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/lit/ - Literature

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4107955 No.4107955 [Reply] [Original]

Name the 10 best books ever released.

I will go through every post in this thread, add every book to a master list and I will read every one of them, no matter how long it takes.

I will not purchase a single piece of written work other than the ones you suggest, otherwise no new material from this day onward until every book on the list has been read.

Suggest away.

>> No.4107962

i'm sad that i'm sad

>> No.4107981
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>> No.4107990 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4108052

been there, done that, now i'm incapable of it because the taste of edibles turns my stomach, and my lungs are fucked from smoking/vaping constantly/daily for years

not /lit/ related

descartes discourse on method, the cardiac system/biology stuff is strange though, interesting to see the historically used means of reasoning out/building medical knowledge, but it's wrong, and paying too much attention to it could impart things that are inaccurate, if you don't have a working modern medical knowledge going into it

>> No.4108054

The Tao Te Ching
The Tao of Pooh
The Te of Piglet
The Holy Bible (New Oxford Annotated NRSV)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin
The Dispossessed
Hop on Pop
The Road
Ode to Catalonia
Anarchism and Other Essays
At the Cafe: Conversations on Anarchism
Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution
Anarcho-Syndicalism (Rocker)
Nationalism and Culture

>> No.4108058
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You fucking pussy.

I'll give you something to cry about.

>> No.4108064

just use the western canon list bloom came up with, jesus

>> No.4108066

Yeah, Jesus. Just use that list.

>> No.4108070

>...you are always forever in my heart and mind.

lel implying life after death.

>> No.4108082

So depressed brain is more energy efficient than not depressed

>> No.4108085

"depressed" people are just too lazy to use their brain

man up and go to the gym

>> No.4108086

but I just ate some chicken soup and I don't want to go after eating

and the gym closes in two hours
what should I do?

>> No.4108090

These probably aren't the best, but they're the books that I've read that had the most profound effect on me as a person

The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
The Glass Bead Game
Franny and Zooey
The Prophet
Fahrenheit 451
Jude the Obscure

>> No.4108092

whoops, forgot the tenth, which is Animal Farm

>> No.4108096

The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis

The Collected Stories of Richard Yates

Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

The Easter Parade by Richard Yates

The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter

Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link

Stranger Things Happen by Kelly Link

No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July

Pastoralia by George Saunders

>> No.4108097

on second thought, swap out hunger for The Fall by Camus

>> No.4108100

Plato's Republic
The Bible
Huxley's Island
Plato's Phaedrus
Plato's Symposium
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (haters going to hate)
The Little Prince
Plato's Apology
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Flowers for Algernon

>> No.4108190

I can deadlift three plates and i'm depressed as hell

>> No.4108191

Sometimes, it seems like the internet was invented just so people would have a venue to assert just how superior, more depressed, or more intelligent they are than others.

>> No.4108205

Can already tell this is feeIs everywhere.

>> No.4108216

Making a list would be too difficult for me but please add Les Misérables to your list. It's definitely my favorite.

>> No.4108241
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How has this not been posted yet? You guys don't like comedy?

>> No.4108244

Sirens of Titan
Things Fall Apart
Future Shock
Grapes of Wrath
As I Lay Dying
Richard Yates
Blood Meridian
Slaughter-House Five
Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.4108245

Journey to the End of Night and Death on the instalment Plan by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

>> No.4108305

In no particular order:

Lord of Light, Roger Zelazny
Terminal Cafe/Necroville
Use of Weapons, Ian M Banks
To Kill a Mockingbird
Huckleberry Finn
Shogun, James Clavell
The Lord of the Rings
The Man Who was Thursday
The Jungle Book
Night Watch

>> No.4108363

100 Years of Solitude –Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Pedro Paramo –Juan Rulfo
Labyrinths –Jorge Luis Borges
The Lost Steps –Alejo Carpentier
On Heroes and Tombs –Ernesto Sabato
Farabeuf: The Chronicle of an Instant –Salvador Elizondo
The Time of the Heroe –Mario Vargas Llosa
Hopscotch –Julio Cortazar
The Death of Artemio Cruz –Carlos Fuentes
The Obscene Bird of Night –Jose Donoso

>> No.4108369

typical latin american dilettante who blames everything on tv channels list.

>> No.4108372


That just makes me mad

>> No.4108374
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>The Lord of the Rings

>> No.4108377

i know right, asshole couldnt even care enough to stay alive after making a child, irresponsible

>> No.4108385


He should have went to the gym and lifted. He would still be alive.

>> No.4108401


>> No.4108415 [DELETED] 

What´s a TV channel list?
I posted that latin american book list, but only because I´m a doctor in Latin American Literature, so...

