf, overpriced even when on sale etc.

>> No.4148087

To be honest, I'm a bit new to reading. I had no idea B&N had a bad reputation for the quality of their books. I probably should have done a bit more research.

>> No.4148090


Hey, not OP, but since we're talking about online buying... are there any good price aggregator sites? I don't have much experience with online book buying.

>> No.4148092

If you live in the US google search those top three names I listed. You will not regret (thriftbooks is my favorite). Welcome to reading!

>> No.4148100

Alright, thanks.

>> No.4148111

Why didn't you go to a library and save your money for hardcovers of the works most meaningful to you?

>> No.4148149

Fuck the haters OP! I really like the B&N classics (except for translations, they use really out of date ones). The colors look nice and the price is pretty good for new books.

>> No.4148159

A bunch of books by white people... How typical. They are not going to make you any less ignorant, you know.

>> No.4148212

Yeah, let's all read "How I Became a Female Slave Slave Black Female Slave Black Slave Female" by N'quisha Washington.

That will enlighten me and bring me closer to God.

>> No.4148229

>I'm a bit new to reading

Paradise Lost and Faulkner are going to be difficult. Just a heads up.

>> No.4148269

OH man the jungle is really engaging but it's rough. It really makes you flinch at the sight of ground beef for a while.

>> No.4148294
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>having an emotional response to propaganda

>> No.4148305

Do yourself a favor and throw Faulkner in the trash.

>> No.4148313

to be honst the shakespeare is p cheap for its price

>> No.4148337

btw paradise lost is the best english work even better than the entire shakespeare plays and sonnets combined

>> No.4148343

>library has a book fair
>several old collections of Shakespeare, a book on "The Ulysses Theme"
>few collections of poetry
>everything a max of $2
>can only pick out a few books because I didn't bring any money
>by the time I have more money the fair is closed
>no buses or way to library since I live far away and all the buses are off-duty sundays
>mfw some of those books were $50 online and now I won't be able to get them for cheap
I hate myself.

>> No.4148347

man i just spend 300 pesos on 2 books how the fuck cant you carry at least 100 dollars on you all the time

>> No.4148427

Wow, a perfect answer, and the first response, no less.

Forget about what brand the books are. Do what this anon said.

>> No.4148435

Ick, B&N editions turn into a bright yellow

>> No.4148437

That particular Faulkner is his easiest

>> No.4148442

Yeah, this.

>> No.4148799 [DELETED] 
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, 20130930_011424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody read this? God damn is it amusing.

TROOPER 1 The Death Star plans we could not find herein,
Nor are they on the main computer, Lord.
In short, they are not here, and there's an end.

VADER Thou speakest well, my stormtrooper, and yet
Not well upon my ear the message falls.
I turn to thee, thou rebel. Aye, I lift
Thy head above my own. Thou canst now choose
To keep thy secrets lock'd safe in that head,
And therefore lose the life thou holdest dear,
Or else to keep thy head and, thus, thy life.
My patience runneth quickly out much like
The sands across the dunes of Tatooine.
So tell me, else thou diest quick: where shall
We find transmissions thou didst intercept?
What hast thou done, say, with those plans?
[Darth Vader begins to choke Rebel Leader 1.]

The illustrations are brilliant

>> No.4149625

I found a store selling B&N Classics in London, what's up with that?

>> No.4149643
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Hey /lit/, just back from some casual book shopping. Which one should I read next?

>> No.4149652

Burn Wuthering Heights. Read Faulkner. Then the rest.

>> No.4149655

Really? I'd say something like Light in August that doesn't have the weird stream-of-consciousness ramblings would be easier.

I pity the fool who tries reading The Sound and the Fury first, though.

>> No.4149658

First, throw all the Douglas Adams in the trash

>> No.4149660

Then throw all the GRRM in the trash.

>> No.4149667

The Sound and The Fury is just painfully difficult

>> No.4149666

This. Ever.

>> No.4149690

As I lay dying
Paradise Lost
The Jungle
The rest however you like but Wuthering Heights is blah. I would save 20,000 for the last.

>> No.4149721

This totally lacks support

>> No.4149757

Take a closer look at his stack. The only one that really lacks support is A Game of Thrones.

>> No.4150007

not a native speaker.though i mostly read english books with ease, i found myself at a loss at paradise lost.

