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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 89 KB, 1027x402, Prose before hoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128546 No.4128546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be in class
>see mate with a book
>saunter over to her
>I causally ask
"What are you reading?"
>she flashes me the cover
>there in offensive bold capitals is CHUCK PALAHNIUK
>I begin to laugh
>everyone starts staring at me
"Wow m8 that's so edgy!"
>I start to walk back to my study group
>she's starring at me like I just kicked her dog
>before I sit down I offer one last quip
"I beat you enjoyed Fight Club you pleb!"

>> No.4128561

>be walking round uni
>notice girl sitting reading AGOT
>take shit in hand and throw at her
>she begins crying
>takle and rape her
fucking plebs

>> No.4128566


>> No.4128575

I always picture a pleb as a sort of troglodyte whenever I see it mentioned on this board. Am I the only one?

>> No.4128587
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>Some female friend of mine comes over to my dorm
>While I'm changing, she goes through my books
>She says they're all 'weird, nerdy books'
>She pulls out my copies of the Divine Comedy, the Flowers of Evil, and the Trial of God
>She leafs through them for a few minutes, before saying that they're boring and confusing, and that I should try reading AGOT or Perks of Being a Wallflower since they're more interesting.

>> No.4128595

>tfw in peer evaluations some idiot in my seminar (the kind who never says anything in discussions even though there's 9 of us in the class and is generally a slacker) says my paper is "too wordy"

>> No.4128600

But none of these actually happened.
>female interaction
That's where you gave yourself away.

>> No.4128602

maybe it is, he's probably a lot smarter than you and just doesn't talk because you're all plebs

>> No.4128603

No, it happened.

She wasn't pretty, I'll concede that.

>> No.4128613
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>mfw the only book(s) my future sister in law has read are the Sweet Valley High series
>mfw she listens to music that has the word yolo in it

Still a fine ass bittie and pretty smart too but my god what a bleb :D:D

>> No.4128618

I know you're just playing devil's avodaco and everything, but trust me, she isn't.

>> No.4128624

>devil's avodaco
I laughed

>> No.4128630

>implying anyone on this board has ever interacted with a female they weren't related to

>> No.4128653
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>implying anime isn't a respected form of literature with deep themes and motifs that one can put realistic weight to like "tsundere", pedophilia, having obnoxious characters that eat a lot, and situations where no dialogue between 2 people would ever resemble that
>implying waifus aren't real people
I'll have you know i'm still waiting for my kawaii imouto to respond
so shaddup

>> No.4128666
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>Work up the courage to go to a book reading alone after reading a thread about how people don't care if you're alone
>I turn up a couple minutes late
>As I walk into the event, the whole crowd turns to look at me
>One of them yells "HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALONE!"
>Whole event laughing hysterically as I take my seat
>Calls of "weirdo," "creeper," etc.
>Want to die
>After the reading, the entire audience mobs me on my way out
>They start dancing in circles around me, chanting deliriously and laughing
>They start singing a nursery rhyme about how only virgins go alone and how I should kill myself
>I can't get away because they've joined hands and won't let me escape
>They start throwing their drinks and candy and stuff at me
>Security comes by
>They look mad but then they see me in the middle of the crowd
>One of them says "wait, did that fucker come here alone?"
>Security joins in, start using supersoakers to shoot artificial butter at me
>I'm lying in the fetal position sobbing at this point
>The dancing and chanting continues for over 13 hours
>I'm completely covered in soda, butter, and bits of candy
>Crowd finally disperses
>Tao Lin comes by
>Leans down, whispers in my ear "Never come here again"
>All I can do is whimper yes sir

>> No.4128724

from the way that sentence was written, he could've been right.

>> No.4128853


>> No.4128859

Being this asshole on the internet is almost unacceptable. Being this asshole IRL means you're trying hard to be cool and fail.
Crawl back to the shadows, life has no place for you.