>> No.4108471

Stoner by John Williams
A Hero Of Our Time by Michail Lemontow
The Trial by Franz Kafka
Notes From The Underground by Fjodor Dostojewsky
The Sorrows Of Young Werther by Johann W. Goethe
Oblomow by Anton Gontscharow
Fathers & Sons by Iwan Turgenew
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoi
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Brothers Karamasow by Fjodor Dostojewsky

>> No.4108500
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>A hero of our time

Mah nigga.

>> No.4108612

1.Animal Farm- Orwell
2.1984 - Orwell
3.The Metamorphosis(and other stories) - Kafka
4. The Forever War - Haldeman
5.The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle
6.A Hero Of Our Time - Lemontow
7.The Stranger - Camus
8.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Taylor
9.Mistborn Trilogy - Sanderson

>> No.4108694

A lot of russian in there, nice.

>Oblomow by Anton Gontscharow
excellent book, fell in love with it when I read it years ago.

>Fathers & Sons by Iwan Turgenew
I think his Sportsmans' Sketches or however it's translated is better. Have you read that one?

>> No.4108704

I feel like you're a very depressed person.

>> No.4108785

What´s a TV channels list?
Do the presence of latin american authors makes you uncomfortable for some reason?
you need to expand your horizons regarding literature, man, besides that list was meant for OP to get an idea on what to read.

>> No.4108793

1. Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
2. In the Name of the Rose - Umberto Eco
3. Execution by Hunger - Miron Dolot
4. The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
5. Runaway Horses - Yukio Mishima
6. Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
7. Moby Dick - Herman Melville
8. The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
9. His Masters Voice - Lem
10. Siddartha - Hesse

In no particular order.

>> No.4108844

>In no particular order.
>Ranks them.

Anyway i was gonna start reading Siddartha, hoping to finish it in a day.

>> No.4108903

how did lolita changed you

>> No.4108918

Hopefully it made him realise he shouldn't glorify a book like /lit/ because of the taboo subject and overdone vocabulary.

>> No.4108921
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>The Brothers Karamasow by Fjodor Dostojewsky

>> No.4109383
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>That selection

Are you Michael Cera playing the Pirate in Peter Pan?

Totally getting that vibe from your choices.

>> No.4109429

Is this supposed to be that girl from Final Fantasy 7?

>> No.4109754

Supposed to be, yes.

>> No.4109768
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>the taboo subject and overdone vocabulary

Taboo is non-existent and overdone is, well, everything in this day and age. Vocabulary styles have been covered in every way, shape and form.

>> No.4109783

they probably meant "overdone" as in "overwrought"

>> No.4109836

Even if that were the case, it seems if the style clicks, it clicks, no matters how many times it has been done prior.

>> No.4109845

Little, Big, by John Crowley.

>> No.4109852

>implying 3 plates is impressive
deadlift 8 plates. then you won't be sad anymore.

>> No.4110001


is there a problem here?

>> No.4110065


> The Divine Comedy
> Summa Theolgica
> The Iliad
> A Portrait of the Artist As A Young Man
> The Nicomachean Ethics
> Beyond Good and Evil
> Either/Or
> More Pricks Than Kicks
> Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
> The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4110070

The Prophet.

Mein Negger. Fuckin' urgh, such a good book.

>tfw I was born 2km from my hometown from where Gebran Khalil Gebran was

>> No.4110169

Don Quijote
Madame Bovary
Crime and Punishment
Decline of the West
Book of the New Sun
.... and books already listed

>> No.4110174

Bad Behavior by Mary Gaitskill
The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Self-Help by Lorrie Moore
Pastoralia by George Saunders
Speedboat by Renate Alder
Jesus Son by Denis Johnson

>> No.4110216

Is this a letter to you?
I live right by storybook land

>> No.4110262


>> No.4110267

the potential for trolling is to great

must resist

>> No.4110291

The greatest books I've read, and in no particular order:

The Brothers Karamazov
Anna Karenina
The Waves
The Glass Bead Game
Invisible Cities
Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family
Fathers and Sons
Sentimental Education
Absalom, Absalom!

Note: I would have included multiple Shakespeare plays, collections of poems, and short story collections by either Borges or Chekhov but decided only to post novels.

>> No.4110311

Not the person you responded to, but the version I bought was translated to Sketches from a Hunter's Album. It's one of the best Russian books I've read, maybe the best.

>> No.4110331

>deadlift 8 plates, then you won't be sad anymore.

You're right, he'll be a neckless man with a "Tap Out" shirt with a bad back at age 27.

