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File: 26 KB, 387x276, epicurus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4143278 No.4143278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism

'As for pleasure, pirates, catamites, parricides, and tyrants have enjoyed it to the full.' - Marcus Aurelius

I stand with the Stoics, what say you?

>> No.4143291

All pleasure and no work also makes Jack a dull boy.

Where is moderation? And why does nobody seem to want it?

>> No.4143358

>As for pleasure, pirates, catamites, parricides, and tyrants have enjoyed it to the full
and this makes it bad?

>> No.4143404

Certainly means it shouldn't be used as the basis of a virtuous life. you can be swept away at any moment.

>> No.4143405

Discipline, self-control and pleasure in moderation works best for me, so I also stand with the Stoics. That said, I have friends who are quite the hedonists, and that lifestyle seems to works perfectly well for them.

>> No.4143408

"absolutes and concrete ideologies are fucking retarded" -some guy

>> No.4143410
File: 22 KB, 356x500, 41YeuXXRHfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like the stoics read this one. They guy is a bit nuts tho, he advocates discomfort to enjoy life more. e.g. turning off the a/c in your car in winter and other inane shit.

>> No.4143422
File: 119 KB, 600x440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot pls.

>> No.4143426

A mix of both.
I think stoicism can lead to emotional repression and major issues in the individual, but not all pleasure is good surely.
Sometimes we just do things because they feel good, and sometimes things feel good because we think they are right.

>> No.4143427

>implying he wasn't basically a stoic

>> No.4143432

>As for pleasure, pirates, catamites, parricides, and tyrants have enjoyed it to the full
Not true. A life of a pirate or any other such violent gang member is living hell. Tyrants live in a state of paranoia and fear. Parricide is hideously traumatic.

That's what I say.

>> No.4143465

i dont believe in -isms!! i believe in me!!

>> No.4143483

I stand with the catamites.

>> No.4143547

>They guy is a bit nuts tho, he advocates discomfort to enjoy life more.
Nothing nuts about that. It's a technique as old and well-known as humanity itself.

>> No.4143550

>A life of a pirate or any other such violent gang member is living hell.

Thug lyfe
Bitches 'n cocaine

>> No.4143776
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, Jesus mendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't want to start a new thread so I just searched for Marcus Aurelius and found this one.
Tomorrow I'm going to my grandpa funeral during what is one of the worst time of my life. Seeing as this board told me that they found great joy and aid whilst reading Marcus Aurelius' Meditations I'm in need of further aid. I'm close to falling asleep now but I need to what chapters, if there are any(I haven't opened the book yet) chapters dealing with death and how to cope with it. I'd also like if you could tell me if there any, and if so where, chapters handling love.
It would be of great help bros

pic semi related

>> No.4144003

I don't remember enough of Meditation to recommend a specific passage, but The Enchiridion by Epictetus is another stoic text that might help. Sorry for your loss. Good luck anon. http://classics.mit.edu/Epictetus/epicench.html

>> No.4144006

There's not much difference between them

>> No.4144011

epicurus is a platitudinous bitch with nothing real to say

aurelius or go home

>> No.4144012
File: 94 KB, 800x776, bowie_shop01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know you are patrician because while all the plebs are wallowing in the mud with their quietist ethics and trying to figure out the best way to get over some shattered pottery they just purchased you are going straight to the metaphysics for a closer relationship with the primeval logos

>> No.4144038


Phaedo by Plato is a good read if you want to feel ok about death. It's basically Socrates on his death bed telling everyone why he isn't at all afraid to die.

>> No.4144102

Epicurean pleasure is negative hedonism not the positive hedonism of those in that example. If that comment was a genuine stab at Epicurus MA is really showing his ignorance

>> No.4144106


My nigga.


The stoics don't have the shamelessness of the Cynics.

>> No.4144121

>Implying the stoics had any chance of achieving the freedom and eudaimonia of the cynic lifestyle.

>> No.4144123

Marcus Aurelius confirmed for making no sense. Catamites, pirates, and tyrants are all types of people. Parracide is an event. Marcus, king of the failed parallelism.

>> No.4144156


hope you realize he didn't literally write that. I mean, that's just some guy's translation.

>> No.4144159

Does it even matter anymore? They are both taken a priori.

>> No.4144165


Holy fuck what a meaningless post.

>> No.4144166
File: 65 KB, 799x581, deepestfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stoicism can lead to emotional repression
>Implying that's not the point

Expressing unpleasant emotions is way worse than repressing them.

