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4121521 No.4121521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which book caused you to grow out of atheism?

I've been re-reading Nietzsche's Anti-Christ and his interpretation of Christianity is really superficial and butthurt.

>> No.4121524



>> No.4121535

Good job OP, maybe next you can read a book that'll help you not be such a fucking faggot, I doubt that though.

>> No.4121540


>read a book

like which one?

>> No.4121550


>calling Nietzsche 'butthurt'

Are you 13?

>> No.4121552

Saged and reported for shit posting. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4121555


>> No.4121556

>grow out of atheism
>grow out of
I hate this sort of shit. Drop the tone, young man.

And to answer you, what helped me understand religion was a mix of Kierkegaard, Erasmus, Alan Watts, Jung and some actual travelling and discussion with real people, which meant the most to me by far.

This is not about dismissing atheism. It's more like getting to understand what you are talking about, it is about comprehending religion (not only in the sense of understanding, but also embracing its concepts, adding them to your vision of the world, making them palpable to you besides calling it "fantasy" and walking off)

>> No.4121566

god just loves me a lot lol i didn't grow out of shit

>> No.4121569

>Which book caused you to grow out of atheism?

I realized I needed God as an a priori to justify my dialectical structuralist delusions.

>> No.4121571

pastafarian 4:20

>> No.4121584

>try hard who say they "grew out of atheism" thinking they're better than reddit

>> No.4121598

Funny, about 3 years ago I read the Anti-Christ sort of jokingly as a Christian, my father (a very devout Christian) actually recommended it to me to learn an anti-nihilist, non-reason-based attack on religion.

Admittedly I had already begun to waver in my faith at the time but after a year after my introduction to Nietzsche I became an atheist.

>> No.4121611


go read the Anti-christ and see for yourself.

It's funny how he speaks of 'ressentiment'. How the weak focus on the strong and resent their power/beauty and try to invert those values and make them bad.

he literally does the same thing to christianity.

The strong and noble aristocrat isn't supposed to waste his time dwelling on the weak, making fun of them and judging them...yet Nietzsche does exactly this--go figure!

>> No.4121615


your dad sounds smart

>> No.4121624

Emerson is really great if you want to have a look at spirituality that actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.4121631

He is. You should see his library. I wouldn't dare tell him I'm an atheist, his disappointment would be immense.

>> No.4121641


or he'd respect the shit out of your opinion
but probably not

>> No.4121642
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maybe this guy can save you?

>> No.4121650

I've already somewhat conceded that my current atheism is a phase.. I'm still in the midst of it, but with some introspection I can tell that my Nietzschean affirmation and rejection of religion is sort of a youthful exuberance, and I'll grow out of it once life starts to really give it to me up the ass. Then Kierkegaard and Dostoyevsky will be appropriate.

>> No.4121658


Is this what postmodernism does to a man? Pathetic

>> No.4121667

>I've been re-reading Nietzsche's Anti-Christ and his interpretation of Christianity is really superficial and butthurt.
Welp, that's enough evidence for me. I thought maybe I should evaluate claims based on observable data, and reason.
But clearly, that's ridiculous

>> No.4121668 [DELETED] 

666 get

>> No.4121699
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hear hear good sir!

>> No.4121703

> Grow out of atheism
> /lit/ falls for it

>> No.4121715

Jokes on you atheists, you played chess with a bloody pigeon!

>> No.4121716


>oy vey, Chaim! shut it down. they know

>> No.4121812

the Old testament made me atheist
the NT made me agnostic

>> No.4121819
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I come from a christian family so it was the other way around. I got tired of denying my growing doubts and justifying the hypocrisy of my coreligionists. It wasn't any one book I'd kindof be a faggot if I just read l'etranger and decided to be an atheist. It just makes sense to me.

>> No.4121820


Read Beyond Good and Evil.Your understanding of Nietzsche is really superficial.

The weak are weak to Nietzsche because they essentially lack the inspiration to strive for these qualities. Resentment is how they turn these good qualities into a perceived bad,and emasculate the strong.

Christianity, being Platonism for the masses, is everything Nietzsche thinks is wrong with the world. It dogmatically creates a herd mentality,and limits ambition by creating a ceiling for individual excellence and focusing the will on something other/after worldly.

Nietzsche is actually throwing a child like tantrum throughout most of his philosophy, but your critique is invalid.

>> No.4122044

>his interpretation of Christianity is really superficial and butthurt.
he was only the son of a priest, a student of theology and the most original philosopher of the 19th century; nah, it cant be that you didnt understand his philosophical framework, it must be that he is just dumb lol

>> No.4122063

Funny, Anti-Christ pretty much got me into philosophy.
I was in my "hey I should read Nietzsche to be smart" phase and picked it up, and then I read his 50-page rant on philosophy as a whole and didn't understand a fucking thing. So I felt like an idiot and started actually reading some overviews.
Thanks Nietzsche.

>> No.4122085

When I realized I was unable to live without it.