Not too many power lifters on /Iit/

>> No.4110341
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lmao that picture

>> No.4110342

what's funny about it?

>> No.4110347
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maybe you'd understand if ur brain worked lmao

>> No.4110351


>> No.4110354

what a depressed little faggot lel

>> No.4111768

>The Prophet

Been meaning to read this and always forget. Cued. Thanks.

>> No.4111811

the bible
beyond good & evil
cellini - autobiography
gargantua & pantagruel
life & opinions of tristram shandy
moby dick
wuthering heights
mrs dalloway
francis bacon - essays
william dunhelm - journey through genius*

*perhaps not great but GOAT subject matter

>> No.4111849

>the bible
stopped reading there

>> No.4111906

I don't get happy from smoking, it just keeps the shit floating.

Albert Camus - The Stranger
Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus
Herman Hesse - Siddartha
Harry Martinson - Aniara
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
Karin Boye - Kallocain
Haruki Murakami - Dance Dance Dance
J.D Salinger - Nine Stories
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse five
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Looks kinda entry level when I try to recall books that had a profound effect on me, but I really like these.

>> No.4112231
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>MuItipIe "BibIe" suggestions
>No one states which version

>> No.4112242

You can't understand Western civilization without knowing the Bible.

>> No.4112323 [DELETED] 
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>stopped reading
>ln /Iit/

>> No.4112356

Why The Little Prince?

>> No.4112377

>anything other than the King James

>> No.4112397

In no particular order:
The Road
The Sugar Frosted Nutsack
The Satanic Verses
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Cat's Cradle
Cloud Atlas
Still Life With Woodpecker
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Blood Meridian

>> No.4112414

The Vulgate, obviously
>in Latin, of course

>> No.4112484

The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion

>> No.4112500

I can never manage to compare fiction and non-fiction to my own satisfaction, so this is a fiction list, in no particular order.

In Search of Lost Time
Tristram Shandy
Of Human Bondage
Gravity's Rainbow
Anna Karenina

>> No.4112517

The Symposium
The Republic
Nicomachean Ethics
Summa Theologica
Critique of Pure Reason
The Phenomenology of Mind
Beyond Good and Evil
Principia Mathematica
Tractatus Logico-Philisophicus

>> No.4112537

you're trolling, right?

>> No.4112543

The Lathe of Heaven (Ursula G

Wild Cat (Laura Black

The Stray Lamb (Thorne Smith

>> No.4112552

moby dick
crime and punishment
invisible cities
the trial
epic of gilgamesh
the waves
foundation trilogy
in cold blood
moby dick again

>> No.4112599


I'd agree with this if you took out Summa Theologica and put in Lives of the Eminent Philosophers instead.

>> No.4112650

>taking out the Summa while Beyond Good and Evil is in there

>> No.4112675

Brothers Karamazov
I and Thou
Noble House
A Fine Balance

>> No.4112677

The Egyptian is one. As is City of Glasss/The New York trilogy.

>> No.4112679


I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.4112680

How does Animal Farm change someone?

>> No.4112682

> Time of the Hero instead of War of the End of World, A conversation in Cathedral, The Green House or The Feast of the Goat
wait what why

>> No.4112686

> Invisible Cities
That's my Marco.

>> No.4112687

A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons


those are the only books ive read.

>> No.4112767

Then you haven't read the Summa.

>> No.4114085

It came out first.

>> No.4114193

go now. if it's not in you now you know it never will be. go now.

>> No.4114242
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>no infinite jest

>> No.4114265



>"blah blah blah"
>"blah blah!"
>"blah blah blah blah."
>"Therefore God."

>> No.4114277

The Holy Bible (KJV)
The Divine Commedy
The Brothers Karamazov
Blood Meridian
The Everlasting Man
The Book of the New Sun
The Illiad
Absalom! Absalom!
The Lord of the Rings

>> No.4114281
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If that's from your dad, I'm sorry

>> No.4114289

>around two pages of proofs for God's existence
>over three thousand pages in the rest of the Summa

>> No.4114324


i love how shamelessly that dying gaywad implied for his son to be a mechanic (german cars is where its at son!); as if getting his offspring to continue that greasemonkey legacy would somehow redeem his catastrophically pleb existence,
1/10, would not mourn

>> No.4114328


que feck is utc-4?

>> No.4114374
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Neuromancer by William Gibson
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft
Godless by Ann Coulter
Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Illuminatus! Book One, The Eye in the Pyramid by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko
John Dies at the End by David Wong
I am Legend by Richard Matheson

765 lbs is hardly powerlifter tier.

>> No.4114380

I like ESV for reading. NKJV for listening (Word of Promise audio production of the Bible is amazing).