>> No.4128879

>tfw I'm a pleb

>> No.4128882
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>At trivia at a local pizza place
>Theme turns out to be books
>Make some joke about how all the questions are going to be about John Green
>Girl working there overhears and says The Fault in Our Stars changed her life


>> No.4128883


Your gettin tricked m8

>> No.4128892

>actually still getting trolled after years of using the internet

>> No.4128896

>Crawl back to the shadows, life has no place for you.
go to the edginess thread, and take the OP with you

>> No.4128898

no john, you are the demons

>> No.4128924

>talking to platonists
>ask them how plato's epistemology relates to the foundation of his metaphysics
>they pull out their copy of the nicomachean ethics
>it's not in the original latin
>laugh at them, burn my cigar stub right onto the cover of they’re "book"
>still chuckling as I saunter away, I chide them: "Come debate me when you've really red philosophy, you trogloditic plebian scum
>the trailing whimpers behind me only exaggerate my humorous outbursts

>> No.4128935
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>be 17
>be drunk at party
>be not that bad looking back then
>get home with 8/10 qt314
>we start fucking
>she gets all into it, she's all wet and moaning, fondling her boobs
>book on her nightstand
>philip k. dick's A scanner darkly
>'o u reading Scanner darkly it is favorite of mine have you read Androids?'
>'huh? no, anon. ooohhhsshit uuuhhhh yeeahh'
>mfw she prolly doesn't know what I'm even talking about
>stop fucking
>'don't you love it?'
>'yeah i fucking love it it's really good, anon.'
>she starts sliding back and forward on my cock
>she looks up at me with those big, innocent, lying eyes
>'... hard though, right?'
>she looks deep into my eyes and slows down her sliding, gently squeezing her boobs as she does
>'oh yeah it's really hard. way too long for me too, anon.'
>mfw it's only about 200 pages.
>'... anon, I need you to finish for me. will you finish for me? come on, yeah, you can do it, you can do it.'
>mfw she is already about 100 pages in
>mfw she can't even finish a 200 page book by herself
>immediately get up and put on clothes
>'... where are you going, anon? i need you! please!'
>she starts fondling herself, desperately trying to lure me back in bed
>'get an audiobook you pleb'

>> No.4128946

>a /lit/izen
>with a girl

filing this under #thathappened

>> No.4128952

too obvious, but I still lol'd

>> No.4128965


>still not getting the joke
>being this retarded

>> No.4128983

My fucking sides

>> No.4128992

>original Latin


>> No.4128993

>not getting the metajoke
>being this brilliant

>> No.4128995

cemody gald

>> No.4128999

>talking about films
>girl says her favorite film is LoTR
>I'm not a film snob and even enjoy LoTR
>she said sheepishly that she thought I was "judging her" about it, when I literally said nothing about it

This is how you can tell that you're patrician - when you can remain silent and plebs still cower.

>> No.4129001

>>tfw in peer evaluations some idiot in my seminar says my paper is "too wordy"

there, fixed that wordiness for you

>> No.4129002


Why do girls pretend to love "nerdy" things now? It's never Nietzsche or Plato, of course, it's fucking Star Wars or GoT.

>> No.4129005

I don't think she was pretending.
This girl was sincere. She had none of that meretriciousness that defines the LE NURRD XP crowd. I don't think it was her or even started the conversation, and she only gave her opinion because everybody was giving their own, and it she wasn't proud or smug about her opinion either. She was a nice girl and I felt bad about her thinking that I had "judged" her.
The fact that she was Spanish and not American may have helped.

>> No.4129012
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>> No.4129011

>arguing with a pleb about kantian ethics
>he knocks the cigar from mouth and calls me pretentious
>we have a bout of fisticuffs
>I draw my airgun (my mother doesn't allow me to carry a real gun) and shoot him in the head

A trifle more of his nonsense and I should have exploded, I simply had to put an end to it. A loathsome philistine he was indeed.

>> No.4129025

That never fucking happened!

