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File: 67 KB, 960x717, 483619_10200092093923482_215130044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128716 No.4128716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes this form of Christianity so repulsive? Any of you /lit/erates of the vile pentecostal denomination?

>inb4 edgy

>> No.4128722

It's "repulsive" to you because you're a narrow-minded bigot who has lived his entire life in an ideologically insular mindset. And at the same time you jerk yourself off over how progressive and enlightened and tolerant you are, which makes you a hypocrite as well. Go shove a banana up your ass.

>> No.4128725

>so wow
>not le strawman
>much response

>> No.4128727


My family heritage is catholic, and I find charismatic worship vile and disgusting. Total degenerates.

I am a fedora atheist.

>> No.4128729
File: 212 KB, 442x324, you people dale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well OP, if you took any time to analyze your image you'd clearly see
>gross facial expression like they're about to cum in the name of Jesus
>looks like a school cafeteria
>appalling K-mart apparel
>strict dresscode and population of only fat kids and short kids with glasses
shut the fuck up. he never pretended nor implied he was "enlightened" or any of the bullshit you spewed

>> No.4128731

suburban apparel is gross. we'd respect them more in cloaks.

>> No.4128732

>What makes this form of Christianity so repulsive?

It is repulsive to you because you've realized that you'll never be part of such a strong community -
you've realized that you'll never feel feelings this strong - you've realized that you're dead inside.

>> No.4128734

they don't really look like they believe in shit

>> No.4128737

You might find it repulsive but by some accounts its the fastest growing religion on the planet, and certainly amongst the Christianities, so I have a feeling things probably aren't going to get better for you, OP.

>> No.4128738

expanding, I went to school with this type and it's like they're normal people, but I went to one of these churches and wanted to kill myself. The over dramatization or the lack of actually teaching in favor of pure voodoo healing and shit really just ground my gears. I mean, even other churches hate these guys (or maybe they have an understood disagreement between all of them)

what would be your opinion of being alive other than religion?

>> No.4128739

pope francis strikin back against the heathens, says it's ok to be a fag and kill fetuses as long as u keep comin to church

>> No.4128740


>> No.4128744

>mfw people do this at my Christian fellowship
>mfw I don't think God gives a damn whether people raise their hands or not
It was really hard to resist the temptation to make comparisons to Hitler.I also find this behavior strangely abhorrent. And in the event that I do somehow meet God, I'd probably like to punch him.

>> No.4128747

Because that form is practically brainwashing. Real spirituality involves long, intensive periods of personal contemplation and going out accumulating experience of the world. It has nothing to do with shouting at the top of your lungs about how much Jesus loves you.

>> No.4128750

mormonism is the fastest growing branch of christianity, if you want to count is a christian religion. these fuckers have been pouring money into my state to affect political outcomes and not far from where i live they built their own community where all the houses look the same and there's literally fuck all to do there except go to wal-mart.

>> No.4128755

Well, there's charismatic Catholicism now on the rise in Africa so sure, it seems like they've sat up and taken notice.

I actually can't provide one unfortunately. I think an internet search might back me up but I do know that generally charismatic Christianity is the fastest growing Christianity as it's something we've covered briefly at uni. Sorry, though, for not having one.

>> No.4128760

look at those fags

>> No.4128771 [DELETED] 

"Protestantismitselfisitspeccatumoriginale. DefinitionofProtestantism:hemiplegic paralysisofChristianity‐‐andofreason."

-Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.4128773

"Protestantism itself is peccatum originale. Definition of Protestantism: hemiplegic paralysis of Christianity‐‐and of reason."

-Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.4128780


I was raised pentecostal. most of the families who went there were overflowing with issues. the church took advantage of the congregation's generosity. child abuse went unreported. the womens' leader was a lesbian in denial and slept with several of the church bitches, which destroyed a couple of marriages. the pastor had a narcotics habit. two or three times during my childhood, church leaders that everyone liked were found to be embezzling mad cashmonies. one of them was the pastor and he was not fired. the church employed convicted child molesters a couple of times and repeatedly allowed them to be around children, because they promised before THE LORD that they were cured. the police actually came on an anonymous tip and arrested some skeevy ass hat and lectured the pastor about looking after the safety of the children. I think sunday school was shut down for a while after that. mental illness, child abuse, and ISSUES seemed common there

>> No.4128783
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Oreimo S2 - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.14_[2013.09.18_10.42.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all, They are kids. They probably know nothing about the bible. Secondly, there is no difference opinion. Everyone believes in the same jesus ect. It's too kim jong il-ish for me.

>> No.4128784


There is no difference in opinion*

>> No.4128787

That just sounds hilarious. It should be a tv show or something. Not that I'm trying to diminish the awfulness, just that the way you wrote it has me in fits. I'll probably read it a few more times now.

>> No.4128798

>he hasnt watched Moral Orel

>> No.4128802

>no difference in opinion
>/lit/ on Christianity

>> No.4128814

awesome book, OP

>> No.4128818

all I see is nazi salute.

