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/lit/ - Literature

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4119866 No.4119866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /lit/ the most sophisticated literary discussion board on the internet?


>> No.4119868
File: 105 KB, 150x98, yesitisnoitisnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.4119873

So you're saying you're quite ambivalent about this question, did I get you right.

>> No.4119879

top kek

>> No.4119882
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>> No.4119884

He's referencing a very funny Monty Python sketch where people pay to argue. I won't spoil it for you. Look it up on outube

>> No.4119886

I will cunt rape your kidneys.

>> No.4119888

Is he now?

>> No.4119894
File: 91 KB, 445x469, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da da daaaa

>> No.4119897

somehow no
>discussion board
not even

>> No.4119902

Hard mode: if you say no you have to post a better board.

>> No.4119906


>> No.4119908

Due to it's anonymity it's certainly the least likely (in my opinion) to be a circle jerk where people post what they feel will make them seem intelligent.

Recently there was a James Joyce thread on reddit and I said I didn't Portrait of a Young Artist as much as I thought I would and by the end of the day I was at -20 points.

>> No.4119910


>> No.4119918

Twilight forums. I don't know any but they are sure to be more sophisticated than this pit of posturing pretence.

>> No.4119925

god I hate this place

>> No.4119932

>caring about karma

>> No.4119948

It's actually not bad for discussion if you bring up an interesting point and it hasn't been discussed to death already.

Most of the threads end up rubbish because they start rubbish.

>> No.4119964


>> No.4119986


Here's what they're discussing right now over there at the pimple fedora factory:
> Patrick Leigh Fermor talk by Artemis Cooper in London tonight. Be inspired by an inimitable travel writer.

>> No.4120014
File: 63 KB, 340x565, srslynggr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people saying reddit is better

Good luck expressing any unpopular view without being downvoted out of fear and butthurtness.

The mindless sheep at reddit despise anything that challenges them.

>> No.4120012

What's wrong with that?

>> No.4120025

If you want a literature board to circlejerk -- nothing.

Silly me, I thought that the point of a literature board was to discuss literature...

>> No.4120034
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>discussing literature

>> No.4120040
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>> No.4120044

if you've ever been there, which i doubt someone as stupid as you has, no one downvotes out of disagreements. you only downvote when something is factually incorrect or against the rules or just stupid: racism, sexism, etc.

no one really gives a shit enough to downvote your le edgy opinions

>> No.4120047


>racism, sexism

How is that not downvoting out of disagreements?

>> No.4120048

>more like
>someone posts something interesting and Well argued
>everyone judges with pictures and cool memes
>i actually like it, its better than most and i find it entertaining.
>inb4 who are you quoting?

We do.

>> No.4120045


>> No.4120050

4chan is the biggest circlejerk the www has ever witnessed, son.

>> No.4120053

No because if you dissent subtly or overtly you'll get so much delicious attention.

>> No.4120054

lurk moar, kid

>> No.4120057

You're downvoting per the rules of the site. So sure, it's a disagreement with one person not following the rules of the site if that makes you feel better.

>> No.4120061

>>more like
>>someone posts something interesting and Well argued
>>everyone judges with pleb-flaming no matter if it's inside the /lit/core circlejerk or not.
>thread turns into something completely unrelated

>> No.4120063

Nah, if you post an unpopular opinion here it'll be judged much more fairly than if you posted anywhere else.
I'm a Christian btw and I don't believe in sex before marriage or porn. I also don't enjoy Franz Kafka's works very much. Thanks for being supportive guys.

>> No.4120066


>> No.4120068

>>someone posts something interesting and Well argued
that rarely ever happens. I agree with the rest though

>> No.4120074

>/lit/core circlejerk

This is a judgment, with cool memes though.

