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File: 40 KB, 750x600, hp_lovecraft_suppressing_a_grin_and_failing_by_redig76-d5it044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4121407 No.4121407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just finished at the mountains of madness
loved it what else should i read of his or other authors like him? pic related

>> No.4121413

Have you read any Borges? How about Marquez?

I think you'll like those two. They're who I started reading after my "I just found out about Lovercraft yesterday" phase.

>> No.4121421

anything in particular by them? and no i haven't i've started back into reading again and horror is really something i'm starting to get into more and more.

>> No.4121430

"Terror" by Dan Simmons.

>> No.4121433

Lovecraft: read The Color out of Space. it wouldn't make a movie of the week - not enough car chases - but it is fucking well written.

follow that with the Dunwich Horror.

>> No.4121434

One Hundred Years of Solitude and An Old Man With Enormous Wings are among Marquez's most popular works. They're both very good reads.

With Borges: I recommend just jumping in. His stuff should be available for free in many places on the net.

And for more Lovecraft: his later stuff is much better than earlier stuff (he tried too hard to be Poe imo).

>> No.4121448

perfect, i have a ton of time now with online classes and i download most to my nook (don't care it's a nook it was free and is easy to read with) but i do prefer hard copies.

has anyone else had the urge to read the necronomicon after a few lovecraft stories? or is that just me?

>> No.4121453

I always loved "Rats in the Walls" and "Nyarlathotep."

For similar reading, try the King in Yellow collection of short stories by R.W. Chambers.

>> No.4121470

I'm reading the necronomicon right now and following that up with the complete poe. I liked Mountains of Madness but I liked The Shadow Over Innsmouth more, check it out.

>> No.4121507
File: 39 KB, 315x450, laird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd strongly suggest Laird Barron OP, he does his own Chaotic mythos type thing that is fucking fantastic. Start with Occultation, easily his best short story collection thus far. The Croning is also good.

>> No.4121517

Thomas Ligotti is probably the closest we have to a modern-day Lovecraft. Equally unknown outside of a relatively small but quite devoted circle of friends and followers; writes only short stories, poems and the odd novella; has a really dark and pessimistic vision of life. Pretty good stuff.

Here's a free story from him:


>> No.4121523


And here's another one, one that actually pokes some fun at your typical Lovecraftian (or even Ligottian) yarn, then spins it on its head. (It's split in three parts, make sure to click "next" at the bottom).


He does that some times. He has a piece titled "Notes on the Writing of Horror" that starts as an essay on, well, on how to write horror fiction. Then halfway through the essay becomes a story of its own.

>> No.4121533

excellent thank you

>> No.4122939

definitely read the color out of space, its one of my favorites, The Shadow Over Innsmouth is also really good

>> No.4123635

I just donated that book. Should I get it back?

>> No.4123678

most of Lovecraft's stories are very similar to each other

>> No.4123711

>lovecraft thinking about a black person jumping in a river to escape from a lynching party only to realise he can't swim.jpeg