>> No.4128822
File: 547 KB, 1565x1350, glenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same story except with a pederast pastor, rampant homoeroticism amongst the senior members sprinkled with some financial & labour exploitation. it wasnt that bad while i was in there - the worst part is remembering the embarrassing shit we did in public - like singing choruses in restaurants, beaches, main city streets etc.

i spoke in tongues which was fascinating, still mystifies me a little

captcha: arsery pain

>> No.4128828

It may be terrible but black pentecostal churches are responsible for a lot of great music.

>> No.4128848

Do you see Nazis in your soup?

>> No.4128850

I had you pegged, didn't I?

>> No.4128861

According to whom?

>> No.4128890
File: 135 KB, 800x600, zarathustra-motivator12-preachers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are retarded people choosing an emotional approach at religion instead of an intellectual approach, which is understandable because thinking and religions aren't easily compatible.

>> No.4128895

Because they're a mob waiting for a lynching target

>> No.4128910

Dammit now I have to watch at least three episodes of that.

>> No.4128917

Meh, worshiping is all about the little things, and using a cliche hand raise in true worship can lead to quite an amazing experience.

>> No.4128926

>intellectual approach
That's good and all, because that's normally the first step for all towards true faith, but don't corner the path to religion having to be purely intellectual. True emotional (there's probably a better word) paths are quite fun and amazing.

>> No.4129093

Better than the demonic cult that is Catholicism.

>eating flesh
>drinking blood

Truly the work of Satan.

>> No.4129127

>citation needed

>> No.4129130

that is the most self-deluded thing I have ever read on 4chan. I hope you get yourself figured out, friend. That mindset is terrifying.

>> No.4129194

Didn't Jesus say that it's hypocritical to worship so openly? A

>> No.4129208

Is that a Christian mass or a Hitler Youth rally?

>> No.4129227


>> No.4129308
File: 17 KB, 512x384, 1378129054422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the face of atheism

>> No.4129314
File: 66 KB, 500x456, 1376654408532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do nazi nazis in my soup

>> No.4129325

Every Christian church besides the Orthodox Church is heretical in one way or another.

Catholicism has a papal fetish, and even though the Pope was originally "first among equals," and just a highly respected member of Ecumenical Councils and the bishop of Rome, over the centuries the position of Pope has expanded to "Bishop of the World" with all the other bishops essentially being reduced to vicars of the Pope. Anyone who thinks that this is wrong is considered, according to Catholic doctrine, to be anathema.

Protestantism has no respect for tradition, instead holding one specific event in the church's history (the council at which the canonical Bible was formed) above all others, disregarding apostolic succession, and basically just making shit up as they go along based on their personal understanding of a book that the earliest Christians didn't even have, all the while pretending that they've resurrected that very Christianity. Despite this, they removed several books from the Old Testament.

tl;dr if you're going to be a Christian, be an Orthodox Christian

>> No.4129327 [DELETED] 

That's not what happened. The Pope said that the church needs to be less obsessively focused on abortion and homosexuality and focus more on helping people. It doesn't mean they're changing their stance on the issue, just de-emphasizing it in favor of other things.

>> No.4129332
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So who is gonna go see this?


>> No.4129336

>Almost certainly not true
>Repression of the sexual function
>Vicarious Redemption
>Self-centeredness in the face of a universe that probably doesn't care about who we sleep with
>Thought crime
>Endless subjection to a god that you must both love and fear at the same time
>Threat of eternal everlasting punishment
>Untrue preachments that claim scientific basis making way into public school
>Predilection to spread especially in poor, impoverished nations, comes with food
>Condoms (catholic), predestination (Calvinist), genital mutilation (Muslim/Jews), sacrifice of the intellect (Buddhism/Jesuit)

The list goes on.

>> No.4129344

If you get caught sneaking into a theater do they just throw you out or do they call the cops?

>> No.4129353
File: 2 KB, 124x126, 1344046669128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was raised catholic and served mass at the local church.

>every night after mass the priest (who was a young man) brought us kids who were servers into the back room
>proceeded to give us each €10
>getting this kind of money (or infact any money at all) was unheard of, most servers got a thank you box of sweets for christmas or something
>yet he gave us each a whole tenner every time

>turns out he had a gambling addiction and fed it with church donations

I always respected him for sharing his spoils with us kids

>> No.4129359

is hercules a christian?

>> No.4129365
File: 238 KB, 720x540, 1340626945082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly White Christian culture is worth preserving.

>> No.4129372

that whiteboard
>Michel Foucault
>Ludwig Feuerbach
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>George Santayana
>Denis Diderot
>John Stuart Mill
>Richard Dawkins
>Noam Chomsky
>Bertrand Russel
>Bertolt Brecht
>Ayn Rand
>David Hume
>Albert Camus
>Sigmund Freud

what sort of philosophy class is this

>> No.4129375

nigga, if I was gay AND an atheist Pope Francisco would still be my boy

>> No.4129382

I could barely make it through the whole trailer. I stopped at the cast lineup.

>> No.4129385


>> No.4129386

I also like how they frame the atheist professor as a bitter villainous asshole, lol.

