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/lit/ - Literature

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4115968 No.4115968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So does /lit/ want to choose the book that I have to use as inspiration for a creative writing piece for my AS level coursework, preferably from the list in the photo

>> No.4115972

Nah, there's so many good ones. Just choose what your heart desires.

>> No.4115976
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>> No.4115980

I, Claudius

>> No.4115985

If I were in this position I'd do One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Dorian Gray. Kesey's novel is written from the pov of one of the mental guys, so that would be fun as hell to imitate.

>> No.4115988

is this really what college lit courses are like? you have to choose specific approved authors to emulate?

>> No.4115989

the one i took i have to write a story about dystopia
but i dont know how to write i story on dystopia
and its due in tommorow
i didnt feel like making a new thread cos this seems relevant
anybody help? :3

>> No.4116003

I can choose another book or author to emulate if i want and the exam board will confirm or deny it being suitable, but yeah, thats what i have to do

>> No.4116004
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If you want an easy time of it, 100 years of solitude, The book thief, Portrait of Dorian Gray
If you want it to be good, East of Eden by Steinbeck, The Remains of the Day, by Ishiguru, Midnight's Children by Rushdie, If you want a challenge, Portrait of an artist, Tess of D'urbevilles, Moby Dick,
That's just my own personal opinion. Most of them will do fine, and there are only a couple bad books on there. I assume the checkmarks mean you've already read them.

Be careful, if you choose a book thinking, "It will be easier reading" you might find that it's harder to find something substantial to say about it.

>> No.4116005

You guys have it so good

>> No.4116008

Have you read 1984 or brave new world?

>> No.4116011

look at your very own post, closely.
look at it again.
once more, please.
realize you are fucked.

>> No.4116023

Easy, take any convention of society and take it to an extreme. Since the key to avoiding dystopic societies is moderation and balance.
Too little government influence on the market.... Dystopia, Too much government influence on the Market.... Dystopia, Population boom,... dystopia, Population crash, Dystopia,

Just take anything, and push it to an extreme. Read the paper if you need ideas.

As a last resort, you can look up conspiracy theories or lurk /pol, but you don't want to do that unless you really have to.

>> No.4116094

cheers brewski
in the process of reading 1984 now
no need to be rude m80

>> No.4116100

If it's due tomorrow you should probably just pretty much re-write 1984 then

>> No.4116105

re-write 1984?
that sounds like plagiarism or some shit.

>> No.4116112

also i should have mentioned
i only need to do the 500 word opening.
im pretty sure its a test or something to see if the people in the class are actually creative and who they are going to kick out.

>> No.4116115

I doubt he has the time, it's a short story, he should just rewrite Harrison Bergeron

>> No.4116155

Underage b&, AS levels are for 16/17 year olds

>> No.4116306

I'm thinking of doing Catch 22 and doing my creative piece on the concept of the catch 22, is this a good idea?

>> No.4116366
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Yes and no,
Catch 22 is funny and you can have a lot of fun with it, doing clever things. But don't limit yourself to just a rote analysis of the concept.
You want to do better than that, take Catch 22 and analyze it as a metaphor for all kinds of frustrating futility, the easiest would be war, but you can stretch it further.
Take Washington Irving. The name used in the book, He argued for copyright protection, there's a paragraph right there, you can argue that copy right enforcement stifles creativity and communication which is the very thing that it is supposed to protect. But on the other hand without copyright protection the authors cannot profit from their work and creativity an communication is stifled. There's a Catch 22 right there, crudely arranged, but enough to be used as an example, if not the core example of the paper.
Professors love creativity, and when you take your paper's thesis to creative places, you can usually get away with being lazier on the details, finding several generalized examples that fit your theme, instead of researching one ironclad argument that you can found your paper on. And you can pad the paper by having to spend time explaining the relations between the work and your concept.
Try taking the paper and analyzing the characters according to their reactions to nonsense,

>> No.4116393

>>4116366IThanks alot! I think I'm just going to use Catch 22 to write about a paradox or ironic rule or something like that, I'm pretty sure I can make something out of that

>> No.4116411
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I based mine on Gulliver's Travels. I tried to dig it up and post it, but couldn't find it anywhere. Basically it was about someone arriving on an alien planet and describing everything weirdly, and then at the end you realise it's Earth. A pretty easy concept.

>> No.4116440

When I did it I used Heart of Darkness and Portrait of Dorian Gray mainly and I got full marks.

>> No.4116458

>AS level coursework
Sorry, not familiar with the concept. And it's hard to recommend to you which book to pick unless I know the scope of the project.
If it's only a few pages, you can do well with any of these. But if you're going to be stuck with the work for longer, and examining it in depth, I'd advocate more care.
The older or more popular the work the more likely you'll be able to consult other people's interpretations of it for research,
If you find yourself stuck for topics though, remember you can always analyze the work in relation to the Author's other books (if any) and other literature of its time period. (or literature it may have inspired or affected)

>> No.4116464

lol at the idea of needing to be approved who your inspirations are.
can that be any more pathetic or lit

>> No.4116502

If you haven't read Dracula already, I'd highly recommend it.