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/lit/ - Literature

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4125697 No.4125697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't German have any good literature other than Faust?

>> No.4125705

because German is the language of philosophy
English of prose
and French of poetry

>> No.4125706
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>> No.4125709
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>> No.4125710

Mother of fuck, this

>> No.4125713

But that thing you just said is wrong OP.

>> No.4125722


>> No.4125728

that's kind of oversimplifying it, don't you think?

>> No.4125729

aren't german and english pretty much the same?

>> No.4125730

It's amazing that the OP pic is the first fucking one in that meme, other than the original, that actually did it right

>> No.4125737

Actually there are some pretty big differences syntactically and morphologically

>> No.4125769

>thinks philosophy isn't literature
>thinks schoppy & the nitch weren't master stylists
>doesn't mann, junger etc

>> No.4125787

Kleist, faggot.

>> No.4126634

nice try brah / 10

>> No.4126915

Try reading some Thomas Mann.

>> No.4126926

That pic isn't wrong depending on how you interpret it.

>> No.4127111

0/10 did not even lel

>> No.4127122

Nah, it's wrong. All life shares a common ancestor, but they didn't all evolve from monkeys.

>> No.4127137

These are the first valuable posts I´ve seen this tripfig make.

>> No.4127138

Because God is just and he distribute talents among the children nations of Europe fairly.
To give Germany literary talents as well as the extraordinary musical talents that they had would have been unfair.
Which is why England had great literary talents but subpar musical talents.

>> No.4127143

>English of prose
>and French of poetry

The other way around.
French is of prose, English is of poetry.

>> No.4127184


Came here to say this.

Kleist is king.

>> No.4127191

I'd take German language lit over francophone lit any day.

>> No.4127192
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>distribute talents among the children nations of Europe fairly.
What are Moldova, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Liechtenstein?

>> No.4127225

>What are Moldova, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Liechtenstein?
Not Europe?

>> No.4127229
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Atheism general?

>> No.4127285

>does not understand probability

>> No.4127294

Relativist pls go.

>> No.4127297

I don't get it. NdGT isn't an atheist, and hates the wave of New-atheism.

>> No.4127299

I'm not a big fan of Germany but that's just wrong

>> No.4127301

>I'm not a big fan of Germany


>> No.4127302

That is the joke, he is just a popular scientist, he is actually only hated by the butthurt puritans of scientism.

>> No.4127303

It's funny because all the atheist redditors idolize him and Carl Sagan because of their scientific achievements and the joke creator has exaggerrated and distorted things to mirror the militant Christians who believe science=satanism, thereby making the figure head of redditors and fedoras everywhere something akin to the anti-christ.

The joke is in the absurdity of it all and the satirization of certain Christians.

>> No.4127304
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read more

>> No.4127306

Anyone who openly admits to being a scientist gets a fedora super-glued to their head. It doesn't matter if they're an atheist or not; if they're a scientist, they're a fedora wearing atheist.

>> No.4127312

Thanks for explaining the joke too the guy who didn't get it

>> No.4127313


>> No.4127326

go back to africa

>> No.4127380

Militant scepticism and total relativism are so much better because they are intellectually honest and rational. I thought that would be obvious.

>> No.4127408

Under that interpretation it's wrong.

>> No.4127409


>> No.4127415

Der Zauberberg
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Die Vermessung der Welt
Der Spiegel im Spiegel
Jugend ohne Gott
Das Nibelungenlied
Der Rasende Roland
Kinder- & Hausmärchen der Gebrüder Grimm
Briefe an die Chinesische Vergangenheit
Der mechanische Prinz
Die Verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum
Die Verwandlung
Das Schloß

und jetzt verpiss dich, OP, du Homofürst

>> No.4127427
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>Kein Wort über Die unendliche Geschichte

Du Pleb.

>> No.4127430

Why do people here disregard Gunter Grass so often?