>> No.4120093


It still sounds way too politically correct. I've spent my time at Reddit before and it's gotten considerably worse lately I feel. 'Discussion' is a somewhat difficult term to really subscribe to the site in the first place. It's more like everybody shouting their opinions all at once; I find 4Chan to be similar but here, people do reply to somebody if it is just to disagree. Going to Reddit is like trying to read 400 opinions all at once.

>> No.4120098


>> No.4120111
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x800, 1379301738659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


simply put, yes. yes it is. it has its 4chan flavor, but it's better than any other discussion board.

inb4 reddit fags failing up the place.

>> No.4120119

Choosing the most sophisticated discussion board on the internet is like choosing the fox shit you'd most like to eat for dinner.

>> No.4120121

it's the best board on 4chan IMO, if that counts for anything

>> No.4120123

Your O is always worthless. This is the Internet, remember?

>> No.4120124

No. philosophy listservs and literature listservs are.

>> No.4120126

Is that supposed to be a Shakespearean pun?

>> No.4120127

I hadn't intended for it to be.

>> No.4120129

Nah, it isn't.

>> No.4120135

>It still sounds way too politically correct
stopped reading there. if you want to be an edgy teenager, stick to 4chan nigger faggot. wow that was so fun. jews suck!1!

>> No.4120149

that's politically incorrect and retarded. you can disregard political correctness without being gratuitous in the insults and without losing half the brain. it's really not that hard. there's also a difference between doing your best to be politically incorrect and simply not paying attention to being so

>> No.4120151

nah. really really specialized forums are breety gud. alas, a literature board is just too broad. advanced math forums are the shit

>> No.4120158


Why that's not what I meant at all old sport. You've gone off on one there.

>> No.4120163

There's nothing wrong with circlejerking as long as you're doing it with intelligent people who have good opinions

>> No.4120166


>there's also a difference between doing your best to be politically incorrect and simply not paying attention to being so

That's what I meant. Reddit seems to me like it'd come down hard on any mistakes you'd make. Whether that's true or not might be a separate matter but it's counter-productive needing to think words over, not for logicality but for correctness. 4chan just seems more forgiving.

>> No.4120170

Sorry to burst in, I am not a native English speaker, but read a couple of stories in original and they seemed very interesting. Anything you or anyone can recommend?

>> No.4120171

whats worst is the asspies who get mad at you're grammer imo

>> No.4120175

I wonder who the smartest person on the internet is.

>> No.4120183

it was for years

now it's just engulfed with retards who don't even read

>> No.4120187

It's me.

>> No.4120191

Who are you?

>> No.4120194

I'm myself, of course.

>> No.4120193

Fuk u m8 it's me. Get rekt

>> No.4120199

>post your bookshelves
>last three books you read
>are video games literature?
>ulysses or infinite jest or gravity's rainbow?

>> No.4120205

Well, if you're so smart, I'd probably recognize you, as I'm something of a connoisseur of smart people on the internet. What's your name or usual internet handle?

>> No.4120209

not really.

>> No.4120216

>Silly me, I thought that the point of a literature board was to discuss literature...

>> No.4120236

it's still 4chan

>> No.4120244

Christopher Langan. I think his site even has a forum (!)

>> No.4120275

if there was a better place, we wouldn't be here.

so there might be, but people aren't here to tell you

and if they are, they don't want you to come there to ruin it

either way, your thread is useless

>> No.4120280


Langan is retarded. He's a creationist.

>> No.4120281

He has an IQ of over 200. We all should listen to him.

>> No.4120326

And you have a double digit IQ, fucking sheep. Go ahead and listen to him and keep getting played by your idols.

>> No.4120331

i think he was joking m8

you're the stupid one

>> No.4120396

I looked this guy up and apparently he writes solely about metaphysics.

>> No.4120406

Apparently he accepts science and believes the Bible offers a metaphorical narrative that needs to be interpreted in light of it, so who cares?

>> No.4120567
File: 160 KB, 602x638, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. r/books is fucking terrible, and r/literature is not 'sophisticated' in the least.

I hope this isn't the best lit board on the web though