KJV for Mormon studies.

>> No.4114381


>thousands of pages of me refuting some dumb neckfag monk

Real boring.

>> No.4114393

Just read the book before you start spouting shit next time.

>> No.4114394

Modern-English translations include NIV, ESV, and NRSV. As I understand it, NRSV is the modern academic standard (it's the translation of the Oxford Annotated Bible), with ESV largely similar but with some Protestant bias in a couple areas.

King James for the poetic language (albeit it doesn't employ verse format for translations of actual poetry in the source text)—less accurate in parts but important in history & literature. Also the Geneva Bible was the translation of Shakespeare and others, and it carries several annotations, giving you an idea of how the Bible was understood when that translation was produced.

This is assuming you aren't currently planning to read it in any of the source languages, or the Latin translation.

Good luck. (The Bible: Reading it is the number-one cure for the disease of Christian belief).

>> No.4114665

>King James for the poetic language
>The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

>And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

>And Ehud came unto him; and he was sitting in a summer parlour, which he had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I have a message from God unto thee. And he arose out of his seat.
>And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly:
>And the haft also went in after the blade; and the fat closed upon the blade, so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly; and the dirt came out.
last bit is the KJV's way of saying that the king's shit poured out from his front

>> No.4114703

Is that pic real?

>> No.4114810

Which one?

>> No.4114821

The depressed brain

>> No.4114828

in the heart of the heart of the country - william h gass

under the volcano - malcolm lowry

train dreams - denis johnson

ironweed - william kennedy

le hussard bleu - roger nimier

auto-da-fé - elias canetti

huis clos - jean paul sartre

collected poems - arthur rimbaud

v. - thomas pynchon

la passion francesca - gabriel matzneff

Godspeed OP

>> No.4114850

Webster's English Dictionary
Hunger Games
Kafka sur le Rivage
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Le Petit Robert French Dictionary
German Dictionary
Mandarin Chinese Dictionary
ur choice

haha you have to buy and read all these now

>> No.4114851
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Fuck, OP. You sure about this?
Here goes.
Farenheit 451
Anthem by Ayn Rand
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Flowers for Algernon (short story, really)
The Hunger Games (people pass it off because it became a movie, it's still a decent book.)
The Giver (if you only read one book on this list, make it this one.)
The fiddler who needs to get off the goddamn roof so I can fucking sleep
The Little prince
Animal farm
The glass castle

>> No.4114854

>the hunger games is a decent book
and somehow that qualifies it to be placed in the top 10 books of all time?

>> No.4114856
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Look, buddy.
I'm not going to argue, since it's 2:30 in the morning and I have to "wake up" for work in 3 hours.
But out of all the books I've read, the ones on my list have continued to burn fresh in my mind since the day I finished reading them.
Also, remember that no one has read everything.
If you have a good bound stack of paper containing words more meaningful than the hunger games, fair enough.
Just keep in mind that some people might have never read it, and might not share your sentiment for that particular novel.

>> No.4114890 [DELETED] 

>Hunger Games
>Dat water mark


>> No.4114905

How's it feel being Neil Peart's autistic son!

>> No.4114907
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>Hunger games
I'm fucking 19. It's not the best, but it still qualifies as a readable book.
I wouldn't have if the reply to my post hadn't required a reply. I avatarfag so everyone knows that the 2 posts containing anti-mage are the same person.
I still haven't shopped it out yet, but am getting to it.

>> No.4115002

Molloy - Samuel Beckett
Notes From Underground - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Candide - Voltaire
The Vivisector - Patrick White
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
The Rings of Saturn - Max Sebald
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Nausea - Jean-Paul Sartre
Agua Viva - Clarice Lispector
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
The Empty Canvas - Alberto Moravia

(in no particular order)

>> No.4115040

>>Hunger games
>I'm fucking 19. It's not the best, but it still qualifies as a readable book.

When did we get so young, /lit/? And pleb?

>> No.4115047

I came here at 18, but I was already elbows deep in a healthy mix of Existentialism, Mid-century Politicalism and occasional Postmodernism. I'd never have praised Hunger Games. This guy's just incidentally pleb.

>> No.4115049

have you ever read anything you weren't assigned in high school

>> No.4115053

just finished moby dick today.

fuck yeah man. best work of fiction i've ever read. un fucking real.