>> No.4129028

> Highschool
> People want us to read middle school books because they are afraid of knowledge
> Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of Flies etc
> Construct a lengthy argument why we should include To The Lighthouse, The Green House or One hundred years of Solitude, Walden, Paradise Lost, The New York Trilogy and A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.
> English teacher accepts
> Have a blast
> Plebs hate me for introducing works that challenge their banality

>> No.4129031
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>> No.4129035

Love it. Cant and cunt, like Byron said.

>> No.4129037

Ignatius wouldnt carry an air gun

>> No.4129043


My name is Ivanov, not Ignatius, good sir.


>> No.4129051
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>> No.4129061

>on the bus
>extremely fat guy sits next to me
>he says, "hey you know you aren't smart just cuz you read books."
>disinterestedly say, "okay"
>keep reading
>he starts whispering swear words in my ear
>have enough and move to another seat far away from him

In case you're wondering, the book was Dune.

>> No.4129073



>> No.4129075

>To The Lighthouse
>tfw a beautiful book might be mocked by and ruined for thousands of plebs due to your meddling

>> No.4129083

I actually enjoyed Fight Club

>please don't hurt me

>> No.4129085

>it's impossible for women to enjoy tLOtR, one of the most expensive and popular movie franchises in the past decade.

>> No.4129096


Not him, but yes, that is indeed likely to be true. As Schopenhauer says quite rightly:

>"Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

>This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence."

>> No.4129100

>be in bus
>an acquaintance is near
>make a remark about 'the stranger' since I noticed that he was reading it the other day
>'I don't get it, the plot wasn't all that also, but the ending was nice.'
>'that's all that matters, right?' I reply.
>'dan brown is my favourite author, who'se yours?'
>never speak to that person again

>> No.4129102

because Nietzsche and Plato aren't "nerdy", you fucktard.

>> No.4129103

>i was just trolling u about being trolled lol trolled noob xD

pineapple is an anagram of ape nipple

>> No.4129106

>See qtπ girl reading Infinite Jest at college
>Walk up to her
>"So you like DFW huh?"
>"Yes, he's brilliant!" she responds, clearly excited
>Decide to engage her in an intelligent literary discussion
>"Did you know that he killed himself because he hadn't any talent?"
>"E-excuse me?" (she is clearly impressed by my expertise)
>"He can't write, he can't think; there's no discernible talent"
>"Ooo-kay..." she says and turns back to her book
>I tear it from her hands and launch it across the room with all my strength
>"Why don't you read some real literature instead?"
>"What the hell!?"
>"I recommend Hemmingway. Now there's a man's man"
>"I don't like Hemingway!"
>"Hemmingway," I correct her. "It has two m's"
>She collects her book from where it lies three metres away and storms off, completely defeated by my insoluble logic
>I open my laptop
>That feel when no gf

>> No.4129111
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>"It has two m's"

>> No.4129115

>implying being a tryhard intellectual reading stuff that doesn't even matter anymore isn't nerdy.

>> No.4129118

>lol im such a nerd xD

>> No.4129123

>tryhard intellectual

Again, that's not what a 'nerd' is.

>> No.4129128

What is it then? Isn't it a dorky simpleton who finds something interesting that's so irrelevant that no one else gives a shit, which condemns him/her to solitude? All nerds I have met are fucked in the head.

>> No.4129132

>All nerds I have met are fucked in the head.

Then maybe you ought to find a new website to shitpost on, you boring cunt.

>> No.4129135


That's certainly a nerd but it's not the cool hip nerd that seems to be the definition nowadays. People condemned to solitude because of their obsessions are autistic loner freaks.

>> No.4129136

>finds classic literature irrelevant
>hates nerds

Are you lost?

>> No.4129138

But aren't they the actual nerd and not the posers that go back to anti intellectualism when the 'I fucking love science' fad ends?

>> No.4129140

I read contemporary literature, I'm not pretentious, I don't believe in the value of foundations.

>> No.4129145

>I'm not pretentious

The fact that you feel qualified to dismiss literary giants like Nietzsche and Plato suggests otherwise.

I also mostly read contemporary literature and I still think you're an arse.

>> No.4129146


Saying you're not pretentious doesn't make you not pretentious, I'm afraid. Try harder.