>> No.4127434

fick, das ist das Buch, das ich jedes Mal empfehle (weils einem die Augen öffnet gegenüber 90% heutiger Fantasyliteratur, sprich kleinbübischen Allmachtsfantasien), und wenn ichs einmal auslasse ist gleich der Teufel los...

weiters zu lesen: Mythologie und Sagen nach Köhlmeier

>> No.4127441
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no mention yet of harry heine.

>> No.4127471

Thomas Bernhard is a great author! Read Woodcutters or the Correction.He has a way of spiraling around his subjects until all the tendons and meat of the subject is entangled in his long sentence structure and very detailed prose.

>> No.4127472

like half of those suck

>> No.4127476

Was waiting for this.

>> No.4127481

I have offered a broad spectrum of German literature, of course there's gonna be some books you don't like.

>> No.4127484

Bernhard is an edgy faggot who tries way too hard to get others to cut themselves on his edge. He only wrote "Heldenplatz" to piss people off.

>> No.4127485

I always feel like the effort I put into his books is always justified.

>> No.4127490

chose one of the books you dislike, and explain why you believe it sucks. Go ahead now, don't be shy.

>> No.4127494

Fairy tales are stupid nonsense stories for children

>> No.4127499

French is kind of impractical IMO

>> No.4127504

>first effort to compile folk stories and preserve them, further standardising the German language

go be edgy somewhere else

>> No.4127513
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>Bernhard is an edgy faggot

Opinion disregarded.

>> No.4127522

>first effort to compile folk stories and preserve them

But that's not true at all . . .

>> No.4127533

For literature


And you know it.

>> No.4127538
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>answering with trashman

Opinion disregarded.

>> No.4127546

>Romance languages
>suitable for literature

come back when your language is cleansed from Latin shitstains

>> No.4127552

Are you asian or african? That makes no sense. All western languages come from Latin.

>> No.4127565

But the English language has produced more great literature than any other except maybe Latin.

>> No.4127572

Just as movies huh?

>> No.4127582

I don't think I've seen a Latin movie.

>> No.4127584

Because you haven't read any German literature in real German.

Americlaps 0 - Real Languages 1

>> No.4127616

sorrows of young werther, bitches.

read that shit and weep.

you're all werther.


>> No.4127645

>from Latin
>Norse languages
>from Latin
>Slavic languages
>from Latin
>from Latin

dude, no. Just because your precious English "language" got buttfucked by Latin, Danish and French doesn't mean everybody else's language is such a whore.

>> No.4127692


>> No.4127704

What does Danish have to do with anything? I bet you live in some Slavic shithole.

>> No.4127716

anthropogists would say you're right, everyone else just calls it Austria and prays no one notices that everyone living east of the Dachstein is just a Slav who's been forced to speak and act German for a good 1000 years or so.

>> No.4127936

Are you plenty retarded?
Indeed German comes from Latin. Check your history books, barbaric troops (mercenaries) trained for the empire, spoke a grotesque form of Latin. A mix of their own language dialect and of the informal Latin.

After the fall of Rome and new consolidation of power in Germanic tribes this "romance" language was being written as the official language. It was not spoke by everyone only the elite. But through the years (hundreds) it became the base or an archaic form of the actual German.

Continuing with your blood, check your local ADN statistics. Germanic blood differs from Slavic blood. An Asian horde twice butt-raped all your women. You got more mongoloid ADN than any other European. Whore is your weak people who didn't defeat themselves from Genghis Khan and lived in wood the last 100 years. Stop attaching you Danish impure blood with Germany. You are no more pure than Italians or Spaniards with Arab ADN. You "Asiatic" ignorant.

>Americans stay off the blood discussion, your white people is a unknown mixture of whatever your parents desired to procreate.

>> No.4127960
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>Whore is your weak people who didn't defeat themselves

>> No.4127963

more like "idiot"

>> No.4127976
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>> No.4128023

Heinrich Böll, Billiards at half past nine in particular

>> No.4128036

you're either a frenchman or a spaniard
how can you accuse someone else of racial impurity?