>> No.4115060


trolled softly

>> No.4115068

>I came here at 18, but I was already elbows deep in a healthy mix of Existentialism, Mid-century Politicalism and occasional Postmodernism
>bitching about other people being plebs

>> No.4115070

i'm sorry, you just pissed me off to a new fucking level. 18 years fucking retarded, and you think you understand existentialism (the real shit, not your shallow readings of camus and sartre) and post-modernism (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - AN 18 YEAR OLD, understanding the ridiculous amount of thought that post-modernism encompasses and critiques). my god, fucking kill yourself. you're an asshole piece of fuck pseudo-intellectual piece of shit. and YOU calling anyone pleb? are you fucking kidding me? please, please, go to your professors with this same smug ass attitude of understanding all these complex thinkers that people have devoted their entire lives to understanding (people much smarter than you, by the way), and see if they don't laugh in your fucking face.

yeah, like i said: i'm fucking mad. fuck you. don't take yourself seriously when you don't even take these thinkers seriously

tl;dr: kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.4115080

fight da fight

>> No.4115082

>the ridiculous amount of thought that post-modernism encompasses and critiques
Yes, 'ridiculous' is exactly the right word here. (Drop the 'amount', though.)

>> No.4115087

So.... he's one of us then?

>> No.4115092

At least he's able to construct a couple of fucking sentences coherently. Jesus Christ, you don't even use capitals when starting a new sentence.

>18 years fucking retarded

W-what? What does this even mean? The concept of being 18 years? Did you mean to put a comma in there?

Look friend, clearly you are quite retarded. Maybe, after a few fleeting demonstrations of bottom-line intelligence, you've been inspired to make the jump from /b/ to /lit/. You were clearly mistaken. Just turn around, and go back to where you came from, or better yet, take your own advice.

tl;dr Abort any children you and your partner ever conceive.

>> No.4115093

top kek

>> No.4115094

>thinking someone from /lit/, including you rself will ever be in the position to have to abort a child

In this moment, my sides are euphoric

>> No.4115101

ps: i already gave my little 4chan response, but ad hominems against my capitalization doesn't really do anything against my complaint that this person is an idiot.

what does 18 years retarded mean? it was sarcasm you dim witted fucktard. as in, he spent 18 years being a retard (sorry i'm not capitalizing my sentences, btw. OH SHI- does that piss you off, my abbreviation?! btw= by the way, fyi. oh wait, i don't want to take anything for granted, so: for your stupid piece of shit mind: to take for granted).

fuck you. you know exactly what my complaint is against him. my sentence structure is intact, regardless of whether or not i capitalize properly.

fuck you fuck you fuck you etc etc

in the end: post modernism needs serious discussion before it's just written off. yes it's purposefully obscure. but you have to acknowledge the ontologic and epistemic claims that the field of thought isgrounded in.

>> No.4115119

> 4chan response
And this is your grammatically perfect, practicing intellectual response, is it? My God, clearly I was in error. I see it now: the absent capitalization, the heavy repetition of "fuck you", the use of a Latin-smart-people phrase (hurr, ad hominem, durr). A Nobel laureate; no doubt. It's all a part of your distinguished writing style, which we'll all come to love once you rob the prize for literature from right under Murakami.

And I'm sorry, but did you just use colons for parentheses?

> for granted, so: for your stupid piece of shit mind: to take for granted

Who the fuck does that? You just took the English language and ass raped it up to the colon.

> 18 years being a retard

And the majority of it spent being a fucking child. But no, there I go again underestimating you, I'm sure you were fired out of your mother's womb with a complete understanding of everything from Hegelian dialectics to Nietzsche. Stupid, stupid me.

I mean, really, an exclamation mark thrown into the mix, too? You're just too good.

Solid 9/10 bait by the way. I'm really getting into it.

>> No.4115125

Anton Chekhov - Collected Stories
Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quijote
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott
The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
In Desert and Wilderness - Henryk Sienkiewicz
Candide - Voltaire

>> No.4115229

3plate is entry level. 2 plate squat/bench 3 plate dead 1 plaet ohp. what do you do in the gym?

>> No.4115246

Jacob Barnett is a fucking 10 year old and he is studying hard math and stuff. HOLY FUCK. just gtfo there is no way that is true. smart people give their liefs to making smart and this kid is like "I know" holy fuck jesus balls kid. no way.

>> No.4115251

how wittily estute of your regards to the matter at hand you gentlemen and scholar

>> No.4116108

I'm going with 2 Bench, 3 Squat, 3 Dead, 1 OHP. These are the cutoffs for making noise, however, I know dedicated little scrawny bastards who dedicate themselves and still 1plaet on squat cause they're forced to run 5-8 miles 3/4 times a week.
>that leg feel when
>tlfw army

>> No.4116380


Kant: Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft

Goethe: Faust I, II

Kafka: Tagebücher, Kurzgeschichten, Romane

Nietzsche: Jenseits von Gut und Böse

Wittgenstein: Philosophische Untersuchungen

Grass: Die Blechtrommel

>> No.4116641

You're fucking scum my friend.