>> No.4129149

Because philosophy is not nerdy, it is alpha

>> No.4129150

what are you studying ? you sound like a douche anyway.

>> No.4129156
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Please go on and tell us more.

>> No.4129157 [DELETED] 
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Fucking brilliant

>> No.4129168

i guess he was right
>inb4 disinterestedly is a word
yes it is, you just don't know when to use it

>> No.4129175


>I'm not pretentious, I don't believe in the value of foundations.

This statement is pretense within itself.

You seem to misunderstand what the word "pretentious" actually means.

>> No.4129186

Well someone has to tell it as it is.

Written language as knowledge, ultimately disenfranchises us from the real. To master the real you have to be able to have a language to capture the specific context that is, the phenomena that plays out before you. If you are bound by a 'correct' convention about what it is that your observing which chains you to the past, the present is forced by those chains to be a regurgitation of the past. The only way to free yourself is to invent your own language spontaneously because unlike writing, the spoken word has the ability to be spontaneously emergent, in a way written word simply can't.

That's why I want to cut the ties to foundations and only read what is the case now, to enlarge my vocabulary so it's easier to capture the immanent reality, through an enlargement of up-to-date vocabulary.

>> No.4129196



Strong bait game, but you lack subtlety.

>> No.4129223

This is more /pol/ than pleb but here we go
>drive google maps car for a living
>woman stands in front of my car, says she's making a stand about Tiananmen Square (which I'm 'too young to know about' according to her)
>Starts saying I'm a Soviet sleeper cell, I'm working for the government to build detention camps for US citizens
>goes on long rant about how if I read 1984, I'd change my communist ways
>starts crying because our president is black
>all of my what
She recommended Agenda 21 to me, should I read it or is it just shitty Glen Beck approved fear mongering?

>> No.4129228

Do you want to understand her idiocy or not?

>> No.4129229


>>starts crying because our president is black

figure of speech or was she legitimately crying?

>> No.4129230

I just looked it up, and I didn't realize it was LITERALLY written by Glenn Beck. I don't know that I can handle that level of insane
She started literally crying because no one did a background check on him, blah blah blah. I had to give her McDonald's napkins that I keep for emergency pissing procedures

>> No.4129243


>She started literally crying


>> No.4129252

>sneering at mentally ill people because their paranoid delusions happen to be politically disagreeable to you

Stay classy, leftists.

>> No.4129259

Does the job pay well?

>> No.4129262

Wait, I've listened to plenty of Right-Wing radio in my time, and it's all fear mongering and baseless mocking, so don't act as though one side is more guilty than another
For my age and area it does, though in more metropolitan places it may be just enough to barely scrape by

>> No.4129268

>not listening to music with the word yolo in it

it's like you're not even a member of the glorious contra-fedora revolutionary forces

>> No.4129272

I wouldn't, I reckon there's better literary pursuits. We can't know it all, and unless you are doing something political professionally it's a waste of time.

>> No.4129286

>one person's behavior is automatically indicative of what every leftist ever is like
Wow, you're an asshole.

>> No.4129299

>be in class
>see someone with a book
>don't care
>surfing Internet and chatting on Skype on my laptop
>see that people are now focusing on the fact that Israel has chemical weapons and refuses to ditch them
>share with a couple of people online
>class ends
>go to next class
>everyone has books because it's an anthropology class
>still don't care
>still surf the Internet
>maintaining a 3.8 GPA
>have some friends who like to read
>have some friends who don't, but that's okay because I have multiple interests
>actually can talk to girls, and get a date
>always end up fucking up my relationship somehow and getting dumped
>just rambling about my life now
>but I'll still post it because it's just as on-topic as 90% of this thread about whether or not /lit/ talks to women

>> No.4129310

Filing your posts under "Musings of a faggot"

>> No.4129313
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my nostrils flared/10

>> No.4129324

>doesn't even matter anymore
You're basically the definition of pleb, and you have no idea what you're missing out on.

>> No.4129410

You are never allowed to do anything alone, ever. Period.