>> No.4128050

>Being this inbred

Enjoy your 100% pure Aryan autism

>> No.4128053

And Albania is the only European country and language that just seemed to come out of fucking nowhere, interestingly enough.

>> No.4128055

I'd wear that hat

>> No.4128056
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Forgot pic.

>> No.4128077

Rilke, Kleist, Brecht, Muller, Grass, and Hesse all beg to differ.

>> No.4128186

Are the Germans the best at making films, writings and musics?

>> No.4128200

the germans have only ever made one good film.

>> No.4128206


WOT. Germans are only exceeded by France in terms of filmmaking. Like the German Jewish exodus in the thirties MADE Hollywood what it was. Lubitsch, Ophuls, Murnau, Lang. Plus you have the New German Cinema, which is arguably even more bodacious: Wenders, Fassbinder, and Herzog. Fassbinder made forty films in like twenty years, and I haven't seen a bad one yet (Mind you, I've only seen four).

>> No.4128208

What film would that be?

>> No.4128216

>WOT. Germans are only exceeded by France in terms of filmmaking. Like the German Jewish exodus in the thirties MADE Hollywood what it was.

They came to America, they made films in America, they count as part of the American film industry.

Hey, don't blame me, blame the Nazis.

>> No.4128219

Triumph of the Will, of course.

>> No.4128261

>WOT. Germans are only exceeded by France in terms of filmmaking.
Yeah but French cinema is shit.

>> No.4128270

I take it your not a fan of the experimental cinema of the 70s?

>> No.4128318

French wannabe artist decadent hipsters. Imitating Italian trash films ever since.

>> No.4128319


But they also made films in Germany before coming to America.

>> No.4128323

Wings of Desire

>> No.4128328

Aguirre der zorn Gottes

that was their best though, not only good

>> No.4128350


No way man. Man on a Wire, M, and Paris, Texas, and Cobra Verde are all better than Aguirre. Morever, even Herzog's remake of Nosferatu is better than Aguirre, which is still pretty great.

>> No.4128359

So can we agree that the Germans make the best films, music, and writings.

>> No.4128360

I disagree completely but don't feel like arguing.

All of those movies aren't even on the same level as Aguirre, and the last one isn't nearly as good

>> No.4128365

probably, but there are the japanese and the french
Italians probably
not at all, I would probably say Greece, England, Ireland, maybe Italy (rome)

Germany is most lacking in literature in my opinion. They have no great novel, just an odd play (but a great story). They excel in philosophy and science though.

>> No.4128383

I was including philosophy and science in writings, but I guess even then, it'd be pretty easy to argue they're not the best. For music, I was thinking that because they have both the classical appeal and the modern appeal (krautrock might not be extremely popular, but it's pretty influential). However, I don't really know much about Italian music, who are your favorite musicians/composers?
Also, what are some of your favorites in all 3 fields?

>> No.4128388
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>music masterrace
>not the slavs


>> No.4128461

>Italian music, who are your favorite musicians/composers?

The greatest period of music was the period from the start of the renaissance to the end of the baroque period (arguably from renaissance to beginning of romantic, but to make it less complicated), and almost all of the major figures were from Italian schools.

The best renaissance composers were collectively Italian (there are the French and germans but they were mostly early and not many): gesualdo, lassus, monteverdi, palestrina, victoria, Giovanni Gabrieli. Baroque also had so many amazing italian composers, such as both Scarlattis, Corelli, Locatelli, Monteverdi (he was both), Vivaldi, Marcello, Torelli, Veracini, Gasparini, Geminiani, Tartini.

They also had Cherubini in Classical and Landini in medieval.