>> No.4116659

Animal Farm
American Psycho
Don Quixote
Lord of The Flies (ITS SYMBOOOLIC)
The Divine Comedy
The Great Gatsby
Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.4116665


Why the fucking Bible? What is wrong with you people?

>> No.4116670

Also, Candide + The New World Translation of the Holy Bible

>> No.4116682
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>> No.4116687

>posting Kant
>Not posting AT LEAST Kritik der Urteilskraft

>> No.4116691


Whatever, neckfag. Have fun being gay and effete.

>> No.4116698

>Be totally ignorant about psychiatry basics.
>Pretend you're an expert about mental disorders anyway.
Keep it up, /lit/.

>> No.4116700
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Name seven reasons I shuldn't

>> No.4116705

Being anti-edgy is the new edgy. It will be over in a few months.

>> No.4116716

So what Lolita taught you that it was a bad idea to fuck little girls?

>> No.4116722

No, I'm genuinely interested. Why the fucking Bible?

>> No.4116728

/lit/ will most likely hate me, but here's my list

Lautréamont: The chants of Maldoror
Rimbaud: A Season In Hell
Hawkes: The Cannibal
Kafka: The Castle
Koeppen: Pigeons on the Grass
Lezama Lima: Paradiso
Rilke: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Buechner: Woyzeck
Hesse: Siddharta
Shakespeare: Macbeth

>> No.4116731

p solid, i'd change the shakespeare to hamlet but that' just me

>> No.4116741

Naw, you're right, it most likely is the better play.

>> No.4116751

It's a good, simple lesson in humility, which is nice after having read more "edifying" works than most people.

>> No.4116762

In many (arguably) more original interpretations, the Bible is edgy as fuck, and not in the "omg so much violence and meanness" way.

>> No.4116778

I must say first I haven't read most of the classics of literature, that being said imo those are the most interesting ones:
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.
Machiavelli's The Prince.
Spinozas's Ethica more geometrico demonstrata
Schopenhauer's Der Welt als Wille und Vorstellung
Max Stirner The Ego and Its Own
Wittgeinstein On Certainty
Artaud's Oeuvres Completes
Lautreamont's Les chants de Maldoror
Baudelaire Les fleurs du mal
Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Cien años de soledad

>> No.4116783

>Der Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

>> No.4117017

People just say they've read it. No one reads the bible from cover to cover.

>> No.4117238

Philosophy is literature. What are you doing?

>> No.4117620 [DELETED] 

>Hesse: Siddharta

Always recommended this, never read it though. What is the big deaI behind it?

>> No.4117646

I didn't want to start a new thread and this seems to be the most appropriate thread to post in so

Masuji Ibuse - Black Rain
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki - The Makioka Sisters
Murasaki Shikibu - The Tale of Genji
Kyōka Izumi - The Holy Man of Mount Kōya
Kōbō Abe - Woman in the Dunes
Yasunari Kawabata - Snow Country, The Sound of the Mountain

Which ones of these are the most interesting to read?

>> No.4117648

True, true... first I wanted to wirte 'the three critiques', but then it came out as more than 10 books ... so it was sacrificed for Grass =(((

>> No.4117649

fuck off weeaboo

>> No.4117679

The Bible is a book to be read occasionally and without a specific order. As a piece of literature one has to admit that it's innovative and interesting. As a piece of philosophy is also ok if you try to see beyond it's symbolism.
>overrated, though, but maybe it would make it to my list.

>> No.4117774

>The Bible is a book to be read occasionally and without a specific order.
'The Bible' is not a book, you fucktard. It's an anthology of around 80 books written over the span of 2000 years.


>> No.4117775

Way of Kings
Farseer Trilogy
First Law Trilogy
Wheel of Time series

>> No.4117872

>it's innovative and interesting
l o l no unless you're a christian

>> No.4118172

>Being this mad on the internet.

>> No.4118181

>he used the f word so he must be mad

>> No.4118499

Op, once you've created your list, mind dumping it in a pastebin and sharing it?

>> No.4118506


>> No.4118522

A book does not mean "one contiguous story". It merely defines the container for the printed material. What about "art" books, does there need to be one for each painting? What about my collection of bound "Eerie" comics....is that a book? Before you use the brilliant phrase "fucktard", check your definitions.

>> No.4118546
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need to read a streetcar named desire but can't find it online. Anyone got a link or copy of it in mobi. Thank you

>> No.4118547

man that was supposed to be a new thread

>> No.4118624

Non-pseudo-intellectual non-hipster here.

1. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption

2. Once Upon a River

3. The Hobbit

4. To Kill a Mockingbird

5. Watership Down

6. The Great Gatsby

7. Between Shades of Gray

8. The Book Thief

9. The Hunger Games

10. Anne Frank's dairy

>> No.4118686

are the new hipsters

>> No.4118688


Literally everything on my list is popular and mainstream. Please tell me how I am a hipster?

>> No.4118693

I get what you mean, dude, no problem with your list; I was just disturbed by the term "non-hipster", which always reminds me of: http://xkcd.com/1220/

>> No.4118781

I think theyre entry level because they are so revered by everyone already that /lit/ just makes them "musts" Im with you on that list, except for Kallocain, which I've never heard of.

I'd add Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut and probably Blood Meridian.

>> No.4119006

If there is truth in this world it is written in russian

>> No.4119040

According to Goodreads, I've rated 25 books 5/5. This is out of 183 rated books. In other words, I've rated ~14% of books rated the max rating on that site. If I have to limit myself to just 10, these are the ones marked with an *.

Making Sense of Heritability*

A Nation Deceived How Schools Hold Back Americas Brightest*

Netværk på Godt og Ondt*

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Truth about Morality and What to Do About it

Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women

The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies*

Om Moderne Dansk Retskrivning

Cut Spelling. A handbook to simplifying written English by omitting redundant letters

Eugenics: A Reassessment

Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime

Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind *

The Concept Of Physical Law

Possible Worlds: An Introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy

The Selfish Gene*

Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts about Alternative Medicine

The Web of Belief

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature*

Patent Failure: How Judges, Bureaucrats, and Lawyers Put Innovators at Risk

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design

Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science

The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability *

The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail - But Some Don't*


Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know?*

Bias in Mental Testing

>> No.4119151
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The Sun Also Rises
Franny & Zooey
This Side of Paradise
The Great Gatsby
Slaughterhouse 5
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.4119229

its a pretty quick read, i read it in sixth grade

>> No.4119254

1) Extremely loud and incredibly close – jonathan safran foer
2) Eragon-christopher paolini
3) The post office –tagore
4) How to read literature like a professor- foster
5) Background pony –shortskirtsandexplosions (huehuehuedoooeeet)
6) Siddhartha- hesse
7) Me talk pretty one day- Sedaris
8) Slaughterhouse five
9) Ender’s game
10) Watch the globe theatre’s production of I Henry IV on youtube

>> No.4119271

You seem incredibly unintelligent. Please leave the board.

>> No.4119318

No you misunderstand, this man only like 14% of books he reads. That sort of hypercritical cynicism can only be found in people who are those special literary types which transcend us normal "sheeple"

I salute you, and may your intellect guide humanity, for we are lost without you!

>> No.4119326
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>> No.4119332

>this man only like 14% of books he reads

That percentage is actually fine. There shouldn't be that many 5/5s if you want your 5/5 to really mean anything. 3/5, for example, is a good rating and means that you mostly liked the book on an uninflated scale. It's just that his particular 14% is plebby as fuck.

>> No.4119352


I mean, that percentage isn't really too absurd, this guy seems just really type A the way he presents his taste in books.

>> No.4119374
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>The glass castle
it was written poorly and if not for coming from a shitty family that makes for a funny story, it would not have been worth reading at all

>> No.4119402

>Albert Camus - The Myth of Sisyphus
i wanted to kill myself
i read this
i don't want to kill myself anymore

read it

>> No.4119420

just wait till you google shortskirtsandexplosions

>> No.4119434


A rating of 5/5 presumably indicates a rating between 80 and 100 on a 1-100 scale.

As for intelligence, of the 25 of the top rated books, 24 are nonfiction (Happiness is fiction). Presumably smarter people read more nonfiction, in which case a such extreme distribution indicates a very bright mind. I was unable to find a confirming study, but there was two who had the relevant data, but didn't publish an analysis of it. I might write to them to ask them for the data.

>> No.4119446

>Presumably smarter people read more nonfiction

It''s incredibly unlikely, but even if you found data, it would say nothing meaningful and/or be methodologically dubious. Nonfiction covers everything from textbooks, philosophy, and technical literature to the kind of pop science bullshit that was on anon's list.

You have a very simple mind and it shows in your inability to spot the holes in your logic.

>> No.4119480

>the kind of pop science bullshit that was on anon's list.