>> No.4129387

white people

>> No.4129388
File: 18 KB, 452x363, lel computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I didn't know they were going to make a movie about the chalk dropping copy pasta. OR this one
>A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

”How old is this rock, pinhead?”

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”

”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

Semper Fi.
p.s. close the borders

>> No.4129389
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1287013972267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat qtπ in front w/ the big butt

>> No.4129392


>> No.4129393

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly

>> No.4129394

the average philosophy class

>> No.4129395

Wow, I was cringing through that whole thing.

>> No.4129397


>going in from of the class, telling students what to believe and what not to believe

What is this, Strawman U?

>> No.4129398

>god is not dead, he's surely alive
>living on the inside, rolling like a lion

I'm going to pay to watch this.

>> No.4129405

I don't really find that repulsive, they are enjoying themselves while worshiping. It's probably because mainstream people today like to hate on Christians, so this has affected you

>> No.4129404

>misquoting Shakespeare
>misinterpreting Nietzsche
>making the atheist use shaky anecdotal arguments
>making acadaemia out to be an atheistic indoctrinating system
>that song comes on

Why can't I hold all this 'conservative' American


>> No.4129409

No difference in opinion? You are joking right? The debate about the holy trinity still goes on today, among many ohe

>> No.4129411

Are you still a theist? If not how would you explain speaking in tongues

>> No.4129412

,among many other things*

>> No.4129415

Speaking in tongues means speaking their native homeland languages, even if they never learned them

>> No.4129417

Or do you mean when it happens today? That is something freaky and wrong, they are becoming partly possessed by demons

>> No.4129420
File: 36 KB, 590x309, ss (2013-09-21 at 07.54.36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way

>> No.4129419


>> No.4129428

They seriously just looked up a list of atheist intellectuals and threw a bunch of them up there

>> No.4129430

What's your explanation then?

>> No.4129435

Epilepsy, seizures, malfunction in the synapses in the brain maybe by some trauma or genetic deficiency, or straight up bullshit pretending.

Ghosts and demons do not exist.

>> No.4129443

>kid is shaking, frothing at the mouth, eyes rolled to the back of the head
>gibberish "glubflfhslfhl"

>> No.4129446
File: 87 KB, 559x800, 1373637061126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naom Chomsky
>Bertold Brecht

stigmata is real, anon
you should take life more seriously

>> No.4129455

no it is not.
>take life more seriously

You do realize that God is impossible right? The judgement you feel is repressed guilt from your entire life. You are in control of your life, and you are alone, do not rely on your mind's answer for "why?" as your personal guide.

>> No.4129469
File: 10 KB, 211x239, jew on titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat gif

>> No.4129479

The reason OP, is that these extreme forms of Protestantism clearly put the person's own "feelings" above devotion to God. It's all about passionately displaying how MOVED you are, and how much you are being carried by the Holy Spirit - these things are supposed to happen in worship of course, but they are supposed to be felt in private. In external display it should all be directed towards GOD, and what is typical about all forms of Protestantism is that it is the people's interpretation of the bible, the people's faith, the people's worship, the people's church, etc.

>"There is a curious connection between Protestantism and the modern political point of view: it is a struggle for the same thing, the sovereignty of the people."

>"Luther, your responsibility is great indeed, for the closer I look the more clearly do I see that you overthrew the pope and set the public on the throne.... You altered the New Testament concept of 'the martyr,' and taught men to win by numbers."

>> No.4129509

do you know anything about stigmata, or did you dogmatically deny its existence because you think that's a more "scientific" position to take?
I can explain stigmata even without resorting to faith; I'm not sure if you can say the same.

>> No.4129513

>I can explain stigmata even without resorting to faith

Go right ahead

>> No.4129523

Thi-this is a troll movie trailer, right? It's not actually real, right?

>> No.4129527

To put it succinctly - it becomes a form of self-worship; self-worship is inherently and repulsive and by Christian account satanic.

>> No.4129539

Its very simple, psychosomatic responses affect all animals, not just humans. Much like the placebo effect, humans have historically been able to gain illnesses they believe they have.

Through hypnosis, Dr. Lelchler (a neurologist) was able to successfully convince patients that they were actively receiving messages from gods and that their hands and feet were being pierced by nails.

sure enough the body responded with hemorrhaging in the hands and feet, given the appearance that stab wounds were healing.

so yeah, ghosts demons and jesus. Nope.

>> No.4129546

how is that strawman?

>> No.4129548



>> No.4129564
File: 113 KB, 500x300, 1984-two-minutes-hate-02-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, wh-what's wrong with raising your hands and screaming at the top of your lungs, b-brother?

>> No.4129565

But that neither proves or disproves an article of faith, it only proves the efficacy of Christ's statement on faith, where he said that if you believe it has happened to you then it has happened to you.
Now you can explain this as a part of the human brain, but a Christian is still free to interpret this as part of the human soul. Just as you are free to interpret Dr. Lelchler's tests as a study of the brain under extreme circumstances, and Christian's are free to interprets his tests as people being possessed by demons.