>> No.4129413

why would anybody maintain such an archive?

>> No.4129422
File: 83 KB, 800x595, en_paretwo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i died

>> No.4129423

>Implying only girls do this

>> No.4129475

>ending a sentence with a preposition
>being this much of a pleb

>> No.4129486

*face palm*
Being this much of an autistic pleb and thinking its cool... Wow

Also learn to spell;

>> No.4129489

llok @ al the plens itt 9.9

>> No.4129498

holy shit

>> No.4129512

>vehemently perpetuating arbitrary prescriptivist bullshit that no serious linguist has cared about since modernism
>accusing others of being a pleb

>> No.4129589
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>be on the bus, reading the work of Dostoevsky
>girl sits next to me with her book, she's kind of cute
>she asks me what I'm reading
>wordlessly, I show her the cover
>"Wow, that's cool. You must be pretty smart," she says, showing my her book's cover
>It's Game of Thrones
>a giggle escapes my lips
>"What's... what's so funny?" she asks, beginning to become nervous.
>"Well, it's just... it's just," – it's becoming difficult to speak due to the harsh string of guffaws now leaving my mouth – "A Song of Ice and Fire is the biggest pleb trash shitpile to reach the mainstream since Harry Potter!"
>she looks confused and a bit offended
>"Oh, let me guess!" I'm now half-shouting as I double over in laughter. "You probably enjoyed Harry Potter too!"
>A man two seats in front of us stands up. In one hand, he holds a copy of Ulysses; in the other, Finnegans Wake. He brings them together, over and over, to create a mighty chorus of patrician clapping to signify the victory of my sophisticated taste over her fecal-matter-disguised-as-books
>She bursts into tears; she knows in her heart that I'm right
>I lean over, place my finger under her chin, and tip her head up to look into her defeated, bloodshot eyes. As a single tear runs down her face, I whisper:
>"I bet you think Franzen is deep"

>> No.4129594
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>> No.4129601
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>> No.4129607
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well done anon

>> No.4129618

These kinds of threads are one of the biggest reasons why I return to /lit/ daily. I love you guys.

>> No.4129619

This legitimately rustled my jimmies

>> No.4129625
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>Not him, but yes, that is indeed likely to be true. As Schopenhauer says quite rightly
>taking 19th century philosophy about women serious

>> No.4129630

>all of these plebs imagining themselves as the quiet guy

>> No.4129638


>> No.4129644

Fuck you. That's awesome on his part.

>> No.4129651

ITT: /lit/ being an antisocial elitist, as is par for the course.

>> No.4129654
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that's cool, man

>> No.4129659

>I tear it from her hands and launch it across the room with all my strength
>She collects her book from where it lies three metres away


>> No.4129661

>be in class
>tubby kid in cargo shorts asks what some girls are reading
>harry potter, fight club, game of thrones
>he calls them all plebs, they make a strange face and then shrug
>he opens his laptop
>50+ tabs of anime and philosophy related wikipedia pages
>crumbs all over his keyboard
>i ask him what his favorite story is from book XIV of the metamorphoseon
>he freezes and turns red
>attempts to surreptitiously type "metemorphosion" (his spelling) into google
>the girls call him on it
>everyone is laughing at him
>he hasn't even read ovid
>he accidentally turns off the mute button and tentacle hentai starts blasting from his speakers
>we're all horrified
>he's incredibly red
>the room starts to shake
>he explodes
>a single fedora floats down toward where he sat, a great pumpkin in his place

>> No.4129665
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>21st century
>still using left/right binary system

>> No.4129666

fuckin seriously

>> No.4129676
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Not even that bad. What's worse is guys who spaz out over "non-nerds" (because that social construct has a clear and objective definition for sure) and try to rub in everyone's faces how much of a "nerd" they are.