Examining the list and looking for the typical popsci reveals:

The Selfish Gene
The Blank Slate
The Blind Watchmaker
Trick or Treatment: The Undeniable Facts about Alternative Medicine

And all of these are full of citations, showing that they aren't low-level popsci. They are written for the intelligent layman, as the saying goes. (The Selfish Gene is arguably not popsci.)

There are two textbooks. One dissertation. A number of mainly scholarly books. And then a bunch of books written about specialist subjects but for the educated layman. Not typical popsci which is about popular scientific areas explained in a more simple language.

In fact none of these books are low on citations when relevant.

As for length, there is one with 804 pages, 660, 497, 537, 509. The rest of them are around 200-400 pages each, and a few with 100ish or below (Hansen and Quine).

>> No.4119499

The Oxford is a bit different in that there is a lot of commentary/other extra shit not present in others. It's dry, but is industry standard for collegiate religion classes.

>> No.4119502

Any famous scientist is considered "popsci" by the troglodytes who frequent this board. Seriously. 70 years ago, they would all have been saying Einstein is a popsci flash-in-the-pan for plebs.

Because the only REAL scientists are the unknown ones, don't you know.

Oh, brother.

>> No.4119511

>for the intelligent layman
>for the educated layman

Precisely. Popular science. Actual data interpreted and presented in an accessible way, often with underlying narratives that aren't scientific. Citations aren't special, most nonfiction is full of citations. The idea that citations alone "show that they aren't low-level popsci" once again reveals your inability to see the holes in your logic.

You're so wrong that it almost isn't worth addressing. The scientists themselves aren't "popsci", the books on the list are.

>> No.4119522

because you cannot entertain the ideas of Christianity fully - as a devout Christian does, without reading the Bible. i haven't read it personally, but after my long list of to-do's, i will.

>> No.4119528

The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
The Magus - John Fowles
Infinite Jest - DFW (ya I went there nigguh)
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
The Trial - Kafka
The Black Company - Glen Cook
The Alchemist - Pablo Coelho
Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
Stoner - John Williams

no particular order

>> No.4119533

Are you a pseudo-intellectual white supremacist what's going on here?

>> No.4119534


Thats 110% pleb. Get out of here, you self-help scum.

>> No.4119536

Ginga Eiyu Densetsu - Yoshiki Tanaka (There's an anime if you don't feel like learning japanese)
House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski Watchmen - Alan Moore
Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa (this one has been translated pretty well)
1984 - George Orwell
The Dunwich Horror - H.P. Lovecraft
100 Perverted View on Spice and Wolf - Luke Hearding
The Lord of The Rings - JRR Tolkien
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (all 5 parts of the trilogy) - Douglas Adams
Dune - Frank Herbert
Out of The Silent Planet - CS Lewis

>> No.4119542


>Ginga Eiyu Densetsu - Yoshiki Tanaka

Wow, have you read the LotGH novels? I think you're the first person I've ever seen on the internet who has done so. What do you have to say about it? How does it compare to the show?

>> No.4119554

Low level popsci, if case you have actually read some of that (perhaps not) is not full of citations. It usually contains quite few citations that are not specifically mentioned in the text. For stuff like Gladwell's books (e.g. Outliers: The Story of Success) contains not very many citations, and those that it does contain sometimes turn out to be reporting somewhat completely different than what the author did.

Typical popsci also usually centers one things that are mainstream among the public but not the relevant academics, e.g. that intelligence or other mostly inborn personal characteristics are not very important (again Gladwell's book).

>> No.4119559


Honestly? I haven't, and I don't know yet. I'm learning to read japanese precisely TO read them, because the only translations I've been able to get my hands on sucked arse. Massive, massive arse. Plus, I wanted to know how Tytania and Arslan end, and that's never going to happen unless I do. I'll probably report back in a year or five. They'd better be as good as I'm expecting them to be, otherwise I'll be devastated.

Sorry to get your hopes up, but that post, was, like most posts I make, nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to get someone (in this case), the OP, to watch the anime. Which he should do.

>> No.4119563

>Are you a pseudo-intellectual white supremacist what's going on here?

Yes that must be it. :) The only person to post overwhelmingly nonfiction must be the pseudo-intellectual.

I think its fun to engage them once in a while. I post these things mostly for two reasons: 1) to find the rare but interesting and scientifically minded people here, and 2) because one can learn a lot about typical US humanities students by observing their responses here. One can certainly learn their literary preferences, usually completely devoid of anything scientific. Contains a bit of philosophy but usually only gibberish people or mystically inclined people.

One can also learn of their argumentation tactics, which usually consist of "racist", "/pol/", "white supremacist", various attempts at humor usually mixed with strawmen, etc.

Since I am an occasional public speaker, knowing what to expect from this population is useful.

>> No.4119603
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