>Also, what are some of your favorites in all 3 fields?
That's a really hard question, but here are some:

Aguirre, Ikiru, Dreams that Money Can Buy

Messe de Nostre Dame, Gesualdo's madrigals (1 and 6) and sacred music, Josquin's motets and Missa Pange lingua, Corelli's Follia and Concerto grossi (really all but 1, 7, 8, 9 are best), Locatelli's l'arte de violin, Bach's brandenburg concertos, Mozart's string quartets, Requiem, concertos, Beethoven's missa solemnis, symphony no 9, string quartets and piano sonatas, chopin's mazurkas

Hamlet, King Lear, Homer, Sophocles, Dante, The Monadology, the Nietzsche I have read, Wittgenstein, Joyce, Njal's Saga

>> No.4128462

I like literature the most, I just got tired by the time I reached that part of the post.

>> No.4128487



>> No.4128490

I like them a lot, I don't know, kind of just happens

and I like to recommend people early music because I think it should be more popular, hence why I wrote all that.

>> No.4128707

Beethoven is the only one that matters.

>> No.4128749

victoria is spanish

>> No.4128874

>is buttmad his language doesn't have genetive case
>is buttmad that he can't call something "X's Y"

enjoy your "X of Y" babby language, boyo.

>> No.4128875
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Haben wir hier ein Problem?

>> No.4128878


I refer you to >>4127415

>> No.4128894

That would be Euskara.

>> No.4128920

Dürrentmatt (Austrian), Hesse, Schiller, Lessing, Brecht

>> No.4128922
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Hermann Hesse is disappointed by your faggotry.

>> No.4129046

>And Albania is the only European country and language that just seemed to come out of fucking nowhere, interestingly enough.
Fucking no.
They're illyrians who were so backward that they didn't finish switching to Latin during the Roman times. Albanian has a huge Latin influence; if the Western Roman Empire lasted one or two more centuries, then the Albanians would have merged with Romanians.

Look up 'Illyrians' on Wikipedia.

>> No.4129101
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Let me pleb this up a little bit.

>> No.4129116
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Tintenwelt? :D

>> No.4129117

Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung

>> No.4129119

Because you didn't read anything else.

>> No.4129126

No, Albanian is Indo-European. Basque is what you're after.

>> No.4129219

This literally made me contemplate suicide for a second at the thought of humanity's descent into senseless imbecility.

>> No.4129231

>kleinbübische Allmachtsfantasien
Hey! Bist du nicht der Bernd mit dem Fantasy Buch auf KC?

>> No.4129240

>english for comedy
>french for erotica
>german for philosophy
>russian for depression

>> No.4129242

fucking retard

>> No.4129281

i second this

>> No.4129305

robert walser > goethe

there i said it

>> No.4129320


>> No.4129329


>> No.4129331
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>> No.4129338

grow up

>> No.4129351


>> No.4129354

top lel

>> No.4129357

>using lel

>> No.4129358

le fries

>> No.4129363

claps everywhere

>> No.4129371


>> No.4129374

>top gun

>> No.4129377


>> No.4129380 [DELETED] 


>> No.4129383 [DELETED] 

not getting singles

>> No.4129396

My bad, I assumed his original name was Vittoria and that he was actually Italian


>> No.4129497

>no gregorio allegri

>> No.4129708

Russian > English > French > German > Nordic > Italian > European Spanish
But then again Nordic literature hasn't been good for about 60 years and the only high literature in Spanish that I've read is Borges

>> No.4129721

Russia is really only good at novels

>> No.4129725

>Russian > English
>Russian > French
>Russian > Italian

babby opinions

>> No.4129728

stop being such a pleb

>> No.4129744

I should bump it down, it's all bad crime novels nowadays. The older stuff is great though.

>> No.4129749

And short stories and poems. Russia has had some of the greatest poets in history. Maybe what you meant was that you've only heard of the great Russian novelists.

>> No.4129752

>Russia has had some of the greatest poets in history.

Yes, some - but fewer than Britain, France or Germany.

>> No.4129753

These discussions are always so goddamn retarded

>> No.4129981

You just haven't looked into it enough. it's sometimes hard to find good authors who speak different languages than yourself, because only the really famous ones get translations.

>> No.4130131

weh und ach, ich bin enttarnt!

>> No.4130141

Yeah man, Pushkin, chekhov.... the list goes on!