>> No.4129707
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>>A man two seats in front of us stands up. In one hand, he holds a copy of Ulysses; in the other, Finnegans Wake. He brings them together, over and over, to create a mighty chorus of patrician clapping to signify the victory of my sophisticated taste over her fecal-matter-disguised-as-books

Jesus Christ I lost it right here

>> No.4129712

when guys do it they pretend to be well read or to be familiar with mozart or something

>> No.4129716

A professor once called me his fellow-troglodyte.. I should never have told him how much time I spend alone in the basement

>> No.4129738

>literally believing in a progress narrative

>> No.4129743

>literally assuming that progress, dialectic, geneaology and teleology all mean the same thing

your are literally retarted

>> No.4129755

>i one had a date
>i took a story with me
>of mice and men
>my date says, "why'd you bring a book to a date?"
>i look into his eyes
>he looks back
>The End

>> No.4129761


>> No.4132143

holy shit, that is genuinely horrifying

>> No.4132178


he has probably never read a book since he was made to feel like a failure in high school. now they intimidate and offend him. people get caught in bubbles.

>> No.4132198

Back to /r9k with you!

>> No.4132200

Schopenhauer was right about a lot of things, but women wasn't one of them

>> No.4132204

>Schopenhauer was right about a lot of things, and women was one of them

fixed that for you

>> No.4132205

Why should I take your word over Schopenhauer's? You've not demonstrated a fraction of the perspicacity that he has.

>> No.4132206

I like how that guy who draws SMBC makes sure there are black Asian Native cisdemitranssexxual wymmin in every comic so that we know that he's not racis' or something.

>> No.4132209

>Schopenhauer's genius ends where my hurt feelings begin

>> No.4132212

>On night bus home
>Student doctor friend is wearing a badge that's reminding people to get the MMR vaccine
>Man dressed in rough hemp clothing gets on
>He starts telling us how the MMR jab is a government plot
>He argues about this with the student doctor for maybe half an hour
>He gets off the bus, shouting loudly at us about Babylon

>> No.4132214

it's unfortunate that despite this token effort his comics all too often fall into casual racist/sexist tropes, and not in a self-aware manner either.

>> No.4132217

Most women, in marriage, attempt to stand in front of their man, unless he stops her.
Women are inclined towards mastery as well, but really like it when men stop them and assert themselves as her leader.

>> No.4132222

how many women have you been married to, wise one?

>> No.4132239

>12 years after 9/11
>still believe liberal democracy's claims of post-ideology

>> No.4132250
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>at starbucks
>barista named dave knows me after a while
>asks me what im reading every time im in there
>give each other suggestions and shoot the shit

>> No.4132266

>before lecture
>a qt3.14 reading a book
>ask her 'w..what a-are you reading'
>she shows me the cover without saying anything
>it's 'Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah' by Richard Burton
>don't know what to say
>'w-what do you think about Pynchon?'
>realise she didn't hear me because I am too quiet

>> No.4132270


>> No.4132275
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>> No.4132279

I picked up a copy of his essay on women from the university library once. In the beginning, someone had written:
>conclusion: Shopenhauer didn't get any pussy

>> No.4132290

you pronounced everything wrongly

>> No.4132292

you guys are almost as bad as those faggots on guitar forums

>hurr walked into guitar center and saw sum kid tryin to play stairway
>so I went over there and shit out eruption at teh speed of light, then I pinned a sticker on him that said my name is plebius maximus
>left him crying as I walked out with 10 chicks around my arms

>> No.4132293

ur mum pronounced my dick rightly nerd #swag

>> No.4132297

>reading book in class before lecture
>guy who sits next to me all the time takes his seat
>he takes out his ear buds, leads over to me, and asks
>"hey, what book are you reading?"
>"growth of the soil by knut hamsun. why?"
>"oh, just curious."
>puts his ear buds back in and starts going over his notes

>> No.4132300


>> No.4132301

oh wow you play guitar? tell us more

>> No.4132302

>reading something
>neckbear comes over with his shitty cotton walmart trilby
>"wut r u rading?"
>*insert anything*
>fuck off retard
>later see him off by himself, eating twinkies and reading clausewitz

