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/lit/ - Literature

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4123403 No.4123403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

submitted to TAR yet, /lit/?

>> No.4123407

no. I keep meaning to, just for the experience. When is the next deadline?

>> No.4123415

>next deadline

shiiieeeet! Our next release is on December 1st, man. (Going quarterly; gonna be an announcement over the week-end). So you got a while to send somethin' in and get feedback on it.

>> No.4123430

What's tar?

>> No.4123439

this. i've seen it on here before whenever you guys come around here to strum up submissions but i don't have the link saved.

link please?

>> No.4123456

the april reader. it's a literary magazine made by people from /lit/ or something. think the paris review but better.

>> No.4123463

How much do they pay?

>> No.4123471

i'm pretty sure they don't.

>> No.4123496
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That's hilarious. I'll take my writings elsewhere, thank you.

>> No.4123501

We usually have an award prize each issue, where we send the author of our favorite submission about twenty-five united states dollars.

Now that we're quarterly, we're gonna increase the award amount, and likely offer multiple awards per issue (one for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.).

i don't think you'd be able to win the award prize, tho

>> No.4123508

>tfw TAR followed me on tumblr

>> No.4123533

heard you decided to make some changes.So what's the deal?

>> No.4123558

wow, there is no way you even publish if you think almost anyone, anywhere pays.

>> No.4123566

kids on /lit/ are terribly naive

>> No.4123574

Most of the changes deal with how TAR works internally, but here's the stuff that's pertinent to readers and submitters:

>quarterly schedule
Fewer submissions a year justifies "fat" releases: TAR can be longer than ~40 pages now. We can also publish longer prose without being forced to serialize, and can do side stuff like creating title pages for submissions.

>more editors with more focus
Before, most of our editors just looked at every submission. Now, we have a few editors doing various genres of prose, a couple doing poetry, and a couple doing essays. As a result, submissions get accepted/rejected much faster, authors are given feedback much sooner, and readers (hopefully) get more diversified tastes in their perusal of TAR.

(We've got an opening for a poetry editor. If anyone's interested, just drop an email).

>A change of software & design
I got myself Scribus, a copy of The Elements of Typographic Style, and a copy of Grid Systems & The Geometry of Design.

Not only does this develop my hobby of design, a professional-looking layout allows published readers to feel more confident when showing off their feature in TAR.

and if i turn out to be a total sperg incapable of making anything readable and aesthetic we can find a guy to do layout i guess :(

More details will follow later in the week, but that's the jist of it. The rest is logistics stuff that I can't spin into a PR campaign, so you're just gonna have to wait and see.

>> No.4123578

any journal worth their salt pays, even if it's a small amount.

>> No.4123588

Just as well, I'm happy you've decided to invest so much effort revamping things.

Some of the older threads have been so pathetic that I wasn't completely sure TAR was still going

>> No.4123616
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>Our next release is on December 1st
D-Does this mean I should have sent in my birthday present to 4chan l-last month?

>> No.4123630

Yeah. It really is about time we addressed some of our own problems.

I'm sorry, anon. But we'd still love to read it!
If it makes you feel better, I've been pondering the idea of mini-zines released between releases. Like a newsletter. It's just a daydream, but it wouldn't be too hard: basically the current version of TAR but a bit shorter. Whether or not we do one before our re-inagural issue is yet to be discussed, but does the concept appeal to you?

this hasnt been run by the other editors yet so me telling you this is totally scandalous

>> No.4123640 [SPOILER] 
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>I'm sorry, anon.
It's fine. It's was a terrible present anyway. I really should have sent it in for this month's issue anyway.

>I've been pondering the idea of mini-zines released between releases.
That sounds like a lot of work for you, but nice for us.
Don't worry, I promise not to tell anyone.

>> No.4123673

>le communist face.jpg

>> No.4123790

you are flat insane. go to duotrope, my friend, and become wise.