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/lit/ - Literature

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4110720 No.4110720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a new meme, /lit/, which will sweep across the internet and infect all the inter webs with our genius... the only thing is, it has to be word related, or author related, or book related, etc

>> No.4110721


>> No.4110723

There was a new one of the :3 guy holding a book. I saw some variations, it was great, but I never saw it again...

>> No.4110724

Finnegans Wake? More like Finnegans piece of cake.

>> No.4110722


>> No.4110725
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>> No.4110728

/lit/ memes are dumb.

anyone remember huge orson welles?

>> No.4110729


>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.4110730

have you ever noticed how /lit/ is perhaps the most unfunny board on 4chan?

The /lit/ humour threads pretty much consist only of rage images, and pics made on quickmeme.com, that would even seem generic and overdone to a redittor.

Why should it be that /lit/ is the most bland and uncreative board on all of 4chan?

>> No.4110732

>newfag pretending to be an oldfag

nice try

>> No.4110733
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you mean this?

>> No.4110731

le huge h.g. wells

>> No.4110735

/lit/ is culturally closer to reddit than the rest of 4chan

>> No.4110737

Get out now.

>> No.4110740

/lit/ should be the ones making all the wall of text copy-pasta... surely we would be good at that? since this is the literature board

>> No.4110741


because /lit/ is full of uncreative and insecure losers who pretend to read and enjoy literature to make up for their inadequacies

>> No.4110743

He's right. It's heavily left-leaning and it supports feminazis, at first I thought people were being sarcastic but they actually believe in feminism in 2013 and Marx.

>> No.4110744

reddit doesn't really support those things, so i don't understand

>reddit is what i don't like

>> No.4110749

Another 10/10 pol thread wow so powrful

>> No.4110751

Paradise Lost? More like Paradise piece of cake.

>> No.4110754

see, how can /pol/ invent such a widespread term like "feminazis"?

Even /mu/ has "pleb" and "patrician".

/b/ has lots

why does /lit/ have nothing? Where is our savior?

>> No.4110757
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>> No.4110759

>Babbys first existential crisis

>> No.4110760

>see, how can /pol/ invent such a widespread term like "feminazis"?

The term "feminazi" dates back to before /n/ even existed, let alone /pol/.

/pol/ is certainly a funnier and more creative board than /lit/, though, regardless of how despicable you find their politics.

>> No.4110761

Other boards establish memes because they intersect what their subject with the posters. /lit/ doesn't read and/or can't synthesize the content of books so the only memes we have are from plain idiots being idiots (eg: I'm a huge Orson Welles) or from subjects we're all fairly familiar with (eg: the Bloom and the Walrus) but the latter are usually the result of blunt force trauma via constant shit posting.

>> No.4110763

i tend to think Tao Lin "made it" despite his association with /lit/ rather than because of it

>> No.4110764

Yes, "habbining", racism, and incomprehensible idiocy are hilarious.

>> No.4110768

I always thought "go to bed tao" was a fine meme

the only problem is that it is only relevant on/lit/ and can't be used anywhere else

>> No.4110769


The Iliad? More like the IlBAD
Paradise Lost? I liked it more when it was called the Book of Genesis
Finnegans Wake, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home
Infinite Jest? The only thing Infinite about it was my boredom while reading
Gravity's Rainbow? If I wanted to read about an American who has copious amounts of sex, I'd start writing a diary

>> No.4110770


Confirmed for never having visited /pol/

>> No.4110773

Confirmed for never having visited /pol/.

>> No.4110776
File: 120 KB, 434x400, zechs marquise the lightning count millardo peacecraft laughs at your self-detonation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finnegans Wake, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home

>> No.4110778

Could someone dress up as a literary hipster or literary fedora and post the pictures so they can become mascots?

>> No.4110779
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i didn't know where to post this but i just wanted to say:

>whenever i read medieval literature it just makes me want to go play Skyrim

>> No.4110780

What a fucking newfag you are. Speaking of "pleb" and "patrcians" as something good. It literally ruined that board.

>> No.4110782

Someone writes "femnazi"
>Ooooow, my eyes... /pol/ is here lets get out

Get a load of this faggot

>> No.4110785
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Wow you guys sure are a bunch of kool n edgy agnostics!

>> No.4110786

so are you saying /lit/ is actually the only board that is untainted by "memes" and it is a good thing?

>> No.4110788

the "go to bed [person]" meme originated elsewhere

>> No.4110794

>giving any shits
>current year

>> No.4110790

it was originally

"go to bed Joel" (deadmau5) from /mu/

>> No.4110797

/lit/ isn't funny and it's generally not good for discussion. I don't know why I come here really.

>> No.4110798

i'm pretty sure i remember it being used even before that. i'm sure it was already in circulation when i discovered 4chan in 2007, and certainly when i was posting heavily on /r9k/ in 2009

the deadmau5 thing only happened in the past 2 or 3 years, right?

>> No.4110801

Some people here certainly think so. I've actually seen people getting mad about greentext.

>> No.4110802


>> No.4110805

lit is the most unfunny board because everyone is busy to be intellectually insecure

>> No.4110807

/lit/ hates memes and cliches

>> No.4110813

I've come up with one

You know the people on here who only love the surface of a book

"surface man"

>> No.4110821

>everyone is busy to be

>> No.4110820

Not that guy but it's definitely good. Memes are thought terminating clichés.