>> No.4132303

you're going to be expelled for antisemitism soon

>> No.4132308


>> No.4132311


how plebeian

>> No.4132320

nigga what the fuck

>> No.4132325

Love your accent, but christ, learn to pronounce Clausewitz: /ˈklaʊzəvJts/;

>> No.4132345

It's not "plebby-an" it's "pleb-ee-an"

you filthy pleb

>> No.4132351

>sitting on the bus reading like a patrician, naturally
>girl across from me is also reading
>i notice she stops and looks over at me
>begrudgingly acquiesce her attention, knowing she expects conversation
>she asks me what i'm reading
>roll my eyes and show her the cover of my neal gaiman novel (knowing good and well she wouldn't be familiar with a real author like gaiman)
>she says "oh" sounding disappointed (well what do you expect you dumb cunt? like i would be reading something a small minded female would be interested in)
>just to humor her i reciprocate, asking her what she's reading
>it's some bullshit named women in love (fucking typical right?)
>i scoff and go back to reading my gaiman

why is it so hard to find an intelligent, well-read girl?

>> No.4132375

>having to express "hilarious" insults through Greentext
>calls others plebs

>> No.4132388


Lawrence is just as shit as Gaiman you fucking dweeb although for different reasons.
Unless that's what you were going for in which case bravo.

>> No.4132389

YOU, sire, have been royally self-deceived! That "bullshit" as you so impetuously decry it is in actuality a text from the annals of GREATE LITERATURE! it is with great contrast to be compared to your Gaimon book, a novel from the dusty recesses of POORE LITERATURE!
Oh, kalou kalay! What a calamitous mix-up, good sire! What folly, what humoures you induce! Take heed and be off with you!

>> No.4132396

It's difficult to find a boy who doesn't stop at Dune with several readings from Hemingway and Dickens in highschool as well.

Plus, everybody's reading levels are so vastly different. What you consider to be quality lit at 100 books will change when you've read 500. And nobody understands your titles by then.

>> No.4132612

If you don't think she's pretty why did you rape her?

>> No.4132808
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>> No.4132820

>not being german

enjoy your shakespeare, faggots

>> No.4132976

care to elaborate?

>> No.4132998

>implying that no one on this board is female

>> No.4133010

that asian is koren btw not japanese

>> No.4133033
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Okay, yeah, I'll give you that one. I've seen other chicks walking around wearing "I love anime" t-shirts, then when you ask them what their favourite anime is they say pokemon. Then when you ask what other anime they've seen you manage to get out of them that they don't watch anime.


>> No.4133041

"At least they're not making me fat"

>> No.4133046

Ending a sentence with a preposition is a so called 'fault' that stupid fucktards from highschool or lower college mistakenly believe, largely due to being explicitly taught grammar by a nonce derro faggot.

>> No.4133052

I actually liked Rant, Haunted, and Invisible Monsters. Sure the twists in his earlier books were silly, and it was edgy as fuck, but I found them funny at the time.
What exactly do you have against Palahniuk? >inb4 dohoho edgy transgressive fictchun

>> No.4133054

Ending a sentences with a prepostion is occasionally an acceptable thing to do.

>> No.4133056

Rant and Invisible Monsters (and Choke, too, for me) are all fucking stellar. Other things he's written...not so much.

>> No.4133061

true, fucking lol

>> No.4133062

Only 10? What a fag.

>> No.4133076

Yeah. I listened a lot of his books during the long courses of one of my old jobs. The twists got kinda silly and felt shoe-horned, the only book of his I hated was Pygmy.
I liked the narrative style, even the intelligent/inarticulate English the main character used, but the ending was a fucking let down. I'm fine with characters shooting themselves in the head or crashing in the Astrailian Outback without a trace, but Pygmy's ending was just fucking underwhelming in every way possible. Im glad I didn't actually buy it.

>> No.4133078

Except that here it is worse. Reading is an act that is very easy to complete, you could read complex works and take nothing in, but you'll have read it

People here are proud of doing nothing

>> No.4133085

I didn't even bother past the first chapter.

