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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 623 KB, 795x522, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4110325 No.4110325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is it possible that some people actually believe Sasha Grey is an intellectual and her book isn't shit? It's pretty obvious that she's no different from other whores and has no talent for anything other than sucking dicks/swallowing cum.

>> No.4110327

you sound jelly.

would you like to suck my dick OP?

>> No.4110326

You sound angry and insecure.

>> No.4110334

How is it possible that you actually believe you're an intellectual and your (probably unfinished) book isn't worse? It's pretty obvious that you're no different from other haters and should trying sucking dicks/swallowing cum because it might make someone happy.

>> No.4110361

Whatever your views on her, you have to admit that it's pretty impressive that she's gone from licking toilet seats for money to acting and writing books. That's a pretty massive barrier to break.

>> No.4110375
File: 83 KB, 338x450, foucault56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible that some people actually believe Michel Foucault is an intellectual and his books aren't shit? It's pretty obvious that he's no different from other whores and has no talent for anything other than gay BDSM and dying from AIDS.

>> No.4110415



>> No.4110424

>licking toilet seats
Why do people go on about this? It was pretty obviously a perfectly clean piece of plastic.

>> No.4110435

>being a sexual frustrated teen that needs sexist insults to make himself feel masculine
Buh bye.

>> No.4110510

/pol/ is a thing that exists, you know

You edgy intellectual, you

>> No.4110524
File: 484 KB, 1137x1972, 1378184446121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let's not do that again.

>> No.4110525

It's part of the Sasha Grey meme now. I've never even seen the scene.

>> No.4110529

The only reason she got a book published is because of her licking toilet seats.

>> No.4110530

Wrong place to air these sentiments, OP.

The minute Sasha Grey had her picture taken with Babby's Introduction to Existentialism, /lit/ became her white knight champion.

>> No.4110538


>someone posts something that doesn't conform to my liberal perception of the world

>> No.4110548

Do you think Sasha Grey realises she's a commodity?

>> No.4110559

She fucked random strangers on camera for cash, dude.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she realizes she's a commodity.

>> No.4110563

Stop samefagging, oppie.

>> No.4110576


She always looks so happy though. I feel like shit being a commodity to society. Do you think she really has embraced the absurd or are her docteurs giving her an endless supply of prozac.

>> No.4110587

>She always looks so happy though
Shit you're dumb.

>> No.4110589


Not OP.

Might come as a shock, but there are others on this board who dislike how /lit/ fawns over Sasha Grey.

>> No.4110594


go back to /pol/ please.

>> No.4110602

>fawning over sasha

Back whence þe came, peasant.

>> No.4110611

Oh God I'm actually crying with laughter. Well played, /lit/.

>> No.4110617

with her porn work she was doing a feminist study on porn

>> No.4110620

>fawning over anyone other than a select group of Marxists, the exact membership of which is highly debatable

>> No.4110626


[this is what 3rd wave feminists actually believe]

>> No.4110628 [DELETED] 

OP is jealous he doesn't have a qtp21πgf that will explore debaucheries with him

>> No.4110633



>> No.4110634

OP is jealous he doesn't have a qtp2tπgf that will explore debaucheries with him.

>> No.4110646

her band was shit too

>> No.4110661

>Implying the vast majority of /lit/ doesn't have the same feelings as you

I don't even understand why Sasha Grey matters so much. She is hardly the first porn star to write a book.

I think she should have stuck to porn though, she was. Breddy gud at it.

>> No.4110680

That's a sweet leather jacket there Foucault.

>> No.4110693

If I told you that a secret club exists and its members are drawn only from the most powerful people in society: the bankers, the super-rich, media moguls, CEOs, lawyers, law enforcement, arms dealers, decorated military personnel, politicians, government officials and even distinguished clergy from the Catholic Church – would you believe me?

I’m not talking about something like the Illuminati.

No. On the face of it, this club is a lot more innocent.

On the face of it.

But not underneath.

This club, it meets up irregularly, at a secret location. Sometimes remote and sometimes hidden in plain sight. But never the same place twice. Usually not even in the same time zone.

And at these meetings, these people . . . let’s not beat around the bush, let’s call them what they are, the Masters of the Universe. So these people, the Executives, they use these private gatherings as much-needed down time from the important and stressful business of fucking the world up even more than it is already.

And what do they do on their off days, when they want to relax?

It should be obvious.

They fuck.

>They fuck
Write what you know kids.

>> No.4111127

This reads like a poorly researched Ballard parody.