Modernists have no justification for their actions or beliefs other than, "muh feelings", or "muh will", their entire self is built . . . by themselves . . . they recognize no outside authority, and this makes their self experimental at best. As Kierkegaard put it, he is only "building castles in the air", and he the King to a Kingdom where it is perfectly legitimate at all times to be overthrown. One day you can be a Social Darwinist, another day you can be a Zen Buddhist, another day you can be a Marxist, another day you can be a reactionary, etc. Ideology becomes a hobby, these are the kinds of terms they use, "finding myself", "self-realization", "following my heart", "my true self", etc. - they are constantly chasing some vague transcendentalism, and they indulge in every ideology and position until they become bored of it because the initial excitement wore off.

>> No.4122089

> Resentment is how they turn these good qualities into a perceived bad,and emasculate the strong.

This is pretty much what Nietzsche does with Christianity/Christians in the anti-Christ. He turns all of their good values into a perceived weakness, because he is resentful of them.

His elaborate explanation of this, with the "afterworldly" and the lack of "will to power", etc., is just the genius of resentment, just as Paul's contribution to Christianity were supposedly due to the genius of his resentment, according to Nietzsche.

>> No.4122115

i don't think it was a single thing, but notes from the underground was a big influence, and so was hermann hesse - steppenwolf and siddhatha -- i think. soe schopenhaur too.

>> No.4122118
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>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.4122133

Not wanting to be bitter anymore.

>> No.4122138

I stopped treating theism and Christianity as synonymous. I still think the metaphysical claims of Christianity are false but I've become agnostic about other theistic traditions

>> No.4122145

Same here. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior and everything is a construct now.

>> No.4122150

Some others, that is

>> No.4122156

Nicely put. Most people understand religion as either a fundamentalist or one who denies that fundamentalism - with no understanding of the true complexity that lies between.

>> No.4122348

>pretty much
Clear sign you aren't fully grasping the philosophy.

It is Christianity as a practice he doesn't like. He doesn't resent the Christian. They are beneath him,like farm animals waiting to die.Paul is the original Christian,who perverts the qualities Nietzsche likes about his rather Machiavellian view of Jesus.

>> No.4122386

And what anchor do you use that tie your castles to the ground?
Isn't the choice of which god arbitrary as well?

>> No.4122738
File: 47 KB, 620x372, Pope-Francis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton

>Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

>Pensées by Blaise Pascal

These aren't so much anti-atheism as they are pro-Christianity, though.

For a deconstruction of atheism in the world today, I would recommend Ravi Z.

>Is America Abandoning God?

>The Incoherence of Atheism

>> No.4122756

>Why I'm Not an Atheist

This one's pretty good, too. I just appreciate how widely read Zacharias is. Some apologists focus heavily on Lewis, others heavily someone else, but Ravi Z draws frequently from the wisdom of many different people.

This quote from the viddy just stood out to me.

>It is Thomas Aquinas who said that the thing that intrigued him most about the disciples is that they weren't in a herd mentality; all of them sitting in a room together saying "Bravo, let's die for this." They all died alone and in different settings.

>> No.4122772

None. Just play rationalisn

>> No.4122901

>orthodoxy, GK Chesterton

thnx was looking for this one

>> No.4122904

The only part of atheism I've grown out of, is the edgy faggot phase where you feel the need to announce it to everyone, and then start an arguement explaining why you're right and everyone else is wrong.

>> No.4122931

The Ethics of Elfland is one of my favorites. That chapter is sooo good.

>> No.4122935
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>> No.4122956

>I stopped being an Atheist because this guy didn't look cool enough while being one

>> No.4122986

Probably a Chesterbum book it's pretty popular with the idiots on this board.

>> No.4122994

This new post-Chanology 4chan movement of people picking up religion simply to come off as more hip and individualistic than their non-religious teen peers is fascinating. Honestly, 4chan's evolution since Chanology is fascinating in general, but adopting a faith-based belief system just to cultivate some desired pretentious self-image, not because it was passed down by parents or surrounding culture, not because of some personal tragedy that forced you into a need for something beyond reality as it is ... I dunno, it's just mind-boggling.

>> No.4122998

It's just trolling. Don't take it so seriously.

>> No.4123002


being hip is dynamic, you gotta change position every 5 months

>> No.4123013

The theists can have all the pretentious "atheists" back. We won't miss them and might be slightly more euphoric.
*tips fedora and rides into the sunset*

>> No.4123017

>but adopting a faith-based belief system just to cultivate some desired pretentious self-image,

It was my impression that there has always been a lot of Christians on 4chan. They've just been afraid to discuss it until recently.

>not because it was passed down by parents or surrounding culture

>not because of some personal tragedy that forced you into a need for something beyond reality as it is

You should read some of the books people are posting, mate. It's an intellectual pursuit just as much as an emotional and spiritual one.

>> No.4123021

>Falling for le epic troles

So you think you are in good company?

>> No.4123067
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I don't get it.