>> No.4133089

Hahaha! Was it the part when the kid started fucking that bully in the arse at Walmart?...
Woah shit, I contradicted myself from earlier. I concede that that book in particular was WAY TOO EDGY.
The only reason I listened through it was I had a job as a Sign Spinner during big social occasions in SoCal.

>> No.4133092

Holy shit, Pygmy has an audiobook?

>> No.4133101

Yes. All of them were Random House did it for all of his books. Invisible Monsters, in particular, was really well done and funny.
I don't remember which one, but I listened to the best rendition of 'A Clockwork Orange' ever. It was quite the reconciliation after seeing the piece of shit movie, which I admit, I saw it before I read the book.

>> No.4133103
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>devil's avocado

>> No.4133117
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>devil's avocado

>> No.4133276

If you're speaking verbally then how can you correct her spelling?

>> No.4133302

This one is completely true.

>In about year 10
>Reading before class
>'Are you actually reading?'
>Everyone is staring at me and laughing
>Talking about how reading is for anti-social people and losers
>Teacher just stands around ignoring it
>Finally I speak up
>'You philistines'
>Everyone goes silent
>The teacher is livid
>'Anon, the head office, right now!'
>Wait what
>Go to the principal's office
>Sit there and read
>Eventually the teacher comes and gets the principal
>'Anon here used a racial slur'
>Hang on what
>'I see'
>Try to explain the meaning of 'philistine' to my principal and fucking english teacher
>There for like half an hour, they keep telling me to stop using the word
>Eventually one of them googles it
>'Well you still shouldn't have said that to your classmates, Anon'
>Lose two lunches to detention

>> No.4133304

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, and this time it happens again. It goes right over your head.

>> No.4133311
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>> No.4133313

I think he means that liberal democracy is not the end of history

>> No.4133353

Also, just also: where does the 'never come here again' thing come from? because I can't remember and couldn't find it through google. Does anyone know? And but also nice trips.

>> No.4133356

> Pynchon
> Pleb

>> No.4133359

What the hell did they think it meant?

>> No.4133385


not him, but i remember when I was in year 7 we were divided into groups for some inter-school spaghetti bridge building competition and I chose "sphincter patrol" for our group, and they even printed it on the certificates of participation etc. When mum rang them up and went off the handle at the office it came to light that nobody in the entire institution infact knew what a sphincter was; including the several science teachers that took us that day.

>> No.4133430

Awful. The worst equivalent I can recall is when I was trying to explain that an assignment completed had 'significance', she failed to realize that significance meant anything other than 'great relevance', so she argued with me and said that she'd never said the assignment was significant. All I'd meant was that it had an effect on the end grade. But I only started out on this story to compare the shortage of retardation in my experience, so I'll deprive us all of any attempt at a punchy finish.

>> No.4133443

>browse /lit/
>everyone is shit posting
>are they rolling a oranges over the keyboards?
>or did the schizophreniacs escape from the funny farm?
>see magic word that explains everything
>turn around 360 degrees and back away from /lit/

>implying that Platon was nerd stuff to begin with
Quite often, being a nerd seems to be a debased version of an educated person. There is knowledge, but it's pigeonholed knowledge. If you're a trekkie, then you don't care that a lot of the scripts to TOS was written by "real" sci-fi authors. And if you're into sci-fi books, then you don't care about other authors.

>> No.4133446


in the standardised australian testing, one of the major questions was "explain the concept of a stereotype" and apparently only 2 / ~150 year 9 students could explain this concept.

Actually in year 2 my standardised test said I scored higher than "100%" of students in tasmania in reading comprehension. I think I was actually the very highest person. Which isn't very surprising; my year 1 teacher didn't think shanghai or hierarchy were real words (at this stage a university education was not requisite for being a teacher, we just had a police academy style "teacher academy")

>> No.4133449

i'm australian too, but that's just shocking. is it a tasmanian thing? and, admittedly though, 'the concept of a stereotype' is a pretty hard one to explain. i'm not sure if year-9 me would have known where to start, even though he'd have understood it.