>> No.4111142

>never meet at same place twice
>usually not even in the same time zone

That severely limits the amount of times they'll be able to meet up for all that secret fuckin' they're doing.

>> No.4111148


>> No.4111155
File: 46 KB, 398x594, qt sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about someone's past as long they aren't a murderer or a rapist.

Grow up.

>> No.4111159

She is so goddamn beautiful

>> No.4111160

So, pedophiles are okay?

>> No.4111173

Did you read not my post.

>missing the point to make some stupid argument about pedophiles that will dissolve in shitposting

>> No.4111185

No one thinks she's an intellectual or a good writer. The fact that someone might is so absurd that /lit/ trolls people with it. The end result is a bunch of angry and confused autists, and some even more pathetic, moronic individuals who actually come to think of her that way themselves.

>> No.4111200

I'm not going to defend her work or call it quality but there's been stuff published that's plenty worse. In the end I just don't get why it seems to be such a huge deal on 4chan. OMG OMG OMG SHE SUCKS DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKS AND NOW SHE THINKS SHE CAN CON US INTO BUYING HER BOOK
Grow the fuck up, it doesn't matter. Don't pay attention to it and your blood pressure will go down.

>> No.4111204


>No one thinks she's an intellectual or a good writer.

I think you're overestimating most people who post here.

>> No.4111225

I don't think that anybody worth any sort of thought on Sasha Grey.
Time to face facts, OP. You're a hopeless degenerate surrounded by other low-IQ degenerates.

>> No.4111230

>that dfw post
holy shit

>> No.4111237


Are people really mad? I thought they were just acting outraged.

>> No.4111240 [DELETED] 

>liberal radar beeps
>[access post-modern database]
>non-PC language detected!!
>god goy reflex initiated


>> No.4111241

>post about how none of that matters

>> No.4111243

>liberal radar beeps
>[access post-modern database]
>non-PC language detected!!
>good goy reflex initiated


>> No.4111244


It sounds like Eyes Wide Shut

>> No.4111247
File: 198 KB, 1015x759, disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to set the record straight: ms. grey's literary talent (or lack thereof) will always be overshadowed by her pornographic career. it's impossible to view her work separately from the public persona she's cultivated of which pornography is an essential component.

people who claim that it doesn't matter that she earned her living by getting anally penetrated on camera are naive. an author's life determines their writing and ms. grey's very pubic life is distracting from her work: it is difficult to immerse oneself in a novel when hd images of the author's gaping rectum are readily available.

sex is incredibly powerful and it is unsurprising that grey's sex work eclipses her literary work. rather than an author who used to be a pornstar, she will always be a pornstar who also wrote a book.

however, i don't think she actually cares about producing literature. i think she's more interested in fame and she's successfully exchanged her 'dignity' for it. whether the bargain was ultimately worth it is for her to decide.

>> No.4111250
File: 115 KB, 480x640, KorowaiHombre01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top lel. You went to the wrong board.

>> No.4111261

An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.

Aldous Huxley

>> No.4111263

Maybe, I have an inferiority complex that leads me to overestimate others at times.

>> No.4111274

Pedophiles aren't necessarily rapists.

>> No.4111291

Degenerates pls

>> No.4111304

>hating on murders
>hating on rapists
Why are you so prejudiced bro? You need to be more open-minded and tolerant of others. I met a murder once, and he was a real nice guy deep down.

>> No.4111305

>dat caps
mad as fuk

>> No.4111309

>How is it possible that some people actually believe Bret Easton Ellis is an intellectual and his book isn't shit? It's pretty obvious that he's no different from other whores and has no talent for anything other than sucking dicks/swallowing cum.

>> No.4111317

Everyone is murderer, their tax dollars pay for collateral damage.

>> No.4111319
File: 6 KB, 309x163, sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some argue that Marina Ann Hantzis is the smartest porn star alive. Vanessa Grigoriadis' Rolling Stone article "The Dirtiest Girl in the World," says that Ms. Hantzis "reads Nietzsche, likes it rough" and is "liberating women one gangbang at a time." She may not be able to close her mouth or open her eyes all the way, giving her face a permanent expression of mental retardation, but one only has to listen to her words of wisdom to realize the unbridled intelligence that lurks within her semen-stained mind.