>> No.4150146

The most plebeian of responses.

>> No.4150231

I don't know anyone in America who "works like a dog until their body gives out" and I'm just a working class Mexican of immigrant parents. Most people work pretty hard during the week and then come home and watch Netflix.

>> No.4150241

You can finish Candide within the hour, arguably the best book of the bunch.

>> No.4150248

I say this as someone who's visited in Mexico and knows plenty of people for whom that description completely fits. I just don't see how it applies to Americans. Most people have shitty jobs but there's a world of difference between long hours at the Pizza Hut and living a life of unending misery.

>> No.4150412 [DELETED] 

Candide is funny as hell and was a really enjoyable read. If you end up liking it, pick up Don Quixote some time, it's like Candide that goes on for so long it becomes self-aware.

I've read the Jungle and had mixed feelings about it. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as the recommendations I got for it led me to believe it would be.

>> No.4150917

Do you even hear what you're saying? The BN books are fine, ive read through a few of them many times and theyve held up extremely well. Plus theyre usually cheaper than other publishers

/lit/ is gonna give you shit no matter what you do. they arent happy until you spend hours scouring for the exact books that give them hardons

>> No.4150936

What's bad about Douglas Adams?

>> No.4150946

What's wrong with WH?

>> No.4151122

It's stale.

>> No.4151152

only read candide on that list op
But its really fucking good I would start there.

>> No.4151471

Hitchiker. DO IT!

>> No.4151479

Paradise Lost. How is this even a question?

>> No.4151481


lol at throwing proust in the middle.

i giggled that you would surround something so wonderful with a pile of shit above and below it.

>> No.4151865

And then discard the rest and cultivate your garden.

>> No.4151931
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[dole music maximum]

>> No.4152330

Where to begin..

>> No.4153969


>Using dole music to buy books and not cigs and beer.

You my man, I like you. I just got back from town here's what I procured.
The Holy Bible(King James edition, it's a big black brick with the words written in gold print, I did get the best translation?)
Irvine Welsh's Filth
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame(Collins classic editon same as Dracula, how is their version for Hunchback?)

How did I do?

>> No.4153970


Fuck I meant dole money.

>> No.4154006

Noice selection. Read the Schulz first.

>> No.4154009

Dracula is GREAT and no, that is a shitty version of the bible. Unfortunately, I cannot think of an alternative at the moment. I will have to do some research and I cbf at the moment.

>> No.4154029

King james has had the most influence in terms of literature, and has godly prose in places. If reading for secular reasons its the way to go. There are more accurate translations if your reading for religious reasons though.

>> No.4154046
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This is the version of the Bible I got and my second copy that is one I stole from a hotel room. I got it for a good bargain too compared to Amazon's price.


I tried to read Dracula when I was younger but I just hated the style it was wrote in for some reason and didn't like it. Maybe now that I am older and have more of an appreciation for literature I will enjoy it more. I got the Collins classic version of that and I actually like the cover to that edition which is rare for Dracula to have a cover that is none shit these days.

>> No.4154047

if you live in a city, you should venture out into it and read invisible cities on the bus, on the tube, in the park, in a cafe, wherever
it's what i did when i was unemployed and it was the best reading experience in my life

>> No.4154053


how is the font/page bleeding of that bible?

>> No.4154061


Check for yourself here.

I am not a theology student or philosophy major I just wanted to read it for it's philosophical merit.

>> No.4154066

Its language is classic, but I've always preferred the NRSV. Besides, if you get the Oxford Annotated Bible, you get all sorts of neat footnotes and stuff.

>> No.4154119

>my second copy that is one I stole from a hotel room.
That is some delicious irony.

>> No.4154131

I very nearly stole a copy of Atlas Shrugged (or was it The Fountainhead?) once, but I pussied out.

>> No.4154509

I think I will pick that up tonight. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4154511

This. Oxford, all the time.

>> No.4154694

Candide is a fun, short read.
Paradise Lost was enjoyable enough.
can't speak for the rest

also, BN Classics are just fine. i prefer to purchase used copies of books from thrift stores but take what you can get.

>> No.4154698

Read both the KJ and the Oxford. KJ for prose, Oxford for literal content and context. You can't read the bible too much.

>> No.4154722

>The Jungle
>Wuthering Heights

you should return those books