>> No.4144171


Assuming they don't force their way out by other means once you've repressed them.

I was angry with my friend
I told my wrath, my wrath did end
I was angry with my foe
I told it not and watched it grow

>> No.4144173

when i remember, i am a stoic, it's just that i am constantly forgetting.

>> No.4144185

>implying i learnt shit

>> No.4144186

Tell me you don't appreciate a hot shower after a week long hike or a restaurant meal after surviving on mie-goreng for a month.

>> No.4144279

What? I'm implying that the two ideas are past the point of debate as they are both part of the foundation of modernity.

>> No.4144280 [DELETED] 

not a fan of the stoics and epicurus is great

>> No.4144283 [DELETED] 

im imagining lonely 4channers walking around "i am a stoic god damn it" and its making me feel depressed for you losers

>> No.4144284

that implies something past last tuesday, if that happened, which i'm not sure about since i forgot. that feels like an angry sentence i think i wrote such emotion seems at odds with solipsism as i conceive of it now in relation to myself. maybe there is such a thing as an angry solipsist. maybe i'm just shit posting.

>> No.4144286

Are you? Doesn't matter to me.

>> No.4144289

It wouldn't matter if I was.

>> No.4144294

Agreed, I still want to know, but I'll be okay either way.

>> No.4144297

>not analysing the components of your intentions and realizing that posting on this board is merely a means to fulfill your own ego and thus subjecting yourself to the animal impulses rather than social good.

No one here is a Stoic

>> No.4144299


And what, pray tell, is the nominative of "parracide?" It's a latinate word to begin with. . . So it's obviously not solely a problem with translation.

>> No.4144300 [DELETED] 

how boring that an emperor would create works with the philosophy of "accept what happens and be a good citizen"

>> No.4144301

Me too, entity.

>> No.4144302 [DELETED] 

blow me stoics

>> No.4144303

>implying man isn't a social animal
>implying social interaction isn't as necessary as food and water
>implying stoics didn't know this

>> No.4144305 [DELETED] 

go outside u fuckin nerd

>> No.4144308 [DELETED] 

blow me

>> No.4144310 [DELETED] 

whats the best affordable lubes

>> No.4144336

>"implying man isn't a social animal"
>implying ubermenschen aren't exempt from this

>> No.4144337

>implying it's not the same wille zur macht

>> No.4144344


>> No.4144395 [DELETED] 

am i banned

>> No.4144400


>It's a latinate word to begin with

It's a good thing Marcus Aurelius was writing in Greek then, you fucking retard.

>> No.4144434

Even if Epicureanism is more pleasurable for the individual, i would prefer to live in a civilization built on stoic values.

As Will Durant says, a nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean. I don't know a single successful civilization which was built on epicurean values.

>> No.4144440

you idiot, this is why democracy became optional.

>> No.4144457 [DELETED] 

banned yet?

>> No.4144459 [DELETED] 

not yet my little squirrelbrained nuclear charge, have you read the green child?

>> No.4144478 [DELETED] 

i haven't and i've been looking for something interesting to read actually, i'll read it asap and get back to you

>> No.4144483 [DELETED] 

thanks/love u

>> No.4144485 [DELETED] 

daumal hasn't shown up yet which can make both of us sad. <3u2 watch black moon good luck w/ getting banned asking for lube

>> No.4144491

>>>/somewhere else/

>> No.4144528
File: 22 KB, 220x567, 1377628191699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't read stoic works.

They will just make you feel worse. Stoics are a bunch of faggot normalfags.

Read Stirner. It is the truth.

>> No.4144851

I have respressed my emotions to the point of apathy and it's not pleasant being in such a state. I wish I never were in such a state. I'm not very emotional, but I can get very angry and irritated. It's not healthy.

>> No.4145095

how does one pronounce stoic/stoicism

>> No.4145101

what is that image from

>> No.4145106

Sto - ich
Sto - i - cism

>> No.4145108

I disagree with both, because I think negative/undesirable emotions are just as essential and important to the development of a strong character as positive/pleasurable ones.

>> No.4145116

good thats how i was doing it

>> No.4145119

my ngga

>> No.4145124

Yeah, it's a total Argumentum ad Hitlerum. >Having fun, eh? Well, you know who else had fun... Nero. That horsefucker.

OK, if you put it like that it's more reasonable.

>> No.4145206

Stoicism is basically petit-bourgeois cynicism for the weak. It was founded because Zeno couldn't hack being a cynic any more.

>> No.4145230

I agree, how ever they do not know happiness.
Pleasure does not grant happiness