For entertainment, she watches the films of Fassbinder, Herzog, Truffaut, Godard, Bertolucci, Mallick amongst other even more obscure artists. What are Ms. Hantzis' thoughts on these directors? In her opinion, what is the most striking thing about Bertolucci's cinematography? What common themes can be found within Herzog's films? Nobody knows, because Ms. Hantzis has never said anything about those films. Demonstrating that she subscribes to Desiderius Erasmus' "Philosophy of Name Dropping," all Ms. Hantzis does is say she's intelligent because she's read [Insert Smart Book Title/Philosopher Here] and watched [Insert Critically Acclaimed Movie/Director Here], but never actually demonstrates that she has an elementary understanding of the things she's read or watched. This proves that she is one of those hipsters who thinks that naming a bunch of obscure authors and artists give her credibility. We all know the type. Rather than discuss philosophies and avant-garde art Ms. Hantzis does like to talk about applying makeup, how to make your semen taste better, why racism is bad, and how to use an enema. What little she does say on the internet is often misspelled. Watch out, Sweden! Someone's coming after your Nobel Prizes!

>> No.4111328

>the smartest porn star alive
Is that something like being the cutest warthog?

>> No.4111351
File: 56 KB, 475x387, KkqZS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Unable to separate art from the artist

Does someone really need to post the James Joyce fating letter again?

>> No.4111370


the only good thing about this post was "pubic life".

>> No.4111381
File: 2.00 MB, 419x372, power.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the joyce letter was a private correspondence and not something he cynically exploited to raise his public persona. sasha grey's pornography is the opposite.

joyce established his artistic talent first and his sexual proclivities were revealed later. conversely, would you even know who sasha grey was if she hadn't been fucked on camera?

>> No.4111382

And you're a big pleb for not beginning your sentences with a capital letter.

>> No.4111391

>Watch out, Sweden! Someone's coming after your Nobel Prizes!
Er, that would be the literature prize. Unless Norway goes full retard (again) and awards her the peace prize.

>> No.4111415

>implying there aren't nobel prizes for literature

You've went full retard.

>> No.4111420

Is this from Maddox or some other insufferable demagogue? I'm getting really sick of these pissing contests over authenticity, as if less "intelligent" people don't deserve to enjoy something they can't "seriously" appreciate. If we can criticize Grey for liking these things, what can we say about people who almost reflexively hate her for doing so? If we can call what she's doing cynical exploitation, what is it when people use her persona to spread broad insults wherever their shit might fling?

>> No.4111441

Sasha grey sucks big dicks while getting her every hole (ear-holes: yes) invaded by bigger ones and drinking toilet-water.

>> No.4111450

So did Bret Easton Ellis. And?

>> No.4111452

He's talking shit about people who like to give people more credit than they're due, not saying she should put on her dunce cap and twiddle her thumbs

>> No.4111472
File: 477 KB, 500x568, bingo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>tfw i've touched a nerve

>> No.4111494

Sasha Grey's not running for a nobel prize. All this insecurity.

>> No.4111498

he also wrote a bunch of worthless trash so i'm not sure what your point is

>> No.4111502

Says the tripfag.

>> No.4111505


it wasn't bee's job. one's sex habits are private, one's employment isn't.

>> No.4111519

yeah fandroid why do you even trip

>> No.4111518

All I know is that my son isn't probably masturbating to Bret every night.

>> No.4111550

That DFW post was fucking stellar. Possibly the best OC I've seen on /lit/

>> No.4111552


To equal the illicit public exposure that SG's garnered, Joyce would have had to masturbate while inhaling the farts of fifty women while being recorded on silent film.

Then all those fart fetish films would have to be distributed to almost every country on the face of the planet -- and watched by a significant majority of that nation's population.

One-eyed Jimmy Joyce, expanding his nostrils before the puckered buttholes of Parisian whores while cranking his purple member -- over and over.

Then he'd reach par with Sasha Grey.

>> No.4111563


>> No.4111575

I'm not the one posting threads about it everyday, honey ;^)

>> No.4111584
File: 86 KB, 595x599, thumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expanding his nostrils before the puckered buttholes

>> No.4111591

there's some on amazon's "look inside."

it's not good

>> No.4111614

I know, and that's fair to an extent, but there are plenty of people who are more insufferable about their own tastes than Grey is; the real complaint should be targeted more at people who think these tastes make her a "pronounced arteest," like the Rolling Stone article. I don't think she's called herself the smartest pornstar alive, though there'd certainly be a lot to criticize if she did. These critiques buy into the same dumb celebrity culture as her fans. It's like people who troll Facebook pages for people who've died but somehow with less awareness.

>> No.4111651

*don't buy this used.

>> No.4111677


The "Look Inside" feature for this author is also available on xhamster.

>> No.4111679

Reminder that this is the best post in the thread