>> No.4110848

that term was invented by Rush Limbaugh, known pedophile and drug addict
how do people not know that

a little ironic that /pol/ claims not to be like reddit when their only claim to "funniness" is stupid memes (keeping in mind that the "funny" "cute" and "interesting" are the three chief forms of Web 2.0 cancer)

>> No.4110859

>that term was invented by Rush Limbaugh, known pedophile and drug addict
/pol/'s one true savior\

>dirtlyi condemnation

>> No.4110864


>> No.4110881

How about one that points out that Aldous Huxley, Oscar Wilde, J.R.R. Tolkien, Leo Tolstoy and Gandhi were anarchists.

>> No.4110897

When was he outed as a pedo? That's news to me.

>> No.4111201

OK, so it's not exactly clear but he was caught with a bottle of viagra coming to or from the Dominican Republic, which I think has something of a reputation of child prostitution. The alternative, that someone would willingly sleep with Limbaugh, is more disturbing.

>> No.4111221

/sci/ here. Even we're funnier than /lit/

>> No.4111256

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4111303
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>> No.4111338

/lit/ come on, we can do this. I think it should be philosophy based

>> No.4111380

How about obnoxiously commenting on subjectivity when someone calls something "good" or "bad"?

like that "Ulysses transcends the good/bad dichotomy" comic

>> No.4111393

It's because we don't feel the need to latch onto anything remotely funny and spam it to death throughout the board. Every once in a while the returning huge Orson Welles or Finnegans Wake copypasta is funny when well-timed, but this board would be even worse if we actually had memes.

sage because the idea of us thinking about coming up with a meme is even stupider than memes themselves

>> No.4111397


isn't this our thing?

>> No.4111401

My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora's fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

so is this real?

>> No.4111403

start with the greeks

>> No.4111404

this is stolen from /mu/'s "start with their first album like you'd do with any other artist"

>> No.4111407

Except that's what you actually do. You don't actually start with the Greeks.

>> No.4111417

dat joyce style

>> No.4111419

>Except that's what you actually do
how stupid are you

>> No.4111421
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>> No.4111422

lol you probably started with laughing stock fucking plebe

>> No.4111426

their debut is atrocious doe

>> No.4111480
File: 152 KB, 894x785, 1357916649680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has plenty of jokes and memes, they're very /lit/ specific and I imagine that lots of them are lost on the average poster, but that doesn't mean their not there.

>> No.4111500

nah joel only posted in the early days of /mu/ i'm pretty sure it's from that

>> No.4111520

can't argue with such strong counter-arguments

>> No.4111532

Remember when we first graduated from a text board and kept shopping Ayn Rand's face in gay porno? That was fun.

>> No.4111541

Something to do with Holden Caulfield perhaps?

>> No.4111548

No, irony isn't as funny as /v/ wants it to be.

>> No.4111558

Learn English you dingus.

>> No.4111561


It goddam killed me and all

phony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phonyphony phony

I swear im a madman

>> No.4111562

What's wrong with his wording?

>> No.4111567
File: 279 KB, 1000x748, 1000px-Litelitist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture

>> No.4111568


>> No.4111571

Is that a piece of bread sticking out his collar?

>> No.4111573

I believe it's a piece of crust

>> No.4111577

First day on /lit/?

>> No.4111581

Most would assume he meant
>everyone is too busy to be
instead of
>everyone is busy to be
which can be argued to make sense, but not immediately, and is confusing.

>> No.4111582

guys pls stop, you're not funny

>> No.4111583

Boy do I get a bang out of 4chan. You kill me, you really do. I love to shoot the bull with you guys. You all aren't just a bunch of goddam phonies and that's why I like you. I'm thinking about giving old Jane a buzz, any advice?

>> No.4111587

That's pretty autistic of you I must say

>> No.4111596

You won't be in the goddam mood to give old Jane a buzz. You gotta be in the right mood for that sort of stuff, if you want to know the truth.

>> No.4111600

Alternatively, he could also have meant
>everyone is too busy being
which would make more sense given the context.

It's not autism. It would be apparent to anyone who reads.

>> No.4111635

They're all grammatically correct; you're just nitpicking shit because it doesn't sound good to you

>> No.4111636
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A true classic. So much more subtle than this reddit shit

>> No.4111644


why does no-one use /book/ ?

>> No.4111645

reddit's is more subtle though
unless you are subtly being ironic

>> No.4111659

/lit/ is already one of the slowest boards on 4chan, that place probably moves at glacial speed

>> No.4111660

*don't buy sasha grey's book used.
I warned you.

>> No.4111686

>"I'm Doctor Kashmir" said Doctor Kashmir

>> No.4111692

The Goosebumps and futa porn fucking kills me.

>> No.4111698

yes, I knew there was one like this I just couldn't recall it

>> No.4111702

it's the piece of bread that does it for me. it's like he set up this picture completely, WHY IS THERE RANDOM GENERIC BREAD

>> No.4111703

you pathetic fuckers are hilarious

>> No.4111709

I'm surprised that


Has never been a thing.

>> No.4111933

plastering some le epic new age philosophers face on to already existing memes is not what most would consider a good meme.

>> No.4112025
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>> No.4112026

dat feel when... dfw... omg

>> No.4112040

>and Marx
I really dont think anyone here is uninformed enough to still believe in the original marxist doctrine.

>> No.4112042
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maybe someone could do this better

>> No.4112076

redditrs are the worst. even worse than tumblrs and twittrs and illitrs.

>> No.4112099

well, first, you're wrong about that. and but also it seems like you probably don't have a great grasp of marx in general, what w this talk of "original marxist doctrine" and whatnot

i suggest you read some more, buddy. maybe even marx (would be great if you did it before you talked about him again)